
Chapter 32: Uzumaki Naruto.

Author Note: Nothing of importance, just enjoy the chapter, and if you have any questions, make sure to comment!

And like always, remember if you want to read up to 13-15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

I'm currently updating the novel 2-8 chapters a day in patreeeeon. On chapter 43 so far, though by the end of today it will be chapter 45-47.

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz

Enjoy you sexy bastards.


[Hokage Tower.]


Hiruzen watched Jiraiya's retreating form with a thoughtful expression. The revelation about Takeshi's natural energy was troubling, and he knew they needed to handle the situation delicately. The only experts in Sage arts were Minato and Jiraiya, and one of them was already dead. Although he wasn't a sage himself, Hiruzen knew the dangers of uncontrolled natural energy.


"Jiraiya," he called out, stopping the Toad Sage in his tracks. Jiraiya turned back, a questioning look on his face. "Before you go."


"What is it, Hiruzen-sensei?" Jiraiya asked.


Hiruzen leaned forward. "I think it would be wise for you to stay in the village for a while longer. We need to better understand Takeshi's situation and the extent of his abilities."


Jiraiya raised an eyebrow. "You want me to keep an eye on him personally?"


Hiruzen nodded. "Yes. Your expertise in natural energy and Sage techniques could be invaluable. The truth of the matter is, we have no idea how his bloodline works, and with Minato gone… you're the only expert we have on the matter."


Jiraiya crossed his arms, considering Hiruzen's request. "I see your point, but you know staying in one place for too long isn't my style. I have my own responsibilities outside the village. Besides… I don't think I would be able to stop myself from taking Naruto if I stayed here."


Hiruzen's expression softened. "I understand that, Jiraiya. But this boy could be crucial to the future of the village. Danzo is interested in him, and that's never something good… which means there's something truly exceptional about his potential. We need someone we can trust to ensure he's guided properly."


Jiraiya sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Well… damn, alright, I'll stay. But just for a week or so.... I'll observe Takeshi, see what he's capable of, and try to understand his connection to natural energy. But once I've done that, I'll have to return to my duties."


"There's something else you should know," Hiruzen began, his tone somber. "Minato and I used to talk, and he had plans to take Takeshi as his student after he graduated from the academy. Until today, I didn't know why exactly; I just thought it was because the kid had unmeasurable potential, one he wanted to nurture. But I think I know the real reason now."


Jiraiya's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "He might have seen something in him beyond potential alone."


Hiruzen nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "I believe that too. Minato was very perceptive. He believed Takeshi had unique potential, one that needed careful nurturing and guidance. He saw in Takeshi a spark that reminded him of his own journey, and he was determined to help the boy reach his full potential."


Jiraiya leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "He probably sensed what I sensed… It's quite easy once you become a sage… and Minato was way more attuned to the Sage Arts than I ever was."


Hiruzen stroked his beard thoughtfully. "It's possible. Minato was sensitive to such things, and he was always looking for ways to strengthen the village. He must have recognized something extraordinary in Takeshi, and he must have kept it to himself to avoid others finding out."


Jiraiya nodded slowly. "That would make sense. If I were Minato, I would've kept the kid's power a secret for a while to avoid others trying to exploit him," he sighed. "If Takeshi has a natural affinity for this kind of path, it would explain Minato's interest in training him. He might have seen Takeshi as someone who could potentially learn Sage techniques, or at the very least, someone who could benefit from his teachings on a greater scale."


Hiruzen sighed, the weight of his years evident in his eyes. "It's tragic that Minato isn't here to guide him. But that's why your presence is so crucial, Jiraiya. You're the only other sage we have…. but staying here would endanger Naruto."


Jiraiya scratched his chin, deep in thought. "It would… and it's a big responsibility, sensei. But if Minato believed in the kid, then I suppose I should too. I'll do what I can to help him, but I won't be staying here to do so."


Hiruzen smiled, a hint of pride in his eyes. "You plan on taking him with you, right?"


Jiraiya nodded, a determined look on his face. "If the situation is as we imagine, then yes, but only when he's older—maybe once he becomes a genin or a chunin. Normally, I'd be extremely concerned about his ability to naturally produce natural energy. Such an affinity typically leads to terrible side effects, like petrification or losing control completely. But from what Minato wrote in his letters, and based on what you've told me about the kid, he seems fine, too fine even... perhaps even unaware of his power, or maybe unaffected. Either way, this indicates there's no immediate rush."


Hiruzen nodded, relief washing over his aged features. "That's a wise decision, Jiraiya. I think Minato would've wanted Takeshi to grow up in a peaceful environment before delving too deep into all of this. Perhaps that's why he never took him as his apprentice, despite wanting to."




[Arata Takeshi - POV]


I walked through the streets of Konoha, making my way to one of the local orphanages in the area. It had been months since the Nine Tails incident, and I had been avoiding this—visiting the orphanage where Naruto lived—out of self-imposed guilt. I knew it hadn't been my fault… but I couldn't help it. Every time I thought about it… it felt like a constant reminder of my failure to protect Minato and Kushina. Today, I couldn't avoid it any longer. I had to see Naruto, to make sure he was okay. I knew he would be, because of the series, but I had to see it. I needed to face this situation like a band-aid and rip it off before I decided to just wait another day.


As I walked, the orphanage loomed ahead, a drab building that seemed out of place amidst the rebuilding village. I pushed open the door and stepped inside, the scent of disinfectant and old wood hitting my nose. The sound of crying echoed through the halls, which I supposed was to be expected in an orphanage.


As I walked further in, I looked through the rooms while avoiding the staff, mostly out of idle curiosity, seeing multiple kids of many ages, some older than me, others much younger. Eventually, I found what I was looking for inside the orphanage: the biggest chakra in the area. I spotted one of the staff holding Naruto, her grip tight and her expression one of frustration and utter hate. She was shaking him, trying to get him to stop crying or maybe trying to just stop him from doing anything at all. I wasn't sure. Either way, my heart clenched at the sight, and a surge of anger welled up inside me.


"Stop crying, you little monster!" she hissed, shaking him harder.


Something inside me snapped. Before I knew it, I was already across the room, my hand clamping down on her wrist with a grip of iron, my nails digging into her skin. "Let him go," I growled, my voice low and dangerous.


The matron's eyes widened in shock, but she didn't release Naruto. "Who do you think you are?" she demanded, trying to pull away to no avail.


My vision blurred, a red haze creeping in at the edges. I could feel a familiar, primal energy surging through me. "I said, let him go," I repeated, my voice colder than ice.


With a quick twist, I wrenched her arm back, hearing the sickening snap of bones breaking. She screamed in pain, dropping Naruto in the process. I caught him, cradling him protectively against my chest.


The matron fell to the floor, clutching her broken arm and sobbing. As I watched her whimper on the floor, fear taking over her, a single thought crossed my mind.


Killing her would be so easy… easier than breathing… just a bit of pressure, and her head would pop like a balloon.


I could almost taste the horrified silence that would follow, the red splatter standing in vivid contrast against the drab floor, her lifeless eyes staring at nothing. A slight tremble passed through my hands as my imagination began to run wild. Yet, somehow I managed to keep my emotions in check, pressing my lips into a thin line.


Had this happened before? How long had the staff here been abusing Kushina's son? Had I left him to suffer for months under their hands?


I gritted my teeth, glaring at the whimpering piece of trash on the floor trying to crawl away from me.


I needed to leave this place… or I would end up killing every adult in this orphanage, but I couldn't leave Naruto with them, or take him with me.




[Jiraiya POV.]


I made my way through the village, wondering what to do now. Leaving the village felt wrong; staying felt wrong… why couldn't things be easy for old Jiraiya? I supposed either way, I would feel bad. As I continued wandering through the village, I felt a sudden flare of powerful, untamed chakra. Natural energy, unmistakably potent and raw.


It was unlike anything I'd felt before, and it was coming from the orphanage where Naruto was.

Natural energy wasn't supposed to feel this… dark and hungry.


My heart raced as I rushed toward the source. What could have caused such a surge? Had someone attacked? Had Takeshi lost control?


I really hoped I hadn't been wrong when thinking the boy didn't need immediate help.


Wasting no time, I arrived at the orphanage and kicked the door open. The sight that greeted me stopped me in my tracks. There was the brat sensei was talking about, holding baby Naruto protectively in his arms, his gaze locked onto a woman on the floor who was clutching her arm and whimpering in pain.


The kid's eyes were unlike anything I'd ever seen—catlike, yellow, and predatory.


The natural energy radiating from him was intense, different from what I was used to, different from Ma and Pa. His energy was almost suffocating in nature.


"Kid," I called out, my voice steady but firm. "What's going on here?"


Takeshi's head snapped toward me, his golden eyes narrowing. For a moment, I saw pure animalistic rage in his eyes, but it quickly faded as he seemed to recognize me, maybe the kid was a fan of my work. "She was hurting Naruto," he said, his voice low and controlled. "I couldn't let her get away with it, or rather I couldn't control myself. Pick your poison."


I glanced at the matron, then back at Takeshi. The kid was shaking slightly, showing the struggle, the natural energy still swirling around him. It was taking everything out of him not to kill everyone in this room. It was honestly impressive, the level of control he had over his own instincts at this moment. "It's okay kiddo, just… calm down," I said softly, taking a step closer. "Take a deep breath. Everything's okay."


Takeshi's grip on Naruto tightened slightly, but he took a deep breath, and slowly, the energy around him began to dissipate. His eyes gradually returned to their normal color. I could see the exhaustion and strain on his face as he fought to reign in the wild power within him.


It had taken a lot out of him just to avoid hurting the people inside the orphanage.


Meaning his power is directly connected to his emotions, at least to some level… and even then, he had managed to keep himself under control, despite wanting to kill the matron.


No wonder Minato wanted to teach him.


His bloodlust had subsided just as fast as it had come, replaced with an icy calm that was just as unsettling in a child his age. His protective hold on Naruto didn't waver, a faint glimmer of resolution lighting up in his silver eyes.


He went from wanting to kill everyone in the room to being completely and almost unnaturally calm… well, that settles it. This kid is creepy… it reminds me of Orochi, nah… no one is that creepy, but my point still stands.


"So… kid, do you want an ice cream?" I asked, attempting to break the silence and lighten the atmosphere—not an easy feat given the circumstances. But I was an awesome guy, so I had no doubts I could make the situation better.


Takeshi blinked, the cold mask slipping slightly as he turned his sharp gaze towards me. Then, with a slight nod, he agreed. "Sure, let's go then."