
Naruto: Failed Knight

A random coder met an accidental death and was reborn in the world of Naruto, receiving minor assistance from a deity. In this new life as Ikki, he traverses the world, engaging in battles against formidable foes with his minimal chakra reserves and personal kenjutsu skills. The initial chapters might seem slow and bad since they're just setting the stage, but keep reading, as the action and adventures of Ikki will soon pick up and become more engaging. The main character won't be overwhelmingly powerful from the beginning. In fact, he'll start with quite limited strength. This world will diverge somewhat from the Naruto universe, as a much larger crisis looms over it, adding new dimensions and challenges to the familiar setting.

djmistry621994 · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

40 - First year Exams and results

And it came which all children dread in their lives, exams. If possible, children will kill person who has invented exams. But what can we say, its in hands of adults to torture children via exams. Even if its scary for some, even if its nightmares for some, even if its heartbreaking, children still face this day with incredible courage. 

In my old world, it was mostly theoretical, but in this world practical is more important. I this world, except D rank mission, every mission is kind of exams. Just results are different. Bad result might end your or worst your teammates lives. But still children go to academy for becoming ninjas. In their, this is one of steps which will help them making jutsu throwing Shinobis.

We all are sitting in our class room waiting for sensei to bring us papers which will cause most of children dread and headache. Of course, for 30 year old like me and of course Chikako, its piece of cake.

Exam will span for this week, from Monday to Thursday, its gonna be History, Mathematics, Kanji, General Knowledge. On Friday, test will be on base of Basic katas display and chakra control exercise.

After waiting for some time, Daikoku sensei, Issin Sensei and 1 other sensei entered class room.

Daikoku: "Okay class, please sit on your position. I will distribute your history papers in 5 min. No cheating. [He smirked.] Got it. Your total exam duration is gonna 2 hours. I want all of you to write it properly okay." He smirked when talked about cheating. Basically telling us and encouraging us, if you have capability cheat. Of course, we are shinobi, its in our blood to cheat, steal, and of course if required KILL.

And in 5 min papers are distributed. I checked out what are questions. Its basically, what's name of first to fourth hokage? Which 2 clans established Konoha? etc. 

I know my world's history. But this world has much more scary history as from the establishment from knoha its been 70 years and there's already 3 Ninja war and in around 11 years one more war is coming. After imagining, what is gonna come in 11 years, i am not that much anxious, as i have prior knowledge about it, but whats happening all around world, the unknown which is gonna hit this world is scaring me more.

After reading all questions, I started answering them all. I don't need to cheat as, I have read book, not like some Inuzuka and other muscle brains. After around 45 min elapsed, I completed answering all question and checking them one more time I submitted paper to teacher. Of course, i am 3 person to submit paper, as 2 of my classmates are Nara. 

After submitting paper, I went out of class and headed for home, as its okay to go home, if we are done with papers. After heading home, I started reading about next exams. 

Next 4 days went same like this. For reincarnated person like me exams are quite easy, so I don't have to take tension about it. But as years go by in academy, subjects change from theoretical part to practical parts. They emphasize more on Shinobi Kumite and shuriken throwing jutsu and kunai handling. 

On Friday, In academy training ground, 

Daikoku: "Okay for first part, you need to show us leaf sticking exercise, You need to do it minimum for 1 hour extra time will give you extra points. You can choose any tanketsu point. Everyone has leaf right. Start."

We all started sticking lead on our forehead, as its easiest tanketsu, and first we all started practicing with. I started sticking leaf on my forehead and i got surprise. Its quite easy, Scarily so. But I know, this is side effects of practicing tree climbing exercise. Before i even realized its been 1 and half hour. As i checked around every one has already finished. I noticed, Daikoku sensei looking at me and smiling. I ended exercise then.

Daikoku: "Okay, leaf sticking exercise has come to end. Now you can go to respective teacher and they will see your practice in katas. Hit dummies with your katas. Also at end of Katas, If you can do any basic jutsu out of 3 you can show it to your examiner."

And Katas exam started. Soon my turn came. I was standing against dummy, First I threw punch at dummy, and i have a quite nice feedback from punch, so i started increasing my speed and precision for my strikes. I started doing combos of punches and then started kicks. Round house, drop kick, axe kick. I don't know when but I started enjoying it. I practiced my katas without any partner, in air. So hitting dummy has quite satisfying filling. As i wanted continue, Examiner told me to stop and indicated end of exam for me. I got surprised. It got over before even it started. For my extra bonus I performed Kawarimi no Jutsu.

After everyone's exam was over,

Daikoku: "Okay, we will have your result by Monday. and on Monday we will have our last home class. Okay dismissed."

On Monday,

Daikoku Sensei and Issin Sensei stood on podium,

Daikoku: "Okay, I am quite satisfied with your result. And mostly everyone performed 1 basic E rank jutsu, but have to say everyone performed Kawaimi no Jutsu. Now for result, everyone passed."

Every one started to cheer on this. Specifically, Hinako, Daiki and Haru. They got so excited that they started to dance.

Daikoku: "But Inuzuka Hinako, Inuzuka Daiki, Shiroba Haru, You 3 have terrible score in theoretical exams. Only because of you practical exams you were able to pass. But still you need to have remedial classes in next 2 weeks."

And this sentence of Daikoku Sensei made their excitement go away. Every kid started laughing on this.

Daikoku: "For first 3 in theoretical exams, Nara Chikako for first position, Nara Sayu for second position and Ikki is at third position."

Daikoku: "For first 3 in practical exams, Uchiha Goro for Third position, Hyuga Hinari for Second position and Ikki is at first position."

Daikoku: "As per combined results, Nara Chikako is at Third Rank, Hyuga Hinari is at Second Rank and Ikki is at First Rank."

Daikoku: [I never thought one of Nara will come in first 3 positions. Sun must has risen from west today.]

Yes I got first in practical and Combined rank. Banzai Orre. 

Daikoku: "Congratulations, Chikako, Hinari and Ikki. I am proud of you and make sure you keep getting this result until you graduate from academy."

We three says "Thank you Sensei." But I can sense someone staring at me with anger. It was Hinari. She must be frustrated. and I can see same thing in 4 Uchihas and other 2 Hyuga's face. Hyugas and Uchihas have quite difficult personality. But what can I say. Hehehehehe

Daikoku: "Good, vacation will continue until 2nd week of September. Enjoy it but in limits. Continue practicing Chakra control exercise and your taijutsu katas. If you get stuck in anything, you can come in Academy and ask me or any other instructors for help. Got it. Lets end it. Class dismissed."

As Soon as Daikoku sensei said Dismissed, class got empty like every one performed Shunshin no Jutsu. Even Daikoku sensei got shocked seeing this. And He started laughing.