
Naruto: Evil Within

Naruto, the beacon of light, the child of prophecy. What happens when all the hatred he has accumulated burst out one day when his soul is erased and replaced with an orphan. The orphan originally named, Mark Goldbridge, a notorious killer back on earth, his infamy spread across the world, they called him “Doomsday”. Now he has been reincarnated as Naruto Uzumaki, another orphan, inheriting his memories he realised the hatred inside Naruto that even Naruto hadn’t realised. “Don’t worry kid, I Uzumaki Naruto will exact revenge on the Konoha, I will be their demise, rest well”. ——- Author note- I’ve read evil Naruto fan-fics but they aren’t truly evil they still protect the konoha, what I plan to create is a truly evil Naruto, one that has nothing but konoha’s demise on his brain.

RadicalAM · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

13. Opening the First Gate

"Naruto let's begin", guy said as he stood with his arms on his hip.

"Ok Guy-san", Naruto then stood up as he got into position.

"Remember Naruto, feel the chakra points in you're body, Channel the energy within you're body".

"Don't overwhelm you're body".

Naruto felt his chakra points just a Guy said, and due to his training in his chakra control he found it easy to control the flow of his chakra, along with his strong body, he quickly connected all chakra points.

Guy feeling his energy knew Naruto was close to opening the first gate so he prepared.

Naruto then felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, his awareness increased sharply, his senses also became heightened as he could her everything around him.

His movements became fluid and swift along with his physical strength multiplying exponentially.

"Guy-san this feels amazing!" Naruto smiled as he disappeared and appeared everywhere, his speed felt unbelievable.

Guy watching smiled, 'I have a talented disciple!'.

Naruto then reappeared, his hair dye to opening the first Gate was lifted, only a few strands of hair was down.

"Let's see how long you can keep the first gate open" Guy said, this would help him know how to develop Naruto.

For two hours Naruto held it, shocked Guy realised he underestimated Naruto's physique.

Naruto not wanting to show off too much, fakes tiredness as he turned of the first gate, he knew he could hold it for at least one more hour.

"Well done Naruto, how's you're body?".

"It feels fatigued" Naruto said as he drank water.

"HAHAHA, that's fine you'll get used to it and you're will become accustomed to it".

Naruto did actually feel fatigued, he felt slight pain but it disappeared, he knew he'd only feel pain when he opened the second gate.

Afterwards, Naruto and Guy trained and refined his opening of the first gate, to make it smooth and quick, he also trained to maximise the amount of power he received from the first gate.

He so sparred with Guy, and for the next few weeks he trained with Guy and was able to open the second gate and he felt pain but his physique was strong and it didn't damage him.

After a month of training with guy and increasing his real weights, Naruto was able to open the third gate , however that was his limit as he was only able to hold it for an hour.

It put a tremendous strain on him, due to him being 6, so guy stopped the gate opening and focused on Naruto's taijutsu along with maximising the benefits of the first two gates.

With all this increase in power Naruto was now at the peak of the genin stage, with him using his gates pushing him into the chunin stage.

After his training with Guy one afternoon, Naruto decided to practice his Armageddon along with his 8 gates.

So after leaving Guy Naruto went further into the forest as he brought out his sword.

He then opened the first gate, feeling his heightened abilities, he executed the first move of Armageddon.

"The Beginning!", his sword slashed even faster the normal and the damage to the tree was on another level.

Naruto then used his second move and third, the same thing happened as the speed at which he did the moves was amazing along with the fluidity of changing between them.

Lastly, Naruto gathered the remaining energy with his 8 gates as he channeled it into his sword with it having a green hue around it.

"Day of the Dead!" Slashing across all the trees in the vicinity was cut and destroyed a bush of air buster out, Naruto looking at the destruction he cause smiled.

"My Day of the Dead is devastating, with the 8 gates added it becomes an A rank technique".

Naruto then realised the destruction he cause would be noticed by the surrounding people and soon someone would come to investigate it so he quickly sheathed his sword and ran back home.

He was a bit fatigued, but due to his increased strength and weights he was able to handle to second gate even better than Guy and Lee did in the anime.

Arriving home, Naruto took a shower as he then stretched to let his muscles not cramp up from his use of the 8 gates.

After his routine, Naruto entered his mind.


"Hello, kurama".

"Hello kid, I've been seeing you train nonstop, why don't you leave the village now".

"Kurama, I never took you for the type of person that never thought things through" Naruto chuckled whilst shaking his head.

Kurama feeling insulted shouted "huh?! Me, how dare you say that to the Nine tailed Fox!"

Kurama then hit the gate trying to scare Naruto, but as always he never got a reaction.

"Remember, I can't leave until everything is sorted out here, I have to get the best out of this place before leaving".

"And tomorrow as always the Hokage will visit, so please can you not rage in my mind every time you see him".

Every time the Hokage came over to check up on Naruto and instill the will of fire in him, Kurama would go crazy as he'd hit the gate and swear every single word under the sun towards Hiruzen.

Naruto sometimes would look lost as he'd be listening to kurama rage, and the Hokage had thought his tactics were making him think deeply about the village and solidify his position in Naruto's heart.

But the opposite was happening, although Naruto listened to Kurama he could still hear and engage with Hiruzen.

And his smile that he saw every time made him want to kill him, but he knew it wasn't the right time.

So in the end he'd also curse Hiruzen along with Kurama.

"Hmph, that hypocritical geezer deserves worse, his lucky I'm trapped otherwise he'd die!".

"Don't worry, in the future you'll have plenty of chances to kill him" Naruto said as he smiled at kurama.

Kurama looked at Naruto and couldn't help but wonder how he was so different to his father and mother.

When he drilled his nails through their bodies, they didn't even seemed to notice as all they did was smile and look lovingly at Naruto, although he was under a Genjutsu he was ably to retain some memories of the incident.

Now looking at Naruto and the evil inside him, Kurama really felt it was ironic, they were trying to save the village by sealing him inside the baby.

However, that same baby was planning their and the World's destruction.

'Fate really works in mysterious ways'.