

"At that time, the peace was fragile, everyone was on their edge. It's not Sarutobi or anyone's fault but Sakumo's alone", Danzo narrowed his eyes and said, "And we did not abandon him. We tried salvaging the situation but could not. Every clan within the village is our family, and no matter what, we will never abandon anyone"

Danzo said with a sigh. Back then, it was indeed his work to promote the rumors that spread at that time. Hiruzen was also in the loop of everything.

At that time, Hatake Sakumo's prestige was too high. Most of Konoha's shinobis prefer him over the actual Hokage. Sannins listened to his orders. They were the Third Hokage's students even then they prefer Sakumo over their sensei.

But most importantly, Ghost preferred Sakumo over everyone. Sakumo was like a father to him. It was clear as day that if he ever betrayed, Konoha would have crumbled in one single move.

It was necessary to bring him down. And even if he did not end up betraying, he would have become the fourth Hokage without a doubt.

For the Third Hokage and Danzo, The person serving as Fourth Hokage must be one of their own!

Sarutobi clan's head Shinnosuke was good, Sannins were good too, and even Danzo was a better choice. Only by acting as Hokage can the power in their hands be firmly held. Only the Hokage can keep the elder council.

A shinobi is a tool to be used by them, and the ones that can not be used are better off tossed aside.

"At that time, White Fang sama gave up the mission to save his teammates, so he was blamed, right?", Hyuga Seiji asked


"So, Hokage sama, between the task and the teammates, which one is more important?"

"It depends on the situation", Third Generation said vaguely.

"So, what do you think? Did he do the right thing or wrong?", Hyuga Seiji asked.


After a long time, Third Generation gritted his teeth and said, "If one person is going to cause heavy losses to the village, then the priority should be given to the task"

'No', Kakashi categorically rejected it in his heart. For the first time, his heart shook and his faith dwindled..!

Hyuga Seiji immediately sensed the change in emotions in most of the Konoha shinobis, he chose to strike the hammer when the metal is still hot.

"If that is right. I dare to ask Hokage sama. What is the will of fire?", Hyuga Seiji asked loudly

Sarutobi Hiruzen, Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu looked at each other. They all feel that the world seems crazy.

There are Konoha Shinobi who asked them what is the will of fire? What's wrong with this world?

"…The will of fire lies in sacrifice and dedication", Third Hokage said.

"Then why did Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha build this village?", Hyuga Seiji continued to ask.

"Naturally, it is for the companions in the village to live a peaceful life"

"That's right", Hyuga Seiji said, "What would be the First Hokage's decision in this situation?"

Everyone was speechless. If it is First Hokage instead? It's not hard to tell really.

He begged for peace and kowtow to people weaker than him. If they listen it would be good. If not, he could just rule with strength.

"He was different, his time was different, we can't compare them like this!", Third Hokage said.

"What if you don't consider the strength of First Hokage?", Hyuga Seiji asked, "If First Hokage does not have the strength to suppress an era, in today's situation, if other Shinobi Village threatens to surrender a Konoha Village citizen, what would he do?"

"This...", Third Hokage was speechless. There is no way to answer. Don't look at First Hokage's soft nature. With Senju Hashirama's temperament, even if he does not have any strength, he will definitely not accept such unreasonable demands..!!

But Third Hokage couldn't answer. If he says that the first Hokage would take the same route as him, it will surely, and undoubtedly provoke all the clans. For years, everyone is studying the great things Hashirama Senju has done. And how he created peace and surpassed an entire era.

Even when he was strong, he bowed to people weaker than him. How could Third Hokage just say that Hashirama Senju would do the same as him? And if First Hokage will choose to fight to the death, So who are they to force Hyuga Seiji to die?

He growled in a low voice and his eyes drifted to Danzo. He must be drunk when he actually agreed to Danzo's opinion when he said to abandon the Hyuga clan. The clan has been gaining too much momentum recently, and it's a great opportunity to suppress them a bit.

'What was I thinking', Hokage looked at Hyuga Seiji and was about to speak, but the boy spoke once again.

"Do you know why it's called the will of fire? You might be surprised, Hokage sama, but it's because of an Uchiha. Uchiha Madara. The will of fire is the will of two friends. That's why you are known as Hokage, which means Fire Kage"

Uchiha Fugaku, the chief of the Uchiha clan, who was not interested in this meeting till now suddenly woke up from his slumber.

Unexpectedly, there are still people in the village who looks up to their Uchiha clan. Not as a villain, but as the founder clan of the village.

"Will of fire means companionship. That was Madara and Hashirama's will; to protect their children, to protect the peace, to protect each other, their friendship, even at the expense of their life; rather than standing in a high place to ask others to sacrifice for themselves!"

"You dare...!!", Utatane Koharu said furiously.

"Am I wrong?", Hyuga Seiji roared loudly, "The reason so many clans joined them is not because of their powers. It's because they firmly believed that those two could protect them and their family. Your clan was one of them, the Sarutobi clan, Shimura clan, and even the Hyuga clan joined them for this cause"

Third Hokage: "..."

"It was not their duty. It was their mercy. They desperately wished for peace too, countless demands were made to them as well, yet they did not ask for a sacrifice from their own men"

Third Hokage: "..."

"Konoha is a great village where so many legends were born till date, Due to your greed, we lost countless legends already. And will continue to lose even more. You made this village like this. The village would have fared far better if not for the second Hokage choosing you four as..!!"

"Enough!", Third Hokage slapped it on the table.

Suppressing anger. He gritted his teeth and said every word, "Patriarch Hiashi, Do I take this as a rebellion from your clan?!"

Hyuga Hiashi closed his eyes painfully, "I agree he was out of line. But... What did he say wrong?"


"They wanted my daughter, now they are dead. If they were successful, that village would have made Hinata a breeding machine. They would have ra..p.e.d her, hurt her, torture her", Hiashi said in a painful voice.

"How long do you think they would have waited, she is just two this year. Even if she did not die. She would have lived her entire life in a constant nightmare. I would rather die than ever see my daughter living in a hell like that"

Others suddenly wake up. Only then did they realize that what happened today is not wrong. If it was them, they would burn the Kumo shinobi's bodies if they dare do something like that to their children...

If the village cannot protect them, does the village have any meaning? As Hyuga Seiji said when First Hokage established Konoha, didn't he want to protect his companions from war and death?

Third Hokage's face instantly paled. Hiashi shouldn't have said this...

The chapter was copied and pasted from another novel on the webnovel called "CLOUD SHINOBI CONSPIRACY, SARUTOBI HIRUZEN PERSUADED ME TO DIE..."

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