
Naruto : Escape from konoha

One day we must escape from this MLM brainwashing organization named Konoha! (PS: anime, doujin, Hokage, slow heat, not brainless, pseudo-invincible)... latest chapter ●Now you can read all the webnovels and all their chapters, you will enjoy reading Copy the link and put it in the search engine and enjoy: https://bit.ly/3XNOdaF ___________________________________________________________________________________

Black_devil23 · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 48 Longing is the emotion farthest from understanding (2 chapters in 1)

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It took an hour to arrive at Liuli's room.

The other party was holding a scroll in his hand and was studying something carefully. Shiraishi glanced at it. The content recorded on it was related to Fire Escape Ninjutsu.

"What's up?"

Liuli looked away from the scroll, raised her head and glanced at Baishi.

"Ah, that... I want to go to the pharmacy to buy some herbal medicine, but the ones in the laboratory are not enough."

Baishi scratched his head, his expression was the same as usual, showing nothing unusual.

"Got it, remember to bring me some natto when you come back."


Baishi nodded, expressing his understanding, and walked out of the room.

When I got outside, I let out a sigh of relief, and finally got through.

Bringing Ayane here to collect body data is not very reliable at all, and it is very difficult to do. The probability of accidental discovery is too high.

This is the hinterland of the Uchiha clan. Even if you have supercilious eyes, you can't easily lurk in here.

Otherwise, the Uchiha clan would not have such a great reputation in the ninja world.

So it is better to collect Ayane's body data outside.

Baishi also thought about the location, that is, in his original home.

Bringing the scroll of the sealed instrument, Shiraishi went to buy some natto first, so as not to forget it when he went back.

Next, go to the place of the Hyuga clan to find Ayane.

It is impossible to lurk the Hyuga family to find Ayane. Leaving aside the presence of supercilious eyes, the Hyuga clan's clan is close to the center of the village, which is completely different from the Uchiha clan's environment, and the village's defense force there is also the strongest.

Obviously they are all blood-stained ninjas. The Hyuga clan can live close to the center of the village, but the Uchiha clan has to live in the middle of the village.

Unbelievably, Uchiha also has the authority of the police force. Living in the center of the village, it is easier to mobilize the force of the security force.

Such an approach is full of contradictions, and there are too many places that do not conform to normal logic.

Shiraishi has lived in the Uchiha clan for these years, but he actually doesn't know the core secrets of Uchiha, and Liuli didn't explain it to him, but he also knows that the relationship between Uchiha and the village's senior management is only superficially relaxed, but in fact the relationship is a mess, and they are wary and hostile to each other.

Thinking about it this way, I have already arrived at the land of the Hyuga clan. I have to say that compared to the Uchiha ninjas, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan pay more attention to quality.

Of course, this is from an outsider's point of view. If you look at it from the perspective of the Hinata clan, it may not necessarily be like this in many cases.

After all, even if it is explained that the curse mark of the caged bird is to protect Bai Yan, this explanation is actually very difficult to hold water.

If it is to protect Baiyan, in fact, it only needs to change the function of the bird in the cage to destroy the single ability of Baiyan when the member of the branch family dies.

However, this is not the case. The curse seal of the bird in the cage also has the ability to curse and kill, and it can make the ninjas who do not obey the clan clan miserable.

The excuse of protecting Baiyan is really unconvincing. Adding the curse-killing function to the caged bird's curse seal, in Baishi's view, is superfluous and superfluous.

If there is only the ability to seal Baiyan when necessary, it can be said that it is to protect Baiyan, and the ninja of the split family may not have such a big resentment towards the clan.

"Mr. Baishi, why are you here? Is there any new arrangement from Mr. Shuo Mao?"

Ayane was wearing neat white clothes, and her long black hair was neatly draped behind her. Seeing Shiraishi coming here to look for her, she had a slightly puzzled look on her face.

"That's not the case. I need to buy some herbs and make some medicines, which can be used in future missions. But I'm too busy alone, so I want to ask you to help."

"That's it." Ayane pointed her finger at her snow-white chin, thought for a moment, and then said with a pure smile on her face: "Okay, but it's best to hurry up, I have to be back before dinner."


Next, Shiraishi took Ayane to the Konoha Pharmacy to buy various herbal medicines with different medicinal effects.

Speaking of which, most of Konoha's pharmacies are run by the Nara family, because this family is good at raising deer, and deer antlers are an extremely precious medicinal material. Therefore, in the pharmacies run by the Nara family, there are deer antlers of various qualities, which is a major feature.

Even many businessmen from other places would travel thousands of miles to Konoha to buy the antlers of the Nara clan, which shows that the antlers of the Nara clan are of excellent quality. In addition, the price is fair, and the store never bullies customers, which has led many drug dealers to like to deal with the Nara family.

Moreover, this clan formed the so-called "Pig Deer Butterfly" alliance with the Yamanaka clan and the Akimichi clan. The three clans are all secret art inheritance ninja clans, and they also have a great reputation among Konoha.

In addition, the positions of the previous Konoha Jonin squad leaders will be held by the Nara clan ninjas, and with the full support of the Yamanaka clan and the Akimichi clan, this has made the Inoka Butterfly Alliance's status in Konoha also risen.

In comparison, the status of the Uchiha clan in Konoha is really embarrassing.

It is said that it is one of the two major ninja clans who pioneered Konoha, but at the moment there is no good network in Konoha, even the Hyuga clan can't match it, let alone the Inokacho clan who are deeply trusted by Hokage.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when I came out of the pharmacy.

After making such a big circle, now is the time to get down to business.

The place where Shiraishi used to live was kept a considerable distance from the Konoha Center, and the number of times he came back in the past few years was very small, so it was already in a state of no one caring about it.

"Mr. Baishi, are we secretly having a tryst?"

After entering the room, Ayane put her hands behind her back and turned her body slightly. She could vaguely see a faint smile on her clean face.

"Now we are doing serious business."

"I'm wondering what Baishi-kun will do if Liuli finds out about this. The people who share the day and night secretly meet with other girls behind their backs. Maybe because of excessive stimulation, the Sharingan will further evolve and become the three-god jade form."

"How could Sharingan evolve so casually? You're overthinking."

"That's not necessarily true. After all, Liuli is Uchiha's genius, and the violent fluctuations in feelings are indeed the best catalyst for the evolution of Sharingan."

"You also know that I risked my life to come out. So it's important to do business. Okay, take off your clothes quickly."

"Clothes...Take off, take off? Take off all of them? Mr. Baishi, this is for my future husband..."

Ayane hugged her chest tightly, a shy blush suddenly appeared on her face, and she seemed to be biting her lips in embarrassment.

"What are you thinking about? Haven't you done this kind of thing many times? Let's not talk about just taking off the coat. Even if you take off all of them, I will uphold the ethics of a doctor and treat everyone equally."

Shiraishi answered Ayane seriously.

"That is to say, it doesn't matter if I take off all the inspections now, is that what you mean?"

Ayane has already unzipped the zipper of her jacket with her fingers, and her chest has been liberated. It seems that some muscles have begun to bulge, and there is an interesting smile in the depths of her eyes.

"No need. Finish it soon, I'm in a hurry right now."

"Really, this is obviously a good opportunity."

"Are you really only twelve years old?"

"Don't you know that girls mature earlier? There is a fourteen-year-old girl in our clan. Because she is not a ninja, her only role is to give birth to new babies for the clan. She is now pregnant and will give birth in September this year."

Baishi sighed. Population is indeed a problem that cannot be ignored in this era of frequent wars.

However, Shiraishi knew that the fertility success rate in this world is very high, not only the popularity of Chakra, but also various magical medical ninjutsu.

Baishi is not very clear about the rest of the place. According to the birth status of women recorded in Konoha Hospital, only a very few women had problems during childbirth, but they saved their lives in time.

The problem of women's early birth also depends on the specific situation.

But Baishi still doesn't support this kind of thing very much. It has nothing to do with a person's physique, but the value of life.

Whether it is going to the battlefield in advance or giving birth in advance, it will lead to various hidden dangers and deviations in the future life values of the parties concerned.

But in this war-torn era where there are no specific laws on basic human rights, saying these things is just whimsical, and those in power can say whatever they want.

It has nothing to do with Baishi whether he didn't think of this problem, or thought that he didn't dare to do it, or thought that he didn't want to give up his own interests.

In his position, he is just a medical ninja, and being a doctor is his job.

Baishi opened the scroll, started to seal, and released the instrument for body detection from it.

It has to be said that things like sealed scrolls are very useful. As long as they are not living things, they can be filled inside, except that the price will be a little expensive.

Ayayin lay down on the cold operating table and became quiet. She didn't say anything to tease Shiraishi again, and waited for Shiraishi's analysis result with peace of mind.

It was about the curse seal of the bird in the cage, she knew the seriousness of the matter.

The detection didn't take long, it was done in ten minutes.

Ayane got off the operating table and asked aloud, "Is this all right?"

"Well, I already have a solution to the caged bird, but the specific methods and steps, I will find time to tell you the next time I perform the mission. We still need to live under the protection of Konoha for the time being. During this period, I will also find a suitable base and live there later."

"Then have you found it?"

"The country of ghosts and the country of iron."

When Shiraishi said the names of these two countries, Ayane was slightly taken aback.

"The Kingdom of Ghosts and the Country of Iron are permanent neutral countries in the ninja world. The wars that have erupted over the years have not affected these two countries too much. In addition, they are located in a remote area, so they are not easy to be targeted by big countries. The rich land of the Ninja Kingdom is the root cause of the outbreak of the ninja war."

"If that's the case, those two countries are indeed suitable for living. What's the specific time to leave Konoha?"

"The next ninja war is coming."

"The next ninja war? Will the time be too long?"

The first ninja war and the second ninja war were more than ten years apart, and it is still unknown whether the third ninja war will break out.

"Don't worry. This Ninja World War is over, and the next Ninja World War will come, and it won't be too long, and it will still be a dispute over the fertile land of the Fire Nation. At that time, it is the best time for us to leave Konoha. They are caught in the flames of war on all sides, and they have no time to deal with us, who have disappeared."

Baishi's inference is based on facts.

The gentleness of diplomacy means that the other four major ninja villages will not be in awe and fear because of Konoha's strength, but will more easily arouse their jealousy and robber psychology.

During the current three generations of Hokage's ruling period, although foreign wars are won more than lost, but think about it, every time it is a passive counterattack.

Be it the War of the Land of Rain or the invasion of the Land of Fire by Sand Hidden this time, they were all forced to fight back.

Even if it wins, it can be said to be a failure, because there will be no benefits after the war.

The enemy doesn't ask for compensation when they are defeated in battle, and they only win in fame, without any actual benefits.

It looks like a victory, but in fact, from Baishi's point of view, it's just eating up the legacy left by the previous two generations of Hokage.

Ayane looked at Shiraishi half-understood. Although she wanted to believe Shiraishi's guess, Konoha, as the head of the five major ninja villages, had always been the number one in military strength. After this Ninja World War, even if the next one comes, it should happen after many years. How can it be said that the interval will not be too long?

Baishi smiled slightly, looked at the peaceful scene outside the window, and said something:

"If you seek peace through struggle, you will live in peace, and if you seek peace through compromise, you will perish peacefully. As the embodiment of the military power of the strongest country, Konoha's foreign policy is so meek and weak, the result will only be a result of wolves around. The more you want to achieve peace, you will always be forced to war."

"But in the past..."

Shiraishi knew what Ayane wanted to add, UU reading www.uukanshu. com then interrupted: "The will of fire is only suitable for the first generation of Hokage. This kind of will to compromise for peace is not suitable for later generations. After his death, no one wants to have the same innocent dream as him. These two ninja wars are proof. It is also the basis for my speculation."

"Is the root of the disaster the original Hokage?"

It was the first time for Ayane to hear such a statement.

"In a sense, that's true. Even if Konoha is destroyed one day, maybe they don't understand why they are destroyed. The so-called longing is the feeling that is the furthest away from understanding."

It is not so much the third Hokage who put Konoha in the current unfavorable state. This sentence is not entirely accurate, because the seeds of disaster have been planted as early as the first Hokage.

The third generation of Hokage was just taking the blame for the first generation of Hokage and cleaning up the mess.

Therefore, the outbreak of the third ninja world war is inevitable, and the time interval between the second ninja world war is not long, so it is also inevitable.

It was also the safest time to leave Konoha at that time.

Konoha, who was caught in a crisis on all sides, was already devastated just to deal with the war. How could he have time to focus on suppressing rebellion and ninja.

"Really? I have longed for such a Baishi-kun since the past. However, I also really want to know everything about Baishi-kun. So...when it's just the two of us alone, please be gentle with me."

On Ayane's face, there was a pure and happy smile, and a shy blush appeared on her face.

Baishi was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Be gentle with me"... Then, the so-called "be nicer", in Ayane's heart, how much do you want him to do?

This summer, it's so hot that it makes people feel anxious.