
Naruto: Escape From Konoha

This a Naruto AU. Everything has to be studied to understand its meaning, Chiba Shiraishi realized that when he had transmigrated to a new world he has no knowledge of, he only knew he was in the village of Konoha. Shiraishi couldn’t sleep, so he took out the book he had picked up “The Will of Fire” and read it carefully in the middle of the night, only to see the words in cracks. The whole book was written with two words – Pyramid Scheme. Shiraishi felt hesitant and fearful for a iwhile, and he decided that sooner or later, he must escape from this brainwashing organization called Konoha. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or this fic.

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

98: Kakashi and the Will of Fire (End)

"Sakumo-sensei, I'm here to visit you" Shiraishi whispered to the photo on the stand in a room on the second floor.

This was a picture taken when their Team Five was first formed. Ayane and Ruri were in it, and Shiraishi was sandwiched between them. He found it difficult to think about himself in those times.

Sakumo stood behind the three of them, his white fang on his back and his forehead protector, worn with a hearty and cheerful smile.

As Shiraishi reminisced, the door suddenly swung open.

"I told you, do you not know you can't just barge into someone's house?" Shiraishi sighed as Obito walked in without caution.

"I could say the same to you. Why did you leave me up there all alone?" Obito responded with annoyance.

"I just came up to check on something."

"I'm coming up too then."

Obito wisely decided to follow Shiraishi's lead.

As they entered the room, Obito also noticed the photo. Even though Shiraishi was only twelve years old in the picture, and looked different from his present self, Obito recognized him immediately. This was the younger Shiraishi.

"So, this is how you used to look. Nothing special" Obito remarked.

Then he turned his attention to the others in the photo.

"This eye must belong to the Hyuga clan. And this one here must be Ruri-senpai. As expected of a senpai, even as a child, she has a strong and dependable aura."

Obito, upon seeing Ruri in the photo, seemed to turn into an admiring fanboy.

"Hey, who's this white-haired uncle? Is he your Jonin sensei?"

Obito asked with curiosity.

"Yes, he's also Kakashi's father, a ninja known as 'Konoha White Fang'" Shiraishi confirmed. 

This kind of information was easily accessible, not a secret.

"No wonder he looks so much like Kakashi... But 'Konoha White Fang'... I feel like I've heard that name before. Strange, where could it have been?"

Obito pondered, trying to remember.

He had a vague recollection that it was a few months ago, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"Knowing about this isn't going to be beneficial for you" Shiraishi interrupted.

The rumors about Sakumo were mostly limited to adults. It was natural that students like Obito, who were still in the academy, didn't know much about it. He might have heard the name but didn't have a deep understanding of what had happened.

Moreover, many people acted as if Sakumo's suicide had never occurred, but the scars remained. No matter how hard they tried to conceal them, they didn't disappear; they just got buried deeper.

"What? I'm not a child" Obito said a little dissatisfied.

"Alright, let's head downstairs" Shiraishi suggested.

Shiraishi took Obito downstairs, returning to the living room.

There, the takeout ordered by Kakashi had been delivered, and Kakashi himself was sitting there, waiting for the two to come and have dinner together.

"Kakashi, you haven't been eating takeouts recently, have you?"

Obito frowned when he saw that there were many takeouts boxes in the trash hadn't been cleaned up in time.


Kakashi nodded.

In addition to his missions, he spends a lot of time training at home every day. He has no time to cook at all, and could only survive by eating takeout.

Seeing Kakashis indifferent reply, Obito frowned even tighter.

When he wanted to say something, he saw Kakashi's eyes that didn't want to argue, so he swallowed the words back.

Kakashi with this appearance gave Obito an indescribably bad feeling.

He felt that no matter what he said to him, he wouldn't be able get close to him.

Even if he wanted to ask Kakashi why he had a dispute with his companion on his mission, if it was true, as those people said, the life value of his companion is lower than the value of the mission to him...

In the end, Obito hesitated for a long time, but failed to confess to Kakashi the issue he was most concerned about.

Kakashi's home gave him an unusually deserted and unfit feeling.

'What the h*ll happened to this guy after he graduated? 'Obito muttered in his heart.

Kakashi sat at the dining table, casually ate two bites of takeout, and closed the takeout box.

"I'm full, you can go back after eating, I have nothing else to do here."

Kakashi threw his unfinished takeout directly into the trash can next to him, and walked towards the yard with the White Fang on his back.

"…Are we here at the wrong time?"

Obito glanced at Shiraishi with a guilty conscience.

Shiraishi replied: "This has nothing to do with you, don't think too much about it."

"Is that so?" Obito still seemed doubtful.

After the two swiftly finished their takeout, Obito, thoughtfully, decided to take care of the many boxes and throw them away properly. Leaving them unattended for too long would only invite mold.

"It's incredible. Have you mastered the White Fang's kenjutsu to this extent?" Shiraishi said as he watched Kakshi with admiration, while Obito was dealing with the garbage.

Though in his eyes, Kakashi's White Fang technique was incomparable to Sakumo's and had many flaws, the sword posture exhibited some of Sakumo's demeanor. 

Dealing with Chunin level ninjas shouldn't be a big issue.

With continued dedication and talent, Shiraishi believed it was just a matter of time before Kakashi passed the Jonin exam, possibly even before the age of twelve.

Kakashi remained unfazed by Shiraishi's admiration, completely absorbed in his sword training.

"Why haven't you calmed down even after all this time?" Shiraishi, leaning against the courtyard wall, inquired with a smile.

Kakashi abruptly stopped his sword swings and the atmosphere tensed. 

"Becoming a Chunin should have toughened you up, right?"

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Kakashi turned and sighed, his eyes not wanting to engage.

For some reason, Kakashi felt that there was more to Shiraishi's words than met the eye. But he couldn't afford to be disrespectful to someone who had once served under his father.

"I promised Sakumo-sensei that I would take good care of you after he passed away" Shiraishi stated.

"As you can see, I'm doing fine" Kakashi replied nonchalantly.

In contrast to the care that Shiraishi mentioned, Kakashi had more faith in the power held by the sword in his hand.

"That being said, if you continue like this, there will be fewer and fewer Jonin who can accept you, until you can no longer establish yourself in Konoha. So, are you still committed to your mission centered philosophy?"

After experiencing numerous changes, even the most foolish person should understand that some of these changes are glaringly contradictory.

In his father's case, he had sacrificed his mission to save his comrades, leading to rejection by the villagers and eventually his tragic suicide due to the ensuing rumors.

However, Kakashi had chosen a different path. He prioritized the mission over his comrades, yet he still faced rejection from his fellow villagers.

This was a stark reality that Kakashi had personally encountered, far from being a mere conjecture. Despite his skillful ability to conceal his emotions, a hint of doubt and hesitation lingered in his eyes.

He pondered the true cause of his father's death. Perhaps, despite appearances, choosing the mission or choosing companions was not the root cause of his father's suicide.

Kakashi, who had become a Chunin at the age of six, was no ordinary child in terms of combat proficiency and theoretical knowledge. 

Even though his thinking sometimes led him down fruitless paths, he couldn't logically explain this situation, taking into account cause and effect. There were too many questions and areas that demanded scrutiny.

"You've handled this very well" Shiraishi suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi inquired.

"It appears you've matured, at least in your thinking" Shiraishi said with a smile. In the past, Kakashi might have left with a cold and impatient expression.

Over the past six months or so, Kakashi had had ample time to experience the contradictions within the village. The villagers and other ninjas often failed to notice these contradictions because they hadn't personally experienced them. Unfortunately, Kakashi was the exception; he had gone through it all.

From his father's suicide to the path he had chosen, they were, to some extent, mainstream ideas that clashed with the village's norms. So, what was right, and what was wrong?

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just following..." Kakashi began.

"Do you want to know the real reason behind Sakumo-sensei's death?" Shiraishi interrupted.

With Shiraishi's words, a menacing aura erupted from Kakashi, making the air around them heavy and difficult to breathe, as if they were trapped in a swamp.

"Don't spout nonsense at me!" Kakashi, seemingly provoked by something, swiftly moved and disappeared from sight, leaving a bright trail in the darkness. 

However, he stopped right in front of Shiraishi, his face drenched in cold sweat and his eyes wide with fear.

Unbeknownst to him, numerous thin shadows had wrapped around his body, like sturdy iron chains, immobilizing him completely. Dozens of shadow spears and swords loomed dangerously close to his throat, heart, and the back of his head.

The slightest movement would allow these shadow blades to easily take his life.

Meanwhile, Shiraishi, always leaning nonchalantly against the courtyard wall, hadn't budged an inch.

"Who are you...?" Kakashi stammered.

"I'm Chiba Shiraishi, a Konoha Chunin and a part-time assistant teacher for the Academy's Medical Ninja Experimental Class" Shiraishi replied, providing all his details truthfully.

Kakashi remained silent, baffled. A Chunin? This was no joke. Even his current sensei, a Jonin, wouldn't have been able to sneak up on him like this.

However, when these shadows appeared, surrounding him, and placed shadow blades at his vital points, he hadn't sensed a thing. These shadows could have silently taken his life.

This level of power was something even an ordinary Jonin couldn't achieve.

"At midnight, three days from now, come to this location, and I will provide you with an answer. Of course, if you choose not to come, you'll have to find the answer on your own" Shiraishi said as he handed a card to Kakashi and slipped it into his pocket, wearing a faint smile.

The shadows receded from Kakashi's body and surroundings. Kakashi felt drained, his face pale as he slumped to the ground. The memory of narrowly escaping death clung to him, and he felt a lingering fear.

His White Fang lay nearby, now without its former luster.

"Don't forget the agreement" Shiraishi reminded before leaving.

He walked out of the yard, then he returned with Obito, who noticed Kakashi sitting on the ground and couldn't help but be surprised. "Hey, Kakashi, what are you doing sitting on the ground?"

"It's just exhaustion from his training. Well, it's about time we leave" Shiraishi said to Obito.

"But I haven't talked to Kakashi yet. Why are you leaving so soon?" Obito protested.

"We're all fellow villagers; we'll meet again. Besides, Rin will come to me soon for medical ninjutsu. Beware, I might sneak into your training; she's such a cute girl, after all" Shiraishi teased, walking away with a mischievous smile.

Obito couldn't take it anymore and exploded. "You evil guy! How many times have I told you not to bother Rin!"

Then he turned to Kakashi. "Kakashi, I'll come back to talk in a few days. And please, don't keep eating these unhealthy takeout. I'll be going now."

After speaking, Obito hurriedly followed Shiraishi out.

Kakashi paid little attention to the commotion between Obito and Shiraishi. Instead, he watched Shiraishi's leaving figure and muttered to himself, "Is this guy really just a medical ninja?"

With his level of skill, becoming a Jonin in the village should be a breeze. So why was he concealing his abilities? Furthermore, what did he mean by "the answer"?

Kakashi's eyes flickered as he contemplated what was going on.


Three days passed by in the blink of an eye.

At noon, at the entrance of Konoha, Kakashi and his team members parted ways and made their way back home.

Observing Kakashi's absent minded demeanor, their Jonin leader remained silent but couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

He had already made the decision to 'invite' Kakashi to leave the team. This continued behavior could lead to dissent within the team, potentially causing it to split apart. As for the arrangements from the Hokage's side, they were beyond his knowledge.

Kakashi dragged his exhausted body home, too weary to think about his situation. He collapsed onto his bed and drifted into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When he awoke, it was pitch black outside his window.

Illuminated by the moonlight, Kakashi could see the alarm clock at the head of his bed, which displayed the time: nine o'clock.

"Three hours left?"

Three days ago, Shiraishi had informed him that he would reveal the so-called 'answer' at midnight tonight.

Kakashi had been pondering whether he should follow Shiraishi's directive and keep the appointment.


"That guy is deliberately concealing his strength. Can he really be trusted?"

After all, Kakashi had no knowledge of why Shiraishi wanted to hide his abilities. If he rushed into the meeting without caution, something unfavorable might occur.

As he thought about this matter, Kakashi grew hungry and went into the kitchen to search for something to eat.

In the end, he discovered a few pieces of dry, hard bread. Kakashi paid it no mind, boiling hot water and eating the bread as if it were a complete meal.

Kakashi watched as the clock's seconds ticked away, realizing in a daze that it was already 11:30.

Only half an hour remained before the agreed-upon time.

Kakashi retrieved the card from his pocket, on which was only one location—

Hokage Rock.

Kakashi exhaled deeply.

Now, he had three choices.

The first was to follow Shiraishi's agreement and attend the meeting.

The second was to act as if nothing had transpired, stick to the path he had chosen without wavering, and sever his connection with Shiraishi. The other's intentions were none of his concern.

The third was to report Shiraishi to the Hokage and let the Anbu investigate him.

However, there was a problem. Could someone like Shiraishi, who had so easily disclosed secrets to him, be entirely without defenses or escape routes? Or had Kakashi unknowingly fallen within the other's surveillance range?

Both the first and third options carried certain risks.

Choosing between them became the most challenging dilemma Kakashi faced.


Konoha Hokage Rock.

It was almost exactly midnight, and a figure in a white hooded coat stood in a relaxed and unsuspecting manner on the carving of the First Hokage, with hands casually tucked into the sleeves.

From this vantage point, the entire panorama of Konoha was visible. Only sporadic streetlights illuminated a portion of the area, with most of it cloaked in darkness. The moonlight outlined the buildings' shapes.

"You're quite discreet in that outfit. Do you have some secret deeds to confess?" Footsteps from behind signaled Kakashi's presence as he addressed the figure's back.

"It's just that the air is quite chilly tonight, and I anticipate light snowfall in the second half of the night." Shiraishi picked up his hat, turned, and revealed his true face to Kakashi.

"Is that so?" Kakashi took a few steps closer and, together with Shiraishi, gazed at the nighttime view of Konoha Village.

"How does it feel?" Shiraishi inquired.

"It's entirely different from seeing it during the day. It's so peaceful."

Before, Kakashi had only come to this location during daylight hours. This was the first time he viewed Konoha from here at night.

"The calmer the surface, the deeper the waters."

"I can take that to mean you're dissatisfied with the village?" Kakashi's eyes narrowed as he tilted his head to glance at Shiraishi.

"Not at all" Shiraishi replied calmly. "The state of the village has nothing to do with me. It will eventually fade away. it's merely a historical choice."

Shiraishi's tone held a cold resolve, as if he had completely abandoned everything related to the village.

"It's quite a difference from your usual self."

"Don't worry. Whether it's the me you're accustomed to or the current me, both are my true selves."

Kakashi fell silent.

"Since you chose to seek answers from me, tell me your thoughts on this village."

"The village?"

"Didn't you study at the academy? The Will of Fire passed down from the First Hokage, Senju Hashirama."

Shiraishi sat atop the First Hokage's engraving, overlooking the darkened Konoha.

"Protecting one's comrades in the village, breaking down barriers between individuals, and ensuring the next generation's safety so they can become the village's foundation."

"Since you understand the essence, why prioritize missions over your comrades? Aren't they like 'family' to you? Aren't they worth protecting? Or are you afraid you'll end up like Sakumo-sensei?"

"I don't know... Don't ask me these questions" Kakashi replied, touching his forehead and wincing in pain. Contemplating these contradictory questions always gave him a headache.

He couldn't find answers in the academy textbooks and had even scoured the library for information. 

Seeing Kakashi's discomfort, Shiraishi recognized that he was wrestling with the issue again.

"Kakashi, you understand it well. You're simply avoiding it. Allow me to remind you of something important."

"A hint?"

"The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, is nearly fifty years old."

Kakashi didn't initially understand the significance. What did the Third Hokage's age have to do with him?

However, Kakashi realized that once a ninja reached the age of fifty, their capabilities and energy began to decline. Their strength and effectiveness in their duties waned. They were forced to pass on their responsibilities to the next generation and focus on training the village's successors.

Kakashi's mind raced as he seemed to grasp a critical piece of information.

The Third Hokage was nearing the age of fifty, indicating his impending retirement. This transition also meant the commencement of the selection process for the fourth Hokage.

The candidates for the Fourth Hokage, while not officially announced, were widely known throughout the village. Among the potential candidates were White Fang, one of the Sannin, and a handful of highly skilled Jonin.

Understanding everything wasn't immediate for Kakashi. It was like assembling pieces of a puzzle; once certain aspects were noticed, everything began to fall into place.

The Fourth Hokage's campaign was not directly relevant to Chunin and Genin like Kakashi. However, his father, was more than capable of participating in this significant ceremony.

Coincidentally, his father had recently experienced a mission failure. He haf chosen to prioritize a comrade over the mission, a decision that led to him being slandered and subsequently taking his own life at the hands of his colleagues.

Reflecting on this, Kakashi began to question the path his father, Sakumo, had chosen. This led him to adopt the philosophy that 'the mission takes precedence over comrades.' Yet, he still failed to gain the acceptance of the villagers.

At one point, Kakashi even questioned whether he was simply not good enough to be recognized by his peers. As time passed, it became evident that those in the village despised his inclination to prioritize missions over the lives of comrades.

This raised a confusing question: Why had his father taken his own life in response to rumors?

In the context of the Fourth Hokage campaign, his father had chosen 'comrades over missions,' a choice that led to rejection and non-recognition.

All the pieces of this complicated puzzle started connecting in Kakashi's mind. He suddenly understood why he had been rejected despite his commitment to prioritizing missions over comrades.

From the beginning, there was no real choice between 'missions over comrades' or 'comrades over missions.'

"Shiraishi, was my father... forced to end his life by high-ranking officials because of the so-called Fourth Hokage position?" Kakashi's voice trembled with anger and a violent undertone as he posed this question.

In that moment, he felt profound sadness for himself. He had struggled with this matter, even blaming his father for his choice to take his own life, all without realizing the harsh truth.

Shiraishi fell into contemplative silence. Kakashi was an intelligent child, and there were matters that didn't require a full explanation; a few hints sufficed. His sharp mind quickly pieced together the causes and effects, making sense of the situation.

Despite his young age, Kakashi had already displayed remarkable analytical skills. Passing the challenging Chunin exam at his age was a testament to that. Becoming a Chunin required extraordinary analytical abilities, for they often acted as the team's leader when the Jonin faced difficulties.

Reflecting on the past six months, Kakashi felt foolish, realizing he had been a pawn manipulated by high-ranking officials who cared little for the issues he grappled with. They had never provided the answers he sought.

"They don't care about the issues we're struggling with, they've never cared, and they've never given us any so-called answers. Indeed, I've been nothing more than a clown, dancing to their tune..."

Kakashi moved forward in a daze, nearly stepping off Hakage Rock before stopping himself. He stood there, gazing out at the village. The surroundings felt like a dense, foggy forest. Darkness enveloped everything, obscuring any visible paths.

Fragments of memories flooded his mind. The day following his father Sakumo's failed mission, rumors had swept through Konoha. These rumors were all one-sided, targeting his father. Even those he hadrescued had joined in the criticism. Everyone was in denial.

These thoughts led him to the image of his father, Sakumo, lying lifeless in a pool of blood, having taken his own life with white fang. The very ninjas and villagers who had slandered his father before were still alive, and no one had offered apologies after his father's suicide.

"Don't stop doing what's right because of others', and don't regret it later due to their mockery and accusations. Always adhere to the beliefs and dedication of a Konoha ninja" his father Sakumo's words echoed clearly in his mind.

In the end, there was no hatred or remorse in his father's actions. He had faced death with calm resolve. His father must have wished for his son to hold no resentment toward the village, as he had remained a Konoha ninja until the very end. He had hidden the truth of the matter even as he approached death.

Kakashi stared at his palm. He couldn't quell the turmoil within himself. He couldn't fulfill his father Sakumo's wish to bear no resentment toward the village and its high-ranking officials.

"So, what is your choice? Regardless of your decision, I will support you. Whether you follow me or honor Sakumo-sensei's last wish to forgive everything, cherish the village deeply, and protect it."

Shiraishi rose from Hokage Rock, approached Kakashi, and patted his shoulder.

"Neither Sakumo-sensei nor I can make this decision for you. This is Hatake Kakashi's choice to make, not someone else's. Regardless of how arduous the future may be, you must grit your teeth and persevere until your final moment. The path you take is your own choice..."

With this, the conversation concluded, leaving Kakashi to make his judgment. If he chooses to continue protecting Konoha, he will seal his 'memory' about this part, allowing him to live as an original ninja.

If he chooses to follow him...

"I will surpass my father."

Kakashi said this sentence.

Shiraishi turned his head sideways to look at Kakashi.


Shiraishi nodded, knowing that Kakashi had made a choice.

He turned around and left, leaving Kakashi alone here.

The moonlight shrouded the Hokage Rock, Kakashi looked up.

'Father, I will use my strength to surpass you!. And let those b*stards pay a painful price!'

Perhaps this could be a wrong decision that would disappoint his late father.

But Kakashi had decided this as the path he would take. A completely different path from what his father had envisioned.

—The scene where his father, committed suicide with his sword falling in his blood.

—Stupid people who knew nothing and were deceived by the top.

—The high level officials who enjoy the fruits of victory in the political struggles who never understood the pain they faced when their father committed suicide.

As long as he thought of this, Kakashi felt his heart beating constantly, crazily, and fiercely.

The fresh driving force was know as 'Hatred'.