
Naruto: Escape From Konoha

This a Naruto AU. Everything has to be studied to understand its meaning, Chiba Shiraishi realized that when he had transmigrated to a new world he has no knowledge of, he only knew he was in the village of Konoha. Shiraishi couldn’t sleep, so he took out the book he had picked up “The Will of Fire” and read it carefully in the middle of the night, only to see the words in cracks. The whole book was written with two words – Pyramid Scheme. Shiraishi felt hesitant and fearful for a iwhile, and he decided that sooner or later, he must escape from this brainwashing organization called Konoha. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or this fic.

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

155: The Demigod

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September, the season of scorching sun.

The Third Ninja World War raged on.

As the convergence point for these devastating conflicts, the Land of Grass and Land of Rain have suffered immensely due to their unfavorable geographical positions.

Domestic economies were dwindling with each passing year. The daimyo and nobles were primarily concerned with their self-preservation, while even the ninja villages are reluctant to interfere in Land Of Rain's war. The stark disparity between the Great Ninja Villages and the Smaller Ninja Villages was evident to anyone with discerning eyes.

This huge gap could not be bridged by one or a few individuals.

The Land of Rain, in particular, has endured more frequent and profound suffering due to ongoing war.

Dawn had arrived, but the new day didn't bring sunshine; instead, it ushered in continuous, cold, heavy rain that washed away the stench of blood in the air.

Corpses, weapons, blood, and scattered bits of flesh littered the landscape. Huge snakes slithered across the battlefield.

"Charge forward!"

Orochimaru stood atop a large, blood-rinhed purple snake, surrounded by several mottled snakes. A casual swing of a python this size could deliver an attack as powerful as ninjutsu. The strength of the Sannin was unmistakable.

With their ability to control these huge summoned beasts and their secret ninjutsu, they posed a nightmare for their enemies.

Compared to the Land of Grass, the battlefield in the Land of Rain was more brutal and savage. Sunagakure's relentless assaults intensified with each passing day, and skirmishes became more frequent.

Sharp wind blades sliced through the air, and kunai with explosive tags targeted the large snakes. Every Suna ninja understood that only by defeating Orochimaru could they break through Konoha's defensive formation in the Land of Rain and advance into the Land of Fire to wreak havoc.

Orochimaru understood this as well, but as the commander-in-chief, he couldn't retreat. The consequences would be disastrous if he were to fall here.

He understood his situation in the Land of Rain; remaining undefeated was the ultimate victory. His mission was to stop Suna troops in the Land of Rain, and he couldn't concern himself with the sacrifices made to achieve that goal.

In his eyes, sacrificing a small number of people and setting traps to exchange a few casualties for significant Suna losses was justified.

The battle extended into the late afternoon, and Konoha wasn't celebrating as they repelled the Suna forces once more. This attrition was unfavorable for Konoha because, with their troops in the Land of Rain, it would only be a matter of time before Suna breached their defensive formation.

However, there was no better alternative. Suna had shifted from conducting small-group skirmishes to directly overwhelming them with large forces in a high-pressure strategy. No matter how cunning Orochimaru's traps were, they couldn't effectively dent Suna's massive army.

In truth, there was no way for Konoha to withdraw from the Land of Rain's battlefield.

"Is there still no reinforcements? We won't last much longer at this rate."

At the Jonin meeting in the camp, a tired Jonin voiced their concern. With fewer than 3,000 Konoha ninja in the Land of Rain, they were vastly outnumbered by the 5,000-strong Suna troops.

"There are many teams patrolling in the Land of Fire, but they are primarily focused on preventing Suna's elite squads from infiltrating and causing chaos. They cannot be easily diverted. The village can provide a maximum of 500 people to support the Land of Rain battle."

Another Jonin provided a practical analysis. The situation on Iwagakure's side also couldn't be ignored, and the pressure there was equally high.

Additionally, the Kumogakure troops in the east had also scattered part of Konoha's forces. They were maintaining vigilance as Kumogakure engaged in war with Iwagakure.

This was to prevent the Konoha ninja, previously assigned to defend against the Kuno, from being transferred to the Land of Rain, which would significantly improve the situation.

"Five hundred people won't make much of a difference."

"What else can we do but continue to fight? If only we had known it would come to this, we wouldn't have hastily pursued peace negotiations with Suna during the last ninja war."

One of the Jonin expressed their discontent. The expressions of the others also began to change.

Indeed, this incident filled them with regret.

Previously, during the last Ninja World War, Konoha held the upper hand in their battles against Sunagakyre.

The White Fang's team had boldly pushed into enemy territory, disruoted them which overwhelmed the front lines with Konoha's sizable army, and forced Sunagakure to retreat and engage in a defensive battle. Even the Third Kazekage couldn't pose a significant threat to Konoha.

However, after a Jonin meeting in the village, their stance changed, opting for peace talks with Suna to avoid further sacrifices. These negotiations only worsened Konoha's situation.

Hatake Sakumo committed suicide, White fangs's team disbanded, with the Uchiha and Hyuga defecting, leading to a significant weakening of Konoha's overall power.

If, during the last ninja world war, they had pursued a strategy of wearing down Sunagakure until they were exhausted, they would have paid a price, but it would have been better than the current situation where they were simply outmatched. If that had happened Sunagakure would no longer dared to provoke Konoha, eliminating that particular threat.

Now, their focus shifted to dealing with Iwagakure and guarding against Kumogakure. Distributing troops along the third front, even Konoha with its deep roots, found it challenging.

At this juncture, a Chunin responsible for urgent messages entered the meeting tent, informing Orochimaru, "Orochimaru-sama, Danzo-sama has come to visit."

Danzo? This name raised eyebrows among the Jonin present. Despite their reservations about dealing with this mysterious ninja, they recognized the potential for Danzo's support to be crucial in repelling the Sunagakure's offensive.

The Jonin meeting concluded, leaving Orochimaru alone to await Danzo. Several minutes later, Danzo entered the tent, accompanied by a Root operative, who stood guard outside to prevent unauthorized entry.

"Danzo, what are you doing here when you should be assisting Jiraiya in the Land of Grass? I don't have time for your games right now," Orochimaru grumbled.

"I'm here to help you repel Suna. The situation in the Land of Rain is more urgent than that of the Land of Grass," Danzo replied.

"With the forces you've brought, combined with all of the ninjas here, we can't confront Suna directly. The difference in overall combat capabilities is too vast, and we can only manage to resist," Orochimaru maintained a calm facade, though he was far from pleased with Danzo's support.

"If we don't lose, we win. Your mission in the Land of Rain is to stop Suna. Kumo's unexpected involvement has diverted some of the village's forces. At this critical moment, the key to turning the tide is in the Land of Rain, not the Land of Grass."

"Turning the tide?" Orochimaru frowned.

"According to my investigation, half of Suna's food supplies are provided by the Land of Rain as protection fees for protecting the daimyo and nobles."

"I'm aware of that," Orochimaru acknowledged.

"We need to escalate the scale of the war and draw the Land of Rain into the war completely."

Danzo uttered only this sentence, believing that Orochimaru understood its meaning.

White Fang's suicide, along with the defection of the Uchiha and Hyuga clans, significantly diminished Konoha's combat strength compared to the beginning of the previous ninja war.

Moreover, Suna and Iwa arrived well-prepared, and with time passing, Konoha's situation would only deteriorate.

"Do you mean..." Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, a certain figure flashing in his mind.

Standing on top a huge salamander, displaying the demeanor of a powerful man, the ninja who had bestowed upon him the title "Sannin" -

The demigod - Hanzo, the salamander.

Every recollection of that battle filled Orochimaru with a deep sense of humiliation. He not only suffered a complete defeat but was also rendered utterly defenseless, earning the revered title of Sannin in the eyes of outsiders.

What a disgraceful memory, one that led to his enduring resentment towards the Land of Rain, including the old man controlling the salamander – The demigod.

"That's right, just as you guessed. Involving Amegakure into the battlefield will completely disrupt the situation in the Land of Rain. This will let Amegakure and Hanzo then share some of the burden with us."

Orochimaru closed his eyes and thought for a while, then opened his eyes, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and his tone became hoarse. "Very well, this seems like a good idea. But how do you propose to get that old man to intervene? He obviously intends to be a coward in this war. Otherwise, he would have already joined the fight when Suna invaded the Land of Rain."

So, from Orochimaru's point of view, this may also be a temptation by Suna to Hanzo.

After all, during the beginning of the Second Ninja World War, Hanzo had defeated Suna. Later, when Suna attacked Konoha, they had taken a route through the Land Of Rivers, avoiding the Land of Rain. This hinted that Suna's leaders had their considerations and might even have reached an agreement with Hanzo during the beginning stages of that war.

"My secret reports indicate that Hanzo has become naturally suspicious in recent years. He has grown more cautious in his actions, and the turmoil in the Land of Rain and Amegakure has left him mentally and physically drained. He likely cares more about protecting his reputation as a 'demigod' than taking on another challenging war."

"Danzo, are you joking? If that's the case, how do we get him to share the burden with us?" Orochimaru questioned frowning.

It was ust that, as Danzo had said, Hanzo's fighting spirit has declined, and he only wanted to protect his honor as 'demigod', and has become less aggressive. How could someone like him intervene in a dangerous war and share the pressure instead of Konoha?

Danzo didn't answer Orochimaru's question but instead continued, "No, this is the perfect scenario. Hanzo's reluctance to act plays right into our hands. Unlike Hanzo, there are many young people from the Land of Rain who aren't scared of death and they're determined to defend their surrounded country. We will use them as a catalyst to force Hanzo out of Ame."

This strategy would not only reduce the threat from Suna but also weaken Iwa's power, providing a more stable environment for Konoha.

"Then we will proceed as you suggest, Danzo," Orochimaru responded, his eyes cold.

The most significant difference between him and Jiraiya lies in the fact that no matter how morally questionable the strategy may be, he would go to great lengths if it can secure victory for Konoha. The casualties, the sacrifices, were merely cold numbers in his eyes.

Danzo nodded in agreement.

He admired Orochimaru's willingness to do whatever it took to win. If it were Jiraiya, he could never condone such methods.

"Don't worry, that's precisely why I'm here. Root will bear this burden!"



This village stood in the midst of an inland sea, its spire-like towers resembling a steel jungle exposed to the pouring rain.

Inside a tavern, members of the Akatsuki organization huddled together in a single room.

Their meeting had a simple agenda: to continue aiding the poor people in the Land of Rain and persuade Konoha and Suna to end the war, allowing the Land of Rain so they could recover their economy as soon as possible.

Currently, half of the Land of Rain's population lived in precarious conditions, and this will only worsen with time. The only solution was to stop the war between the Suna and Konoha.

However, despite Yahiko's multiple attempts to negotiate with Konoha and Suna, they were consistently rebuffed and turned away, often with great hostility.

While Yahiko remained undeterred by these setbacks, he couldn't help but feel angry and powerless. He firmly believed in the power of mutual understanding and felt that people should be able to reach a peaceful resolution. The continued refusal of Konoha and Suna to communicate confused him.

It was clear to him that war only caused severe trauma, injuring both sides and tearing families apart. In light of this, Yahiko couldn't understand why Konoha and Suna persisted in battling each other, causing suffering to all parties.

Observing the frustration of his companions, Nagato recognized the difficult challenges that Akatsuki faced.

Ultimately, the issue boiled down to a lack of funds. Even if Konoha and Suna ceased hostilities, finding the resources to rebuild the Land of Rain remained a top priority.

The members of Akatsuki lacked the means to generate income through business ventures and relied on mission rewards. Nagato couldn't help but think that it might be more profitable to go to the Land of Demons and use his Rinnegan to move bricks.

After the meeting, Nagato stepped onto the second-floor balcony, gazing at the rain falling from the eaves.

"Is that you, Konan?"

Nagato turned slightly as he heard footsteps approaching.

"Yes. Nagato, what's on your mind?"

"Just thinking about how to secure funding."

Nagato paused and then continued, "I'm sorry; it's my fault."

Konan couldn't help but remember the millions of ryo in debts that Nagato had helped her pay off. It was then that she discovered Nagato's involvement in the underground market, hunting criminals from various countries in the Land of Rain and quietly supporting Akatsuki's operations.

While Akatsuki's funds remained insufficient, the acquisition of materials continued. Only Konan knew this secret.

As the procurer, she was well proficient in the prices of medicines and materials. If someone else took over, they would quickly realize the financial challenges.

"It's not your fault. I'm just determined to fulfill the dream the three of us share. This is a small effort."

"Do you really think you shouldn't tell Yahiko and the others? They might understand..."

"No need. Yahiko already has enough on his plate. I don't want to burden him further."

As the leader, Yahiko carried immense pressure, and Nagato understood this well. It was precisely this understanding that drove him to work behind the scenes.

Nagato believed in the importance of facing reality. He wanted to be the silent force supporting Yahiko's dreams, the unknown hero.

Even so, he found joy in it.

"I've always envied Yahiko's personality since I was a child. He was never discouraged, no matter the setbacks. He has a unique power to inspire others, a natural leader. He saved me in the past, and now I want to be the unknown hero who stands beside him. These are my honest thoughts. Don't try to persuade me, Konan. I believe Yahiko has the power to change this country."

A smile graced Nagato's face.

Listening to Nagato's words, Konan couldn't help but agree and nodded solemnly.

Yahiko's optimism and willingness to sacrifice for others had inspired many, leading to the formation of Akatsuki. It aimed to change the nation and a world marred by the distortions of constant wars.


On the highest floor of the tower, the sound of rain from outside no longer penetrated, effectively isolating all disturbances from the outside world.

Within the room, the flickering candlelight revealed a figure slowly straightening up, visible through the window paper.

This figure had not left the room, as there were numerous Amegakure ninjas stationed outside, wearing gas masks for continuous 24-hour protection.

"Is there an issue?" The room's occupant, an old man, asked in a calm voice.

The Ame nin responsible for conveying information, knelt on the floor, emanating an air of reverence. He clearly held deep admiration for the person within the room.

After all, this individual was a renowned ninja, a pinnacle figure in the ninja world. The demigod, Hanzo the salamander.

Hanzo was also the guardian of the Land of Rain. In the Second Ninja World War, he emerged as the Land of Rain's greatest hero, consecutively defeating ninjas from three different nations.

For the new generation of Ame ninjas, Hanzo's legendary exploits were ingrained in their upbringing. Living legends naturally inspired respect and reverence from within.

Despite the toll of years on his physical abilities, his unwavering commitment to protecting the country and preserving peace continued to motivate the newer generation of ninjas. He stood as a symbol of strength and a source of hope for the youth in the Land of Rain.

"Hanzo-sama, we are currently engaged in battle with Konoha and Suna. According to our records, 113 villages, 19 small towns, and two cities have suffered varying degrees of damage."

This constituted a significant loss for the Land of Rain.

Such losses were particularly severe for the Land of Rain as a small nation with a relatively weak economy since the Second Ninja World War. Years of persistent banditry, combined with the third Ninja World War, had exacerbated the country's economic woes.

Although it was the responsibility of the daimyo and nobles to aid the homeless population in the Land of Rain, these figures were struggling to secure their own survival. One could only imagine the plight of the homeless in this situation.

"I see. I will negotiate with the representatives of Konoha and Suna. I will urge them to avoid conducting future battles in populated areas."

Hanzo in the room was silent for a while, and said these words slowly.

The Ame ninja tasked with the communication hesitated briefly, showing a hint of doubt on his face.

In reality, he would have preferred to witness Hanzo's furious reaction upon receiving such news, leading to the wiping out the invaders in the Land of Rain.

He desired a repeat of the glory from the Second Ninja World War, where the Land of Rain had held its head high on the international stage rather than merely issuing condemnations.

"Uh, Hanzo-sama…"

"Is there anything else?"

"Actually, many people in our village hope that Hanzo-sama will step forward and uphold justice for the Land of Rain. They want you to lead the charge against the Konoha and Suna again. Currently, many people in the Land of Rain are living in dire circumstances."

The communication ninja's eyes reflected hope. He longed for the demigod he had revered since childhood to assume a role of national importance, becoming a hero and an aspiration for the country's youth.

Many Ame nins held strong dissatisfaction with the actions of Konoha and Suna. However, they were forbidden to engage these forces, as any such action would mark them as rogue ninjas.

Yet, as the ninjas from foreign lands continued to act unchecked within the Land of Rain, these restrictions became increasingly frustrating. These intruders from Konoha and Suna had committed various misdeeds, including breaking into residences and theft.

Because of the lack of evidence and the ferocity of ninja combat, ordinary citizens would flee in desperation upon encountering them. But, in their haste to escape, many belongings were left behind.

Returning to their homes later, they found that many of their possessions, especially food and money, had been stolen, leaving nothing behind. Only the ninjas from Konoha and Suna were capable of such actions.

"Regarding this matter, I will let the daimyo handle it. Although I sympathize with what happened to these people, as the leader of Ame, I can't overstep my authority to intervene until the daimyo's orders have been issued. It is a pity..."

After careful consideration, Hanzo in the room provided this response, conveying both compassion and powerlessness.

The Ame ninja seemed to have something stuck in his throat, rendering him unable to speak, and his gaze grew distant.

Through his unwavering dedication and hard work, he had risen from obscurity to stand alongside the figure he admired, even if only as an insignificant communication officer. He took pride in his work.

Was it disappointment he felt? Perhaps, but it was more likely doubt. He couldn't comprehend why the ninja he revered was refraining from action during these critical times. Or was it truly a matter of inconvenience due to the lack of orders from the daimyo?

The name of the Land of Rain was in jeopardy, yet the nobles remained focused on their own enjoyment, oblivious to the fate of their nation. Hanzo must have been aware of this.

"Yes, Hanzo-sama."

He consoled himself with various reasons, trying to justify why Hanzo could not intervene. But regardless of the explanations, it was challenging to satisfy the doubts in his heart.

Just as he was about to exit, another Ame nin hurried in, clearly in a state of panic.

"It's bad, Hanzo-sama."

"Why are you so flustered? This old man is still alive."

Hanzo's voice turned cold and powerful in response.

"Yes!!!! yes!!!."

Startled by Hanzo's sudden intensity, the Ame nin who just arrived swallowed hard and replied:

"Hanzo-sama, the villagers are in a battle with the Suna messenger who arrived for a visit!"


Hanzo, who had not shown his face throughout, knitted his brows in slight confusion. Why would a Suna ninja, instead of confronting Konoha suddenly arrive for a visit?