
Naruto: Escape From Konoha

This a Naruto AU. Everything has to be studied to understand its meaning, Chiba Shiraishi realized that when he had transmigrated to a new world he has no knowledge of, he only knew he was in the village of Konoha. Shiraishi couldn’t sleep, so he took out the book he had picked up “The Will of Fire” and read it carefully in the middle of the night, only to see the words in cracks. The whole book was written with two words – Pyramid Scheme. Shiraishi felt hesitant and fearful for a iwhile, and he decided that sooner or later, he must escape from this brainwashing organization called Konoha. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or this fic.

Chizihn · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

100: Kusagakure and Preparations

In the midst of a training ground enclosed on three sides by a forest and facing a towering rocky wall, Ruri stood at the center.

She adjusted her breath, lowering her body slightly. With her chakra and natural energy integrated into her being, she could instantly manipulate them through her thoughts, transforming them into the essence of flames. With a simple hand seal, Ruri executed the Fire Release Jutsu.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

The temperature in the vicinity surged, saturating the air with scorching energy. Suddenly, at visible speed, the air distorted as a massive, fierce fireball danced wildly forward.

The moment this fireball emerged, it obliterated any potential resistance. In terms of diameter, it spanned at least eight meters.

In the eyes of observers, the areas traversed by the fireball began to warp and contort.

It etched deep, semicircular tracks on the ground, hurtling forward at high speed. With a resounding crash, it collided with the towering rock wall ahead.

Even the force of dozens of exploding tags detonating in unison couldn't match the magnitude of this single fireball.

The impact left a crater on the rock wall slightly larger than the fireball's diameter, and searing flames continued to flicker within the crevices, transforming the solid stones into fiery red hues and radiating scorching heat.

Standing nearby, one would likely suffer a scorched windpipe from a single breath.

"Is this the enhancement from Sage Mode?" Ruri inspected her hands, sensing that this Sage Mode Fire Release differed somewhat from the one she had used several years ago. The amplification's power wasn't as immense, but it was more stable.

"How does it feel, the prototype of Sage Mode?" Shiraishi approached from the side, inquiring with a smile.

"Everything except the power is satisfactory." Ruri replied.

"It can't be helped; this is a prototype of the Sage Mode designed to prioritize safety in performance by reducing the amplification of Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu. My experiments have always focused on stability." Shiraishi explained.

"Does this imply that further training in the complete Sage Mode can increase the amplification?"

"Indeed. After all, it's a prototype of Sage Mode. There's room for improvement in many aspects."

However, based on the Ninjutsu she had just unleashed, even within the prototype Sage Mode, the amplification of Fire Release was remarkable.

Normally, Ruri's Great Fireball Jutsu had a diameter of about four meters, but upon entering the prototype Sage Mode, the fireball's diameter expanded to over eight meters.

Its power had multiplied several times, to say the least.

"It doesn't matter. Power you can't control isn't true power. This is already more than sufficient for me to use." Ruri clenched her fist, sensing the immense strength within her. Her physical and mental states were superior to her usual condition.

This Sage Mode, excelling in stability, could be used continuously in battle without the drawbacks of other imperfect Sage Modes. This made it more suitable for her.

Shiraishi smiled but didn't respond.

"Are you content? Shall we proceed to the Senjutsu chakra and test other jutsus?" Shiraishi inquired next.

"No need to trouble you. Through the Great Fireball just now, I've already discerned the limits of this Sage Mode's enhancement for Ninjutsu. Next is Taijutsu." Ruri replied.

"Do you require a test subject?" Shiraishi asked.

"I've already identified the perfect candidate." Ruri replied.

With that, she vanished from her position.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the training ground, a concealed operative who had been covertly observing the situation from beneath the earth saw Ruri disappear. He couldn't hear her conversation with Shiraishi since her back was turned, and her mouth wasn't visible, leaving him unaware of their discussion.

However, he could clearly witness Ruri testing the Fire Release Ninjutsu, which had become extraordinarily formidable. It was evident that she possessed a potent technique that could significantly enhance the Great Fireball Jutsu.

This vital information needed to be relayed.

But before he could retreat, he saw Ruri vanish from his field of vision, realizing that his presence had likely been detected.

Immediately, he began moving backward within the earth, preparing to escape the area.

In the next moment, a thunderous sound of earth shattering reverberated through the forest, casting dust and debris into the air, and launching numerous rocks skyward. The hidden operative, who had just emerged from the ground, was left in shock by the sheer force of Ruri's attack.

This peculiar power... he had only seen it once before, wielded by one of the Legendary Sannin, Tsunade.

When had this Uchiha girl acquired such an unusual power? What was happening?

"I was wondering who was lurking in the shadows, and it turns out to be the little mouse from Root."

Ruri stood at the edge of the crater, calmly observing the now exposed Root operative. Her gaze was sharp, like a blade, exerting immense pressure on the Root ninja.

The Root ninja beneath the mask was drenched in cold sweat. Before he could react, Ruri vanished from his sight once more.

He attempted to locate Ruri's figure, but there was nothing before him. At the moment of the atmospheric explosion, his body was hurtled toward the training ground where Ruri had tested the Sage Mode.

After a brutal impact with the ground, he struggled out of the resulting crater, his body drenched in blood. His right arm hung twisted and broken, rendering it entirely useless.

The mask concealing his face had shattered, falling to the ground, revealing the blood-soaked visage of a young man, with blood oozing from his mouth.

He cast a glance at the slowly advancing Ruri, showing no concern that she might escape, seemingly having ample time to dispose of him.

The Root ninja comprehended that escape was now impossible. Transmitting information from this location was also out of the question. With determination, he dragged his agonized body and charged straight at Shiraishi.

Even if it meant his own death, he was determined to take someone down with him.

According to the intelligence, this guy was a medical ninja. Despite his severe injuries, he still had the capacity to take someone down.

Watching the Root ninja hurtling toward Shiraishi, Ruri merely observed, making no attempt to intervene.

Shiraishi remained stationary, allowing the Root ninja's hand to make contact with his body.


The Root ninja's face momentarily lit up with joy, which quickly turned to astonishment.


He found himself enclosed within a massive water sphere, water gushing into his mouth as he struggled to breathe. Inside the water, he fought for air, coughing up bubbles.

'Was this the Water Prison Jutsu? When had this happened?'

The Root ninja couldn't fathom what was transpiring before his eyes. His opponent hadn't formed any hand seals, so when did the Water Prison Jutsu come into play?

Could it have activated the instant he touched the opponent's body? This guy's Ninjutsu... was deviously cunning!.

With his last vestiges of strength, he forced his eyes open and fixed his gaze on Shiraishi's innocent smile. One thought occupied his mind.

This was a trap, a Water Prison Jutsu that activated when someone attacked his body.

Setting up such a trap on his own body to ambush enemies unfamiliar with his combat style was indeed a crafty tactic.

Moreover, he realized that the information Root had gathered about Shiraishi was shockingly inaccurate.

"How many mechanisms have you set up on yourself?" Ruri approached indifferently, shaking her head as she observed the scene.

"Allow me to explain. I value my life greatly, you see. This technique is a fusion of the Body Flicker Technique and Water Prison Jutsu. What do you think? Although it's not particularly offensive, for individuals meeting me for the first time, it entraps them in the Water Prison, granting me control."

Shiraishi explained with a grin.

While Shadow Dancer primarily ensured his safety, in situations where Shadow Dancer couldn't handle it, the trigger mechanisms on his body had their uses.

This was an opportunity for Shiraishi to evaluate how well this technique functioned in real combat, which was why he didn't allow Shadow Dancer to control the Root ninja.

So far, there appeared to be no significant issues; the effectiveness and responsiveness were excellent.

Additionally, as it is fused natural energy, it could be sustained until both chakra and natural energy naturally dissipated, even without Shiraishi's direct involvement.

It could be deemed a highly convenient trap Ninjutsu.

"Ruri, do you want to use this guy to experiment with Genjutsu using Sage Mode?" Shiraishi inquired.

Ruri shook her head, her gaze fixed on the Root ninja struggling painfully in the Water Prison. He had lost his value as a test subject for experimenting with the Sage Mode's power.

"I don't need to. I'm in a hurry now, so I'll leave him to you."

Ruri glanced at the Root ninja trapped in the Water Prison, then shook her head and used the Body Flicker Technique to leave from the scene.

Seeing Ruri's swift departure without hesitation, Shiraishi refrained from saying anything. Instead, he formed hand seals to release the Water Prison Jutsu.

As the Water Prison Jutsu dissipated, the earth on the ground stirred, and General Tu swallowed the incapacitated Root ninja, vanishing into the underground.

A free test subject, especially a valuable high-ranking ninja, was a rare discovery. Shiraishi greatly appreciated the offering provided by Danzo Shimura, Root's leader.

In truth, Shiraishi was unsure how to express his gratitude to Danzo Shimura for this gesture.

He accepted this gift graciously.


Land Of Demons.

This was a land shrouded in mystery. Unlike other countries, it didn't have a feudal lord ruling over it; instead, it was led by people known as Priestess.

It was a completely neutral nation, governed entirely by the Priestess. In an era marked by constant conflicts between countries and villages, the Land Of Demons, situated in a remote corner, paradoxically enjoyed peace.

While its territory couldn't be compared to the great nations, among the smaller ones, it had relatively spacious land. The political environment within the country was transparent, and its citizens lived contentedly. In the ninja world, it was an ideal place for stability, making it an attractive residence.

On the original map of the Land Of Demons' capital, one could see a new small city constructed to the north, serving as an annex to the capital. 

This city was encircled by towering white walls, with only two large gates for entry and exit. One gate led south to the capital of the Land Of Demons, while the other led north to the plains beyond.

Above both gates were inscriptions that read "No Entry." clearly indicating that this was a vital military area, inaccessible to ordinary citizens and visitors. It implied that this place was an important military stronghold, guarded by numerous sentinels.

Initially, it had drawn crowds of onlookers, but as time passed, people grew accustomed to it. After all, constructing a military district near the capital was something their revered Miko had personally approved. 

The people of this country weren't particularly keen on the rule of daimyos and nobles; for them, the Miko was the sole ruler, a deity whose commands were to be followed without question.

From the outside, only the obstructive tall white walls could be seen. However, inside the walls, numerous buildings stood: dormitories, training grounds, infirmaries, playgrounds, office buildings, armories, classrooms, libraries, and even more secretive manufacturing factories and laboratories were constructed underground. This place served as the headquarters for Shiraishi's organization.

About a year ago, the organization's total personnel had reached around seven hundred people. Through the expansion of the Purple Rose Medical Company and a steady stream of financial income, the organization's manpower had now expanded to over a thousand people. 

Over six hundred people stayed at the headquarters, while the remaining four hundred were scattered throughout the shinobi world, assuming various identities, with the primary mission of gathering intelligence. There were also elite teams, like Bug Man's squad, renowned as bounty hunters within the underground black market.

"It's been a while since I've been back. Things have changed quite a bit here." Bug Man remarked as he walked along the spacious corridor, peering out of the window.

"Your last return was about two months ago, so it's natural to perceive significant changes. Several new buildings have been added, and there have been some shifts in personnel." the staff member accompanying Bug Man, dressed in a standard black windbreaker with the Purple Orchid emblem on the back, replied with a smile.

"That's true. So, how many people can we mobilize from the headquarters for combat now?" Bug Man inquired casually.

"We have approximately four hundred and fifty individuals available for combat. Furthermore, I suspect we'll have a major operation soon." the staff member responded.

This revelation made Bug Man furrow his brows. "A major operation?"

"The members of the Uzumaki clan who joined us have expressed satisfaction with their lives here. They have gradually accepted that they are now part of us. Some time ago, they informed me of a way to contact other Uzumaki clan survivors."

Bug Man pondered this development for a moment. Indeed, it had been quite some time since several survivors of the Uzumaki clan, who had been recruited by their group, had come to live here. They enjoyed a stable living environment, clean water, and food, without anyone coveting their bloodline or sealing techniques. 

Moreover, their children received strength training. The children of the Uzumaki clan were not to be underestimated. With a bit of training, they could develop formidable combat abilities due to their exceptional physical constitution and natural energy.

Furthermore, the elite education provided to these Uzumaki clan children was thorough, covering intellectual and physical training comprehensively. Nothing was overlooked.

Witnessing all this, the Uzumaki adults naturally felt reassured. They wanted to use the power here to save their fellow Uzumaki clan members who were still suffering and on the run. For them, this place was no less than a second home.

"Have you contacted the leader?" Bug Man asked.

"I've already sent the contact letter to Konoha, where it was received by General Tu. But this time, the operation might not go smoothly because bringing back those Uzumaki clan survivors is a bit troublesome." the staff member replied with a sigh.

"Troublesome?" Bug Man inquired.

"The day before yesterday, we successfully located more than a dozen Uzumaki clan survivors and brought them here. The rest of the Uzumaki clan survivors are also being contacted, and we're trying to bring them back as soon as possible. However, there's one group of Uzumaki survivors whose location has been traced to the Kusagakure."

"Kusagakure?" Bug Man exclaimed.

"You mean the village that switches sides between the major ninja villages? It's famous for its expertise in studying jutsu from other villages. It may not be a big concern for the major villages, but for us, it's indeed not easy to deal with." 

The staff nodded solemnly.

Bug Man was well acquainted with Kusagakure, a village known for its political maneuvering between the major ninja villages. It was notorious for its corrupt and ineffective noble and shared a war-torn history with the Land of Rain.

After the First Great Ninja War, they aligned themselves with Konoha, only to switch sides to Iwa during the Second Great Ninja War. 

After Konoha's victory in the Rain War, they returned to friendly terms with Konoha. In the end Konoha and Suna fought during the Second Great Ninja War, they swayed between the two villages, gaining a reputation for their lack of principle.

Their expertise lay in imitating and adopting jutsu from other villages, always siding with the strongest party. Nevertheless, the Kusagakure was internationally recognized as a ninja village, and their ninja strength was not to be underestimated among smaller countries. They posed a formidable force for Shiraishi's organization.

The revelation that some Uzumaki clan survivors were in their custody was indeed a cause for concern. Confronting a ninja village, even a smaller one, directly would be challenging.

Confronting a ninja village, even a small one, was a significant undertaking. "Our headquarters lacks an elite ninja team capable of infiltrating Kusagakure. We can barely assemble ten individuals who can be termed ninjas. With this limited manpower, rescuing those Uzumaki clan remnants from Kusa and delivering them safely to the Land Of Demons would come at a high cost." 

The staff cautioned.

The staff offered a reasonable analysis. Despite the organization's considerable growth over the years, it still lacked elite fighting power at the Jonin level. 

The five major ninja nations possessed even larger numbers of ninja. Genins represented potential, Chunins formed the backbone, and the quantity and quality of Jonins were real indicators of a power's strength.

"Let's await the leader's decision. This isn't a matter for us to determine." Bug Man suggested as he found the situation troublesome.

"That seems to be the only option." the staff agreed. 

Despite their headquarters being well-equipped for self-defense, they lacked the offensive capabilities required. In comparison to the established ninja villages, their organization remained relatively small, with many members still in training.


Meanwhile, Shiraishi, working in the Uchiha clan's laboratory, received news from the Land Of Demons regarding the Uzumaki survivors landing in Kusagakure. Given that the Uzumaki clan had been eradicated, it was expected that the survivors would disperse across the ninja world and maintain secret methods of contact.

The fact that some Uzumaki survivors had fallen into a ninja village's hands was indeed a cause for concern. The silver lining was that these survivors hadn't ended up in the hands of the major ninja villages, but had been hidden away by a small village like Kusa. This provided some relief for Shiraishi.

However, Shiraishi was aware that the Land Of Demons lacked the manpower to extract the Uzumaki clan remnants from Kusagakure. The dilemma lay in how to safely transport these Uzumaki individuals to the Land Of Demons.

For now, Shiraishi couldn't leave Konoha. Reporting to the academy every day was mandatory, and even with two days off each week, he risked exposing himself.

General Tu's combat abilities were weak, making him unsuitable for causing chaos in Kusagakure, which, despite being a small village, was still the size of a ninja village. He couldn't attract all their forces alone.

Shadow Dancer needed to prioritize his own safety and couldn't be easily deployed.

While Bug Man's secret jutsu were powerful, producing blasters was labor-intensive, and they were a rare and precious resource. They weren't suitable for large-scale group battles.

"It's quite a headache... but never mind. Although it's earlier than originally planned, given that we're dealing with Kusagakure, we must approach this with utmost caution." Shiraishi concluded after a moment of thought.

Shiraishi was aware of the need for caution in rescuing the Uzumaki clan remnants imprisoned in Kusa. However, he was concerned about the lack of combat effectiveness among the Land Of Demons's forces. He decided that creating a new clone to address this shortfall was the best course of action. 

The concept and attributes of the clones had already been established, and the necessary materials and a prototype fairy model were prepared in the laboratory. However, due to the complexities of integrating the Sage Mode system, creating the clone would take approximately one month. 

Additionally, it would replace the 'system' of General Tu and Shadow Dancer with the Sage Mode system, a significant and time-consuming task.

Before proceeding with the clone creation, Shiraishi ordered a detailed investigation of Kusagakure by the Land Of Demons. 

To rescue the Uzumaki clan remnants held there, they needed precise information about their location, the number and strength of guards, and other critical details. 

With this information in hand, Shiraishi planned to launch a surprise attack on Kusagakure once his new clones was ready. This operation could serve as valuable real-world experience for future, larger-scale actions.



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