
Naruto: Echoes of a Distant Home

Darkness faded into light and he opened his eyes to a world bathed in relentless rain. There he meets those who would bring him to Konoha. Yet, he never wished to be here. What he left was too precious to forget. Too precious to let go. More precious than anything here. 'I need to go back, back to Earth, back to my sister...' So in order to achieve his goals he will do whatever it takes, eventually shocking the ninja world. ** This is a translated novel and I do not own the rights to Naruto ** Check out p@treon.com/saintxi to get up to 40 chapters ahead I hope you enjoy the story

SaintXI · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Chapter 58: Senjo Ran of the Rock

Double Chapter Drop today!!

Senjo Ran had used some method to conceal his presence, and even in his spiritual state, Kato Dan could not detect him. When his spirit returned to his body, it was even less likely to find him. Thus, he stayed alert, first breaking free from the stone cage to escape.

In hiding, Ye Zi also couldn't determine how he had disappeared. In that instant, Ran had vanished without forming any hand seals, disappearing without a trace, not even leaving behind a detectable presence.

Without any trace of the enemy, the atmosphere around them grew tense. The wind rustled the leaves, making them seem like enemies moving in response to the sound.

Kato Dan scanned his surroundings, frowning deeply. He could faintly sense the enemy's hostility in the air but couldn't pinpoint their location. In such a situation, ordinary people might become unsettled or anxious as time passed, but Kato Dan remained remarkably calm and unaffected.

He twirled a kunai on his fingertips, switching it to his other hand, while his other hand formed the tiger seal.

Perhaps noticing that Kato Dan was not affected by the oppressive atmosphere, Ran suddenly appeared behind him. The chakra fluctuations became apparent in the air, and his fist, wrapped in solid rock, was aimed at Kato Dan's back.

The chakra waves appeared only when Ran emerged. By the time Kato Dan sensed it, Ran's rock-wrapped fist was nearly upon him. If that punch landed, Kato Dan would undoubtedly die.

The imminent sense of danger ignited a frenzy in his mind. Despite being constantly on guard, facing an enemy who revealed their presence only at the moment of attack left him helpless. It was a deadlock.

However, there was someone who could break this deadlock—Ye Zi.

Ye Zi, with his superior sensory abilities, could not locate the enemy either, but he knew the enemy would definitely appear. Therefore, he only needed to watch Kato Dan's back. If the enemy were to attack from the front, there would be no need to hide their presence with unknown methods.

He was certain the enemy would only appear from behind. Just as he had anticipated, Ran used an unknown method to conceal his presence and approached Kato Dan's back to deliver a fatal blow.

As the stone fist carrying a deathly aura approached Kato Dan's back, a bolt of lightning moved faster. With a sizzling sound, it pierced through Ran's fist. The rock encasing the fist shattered into countless fragments, and a bloody hole two fingers wide appeared in his hand, with blood gushing out violently.

Realizing the situation was critical, Ran stepped back and tried to distance himself from Kato Dan. However, this was also part of Ye Zi's plan. The moment Ran landed, Ye Zi was already behind him, his gaze cold and merciless. His Raijin was not wrapped in lightning but was swung directly at Ran's back.

The blade's wind was sharp, carrying a chilling killing intent.

Ran's expression changed drastically. He lunged forward with all his might but could not avoid the slash, resulting in a deep cut on his back.

He collapsed to the ground, and Ye Zi, stepping forward, swung his sword in mid-air towards Ran. At that moment, Ran's figure suddenly vanished, but Ye Zi's focus did not waver. Determined, he continued to strike at the location where Ran had been.


The blade struck nothing.

Ye Zi quickly sheathed his sword and noticed several bloodstains moving in the air, seemingly adhering to an invisible object, creating a noticeable wind flow from their movement.

"I see."

Ye Zi looked up at the bloodstains rising into the air, a cold smile appearing on his face. He quickly formed hand seals, and lightning appeared on his palm.

"Lightning Release, Lightning Torrent!"

He brought his middle finger and thumb together and pointed at the invisible object on the tree trunk. A bolt of lightning shot from his fingertips, piercing the unknown invisible object in an instant. A scream was heard, and a large chameleon slowly became visible.

Kato Dan, relieved to see Ye Zi's timely intervention, glanced quickly at the chameleon on the tree trunk. At that moment, he seemed to foresee death but was saved at the crucial moment. With Ye Zi's help, Ran was heavily injured. In his view, Ye Zi had proven himself capable of facing the examination for elite ninjas.

"Thank you." Kato Dan nodded at Ye Zi, then focused intently on the chameleon, immediately performing his Soul Technique. Senjo Ran's ability to conceal himself and his presence likely depended on the chameleon. With his soul out of his body, Kato Dan directed it straight toward the chameleon.

The chameleon, now covered in blood, lost its invisibility. It opened its mouth, flicking out its long tongue to throw Ran's body far away. Blood fell from the air, slightly worsening his injuries but removing him from the danger zone.

Kato Dan watched as Ran was flung away but did not change his target. His spiritual form directly entered the chameleon's body. Moments later, the chameleon emitted a mournful cry, its eyes dimming as its life faded.

Kato Dan's spirit emerged from the chameleon and returned to his body. The chameleon fell from the tree, lifeless.

At the same time, Ye Zi, holding Raijin, pursued Ran. The outcome was already decided.

Quickly, with his terrifying speed, Ye Zi caught up with Ran, who had abandoned his retreat and turned to face Ye Zi with cold eyes.

Noting Ye Zi's appearance and Raijin, Ran coldly remarked, "So you are Ye Zi. As expected of the Konoha's White Fang."

His situation was dire, having almost lost his life. He had not expected his target to be lurking nearby, and if not for Ye Zi, he would have been confident that his punch could have crushed Kato Dan's internal organs.

Ye Zi did not respond, his body enveloped in lightning.

His control over Lightning Release had reached a certain level.

Ran looked at Ye Zi, shrouded in lightning, with a changing expression. Comparing the intelligence on his strength to the present target showed a significant gap. Had he hidden his strength before, or had his abilities really improved so much in such a short time?

"You shouldn't have come after me." Ran said coldly. He was determined to use all his strength to kill Ye Zi.

"If I've come, I am confident I can kill you."

Ye Zi looked at the pale Ran, who was weakened from blood loss. With a complete advantage in chakra and stamina, Ye Zi chose not to engage in close combat.

"Lightning Release, Wolf Pack Howl!"

The manifested lightning surged from Ye Zi, forming five lightning wolves that rapidly charged from five directions towards Ran.

Ran laughed wildly, ignoring the approaching lightning wolves, and charged straight at Ye Zi.

Ye Zi's brow furrowed as he controlled the pack of wolves from his spot, encircling and devouring Ran.


The deafening thunderstorm enveloped Ran.


However, a manic look flashed in Ran's eyes as he forced his paralyzed and burned body to charge at Ye Zi. He threw a punch at Ye Zi.

Ye Zi, expressionless, watched the approaching fist. He lowered his upper body slightly and assumed a sword-drawing stance. Raijin flashed, and the massive fist was sent flying into the air, spraying blood.

The force had waned.

Ye Zi swung again, decapitating Ran.

Blood sprayed out, creating a gruesome scene.

Kato Dan, arriving with reinforcements, sighed with relief. He had been worried about Ye Zi facing Ran alone but was surprised by Ye Zi's ability to kill Ran in such a short time. While Senjo Ran's injuries contributed to his defeat, it was also a testament to Ye Zi's own strength.

1 more chapter out today!! Feel free to donate some power stones ;))

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