
Chapter 6

Ravel Phenex was having a bad day. She didn't want all this to happen, even though she was a member of her brother's peerage, she still didn't accept the fact that her brother had won by cheating.

She knew that Rias Gremory, her soon to be sister-in-law didn't have any experience in a real Rating Game but her brother was called a genius and had a lot of experience in Rating Games with 8 wins and 2 loses. But those loses were on purpose, which meant her brother could have won if he wanted to. Not only that, Ravel and Yubelluna were equipped with a bottle of Phoenix tears, while the rules clearly stated that up to two items can be used per game, Rias's peerage didn't have anything with them and the heiress of the Gremory Clan was still new to the games and was being ruined by her anger.

It was not that surprising when she found out Rias had feelings for Naruto Uzumaki, the one she had given her tears to. She also wasn't surprised that the white haired girl and the queen of her soon to be sister-in-law also had feelings for him, after all, who wouldn't? Naruto was kind and gentle, he never got angry at anyone, he even forgave her for the way she acted at her family's party. Not only that, he was very powerful at such a young age and very handsome too. Naruto would be the perfect boyfriend or lover for any girl. He would be the dream partner for every devil girl for sure if he came back and became even more handsome and attractive than before. The thought that she had proposed to him with her tears made Ravel's cheeks redden and she beginning to blush uncontrollably.

Ravel walked through the corridor of the Gremory's castle, deep in thought. She was wearing a purple dress with matching gloves and black boots and held a pink folding fan Ravel looked like a true noble lady coming from one of the greatest Households. No matter where she went, the maids and servants stopped what they were doing and greeted her with their heads bowed low.

Of course they were, after all Ravel was the youngest daughter of the Phenex Clan, the family of the legendary sacred beast Phoenix.

But her face immediately saddened, even though she held the power of immortality and Phoenix's fire, she knew that her power wasn't absolute and there was still a lot of weaknesses about her powers. Her oldest brother, Ruval had taught her that when she was small, so when Ravel grew up, she didn't become arrogant like Riser, who thought their power was invincible.

She had seen the defeated look on Rias's face when she surrendered the Game, the look of someone who had lost everything they dreamed about, the look that showed she knew she couldn't be with the one she loved. She had seen Rias take off the crimson bracelet, the same bracelet she had seen Naruto wearing two years ago when she was being dressed up with the help of a servant. The tears that fell from her eyes when she took it off from her wrist, saying that it didn't suit her and that she didn't have the right to wear it anymore.

She tightened her hand around her folding fan and stopped in front of the door of Rias's room, where the heiress was putting on some final make-up so she could look as beautiful as possible. Ravel took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Sirzechs-chan, Grayfia-chan wait for me!"

Serafall tried to catch up to Sirzechs, she just arrived at the Gremory's castle along with her precious sister Sona but she had disappeared somewhere with their parents and didn't let the childish Maou know. She tried to find her sister but Sona always found someway to outdo her and stay hidden. So with nothing left to do, Serafall decided to wander around the Gremory Castle and caught sight of the crimson Maou, Sirzechs Lucifer chatting with his head maid Grayfia while walking through the corridors of the castle.

"Ah, Serafall-chan, it's good to see you here!" Sirzechs greeted her with a bright smile on his face.

"Hello Serafall-sama." Grayfia lowered her head.

The childish Maou quickly asked the two everything that came to her mind at that moment, from their health to their jobs, even asking them if her TV show was good or not. Grayfia still kept her stoic expression during the conversation and didn't answer much if Serafall didn't directly aim the questions at the silver haired queen.

"Sirzechs-chan, about Ajuka-chan's mission at Heaven." She stopped a little and looked at Sirzechs "Naru-chan, I wondered when he would come back!?"

Sirzechs and Grayfia looked at each other, the information about Naruto having already returned to the Underworld was being kept as a secret, no one outside of the Gremory family, except for Rias and her peerage knew about this.

Long ago, when Sirzechs decided to make Naruto a member of his peerage, he had seen the great power hiding deep inside the boy and wanted him to use those powers for a good reason. At first, he wanted his sister to be the boy's master, considered the two were really close with each other but had decided against it because of the so called 'Elder-council' that didn't want Naruto running around free or being a servant of someone too young like Rias. They had seen the boy's power and were very impressed when they saw what happened that night but were also afraid that this boy would become a threat when he grew up and became more powerful. It took him and the rest of the Maou, leaders of the Devils world to warn them not to touch the boy or he would be forced to dissolve the Elder Council.

If Naruto became a member Rias's peerage, who knew what the council would do to get their hands on him.

Not only that, he afraid with that much power from Naruto, only the Evil Pieces of the four Maou could accept him and wasn't surprised much when Naruto was worth five Mutation Pawns, which mean he could be even more valuable than a normal Evil Pieces set.

"Serafall-sama, please do not worry, I'm sure Naruto will come back." Grayfia nodded her head at the Maou, she had seen the look on Naruto's face when he read the letter her master had given him and felt a little weird feeling in her chest whenever she thought about him.

Some people thought she was Sirzechs's wife because of their love story in the Great War but the truth was that they had already broken up when the war was finally over. Even though their love story still spread like fire on hay, Sirzechs and Grayfia looked at each other as nothing more than friends now.

Ten years ago, Sirzechs had fallen in love with a normal female devil and they had a beautiful child named Millicas Gremory, he was ten years old now. Only the members of the Gremory Clan knew about this and Grafia had become a nanny for Millicas while his mother was taking care of her promotion to become a high-class devil so that Sirzechs could finally reveal his real wife to the world.

Grayfia had been on a lot of dates while trying to find her other half but the devils she dated only looked at her as the strongest Queen of the Underworld, not the woman she always want to be.

Until she saw Naruto who had finally returned from his mission in Heaven.

When Naruto first joined her master's peerage, she looked at him as an unfortunate child who got caught in the fight between Sirzechs's household and their enemy. The feeling began to change as he grew up, she looked at him like the little brother she had lost during the War, always wanted to take care of him and help him with anything he needed. At the time, Grayfia thought her duty as a maid was the thing that made her take care of him like she was his personal maid but the duties at Lucifer's castle always made her too busy to look after Naruto. And when he looked at the escort mission Sirzechs had personally assigned him, she wanted Naruto to decline it and stay at the castle with Rias, the two of them had grown pretty closed to each other at the time after all.

When Naruto returned home after two years, she couldn't believe the young man standing in front of her used to be the blonde haired boy running around the garden with Rias on his shoulder, shouting along with her in happiness like any child would. He had changed so much in only two years, the cute blonde haired boy was gone and was replaced by a handsome young man who happened to appear in every wet dream she had at the moment.

A blush appeared on Grayfia's face when she remembered her dream from last night but quickly shook it off and returned her expression to what she was used to. A stoic, stern maid who would punish her master whenever he forgot his duty as the leader of the underworld. For some reason, Grayfia always felt really jealous of Rias, she always got Naruto's attention first. Even when he returned home, the first thing he asked about was his childhood friend.

When Sirzechs asked his peerage who was going to deliver his message and the recorder of Rias's first Rating Game against Riser, Grayfia had raised her hand a little too fast for her liking but nonetheless was very eager to meet Naruto alone. She was really worried though, he came to Sirzechs's office one day and went out while holding a bag full of missions with a smile, no one should be able to finish all of those missions in only one week yet Naruto had done them and put into his bank account a huge amount of money.

When she saw the exhausted form of Naruto lying on his bed with a sleepy look on his face, she wanted nothing than make him stand on his knees and scold Naruto about overworking. However, Grayfia had quickly stopped herself before doing anything that would embarrass herself in front of him and that would be the last thing she wanted to do. Grayfia had tried to talk to him as calmly as possible but whenever she was near him, she always felt this weird feeling inside her chest and always felt another ugly feeling when she knew Naruto was going to crash this wedding to save his 'more than childhood friend'.

Sirzechs looked at Grayfia and smiled, his queen was strong yet was strongly falling for the youngest Pawn.Good for her, when they broke up, he was the first one to find true happiness, his other half and wished Grayfia that she could also find her happiness and really surprised when his surrogate little brother was the reason why his maid was acting weird lately. Damn that kid, truly a chick magnet, first his sister then her Queen and Rook, now the Maid…What next? A Maou?

Unknown to Sirzechs, Serafall was looking at Grayfia without her usual childish or happy look on her face. In fact, the black haired Maou was looking at his maid with very dangerous eyes.

Serafall scowled quietly, she didn't like the way Grayfia called the name of her 'Naru-chan'. Call it a woman's intuition but she smelled something really fishy here and that wasn't just because they passed a maid who was carrying a completely burned chicken. She could accept the fact she wouldn't be the first one in Naruto's heart, considered that Rias had already caught his interest but she won't lose to any other girl, especially not her former rival forthe title of 'Leviathan'.

Trying to act like her usual self as much as possible, Serafall jumped right in front of Grayfia and said cheerfully.

"You're right Grayfia-chan~After all~I know Naru-chan well too~So he would come home before we know it~!" In truth, Serafall only met Naruto when he came to deliver that message to her father but when you're the Maou of foreign affairs, you could understand other people with just a single meeting and Naruto didn't really have a hard to understand personality anyway. She smirked when she saw a tick mark appeared on Grayfia's forehead, someone was jealous and really pissed.

"Of course Serafall-sama, as the head maid of the Gremory Clan, I would probably take really good care of him when he comes back. After all, Naruto would be really tired if he came back from a dangerous mission like this!" The strongest Queen said calmly.

"Well~You do have your duty as head maid at Lucifer Castle, don't you? So you're probably really busy, so don't worry I could take care of him for you!"

"Naruto probably won't enjoy a Maou taking care of him. He would be really uncomfortable with you. And by the way..." Grayfia looked at Serafall's body up and down in an unusual 'Grayfia Lucifuge way', "Naruto probably wouldn't want to be taken care by a childish girl who is always dressed in a magical girl's uniform."

Serafall scowled, just a few more words and Grayfia would become as annoying as that bitch Gabriel.

But then, Serafall smirked.

"Really Grayfia-chan?" Serafall tiptoed and said quietly in a very seductive tone, unlike her usual childish tone "Grayfia, you should remember that before I turned into this form, I was the most beautiful devil in the underworld that could even rival that Gabriel!"

Grayfia's eyes turned sharp immediately and looked straight into Serafall's purple eyes without fear in her eyes. The two glared at each other while sparks were flying everywhere. Sirzechs looked at the two and quickly went somewhere, not wanting to feel their wrath at the moment.

'Damn Naruto-kun…You really are one of a kind!"


Issei slammed his hand to the table, drawing a lot of attention from the devils standing near them and looked around to his friends, who currently have a solemn look on their face.

"That's it, I'm going to save her!" Issei made up his mind and turned to the door.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around, only to meet with the sad face of Kiba.

"Don't Issei-kun, we can't do anything for her now."

"Kiba, what are you saying? You're her Knight right? A Knight has to protect her King no matter what happens right? So why won't you do anything?"

While Issei continuing to shout out that they must save their King, Akeno looked at the scene in front of her sadly. Rias had surrendered the Game and accepted marrying Riser, for the sake of her peerage, her family and her friends. Akeno cursed herself for her weakness, if that day she had seen Riser's queen use Phoenix Tears and hit her with fire magic when she turned around, she could have defeated Yubelluna again and helped Rias in her fight against Riser, everything would have been different right now.

Grayfia had come to the fallen peerage when they finally recovered from all their injuries, especially Issei, whose body was the most seriously injured and who had reached his limit and said that they could attend the engagement party if their want to, with one condition that is they don't do anything stupid or else their would be exiled from devil society for disturbing an honorable engagement party between two of the most power powerful Clans in devil society. However Issei was the most stubborn member, who wanted to save Rias from this engagement no matter what happened to him, even though he knew he didn't have the power to do that.

Akeno and the rest of Rias's peerage were standing in the ballroom dressed in the most elegant clothing they had. The Queen of Rias looked around the room and saw most of the devils who have assembled were young devils but their parents and some adult devils were also here too. Akeno could see most of them were high-class devils with also a few servants that came from their household to serve the devils.

Suddenly, two young devils approached them, one of them was a young bespectacled woman in her late teens with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes. She was dressed in a black, elegant dress with purple trim that suited her very well. Her name was Sona Sitri, the heiress of the Sitri Clan and also the little sister of the current Leviathan. Even though tension among Akeno's group was high, she still kept the stoic look on her face.

The one standing next to her was a handsome young man with black hair and violet eyes. He was very tall and had a muscular body due to the extreme training he had went through. His name was Sairaorg Bael, who is the next heir of the Bael Clan and the cousin of Rias and Sirzechs Lucifer. Sairaorg is known as the strongest young Devil at the moment.

"Sairaorg-sama, Sona-sama!" Akeno lowered her head to greet the two high-class devils. The rest also did the same while Kiba was explaining to Issei and Asia who they were.

"No need to bow Akeno-san." Sairaorg nodded his head in understanding, "I had heard about the Rating Game, I hope everybody is alright!"

"Thank you for your concern Sairaorg-sama."

"What about Rias, I haven't seen her came out of her room since two days ago." Sona asked, even though her voice was calm, she also very worried for her rival and best friend. After all, Rias had lost in the Rating Game that decided her future.

"I really don't know Sona-sama..." Akeno shook her head sadly.

"I hope she is alright." Sairaorg said and looked around the peerage and his eyes finally landed on Asia and Issei, "Oh, I'm sorry…My name is Sairaorg Bael, a pleasure to meet you!"

"My name is Asia Argento!" Asia lowered her head.

"Issei Hyoudou, a pleasure to meet you, Sairaorg-san!"

"Ah, the Sekiryuutei!" Sairaorg brought out his hand and shook the shorter boy's hand "I finally meet you Issei-kun, I heard you have shown yourself as a true Lion-heart at the Rating Game. I'm hope to have a match against you in the future, Issei-kun!" Sairaorg said cheerfully, making Issei blush a little than pale at the last part. Kiba had told him Sairaorg was considered the strongest young devil at the moment after all.

"Um, thank you Sairaorg-san...I think..."

"Akeno, can I ask you something?" Sona turned her head to Rias's queen, who nodded her head, "I heard the reason Rias challenged Riser was because of a person named Naruto Uzumaki. May I ask you who he is?" Immediately Koneko snapped the spoon in her hand and Akeno had a sad look on her face.

"That's right, I had heard about a young devil appearing with Rias in the party that the Phenex Clan organized three years ago." Sairaorg said, he was always curious about this Naruto Uzumaki, from what he had heard about him, Naruto was a mystery, not much was known about him, just the fact that he was always with Rias at the park or game center at the Gremory's territory and that he was also a very kind and polite boy.

"So, is he here? I want to get to know him."

"Sadly no, Sairaorg-sama." Akeno shook her head, she wanted to tell them the truth about Naruto but that information was top secret, only a few chosen devils know about his mission.

"Akeno-san, who is this Naruto Uzumaki?" Issei asked, inside his mind he felt he had heard that name somewhere but couldn't recall where it was "I had heard Buchou mention a lot about him, even Riser seems to know him?"

Akeno took a deep breath and looked at Koneko, who silently nodded her head. Akeno decided to tell them a few things about him but was very careful about the details.

"Issei-kun, the truth is, Naruto..."

"Rias-sama, it's me, Ravel. May I come in?"

"Oh, Ravel-chan...Don't be shy, please come on in."

The youngest daughter of Phenex Clan opened the door and stepped inside of the room, she could see her soon to be sister-in-law was sitting on her bed while looking at the beautiful crimson bracelet in her hand. The red head girl looked up and flashed a beautiful smile at Ravel.

"Rias-sama, you look so beautiful!" Ravel gasped, looking at the wedding dress Rias was wearing.

"Thank you very much, Ravel" Rias smiled, her voice quivering a little and tried to hide it, but Ravel saw through all of it, "Ravel, can I help you with something?" she asked.

"Rias-sama, about the Rating Game…."

"Don't worry Ravel, I had surrendered the Game, I had lost to Riser and I have to keep my word and marry your brother."

"B-B-But..." Ravel tried to reason, she knew what Rias said was true but she couldn't accept it. Her brother had won the game because he had a lot of experience and had better prepared than Rias's peerage.

"I said don't worry didn't I?" Rias shook her head at blonde "What's done is done now!" Rias stood up and went to her table and opened a small golden box and put the bracelet inside. Rias hesitated a little when she closed it.

Ravel bit her lip, a little forceful than normal.

"But what about him, what about Naruto-sama?" Rias flinched when she heard that name from Ravel.

"Don't Ravel!" Rias warned with a low voice, "This is my wedding day so don't say his name!"

"But Rias-sama, what if Naruto-sama is waiting for you...What if Naruto-sama is coming back?"

"Ravel...He won't come back..." Rias smiled sadly at the young Phenex girl. She was trying really hard not to cry now, whenever she heard Naruto's name, she always wanted to cry. She always used Naruto's leaving as an excuse but her life was about to change forever after the party tonight, so Rias guessed she could open up to Ravel, her soon to be sister-in-law and probably the one she will share most of her time with after coming to the Phenex Castle, "You know, Ravel...He was always kind, warm and very protective of me. With Naruto by my side, I always felt safe and a warm feeling always appeared in my heart" Rias smiled at the memory, the time when she spent with him, the laughter they shared with each other. When she fell and hurt her legs because she had slid on her roller skates too fast, he always let her climb onto his back and brought her to their house. When Rias was sad, Naruto was the first one that tried to cheer her up. She always remembered those times.

Rias looked at Ravel and smiled sadly, "But that's it, while he did everything for me, I didn't do anything for him, nothing to return his kindness for me. I looked just like a lost puppy or a love stuck girl who always followed him wherever he went, crying for his attention. Of course when time passed by, he would start getting annoyed with my presence and didn't want to be my friend anymore. That's why he accepted that mission even Nii-sama said he could refuse it, to get rid of me and stay away from me as long as possible."

"I wanted to win my first Rating Game to prove that I had grown up and finally be with him, to walk side by side with him, to prove to Naruto that I'm not the weak girl who always needed his protection. I always tried to be stronger, to be someone who deserves his love...I thought I had grown up but I hadn't...I'm still the weak girl I always was! I don't deserve to be with Naruto..."

After the words came out from her mouth, Rias felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulder, however her heart was still the same. She said all that but Rias still want to meet Naruto one last time, to say the words she always wanted to said to Naruto. Rias used to dream about her marrying Naruto when she grew up, just like any other young girl who dreamed about her crush when they were small.

But a dream was a dream and it was forever out of her reach now.

Rias looked at Ravel and saw a sad look on the blonde's face, she knew Ravel was a good girl and don't want the girl to make the same mistakes like her.


"Yes, Rias-sama?" Ravel lift her head at the call, she looked at Rias with sad eyes.

"When you grow up, please don't make the same mistakes that I did...Find the one who truly loves you and care for him, don't become like me, Okay?"

'But Rias-sama, I had given Naruto-sama my tears!' Ravel thought solemnly, she was feeling like she had betrayed Rias's trust. If Rias had told her the truth about her feeling, then she would tell her about her secret with Naruto. Rias might hate her afterwards but she would find out sooner or later when Rias became a member of the Phenex family.

"Rias-sama, the truth is …"

Suddenly, the door was pushed opened and Venelana stepped in.

"Venalana-sama!" Ravel bowed her head low to great the Lady of the Gremory Clan.

"No need to bow to me, Ravel" Venelana smiled warmly at the daughter of Phenex and then turned to Rias, "Rias, it's time honey, let's go!"

Rias took a deep breath before nodding her head and stood up and stood next to her mother and said goodbye to Ravel.

The blonde hair girl just stood there looking at the closed doors. It was time for the party now and she has to be there with her brother's peerage soon.

'Naruto-sama, please come back...She needs you!"

"Ajuka-san, please hurry up!"

"What the hell kid? I just came back, give me a break would you?"

"Nah, I really don't want to miss my best friend's engagement party."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I know Ajuka-san...But I couldn't let her live an unhappy life either!"

Ravel returned to the ballroom a minute later and began to talk to her brother's peerage like usual, she really don't want to face Rias's peerage now, especially that pervert Hyoudou Issei. Ravel turned her head to where their peerage were standing and smirked. The pervert wanted to destroyed this party, too bad for him though. And it looked like all the guests were present.

Suddenly, a giant yellow flame appeared in front of everyone which turned out to be Riser Phenex with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Welcome, all the devils that come from the honorable households, on behalf of the Phenex Clan, thank you for your presence here. The reason everybody is here is because I, Riser Phenex are going marry the heiress of the Gremory Clan, Rias Gremory. This is a event that will never be forgotten by our devils. Let me introduce to you my queen, Rias Gremory!"

The magical symbol of the Gremory appeared next to Riser and Rias appeared out of it, Riser smirked and took Rias's hand into his.



Issei and Asia called out to her but Sairaorg and Koneko had stopped the boy before he could do anything stupid. Rias turned her face to her peerage and mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' before turning back to Riser.

"Now, let's…"

"Well I hope I'm not late!"

Suddenly, the door of the throne room burst open and Ajuka Beelzebub stepped in with a smile on his face. He was welcomed by a lot of devils. After all he was the Maou who had disappeared on a mission two years ago, and now he was here, looking as bright as ever.

But the eyes of the few truly knew about his mission turned wide, if Ajuka was here, then that meant...

"What a great honor that the Maou Beelzebub could join my engagement party...!" Riser said out loudly, he was ready to say more but a sudden voice cut through Riser's speech.

"Unfortunately for you Riser, I have to say that this party is coming to an end!"

The owner of the voice quickly walked into the ballroom with a smile on his face. Rias's eyes began to water and a happy expression appeared on her beautiful face.

Akeno's eyes lightened up when she saw him and couldn't help but smile brightly, tears of happiness slowly fell down her eyes.

Koneko, unlike her usual self, had a small smile on her face, her onii-chan had finally come back to save her master and proved she was right when she believed he will come back no matter what happened.

Serafall was jumping up and down and shouting excitedly to him, if anyone wasn't looking at her childish expression, then they could have seen a small blush on her face. She had been right, Naruto had returned and became a very handsome and attractive young man.

Ravel mouth opened wide, the one she had given her tears to was walking into the room with a smile on his face. She couldn't believe what he had become in just two years and found herself really pleased that she had given him a part of herself that faithful day two years ago.

Lord and Lady Gremory let out a small sigh, they had thought Naruto wouldn't appear at the wedding on time but the one they considered at their own son had came to crash their daughter's wedding and would probably bring them a lot trouble afterwards. Lord Phoenix looked at the two curiously while Lady Phenex was eyeing Naruto carefully, after all, he would be her son-in-law soon and she wanted the person for her little girl to be perfect.

The whole crowd became silent as the young man just walked into the ballroom. Sairaorg was looking at him with a smirk on his face, the guy sure knew how to make an entrance.

Rias shook her hands off Riser and ran to the other blonde with a smile on her face, he opened his arms a little to welcome her, but then...


Rias slapped him across his face, making the blond stumble back a little, he had expected this but didn't think she could slap this hard.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" The heiress of the Gremory Clan shouted out angrily, tears fell down freely from her eyes and luckily for her she didn't put any mascara on, "AND DON'T LIE TO ME, NARUTO UZUMAKI!" She continued to scream when he got stood back up.

"I'm sorry..." he said quietly.

"Didn't you know how much I missed you?"

"I had promised to you that I will come back hadn't I?" He smiled and brought out his pinkie finger to her, Rias's angry expression slowly disappeared and was replaced with her beautiful smile. Rias also brought out her finger and locked it with him but this time when their pinkie fingers locked with each other, she had pulled him toward her in an embrace, she didn't want to let go off him, afraid that if she let go, he will disappear just like two years ago.

Naruto Uzumaki, her childhood friend, the one she had grown feeling for had finally returned to her.

"YOU...!" Riser roared in anger and directed his eyes to Naruto, who was currently returning Rias's hug.

"Looks like you remember me Riser!" Naruto smirked and gently moved out of Rias's tight embrace. It took a little effort but she finally let go off him. However, the moment Rias let go of his body, she quickly hugged his right arm, making Naruto a little uncomfortable because her large breasts were pressing tightly into his arm.

"You, how dare you tried to stop this important party?" Riser roared "A lowly class devil like you shouldn't be here to begin with!"

"Riser...Let me ask you something." Naruto said calmly, a little different than his normal tone, "Do you love her, do you actually love Rias?" His question made the eyes of every devil present inside the room turn wide, including Rias at the question.

Riser instantly roared out in laughter and answered Naruto.

"Of course I love her!" Naruto rise an eyebrow at his answer, "I mean, look at her body, who wouldn't love that body of hers?" but instantly regretted his speech because everyone was looking at him with disgust in their eyes, especially the young devils and of course with the exception of Riser's peerage loyal members, were all looking at him with angry expressions on their faces.

"I thought so.." Naruto nodded his head at Riser, he closed his eyes and shook his head. The guy sure hasn't changed his ways even after two years.

"Then I demand you to stop this engagement now!"

The room, which was currently silent was instantly filled with whispers when Naruto said that.

"Did he really just say that?"

"Wow, he really means it, just look at his face."

"You mean...That handsome face?"

"Oh no...I feel something big is going to happen!"

Rias tighten her grip around Naruto's arm and pressed her body into him even more than before, a part of her wanted to rub this into Riser's face about the fact that she loved Naruto and he won't have her. Another part of her really surprised that Naruto was ready to going through all this trouble to save her from this engagement, while being really happy about that, Rias couldn't help but feel worried for him.

"Really?" Riser roared in laughter but his eyes instantly turned wide when he saw Naruto's cold blue eyes appear right in front of him. No one, except for the powerful devils like the Maou and the experienced ones saw his movements, even Rias, who was clinging to Naruto's arms didn't feel anything happen until she realized she was right in front of Riser with Naruto.

"I said..." Naruto said with a deadly tone, his power began to rise at an astonishing level "...Cancel the engagement, or I will make you!" the ballroom began to shake violently and cracks began to appear on the walls.

Riser gulped, this was the first time in his life he found himself speechless and couldn't control his body.

The pressure then disappeared just as suddenly as it began.

"Well, Naruto-kun and Riser-kun, may I interfere for a moment?" Sirzechs suddenly appeared beside Naruto and Riser with a bright smile on his face. Grayfia was standing behind him with her usual stoic look on her face.

"There is no need for your concern Sirzechs-sama." Riser gathered his confidence and ego back and turned to the crimson Maou with a respectful tone, "I believe I can handle this matter by myself, there is no need for someone with your status to be concerned about something like this!"

"Don't worry Riser-kun, I have something in my mind that would make things really interesting!" Sirzechs continued to smile brightly and put a hand on Naruto's and Riser's shoulder "I want you, Riser-kun to prove your strength to everyone again but this time against Naruto-kun here."

"What?" Riser looked at Naruto up and down, except for the fact Naruto was as tall as Riser, he really didn't look much as a fighter. Then again, all low class devils were the same, maybe that incredible power wasn't coming him, probably just an act "You want me to fight him Sirzechs-sama? Me, a high-class devil with the power of immortality and the fire of the legendary sacred bird Phoenix, against him, a lowly devil...This is must be a joke Sirzechs-sama. The result can already be decided Sirzechs-sama!"

Rias looked at Riser with an angry expression on her face, her crimson aura began to appear around her and her face darkened. Akeno was looking at Riser dangerously while her hand was cracking with lightning, the lightning she inherited from her father. Koneko really want to jump at Riser and beat him until he couldn't even think straight. Serafall was trying her best to control herself, if not for the status as a Maou holding her back, she would have frozen him for the rest of his immortal life and threw the iceberg into the deepest part of the underworld.

"Well, Riser-kun...The real reason is I want to test out the power of my newest and last Pawn!"

Gasps could be heard all over the ballroom, to think the last member of Sirzechs's peerage was someone so young.

Riser rose an eyebrows at Naruto and said

"Well, if you're Sirzechs-sama's Pawn, then you probably a little challenge for my power. But it won't change anything...Sirzechs-sama, why did you choose a weak devil to be your Pawn, the members of your peerage are all legendary, so why choose someone like him...? Trash will forever be trash." Riser shrugged his shoulder,"Fine Sirzechs-sama, I accept your terms." And turned around.

"Wait Riser!" Naruto called out to him "I think the difference in power between us is too much." He crossed his arms across his chest and took a thinking pose.

"Of course!" Riser laughed, "You could never defeat me, the gap between our powers is too big!"

"No, I didn't mean that...I meant that if I fight you alone, it wouldn't fair to you!" He slapped his hands together, "That's it, how about I fight you and your peerage at the same time, one versus sixteen!" Naruto said it like it was the best idea ever making the devils in the ballroom drop their mouth in shock.

"You...You...Damn it. If you want a beating that much, I'll gladly indulge you."

However Naruto interrupted him again, "Of course, IF I manage to defeat both you and your peerage, you must transfer your entire peerage to me. Surely you aren't afraid of losing against someone like me do you?" Naruto smirked at Riser in challenge. Everyone there could see that Naruto was blatantly baiting Riser. However Riser's ego and pride wouldn't allow him to decline a challenge like in front of so many witnesses.

"FINE!" Riser roared, "There's no way me and my Peerage can be beaten by rabble like you anyway. Girls, follow me!" His peerage quickly followed him while muttering something in shock about Naruto, mostly about his condition if he wins. Ravel was the only one looking at Naruto with a worried look on her face before following the rest of her fellow comrades.

The devils quickly went to the Gremory household's garden, where the fight between Naruto and Riser would take place. Everyone was really excited because they was about to see the power of Naruto Uzumaki, the mysterious Pawn of Sirzechs Lucifer. The ones most excited were the young devil girls, all of them really wanted to see if Naruto was as strong as he thought he was.

When everyone had went outside, only Rias's peerage, Sairaorg and Sona remained inside. Rias was still clinging to Naruto's arm when he walked to them. When he was closed to them, he quickly being hugged by a tearful Akeno and a very happy Koneko.

"Oya~It's been a long time isn't it? Akeno-chan, Neko-chan!" Naruto smiled at the two girls who were hugging him while Rias was looking at the two with jealousy clear in her eyes.

"I wanted to meet you so much Naruto-sama!"


After a minute, both of them let go off Naruto and Akeno shocked him with her lightning magic while Koneko punched him straight in the stomach, hard.

"Well, I guess I did deserve that." He said dryly while chuckling and holding his stomach. Rias had let go of his arm and was scolding Akeno and Koneko for hurting him too much. Then she remembered Naruto's condition if he wins and punched him in the stomach again just as he was about to recover sending him to his knee again. When the three of them asked why Naruto made a condition like that with fire burning in their eyes. Naruto chuckled and stood up to explain.

"I don't really know why I did that myself but I was able to see that Riser's Peerage weren't really happy. Yes, they are absolutely loyal to him and would do anything for him but I can know that deep down they aren't truly happy because they know that Riser would never look at them as they look at him."

Naruto took a deep breath then continued, "The moment when Riser said he loved Rias's body, I saw that while they were not disgusted and even supported him, all of their moods had gone down. I just...I just don't like standing by and watch others be unhappy, not if I can help it. So I will win this fight, not just for Rias but also for the other girls and bring them over to Gremory Castle and try to make them happier. I don't know if I can do it but I will try my best."

All of them just stood in silence when they heard Naruto's speech, they were giving him looks of admiration while Rias, Akeno and Koneko felt very happy that the one they had feelings for had grown into such a fine man. Sairaorg considered him as a true lion hearted man and planning on fighting against him in the future just like Issei who also felt Naruto truly deserved a harem and planned on helping him achieve it.

After a while, Naruto stood up, he looked at the other members of Rias's peerage, he had known them from the recording of the Rating Game between Rias and Riser. But he guessed he had to introduce himself first.

"Well hello guys, the name's Naruto Uzumaki, I guess Rias or Akeno had told you guys about me!" Koneko was of course too quiet and timid to talk about anything if she didn't want to, so he guessed either Rias or Akeno had told them about him. Naruto brought out his hand and smiled.

"Hello Naruto-senpai!" Kiba was the first one to walk up to Naruto and shake his hand, "I'm Kiba Yuuto, Rias-sama's Knight."

"Hello Kiba-kun...By any chance is Souji-nii san is your master?" Naruto asked, while the boy had a very useful Sacred Gear, Naruto could see that his sword style was the same as Souji, even though he was still not as good as him but the stance was the same. Kiba had the aura of a Knight around him, looks like Rias had chose a very good Knight for herself.

"Yes Naruto-sama, Souji-sensei is my master!"

"Then good, you will become really strong someday, so become strong eh Kiba-kun?" Kiba nodded his head to thank Naruto and took a step back for Asia.

"Asia Argento, It's nice to meet you Naruto-sama!" Asia introduced herself with a bright smile and bowed her head to him, though Naruto could hear the nervousness in her voice.

"No need for the '-sama' part Asia-chan!" Naruto smiled kindly at her, he could feel that the girl's soul is really pure, a trick he learned from Gabriel.

"Yes, Naruto-san!"

And the last one of Rias Peerage was none other than the super pervert boy Hyoudou Issei. Naruto had deleted the memories about him from the boy's mind but left a few details back for the boy so he shouldn't be able to recognize him right away.

"My name is Hyoudou Issei, a pleasure to meet you Naruto-senpai!"

"Ise-kun, holder of the Boosted Gear, aren't you?" The brunette nodded his head, "Well Ise-kun, you still have a long way to go to become a true Sekiryuutei. So what is your dream?"

"To become the HAREM KING!" He roared both excitedly and shamelessly, making Naruto sweat drop a little. Really, even though he had seen that coming, he still couldn't believe this boy could easily get excited by that idea. He could hear the cracking sound of Koneko's fist and chuckled. Koneko really hates perverts, so Naruto guessed she is the one who put Issei in place when he got too excited with a woman's flesh.

"Well, good luck Ise-kun!" Naruto nodded his head and shook the boy hand.

Naruto turned to Sona and quickly introduced himself to her. He had seen her before at the high-class party but this is the first time he had ever talked to the famous Sona Sitri, one of the most intelligent girls in the underworld. She's also the sister of Serafall Leviathan, the So-tan that Serafall was so crazy about.

And lastly, when Naruto was ready to go to the garden, he came face to face with Sairaorg, the strongest young devil at the moment. Even though he was powerful, Naruto could felt the warmth and kindness coming from him, the power Sairaorg was keeping inside him was also really incredible.



They looked at each other for a bit before caught each other's hand in a hand shake.

"Show me what you got Naruto-san!" Sairaorg smiled to Naruto, he was really excited now.

"I won't disappoint you Sairaorg-san!" Naruto smiled back at him with confidence in his voice "Just you watch!"

"Are you sure about this Rias, I mean I know that you believe in his power but don't you think this is a little too much, one person fighting against all sixteen members of Riser's peerage, one of top ten peerages in the underworld!" Sona looked at Naruto, who was doing some stretching exercises to get ready for the fight, his opponents were standing glaring at him like he was an insect, firmly believing that he was no match for them.

"Don't worry Sona, he will do just fine!" She knew that Naruto was probably stronger than two years ago. After all, he had gave her brother's Peerage a run for their money when he was just twelve years old, so handling Riser's peerage would be fine to him. Still, a frown slowly made its way to her beautiful face, if Naruto was stronger now, it meant the gap between her and Naruto was wider than ever.

"Before the fight begins!" Sirzechs said out loudly to both sides, all the spectators was here to watch the fight at the middle of the garden, with a barrier created to avoid any harm to the spectators of course. "Naruto-kun, if you win this fight, what do you want as the reward? The strongest peerage, the most beautiful woman in the underworld or..." Sirzechs whispered loudly, "Even free tickets for free ramen for the rest of your life!" Just as Sirzechs finished, everyone in the stadium all looked at Naruto with a confused look on their face. Sirzechs smirk grew wider when he saw Naruto flinch. Because of him living in the castle and eating luxurious meals all the time, no one knew about his addiction for the unhealthy food called ramen except for Sirzechs, who happened to invite him for a late night meal when they just got back home from a meeting.

"Well, the ticket sounds really good..." Naruto scratched his chin while Rias's mouth dropped to the ground, she really couldn't believe that he would chose some stupid tickets for some unhealthy food over her.

Naruto coughed slightly when he noticed Rias burning a hole into his back, "Well, I already have an agreement with Riser saying that he hands over all of his Peerage to me if I win, isn't that right Riser?" Naruto smirked at a fuming Riser. Everyone nodded in agreement because they all had saw Riser accept his condition with their own eyes after all.

"But..." Naruto continued, "I also want you to cancel this engagement and let Rias chose whoever she want to be with, that's all!" He looked at Rias and winked at her, making the red haired girl blushed furiously.

"I must say that you're really brave Uzumaki! However! That will not help you win this fight!" Riser who had regained his confidence, smirked "Let's get this over with so that we can return to the party."

"Well then, if everyone was ready, let's begin!" Sirzechs announced loudly.

"Deal with him Mira!" Riser called out to the blue hair girl who was holding a wooden staff in her hand.

"Hai...Riser-sama!" Mira nodded her head and ran at Naruto with extreme speed, her staff out and ready to strike him but before she knew it, Mira felt a hard punch connect with her stomach. Before she could look down, blackness had engulfed her vision and her unconscious body slowly fell lifelessly to the ground.

Every spectator's eyes turned wide at the speed of Naruto, all they saw was a blur coming straight at the blue hair girl and the sound of a hard punch cutting through the silence of the stadium.

Naruto quickly caught Mira's unconscious form and gently put her on the ground and looked up to Riser.

"Well, what are you waiting for Riser? An invitation?" Naruto said calmly.

The two green haired girls charged at him with their chainsaws activated. Naruto pulled his sleeves up and touched his arm, where some seals became visible. Two tri-pronged Kunai appeared out of the small puff of smoke. Naruto caught the kunais with both his hands and used them to block the chainsaws without any problem and pushed them back.

"He's pretty strong isn't he, Lle?"

"That's right Nel!"

They both talked in an innocent tone, Naruto was about to make his next move when he felt two magical signatures behind him and jumped up, avoiding two punches from behind by the two cat girls named Ni and Li. Naruto looked at them back at Lle and Nell, that Riser sure loves to take twins into his peerage.

The attacks from Riser's peerage didn't stop. As the rest of Riser's Pawns attacked him all at once. Naruto crouched down to avoid the double chainsaws and blocked two punches from the cat girls, those cat girls sure knew how to fight in hand-to-hand combat but fortunately were no where near Koneko's brutal strength. The twins continued to attack him as best as they could while the rest of the Pawns tried to strike him while he was occupied but no matter how they tried, Naruto was too fast for them and saw through all their movements.

However Riser still didn't think much about Naruto, his smirk widening when he saw Naruto being pushed back by his Pawns.

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Rias muttered with worry in her voice.

"Don't worry, he's toying with them." Sairaorg smiled to encourage his cousin.

"Yeah, don't worry about that annoying skill of him!" Beowulf said with a smirk, looks like Naruto had found a way to summon those kunai faster than before.

True to Beowulf's words, Naruto dropped his kunai onto the Pawns looked at Naruto, thinking they had hurt his hand to the extent that he couldn't hold the kunai anymore but their eyes widen in surprise when Naruto disappeared in a flash of yellow, making all the people in the stadium, except for the ones who had known his powers become confused. In a blink of an eye, Naruto reappeared under Li, and hit Li straight in the chin with an uppercut, sending her flying high into the sky before landing on the ground unconscious. Angry because of her sister being defeated, Ni charged Naruto with a furious expression and tried to punch him. She failed as Naruto disappeared again making her fist go through the air harmlessly, he reappeared behind her, holding the kunai in his hand and slashed her across her back. Naruto made sure not to hit any critical points in order not to hurt the girl too much, the cat girl fell to the ground with a dull thud.

The remaining Pawns looked at him with nervous eyes, seeing him holding some more kunai in his hands.

"What are you waiting for?!" Riser shouted out angrily, he thought his Pawns were enough to take out this 'lowly' devil but he handled himself better than any devil he knew, "Finish him off already!"

Lle's and Nell's chainsaws burst into flames and they once again charged at Naruto and brought their chainsaws down on his head. Naruto simply took a step back and let the fire chainsaws hit and destroy the ground. Naruto then calmly took a few steps forward and slammed the hilt of his kunai on the back of their neck, knocking them unconscious before throwing the two kunai forward. The last members of Riser's Pawns who attacked trying to stop the blonde, saw the kunai pass them harmlessly and thought he missed but just as the weapons passed each of them, Naruto appeared and disappeared in flash after flash of yellow and attacked them in weak points like the gut and the solar plexus to knock them unconscious.

Riser had his eyes wide opened in shock, all he had seen was a flash of yellow and his Pawns fell to the ground bruised and unconscious. His eyes turned even wider when Riser realized that two tri-pronged kunai was head straight at him, the remaining members of his peerage only managed to stop one of them as the last kunai sailed passed them and flew at Riser's head.

With no other choice, Riser brought out his flaming wings and used it to shield himself from the dangerous weapon. Flashing again, Naruto had appeared in front of Riser and punched him, his hand going the flaming wings and directly into his stomach.

"GAah!" The punch was no normal punch, it had enough force to create a hold in his stomach if not for his healing ability. Naruto pulled his burned hand back and saw a magic circle appear beneath him. Before Yubelluna could activate her magic, Naruto jumped high into the sky and avoided the large explosion.

Deciding to show 'The Bomb Queen' the true power of fire, Naruto decided to use the fire abilities he had learned two years ago when he saw a dragon breath fire, an idea appeared in his head at the time and the next thing he knew when he tested the the idea, he could breath fire just like a dragon.

Breathing in deeply, Naruto put a hand in front of his mouth and yelled out, "Katon: Gokakyuu no Jutsu!" and breathed out a giant fire ball, which headed straight towards the Bomb Queen. She put her staff forward and created a fire ball that was nowhere near Naruto's with her own magic.

Before the fire balls could connect, Riser got back up and uses his own Phoenix's fire ball and threw it at Naruto's making the two fire balls disappear after colliding together in an amazing show of power. Naruto smirked, fire really was the element of the Phenex clan, he turned his head to Ravel who had her wings out but didn't attack Naruto. Naruto wandered why as she was the only one at the moment who could land a hit on Naruto considered the position she was in. In fact, Naruto was pretty surprised when Ravel had agreed to become a Bishop for her brother's peerage.

Naruto landed on the ground with a light step, his right arm burned badly, the flame of Phoenix actually being stronger than any other flame out there. He could hear his childhood friend shouting for him to stop, his right arm was completely useless because of the burn now and she don't want him to fight any longer.

Rias looked at Naruto's right arm in worry, she didn't know why he punched through Riser's wings like that when he could have attacked Riser with a better way. Blood was dripping to the ground and she could smell burnt flesh even from here.

Ravel looked at his right arm and felt a feeling of pain inside her heart. If he used her tears right now. He could heal it and continue to fight for Rias but then the devils would know about the connection between them and it would become a mess. She really didn't want gossip right now. If she was honest with herself however, that was only part the reason Ravel did not attack him or more like couldn't attack him.

Riser smirked at the sight of Naruto's burnt arm and shouted victoriously,

"So what are you going to do now Uzumaki? You only have one arm to fight with now!" He laugh along side his peerage with the exception of Ravel, she really wanted him to use her tears right now, no matter the consequences. Ravel could see that her mother's gaze was directly at her and easily understood what her mother's meaning.

"Naruto-sama please..." She began, drawing a lot of attention from both the spectators and her brother's remaining peerage. Naruto on the other hand, just held up his good arm and stopped her.

"No need to worry Ravel-chan." Naruto smiled kindly at her before returning his eyes to Riser, who was astonished when Naruto's right hand began to heal at a rapid pace, "The Phenex Clan aren't the only ones who have the power of healing." He finished and brought his right arm up to reveal it completely healed with not a single scar or even scratch.

'Thank you my friends!' He thought with a smile.

"Impossible!" Riser screamed in disbelief, as did the spectators except for the three Maou.

"Well then, now that the problem is solved, prepare for the beating of a lifetime, dattebayo!" Naruto said with his catchphrase at the end, making all the girls in the stadium coo excitedly. The young boy was not only handsome, attractive, gentle, kind and incredible strong, he is now also revealed as having a really cute side.

Isabela and Xuelan, Riser's Rooks, were the first ones to react, charging at Naruto with their fists ready. The two sent a barrage of punches and kicks at Naruto which Naruto avoided just like with the Pawns,dancing around their attacks with seemingly effortless grace. It was almost as if he was dancing to a beautiful song instead of being engaged by two opponents in fierce hand-to-hand combat. Isabela and Xuelan began to feel the pressure of facing a member of Sirzechs Lucifer's peerage.

Suddenly, Naruto caught their wrist and smirked.

Koneko slowly felt a familiar feeling in Naruto.

Naruto released the two Rooks, which they took the chance to try and quickly jump back to make distance with Naruto. The blond was far faster however and went to punch Isabela right in the face. She tilted her head and Naruto's punch hit the air harmlessly. The audience, especially Rias's group all groaned in disappointment. Xuelan smirked, maybe he wasn't as good in hand-to-hand combat as he was in using those strange kunai of his. The Chinese girl prepared to aid her comrades but then she heard a loud smacking sound and widened her eyes.

Isabela was hit on the face, the strength behind the punch being so strong that it knocked the mask from her face and the girl fell to the ground while wandering what just happened.

"What...what just happened? I thought Naruto-senpai missed her?" Issei asked the question everyone was thinking, it was clear that Naruto had missed her but something had the right side of her face and they saw nothing.

"Senjutsu!" Koneko looked at Naruto and explained to everyone with her voice still monotone, she could felt it hit that Rook's face but it was different than the Neko-ken she learned from her sister long ago.

The audience's eyes turned wide at that name, all of them had heard about Kuroka 'The Stray Cat', one of the most dangerous criminals running free out there. Kuroka was very well known among the devils because of her power, she had become insane because she couldn't control the power called Senjutsu and killed her master in her madness. And here this young man was using Senjutsu with no sign that he was losing control.

"Tch, lucky shot!" Xuelan said out and lift her fist that was covered in flames and began to attack Naruto with her kung-fu, she punched but he blocked it with his bare hand. The rook of Riser quickly used her leg and engulfed it in fire before kicking him, this time Naruto crouched down and dodged it. When she looked down, she saw him in some kind of weird stance that reminded her of a frog.

Before she knew it, Naruto had jumped up and used his legs to wrap around her waist. The power behind the jump must have been incredible as both her and Naruto were sent high into the sky, until he released her and unleashed a barrage of punches, striking her with calculated force. Even though Xuelan tried to block, she felt her guard being crushed by the strange power she could feel from him.

When their came back down to the ground hard, Xuelan had lost consciousness and her clothes had been torn in places by Naruto's attack, he put her on the ground before jumping back like a frog to avoid a surprise kick from Isabela.

"What are you? A frog?!" she asked angrily, as far as she could see, his fighting stance was just like how a frog moved around, the jumping, the stances, the way he put his hand on the ground, it looked just like a frog's.

Koneko's eyes turned wide at the mention of frogs. She finally figured it out, the fighting stance Naruto was using.

"What is it Koneko-chan?" Asia asked the white hair girl.

"No, not frog..." Koneko shook her head and pointed her finger at Naruto, who was continuing to jump around like he was playing with Isabela with even Riser and the rest of his peerage coming into the fight and attacking him. The group turned their head towards the usually quiet girl, "It's Toad...This fighting stance is called Toad-Kata."

"Toad-Kata?" Rias asked, confused at the name, sure Naruto looked just like a frog right now, but a toad?

"When using Toad-Kata, the natural energy used by Naruto-nii chan to create senjutsu energy also surrounds him in an aura of that same natural energy. This aura can act as an extension of their body and cannot be seen by anyone other than those who have trained in Senjutsu. By utilizing this aura, Naruto-nii chan can extend the range and force of his physical attacks, making strikes that would normally miss actually connect with the target."

As Riser's Knight, Karlamine tried to slash Naruto with her sword, Naruto caught the sword with his hands and smashed the sword into a thousand pieces while also catching Siris's Zweihänder and withstanding the force and shockwave of her attack without any trouble. He caught her and threw her onto Karlamine, sending both of them flying straight into the wall in front of him with so much force that they broke through the wall, dirt and debris flying everywhere.

"Not only that, this fighting style also enhances Naruto-nii sama speed, reflexes, strength, stamina and durability." Koneko continued as Naruto punched Mihae into the ground creating spider-web cracks, "Right now, Naruto-nii sama is just like a Rook without a promotion!" She finished and everyone thought about her meaning in shock, without a promotion and he already could do such amazing things. Not to mention that some of them knew he still has a lot of powers in his disposal.

Riser couldn't believe what is happening in front of his eyes, his peerage is being wiped out one by one by a low-class devil and all they did to him was burn his hand, before it healed back just like a member of the Phenex clan.

He couldn't lose Yubelluna right now, so he turned to his last choice.

"Ravel, attack him..."

"But, Onii-sama...I..." She tried to protest, she didn't want to attack him.

"I said attack him now!" Riser roared in anger, while the audience looked on in disgust. They couldn't believe he is forcing his own sister to attack someone that is obviously important to her judging by the events that happened so far.

"Yes...Onii-sama..." She closed her eyes and created a large fire-ball and shot it at Naruto who easily side stepped it, making it explode in the background harmlessly.

He then instantly felt someone holding his legs, looking down he saw the twins Lle and Nell were holding on to him like their lives depended on it. The two cat girls had also recovered and were holding his body and didn't let go. He could feel that they were stronger and thought that they must had been promoted into Rooks to do this.

Naruto inwardly cursed, he had let his guard down and now he was a sitting duck, a strong attack right now could seriously hurt him but he doubted the girls that the girls holding onto him will escape unscathed.

"Ravel-sama, attack him now while we hold him back!"

"B-B-But...!" Ravel stuttered in indecision, if she used her powers now, she could seriously hurt all of them and she didn't want that to happen, especially when they were holding onto Naruto.

"Don't worry about us Ravel-sama." Ni and Li tried to talk, their stomach and back still hurt a lot but they would do everything for their master "Do it now!"

"Do it Ravel or we will!" Riser smirked along side with his queen.

Ravel's shaking hand brought up and created a huge ball of flame above her head. She shot Rias an apologetic look before shooting the flame at Naruto.

Rias, who was worrying for Naruto, couldn't help but feel a little strange that when Ravel looked at her like she knew she had done something wrong.

The fireball was heading straight towards Naruto, he tried to break free from the girls. He could heal back after the attack but the girls would be seriously hurt after this. He decided he had no choice but using 'that' technique now.

Just as the fireball was about to reach him, it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Huh, what happened? I didn't do anything, the fireball just...Disappeared..." Naruto said out loud in surprise as he along with everyone else were confused and wondering about the events just now.

"I'm sorry!" Ravel felt to her knees and began to cry, the Phenex Clan especially her mother and a few high-class devils immediately understood what happened.

"Hm, I think I should think about my grandchild's name!" Lord Phenex scratched his chin and chuckled while Lord Gremory and Venelana were thinking of a possible way to make up with the Phenex Clan when Rias and Riser's engagement became void. Sirzechs was shaking his head with a small laugh, his little brother sure knew how to attract girls, while Grayfia, whose face remained the same, was gripping her maid outfit a little forcefully.

Rias's mouth opened and closed in shock as she couldn't believe what just happened, tears began to well up in her eyes. Akeno was still smiling but it was a cruel smile and her eyes were like the eyes of predator and were looking at Ravel, someone needed to do a lot of explaining after this. Koneko gripped the balcony barrier hard and it slowly began to crack under her strength. Serafall was gaping like a fish, she couldn't believe someone had made a move faster than her.

"Ravel...You gave him your tears didn't you?" Riser asked with a dangerous tone.

"Yes...Onii-sama..." Ravel admitted.

The audience once again gasped in shock as they finally understood what happened. they couldn't believe so much is happening in one day and half of those are secrets kept for who knows how long.

"Kiba, what's so special about her tears anyway?" Issei looked around the stadium and saw a lot of devils smirking, laughing and even cursing. He turned to Kiba and Sairaorg, who were chatting with each other about this news, "Isn't it just like any normal Phoenix's tears?" Asia nodded her head in agreement with Issei, she too didn't understand what it means.

"Well you see Ise-kun and Asia-chan..." Kiba began to explain to them while Sairaorg was trying to calm down his distraught cousin, "Ravel Phenex-sama is a full blood Phenex and her tears are very special to her. It is an old tradition of the Phenex Clan really and it is still passed down from generation to generation. A full blood female Phenex, will give her tears, a part of herself to the one she loves to protect them. Because the tears of the true Phenex could cure any wound and could save the user even when he is near death."

"That means…" Asia finally realized what it mean.

"Yes, basically Ravel had proposed to Naruto-sama!" Kiba finished.

"But what about the fireball?"

"Well, about that...The one who holds the tears can't be hurt by the Phenex that gave her tears to him, no matter how strong the fireball, it will disappear when it comes near Naruto-sama. Because after all, you wouldn't want to hurt the one you loved, would you?" Kiba asked.

"Okay." Naruto nodded his head after he heard Kiba's explanation about the tears. He didn't know the tears had another power other than healing wounds. He had wanted to give Ravel's tears back to her but a lot of troubling matters lately, especially this fight prevented him from doing so.

"You..." Riser gritted his teeth, "To think that you would become my brother-in-law, I refuse to accept that!" He flared out his wings and attacked Naruto with a powerful fireball. This time, Naruto was prepared, he broke free from the girls who were still holding on to him and summoned a few clones to pull them out of the way.


The Phoenix's fireball hit Naruto and exploded, creating a powerful shockwave that sent dirt and earth everywhere. Riser smirked and landed on the ground with his queen at his side.

"You don't care about them do you?" Came Naruto's voice from the blast area.

"So what, they are my servants, they have to listen to my orders!" Riser said smirking, "Weak devils have to submit to the strong and elite ones, like me, RISER PHENEX!"

"I was wrong about you about you...You're even worse than I thought." They heard footsteps coming from inside the flame and widened their eyes when Naruto appear with not a single scratch on him.

At first they thought Naruto's body was covered in fire but when they looked closely, they could see his appearance had changed. This form looked similar to Sirzechs's true form but was a different color and outfit.

Naruto was covered completely in yellow energy. His hair became wilder with two distinctive pieces of hair-like horns. His eyes had changed from blue to orange, and the energy that covered his body looked like flickering flames. He had swirl designs on his stomach, shoulders and black lines covered the front half of his body.

"WHAT ARE YOU?" Riser screamed in shock as he felt an incredible pressure press down on him and couldn't move his legs anymore. Suddenly, he heard something getting slammed and turned his head to the side, to see Naruto holding Yubelluna's head and slammed her to the ground with brutal force, his queen quickly losing unconscious.

The energy around Naruto began to materialize into a hand and grabbed Riser by his throat.

"Let's see how immortal you are!" he said in a voice that sent chills up everyone's spine and slammed Riser, head first into the wall and threw him and the piece of wall across the garden with his head still inside the wall.

A disfigured Riser emerged from the rubble, on the ground, panting hardly while his face began to heal back to normal but before Riser could get back up, Naruto appeared above him and drop kicked his shoulder. Riser screamed out in pain, however Naruto wasn't done, he created a Rasengan in his hand and slammed it against the Phenex's back making blood fly out everywhere as his body was slowly torn apart by the Rasengan.

Naruto stood up and looked at a defeated Riser, his back slowly healing back to normal again.

"You filthy trash!" Riser spat out, "Don't you understand? This engagement is very important and is necessary for the future of both our clans...Trash like you who doesn't know the rules cannot possibly understand something like this!"

Naruto crouched down to grab Riser's collar and pulled him up to eye level, and punched him in the face, resulting in Riser's face slamming back to the ground. He repeated this another ten times slowly creating a crater. After the tenth time, Naruto brought a nearly unconscious Riser facing him again.

"I have watched the recording of the Rating Game!" Naruto punched him again, this time still holding onto his collar "There are very few things that can make me angry in this world but YOU...You just about managed to do everything that would make me angry. One!" He punched Riser's face again, breaking the facial bones and watched his face quickly heal back to normal, "You look down on others and judge them by their birth and not their abilities. Two!" He slammed another Rasengan into Riser's body and waited his body heal back again, "You made someone precious to me cry, someone like Rias! And finally three!"

Naruto dropped Riser to the ground and created another Rasengan so Riser closed his eyes and waited for the pain to come. After a moment and not feeling any pain, he slowly opened his eyes and saw Naruto was holding a Rasengan and looking sadly at him, speaking in a quiet voice, "You don't value your comrades and view them as expendable. Even when they were willing to sacrifice themselves for you..."

"You say I'm trash who doesn't know the rules and I probably am but I do know one thing..." Naruto crouched down and stared into Riser's eyes so deeply that Riser thought that he was reading into his very soul. "Those who break the rules are trash but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash. You are worse than trash and you don't deserve your Peerage's loyalty. I'm glad that I'll be taking them from your hands. Think about what I said and think about someone other than yourself for once in your life."

Riser's Peerage who had all woken up now heard Naruto's entire speech and felt something strange in their hearts when they watched him speak out so passionately for the very people who until just a while ago were his enemies. He didn't even know most of them. All of them knew then and there that they will gladly serve under him.

Naruto slowly let his Rasengan disappear and stood up. For the very first time in his life, Naruto actually felt good when he beat the hell out of someone. If Riser didn't have the blood of the Phoenix inside his veins, he would have been dead by now.

Naruto stepped out the crater and looked around at the audience, maybe he overdid it a little.

Suddenly, a small sound of clapping was heard and the one clapping was non other than Lord Phoenix, he wasn't happy that someone had beaten Riser like that but he knew that someday, someone must put Riser in his place and show him that his power isn't all mighty before he makes a bigger mistake.

Everyone began to clap their hands and cheered out loudly for Naruto, soon the whole crowd was cheering for him. A funny feeling began to well up inside him and he couldn't control himself anymore.

"YEAH, I DID IT! HOW ABOUT THAT HUH?" He roared in excitement and cheered out loudly while waving his hands around at the crowd. Ravel slowly made her way beside Naruto and pulled his sleeves. Naruto stopped and looked at her with a curious smile on his face.

"Sorry Naruto-sama...I..."

"Don't worry Ravel-chan!" he rubbed her golden hair making Koneko's eye twitch violently at the gesture "What done is done now!"

Ravel smiled and nodded her head.

Naruto smiled but suddenly felt a negative emotion behind them and turned around, Riser was crawling back from the ground with a hateful glare. All his injures were healed now but he was really tired and hoping this attack will defeat Naruto.

Riser began to flare out his flaming wings again and readied to attack but suddenly Naruto's energy parted down the middle and opened up into a full-length cloak, revealing a black undergarment with three magatama on each side of his high collar. His seal's numerous swirl-patterns, which were located all over his body, opened up into complete, dark circles. His eyes become red and slitted.

Nine columns of yellow energy flared out everywhere and the air around Naruto and Ravel began to materialized into a giant fox's head, their body began to being lift up from the ground when the legs and the body finally appeared.


The giant fox with Naruto and Raven standing in its mouth roared at a frightened Riser, the third child of the Phenex family fell on his butt and passed out in fear.

The fox form slowly disappeared, leaving a wide eyes spectators with their jaws hung to the ground, what their just saw was the form of a Kyuubi no Yoko but the only Kyuubi they knew was Yasaka, the leader of the Youkai faction and her child who was still maturing.

"Na-Naruto-sama..." Ravel stuttered and looked at Naruto. However when she was in the fox head, she felt really warm, just like the feeling she felt when Naruto smiled at her, "Y-You're a Kyuubi? A youkai?"

"Maybe Ravel-chan...Maybe!" The energy around him disappeared and Naruto smiled to her but frowned, he could hear 'them' roaring in laughter inside of his mind. Naruto cursed under his breath, stupid animals.

"The winner of this fight, Naruto Uzumaki!" Announced Sirzechs proudly.

The first one to greet him was Sirzechs and his peerage, Beowulf being the first one making his way to the blond and held him in a headlock.

"Wow kid, looks like you're more than just a fighter now huh!"

"Nii-sama, it hurts, let go off me!" Naruto playfully tried to get out of his grip.

"Oh, the princess has appeared, come and get her Naruto!" Beowulf looked up and saw Rias's group coming straight at them. He 'accidentally' used a little too much force when pushing Naruto into Rias's open arms, so Naruto tripped before he could return the hug and his face crashed into Rias's breasts.

Time seemed frozen around him when he felt her soft and ample breasts with his face. Rias's eyes turned wide before she used her arms and hugged Naruto even tighter. The people around them were reacting in different manners. With Sirzechs's peerage, they were cheering in excitement while Issei was crying on the ground with a rain cloud over his head with Asia trying to comfort him. Lord Gremory took out a camera and took his daughter's picture with a smile, meanwhile Venalena was looking at the couple with a smile. Akeno, Koneko were shaking with jealousy but were happy for Rias. Nonetheless, they still have plenty of time to take Naruto's attention to themselves. Ravel both happy and jealous, happy for Rias but jealous of her too.

After thirty seconds, Naruto felt that it was finally enough and pulled back,"Wow!" Naruto smiled brightly at her, "I can get used to that, maybe I should save you more often!"

Rias smiled brightly back at him and released his neck but she still had a light blush on her face and hugged Naruto's arm.

"Thank you Naruto-kun!" She said happily "Please take care of me from now on!"

"Really Rias-chan?" Naruto scratched his head, "But I guess I have to keep my promise first, don't I" He grinned, "I will finally get to join Kuoh with you!"

Rias nodded her head and tighten her grip around Naruto's arms. The blond looked up at everyone and said out loudly,

"Now, who wants to party?!"

All of them cheered out in excitement, of course with the exception of the usual stern maid, the strict mother and the timid white haired girl.

When everyone came to the dining room for party, the parents came to the balcony to talk with each other in private.

"I'm very sorry about that Raven-san!" Venelana said while looking at Naruto, who was cheering with Koneko on his lap.

"Don't worry Venalana-san!" The lady of the Phenex Clan shook her head, "Naruto-san didn't do anything wrong, I'm actually glad that my son won't think so highly of himself anymore. He may even change his ways and eventually think about what Naruto said now."

"What about the engagement?" Asked Venalena.

"You can cancel it! The boy did win fair and square!" Lord Phenex smiled at Joseph Gremory, he turned his head to look at his daughter, who was trying to sit on Naruto's lap while pushing Koneko to the ground, "Besides, I think another engagement is coming near...I'm sure our family would be united in the near future!"

Joseph chuckled heartily, "I sure hope you're right about that!"

(Back with Naruto and the others.)

Just as they were having the time of their lives, Riser's former Peerage showed up, making everything come to a halt. Sirzechs's Peerage looked on with interest while Rias's were a bit on guard. They had fought before after all. Naruto went to greet the group.

"Hey girls, welcome to the party. I'm sorry about earlier. Did I hurt any of you too much?

The girls hearts fluttered as they noticed the concern in his voice and looked at each other, coming to a silent agreement. Yubelluna acting as their spokesperson crouched on her knees and said with the rest following her example.

"No need to apologize to us Naruto-sama. We are now your Peerage, your burdens are now our burdens, your troubles are our troubles. We will be with for as long as you want and will do as you command. We will stand by you when you face your worst enemies and enjoy your happiness when you are content. We are your Peerage!" They also had said these exact words when they joined Riser but this time they are much more willing to said them.

"Well..." Naruto scratched the back of his head, "If you guys are willing to go that far for me, it's only right for me to do the same right? So, you can guys can count on me!" He opened his arms wide, "Welcome to the family!"

Unknown to Naruto, the atmosphere at the party tensed up pretty quickly with the girls who are interested in Naruto looking at each other with stares that could freeze blood. The fact that Serafall joined halfway through certainly didn't make matters any better. The males wisely decided to retreat while Issei was crying again about how the title of 'Harem King' had already been taken by Naruto.

The one fact everyone knew for certain was, things are going to get a lot more interesting from now on.

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