
Naruto: Different Story

just a project for me, I don't know if I can continue it if ever I'm getting busy with college so enjoy what is on it. this is certainly going to be a harem, and the women I have had in my mind are quite extensive so there's gonna be a lot, I'm gonna try to give them as much screentime as I can, or provide them with their own stories but it's gonna be difficult considering how many are in my plans, and their not gonna be part of other anime perse but their gonna be part of a different franchise.

HikaruMC · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 13: Unsettling Moments

As Hiruzen and Jiraiya finished their conversation, a ripple appeared in midair, distorting the space around it. From this anomaly emerged a man wearing an orange mask with a single eye hole. His lone eye, cold and calculating, surveyed the village below. The masked man's gaze lingered on the Hokage Monument, particularly on the face of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. A moment of silence passed, his thoughts unreadable behind the mask.

Without a sound, he vanished, only to reappear moments later near a somber stone monument engraved with the names of fallen shinobi. He hid among the thick branches of a nearby tree, settling into a patient vigil. Hours passed, the village slowly returning to its rhythm of life.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Kakashi Hatake appeared, his movements purposeful yet heavy with a familiar melancholy. He approached the stone, his single visible eye reflecting deep emotions as he knelt before the engraved names. He began to speak, his voice low and filled with a bittersweet nostalgia.

"Rin, Obito, Sensei," Kakashi said, addressing the memorial. "A lot has happened in Konoha. We've faced another threat from within, but the village stands strong, as always."

He recounted the recent events: the desperate battle atop the Hokage office, the betrayal and subsequent death of Danzo Shimura, and the ongoing efforts to rebuild and heal. As he spoke, the masked man above listened intently, his presence cloaked by the dense foliage.

Kakashi's voice grew softer, tinged with personal reflection. "I keep thinking about the choices we make, how they define us. Danzo... he believed his actions were for the good of the village, but he lost sight of what truly mattered. I wonder sometimes, Obito, if we all struggle with that. Finding the balance between duty and humanity."

The masked man, hidden in the tree, felt a pang of recognition at the mention of Obito. His lone eye narrowed, the memories of a past life stirring within him. He continued to listen, his silent observation unwavering.

Kakashi sighed, his gaze fixed on the names before him. "Naruto... he's been through so much, and now he's facing even more challenges. But he's strong. He has the will of fire burning bright within him, just like you all did."

As Kakashi finished speaking, he stood up, his eyes lingering on the names a moment longer before he turned to leave. The masked man watched him go, a myriad of thoughts swirling in his mind.

Once Kakashi was out of sight, the masked man reappeared at the edge of the village, hidden in the shadows. His mission was clear: to gather information, to bide his time, and to strike when the moment was right. The recent turmoil in Konoha presented an opportunity, one he intended to exploit to its fullest.

But for now, he would wait, watching from the darkness, a silent predator lurking on the edges of the village he once called home. The faces on the Hokage Monument seemed to watch him back, a reminder of the legacy he sought to destroy and the new world he intended to create.

An Uchiha who had witnessed Naruto's transformation that fateful night hurried through the quiet streets of the Uchiha compound, a sense of urgency propelling him forward. The dawn light cast long shadows, highlighting the tension that simmered beneath the surface of their community. He soon arrived at the home of Fugaku Uchiha, the clan head, and was promptly ushered inside.

In the dimly lit meeting room, Fugaku sat at a low table, his expression stern as he listened to the report. The Uchiha informant relayed the details of Naruto's transformation, his voice steady but laced with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

"Naruto Uzumaki is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails," the Uchiha stated. "His transformation was a clear sign of the immense power contained within him."

Fugaku's eyes narrowed, processing the information. One of the clan members, sitting nearby, leaned forward, his tone conspiratorial. "We should use this to our advantage. If we can control the boy, we can ensure the Uchiha's dominance over Konoha. The Nine-Tails' power would guarantee our victory."

Unbeknownst to the men, Mikoto Uchiha, Fugaku's wife, stood just outside the door, having overheard the conversation. Her eyes widened in shock, and tears began to form as she clutched her hands to her chest. The revelation that Naruto, the son of her dear friend Kushina, was the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, was a devastating blow.

For a moment, Mikoto was overwhelmed by a flood of memories and emotions. She thought of Kushina's laughter, the bond they had shared, and the promise she had made to look after Naruto. The idea of using him as a tool for power was abhorrent to her, and she knew she had to act.

Mikoto's mind raced as she considered her options. She knew that sending this information to the Hokage was crucial, but she also understood the dangers of being discovered. Steeling herself, she slipped away from the door, her movements quiet and deliberate.

Mikoto Uchiha wandered aimlessly through the quiet streets of the Uchiha compound, her thoughts a turbulent sea of worry and sorrow. The revelations she had overheard weighed heavily on her heart. Naruto, the son of her dear friend Kushina, was the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, and now her clan was considering using him as a tool for their own power.

The morning sun cast long shadows across the compound, illuminating the stillness that belied the storm brewing within its walls. Mikoto's mind raced with conflicting emotions. She knew she had to inform someone who could help, but the urgency of the situation gnawed at her, demanding action.

Her son, Itachi, was currently out with his trusted team, which included Shisui, Izumi, and Mira. They acted as spies within the Uchiha clan, a delicate and dangerous task that required utmost secrecy and trust. As she wandered, Mikoto's thoughts kept returning to Itachi and his team. She didn't want to ruin their rare moment of peace, especially after the intense battles and losses they had endured.

The masked man, having observed Kakashi from his hidden perch, disappeared in a vortex of swirling air. As the vortex closed behind him, he found himself in a dark, dimly lit room. Shadows clung to the walls, and the only sound was the soft hum of energy reverberating through the air. The masked man's singular eye glowed ominously, reflecting the sparse light.

"You're back," a deep, gravelly voice emanated from the darkness. The black entity known as Zetsu emerged from the shadows, its form blending seamlessly with the gloom. Half white, half black, Zetsu's split form made it a creature of duality, a perfect harbinger of the cryptic news it bore.

"What have you learned, Zetsu?" the masked man asked, his voice steady and cold.

Zetsu's black half spoke first, its voice dripping with a malicious undertone. "Yahiko is dead. He fell during a skirmish with the Hidden Rain Village's forces."

The masked man's eye narrowed, the only visible sign of his reaction. Yahiko's death was significant; it meant the Akatsuki's leadership was now in flux, and an opportunity was presenting itself.

The white half of Zetsu continued, its tone more neutral but no less urgent. "This is the prime time to approach Nagato. With Yahiko gone, Nagato will be more vulnerable, more susceptible to influence. We can mold him to our purpose."

The masked man, known to some as Tobi, nodded slowly. "Yes, Nagato's pain and loss can be powerful tools. If we act swiftly, we can ensure he becomes the leader we need for the Akatsuki."

Zetsu's black half chuckled. "Nagato's power, combined with his grief, will make him the perfect weapon. With him leading the Akatsuki, we can expedite our plans."

Tobi turned his gaze inward, contemplating the next steps. Yahiko's death was unfortunate but not unexpected. He had always been the more idealistic of the trio, and idealists often met tragic ends. Nagato, on the other hand, possessed the raw power and conviction that could be harnessed, especially now that he was emotionally compromised.

"We will proceed with our plan," Tobi declared, his voice firm. "I will go to the Hidden Rain Village and offer Nagato the guidance and support he needs. He will understand that Yahiko's vision can only be realized through true strength and decisive action."

Zetsu nodded, its two halves moving in eerie synchrony. "We will prepare for your departure," the black half said. "The Akatsuki must be brought under control quickly. The other members will follow Nagato if he is strong and determined."

As Tobi turned to leave, Zetsu's white half added, "And remember, Nagato is the key. His Rinnegan is essential for our ultimate plan."

Tobi paused at the threshold of the dark room, his mind already racing ahead to the encounter with Nagato. The Rinnegan, the most powerful of the three great dōjutsu, was indeed crucial. With Nagato's Rinnegan, they could unlock secrets and powers long forgotten, moving closer to their ultimate goal.

"I know," Tobi replied, his voice a whisper in the darkness. "Nagato's pain will be the catalyst that brings about our new world."

With that, he stepped into the swirling vortex once more, disappearing from the room and leaving Zetsu alone in the dim light. As the shadows closed in, Zetsu's black half chuckled softly, while the white half remained silent, both parts of the entity contemplating the unfolding of their intricate plans.

In the Hidden Rain Village, far from the scheming shadows, Nagato knelt by Yahiko's grave, rain mingling with his tears. The loss of his friend weighed heavily on his shoulders, but within that grief lay the seeds of a new determination. The masked man, Tobi, was about to ensure those seeds grew into something far more formidable.

As the rain poured down, cleansing the village of its past, Nagato's resolve hardened. The time for dreams and ideals was over; now was the time for action. And in the coming storm, the Akatsuki would rise, reshaped by the hands of pain and manipulation.

She found herself near a small park within the compound, where children usually played during the day. Now, it was quiet, the shadows lengthening as the sun climbed higher. Mikoto sat on a bench, her thoughts churning as she tried to find the right words to explain the gravity of the situation to Itachi and his team.

In another part of the compound, Itachi, Shisui, Izumi, and Mira were gathered, their expressions relaxed yet vigilant. They were used to living with the constant pressure of their dual roles—loyal Uchiha clan members by day, spies for the village by night. Their bond was forged through countless missions and shared secrets.

Izumi and Mira, both skilled kunoichi, were crucial members of their team. Izumi's sharp mind and quick reflexes complemented Mira's strategic thinking and stealth. Together with Itachi and Shisui, they formed a formidable group that navigated the treacherous waters of clan politics and village loyalty.

Itachi and Shisui stood slightly apart, discussing their latest findings. Izumi and Mira joined them, their expressions shifting from lighthearted to serious as they listened. It was then that they noticed Mikoto approaching, her face a mask of concern and determination.

"Mikoto-san," Shisui greeted her with a respectful nod, sensing the urgency in her demeanor. "Is everything alright?"

Mikoto took a deep breath, looking at the four young faces before her, each carrying the burden of their own worries and hopes. "Itachi, Shisui, Izumi, Mira, I need to speak with you all. It's important."

They moved to a secluded corner of the park, ensuring their conversation would remain private. Mikoto explained what she had overheard, her voice low and urgent. "Naruto Uzumaki is the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails. Some within our clan are considering using him to ensure the Uchiha's dominance over Konoha."

Itachi's eyes darkened with understanding and resolve. "We cannot let that happen. Naruto is just a child."

Shisui nodded, his expression equally serious. "We'll need to act quickly and carefully. This could escalate tensions within the clan and the village."

Izumi and Mira exchanged glances, their faces reflecting the gravity of the situation. "We have to protect Naruto," Izumi said firmly. "And we have to find a way to prevent any rash actions from our clan."

Mikoto looked at them, pride and worry mingling in her gaze. "I didn't want to ruin your morning, but this couldn't wait. We need to protect Naruto and find a way to prevent further conflict."

Itachi placed a reassuring hand on his mother's shoulder. "You did the right thing, Mother. We'll handle this. Together."

Shisui stepped closer, his usual playful demeanor replaced with a steely determination. "We'll figure out a plan. And we'll keep Naruto safe."

Izumi and Mira nodded in agreement, their expressions resolute. They knew the stakes were high, and they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they stood there, the weight of the morning's revelations settled over them, but so did a sense of unity and purpose. They would face this challenge together, just as they had faced so many others. The bond between them was their greatest strength, and they would need every bit of it in the days to come.

Mikoto watched as her son and his team began to discuss their next steps, a mixture of relief and resolve filling her heart. She knew they would do everything in their power to protect Naruto and prevent further conflict. And in that moment, she felt a glimmer of hope for the future, even amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead.

I can't sleep, maybe it's the stress if it all, I didn't necessarily fuck up a project but I did everything so I'm kinda pissed still, maybe it's this feeling that keep me awake right now, so I continue to write to make me fall asleep, it seems to work as my eyes are growing tired, maybe I should write more to release stress rather than eat, I am a fat fuck hahahaha

HikaruMCcreators' thoughts