
Naruto: Did i Just Get Reincarnated as Gojo?

In a World where power is everything, Gojo finds himself reincarnated into the Naruto universe, armed with a unique System known as the Konoha Prosperity System. With each investment he makes in the growth and prosperity of the Hidden Leaf Village, Gojo becomes stronger, how Strong and Influenceable will he become?

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52 Chs

Chapter 48: Konoha's Kunai Must Be Washed Seven Times

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"Fourth Hokage, you will regret this!"

In the end, Danzo slunk away.

However, the expression on his face as he departed suggested that he was merely biding his time, plotting something in the shadows.

Minato rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. "I truly don't understand… why Danzo-elder holds such deep prejudice against the Uchiha."

Minato glanced at the group photo taken during his inauguration as the Fourth Hokage, which sat on his desk.

He suddenly noticed that Fugaku, the Uchiha clan head, and Danzo were standing next to each other in the photo.

"If only everyone in Konoha… could be as seemingly united as they appear in this photograph."

"Kaigetsu-kun, come take a look at this photo. Fugaku-clan head and Danzo-elder are standing side by side." Minato turned the photograph around.

The extent of the internal division within the village momentarily filled him with a sense of melancholy.

"No, Minato, if I were you, I wouldn't describe their positions like that," Gojo Kaigetsu said, casually glancing at the photo.

"Then how should I describe it? Danzo-elder and Fugaku-clan head are standing together?"

"I would say, the first person from the left is Fugaku-clan head, and the seventh person from the right is Danzo-elder."

"..." Minato took a deep breath. "Kaigetsu-kun, I know you're full of ideas. Tell me, is there any possibility that the Uchiha clan and Danzo-elder could achieve a grand reconciliation?"

Gojo Kaigetsu gave Minato a look that could only be described as one reserved for a complete fool. "That possibility… Minato, you might as well hope for the Raikage to issue a statement urging ninjas to read more books, claiming that knowledge can change destiny."


Minato chuckled awkwardly, then said meaningfully, "The Root organization under Danzo-elder's control is also a part of Konoha. Let him take Root to observe the first post-Third Shinobi World War mission outside the village, guided by Kaigetsu-kun."

"After witnessing the results, Danzo-elder might settle down a bit."

"Ah, Minato, you're still too kind."

"Enough, I'm the Hokage!"

The two exchanged smiles, the air filled with a sense of camaraderie.

Seizing the opportunity, Minato asked, "I've already issued the mission concerning Kirigakure in the name of the Hokage."

"According to investigations, apart from Kirigakure, the other four Great Shinobi Villages seem to be experiencing internal turmoil, though it hasn't escalated to the point of rebellion."

"Kaigetsu-kun, what do you plan to write for the next article on the front page of 'Iki'?"


Gojo Kaigetsu stroked his chin, lost in thought.

His initial plan was to focus on exploiting Kumogakure relentlessly. However, considering the current unrest across the shinobi world, he had some new ideas.

First, there was the Land of Earth. It was too… earthy, and Gojo Kaigetsu wasn't particularly interested. Moreover, Iwagakure and Kumogakure had a deep-seated rivalry, which could be used to keep each other in check.

He decided to set the Land of Earth aside for now.

Then there were Kirigakure and Sunagakure.

Kirigakure was already being targeted. Plus, with the upcoming joint operation between Konoha and Kumogakure to exploit them further, it wouldn't be wise to push them too hard, lest they retaliate desperately against Konoha.

After considering all options, only Sunagakure remained.

Sunagakure had been a significant source of lost prosperity during the previous Shinobi Wars. Now was the time for payback.

Gojo Kaigetsu cleared his throat. "I have a plan that can plunge Sunagakure into internal conflict!"


Minato's eyes lit up. "Have you already come up with the article?"

"Yes. If this article had been published in the first issue, the people of Sunagakure might have scoffed at it."

"But after two issues of 'Iki,' their sophisticated ninjas, nobles, pacifists, and merchants are likely already yearning for the Konoha depicted in the magazine."

"Therefore, even if the next article claims something outlandish, they will still be inclined to try it."

Gojo Kaigetsu wished he had a fan in hand. It would have perfectly complemented the dramatic atmosphere.

"Don't keep me in suspense!"

"The title of the article is-'Konoha's Kunai Must Be Washed Seven Times.'"


Gojo Kaigetsu's creative juices were flowing. He spoke clearly and rapidly:

[In Konoha, there is a ninja tool shop.]

[A vagrant villager from Sunagakure, living in Konoha, like the Konoha villagers, washes kunai at the ninja tool shop in his spare time to earn a living.]

[There is an unwritten rule in Konoha's ninja tool shops: all ninja tools must be washed seven times with water. The kunai washing job is paid per piece.]

[This vagrant villager earned very little after a long day's work. So, he had a brilliant idea: he started washing the kunai one or two times less.]

[As expected, his work efficiency greatly improved, and he earned the shopkeeper's favor, leading to a rapid increase in his wages. The Konoha villagers who also washed kunai to earn a living asked him for his secret. He didn't hide it, saying, "Look, is there any difference between a kunai washed seven times and one washed five times? Just wash it two times less." The Konoha villagers mumbled in agreement but gradually distanced themselves from him.]

[The owner of Ninja Tool Shop had two prerequisites for judging people: first, they had to be innocent; second, they had to be honest. Therefore, the shopkeeper only occasionally inspected the kunai washing process.]

[During one inspection, the shopkeeper used chakra to detect that the kunai hadn't been washed enough times and questioned the Sunagakure villager. He argued, "Doesn't washing it five times instead of seven still keep the kunai clean?" The shopkeeper simply said, "You are a dishonest person. Please leave."]

[The Sunagakure villager walked onto the street, indignant… To make a living, he applied for a kunai washing job at another ninja tool shop in the village.]

[The shopkeeper sized him up for a while before saying, "You're that Sunagakure villager who only washes kunai five times, right? I'm sorry, we don't need you!" He faced rejection at the second shop, the third shop… He hit a wall everywhere he went.]

[Not only that, but his landlord soon asked him to move out because his "reputation" was negatively impacting the work of other tenants (mostly Konoha villagers).]

[The official in charge of foreign affairs also spoke to him, hoping he would move to another country because he was affecting Konoha's atmosphere… Left with no choice, he packed his belongings and moved to another nation, starting over from scratch.]

[He bitterly warned other Sunagakure villagers who planned to make a living in Konoha, "When washing kunai in Konoha, you must wash them seven times!"]

[Upon hearing this story, a high-ranking official in the Land of Wind, who wished to remain anonymous, said, "My first reaction upon hearing this was shame, followed by reflection."]

["We should be ashamed of our villagers, of our citizens' dishonesty."]

["We should reflect on whether Konoha's invincibility in the Shinobi Wars is related to their practice of washing kunai seven times with water."]

["Because a kunai washed seven times represents the village's unity and ensures the sharpness of the metal for killing enemies."]


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