
Naruto : Determine Savior From Sinner

| ● Huvnn | One man's evil is another's salvation. "Death to all enemies of heaven". the story is a roller coaster of emotion if you like cold heart Naruto you're going to love this story _____________________________ | ● Huvnn |

Huvnn · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

Chapter 58 : Truths (1)

I'm done waiting. He's ready. The truth will be known, all of it. He's ready earlier than I thought he'd be. I thought it would take months, years even, but it would seem that was not the case.

Itachi is closer to coming home, closer to taking back his place in Heaven. Danzo is also closer, closer to joining the rest of the demons that have been sent to Hell.

We shall see how he takes the news, but I have a feeling it will all work out. And when it does, Konoha will have the service of another monster.

"You knew, didn't you?" Yugao asked from his bedroom door. Her hands were on her hips, and she was trying to give him an annoyed look, but she couldn't fool him. Even without his empathy telling him she was shouting for joy on the inside, her annoyed yet incredibly excited and happy face was enough for anyone to know the truth.

Hayate had proposed.

"I found out yesterday. Sorry, Yugao," he smiled, "but this was one surprise I had to let you experience." The purple-haired woman narrowed her eyes for a moment before she couldn't hold it back anymore and rushed into his room.

Her arms wrapped around him faster than he thought his sister could move. Was she always this fast? He was happy that Suzu didn't try to attack her like she did to everyone else who entered his room without his permission. It seemed like his pup was learning that family never had to ask.

"He said you approved." Her arms tightened around him. "That means the world to me, little brother." Her voice was shaky and she was trying her best not to shed tears. She was a badass, powerful kunoichi, and she didn't want to look like a little girl in front of the greatest shinobi in Konoha.

"I know, nee-chan." He rubbed her back gently. "I know." She didn't make any noise, but she didn't have to. His shoulder was wet, and he could feel the storm of emotions inside her. His approval of this marriage meant more to Yugao than anyone but Naruto could know.

He wasn't just her little brother. He wasn't just her captain. He wasn't just her best friend. He wasn't just her role model. He was her family, the only person she's ever been able to call that since… since her father passed, and that was when she was still in the academy. Naruto was the other piece of the puzzle for her, and she loved him with all of her heart. For him to accept Hayate as someone good for her, there was no greater proof that she had fallen in love with the right man. And then for him to actually like him… it was perfect. Nothing could ruin this.

Suzu started licking Yugao's cheek, her own way of cheering the kunoichi up. She still didn't know the difference between happy tears and sad tears. But that was okay, because she had plenty of time to learn.

Yugao smiled at the dog's gesture. "You know," she finally started. He felt her mischievous mind. "You're my best friend, Naruto-kun." He was just silent, a sullen look on his face. He now understood where this was going. "You know what that means, right?"

The blonde sighed.

Could a man really be a bridesmaid?

This was one of Hiruzen's and Naruto's favorite things to do. Atop the Hokage tower, the Lord Third Hokage stood, his Shadow to his right, amongst the children of the academy. Even though most of them were a little bored, Naruto could feel their respect and admiration for the leader of Konoha.

When he wanted to be, Hiruzen was everyone's grandfatherly figure. He had an aura around him that made him feel like the warmest man in the country. He treated his people with care and affection, and the entire village loved him. Most of the villagers and academy students had never seen his shinobi side. Not many of them could imagine him being the powerful god that he was.

The academy was being closed for the Chunin Exams, so the old Sarutobi decided to talk with them before they were excused from classes.

"In the place where leaves dance…" the Hokage began. His eyes were on the faces of the Hokage before him. "The fire burns…" He couldn't help but linger on the face of his sensei, the Lord Second.

"The shadow of the fire shines on the village…" He closed his eyes and turned around. When he next opened them, the faces of the shinobi and kunoichi of the future greeted him. It was strange though, because he did not see the faces of children. He saw the faces of the young men and women they would become.

His grandson was garbed in the Hokage robes. His two friends were next to him, the new elders. He saw boys and girls as the new jonin and chunin force. It was a beautiful sight indeed, and Naruto could feel it, and almost see it with his own eyes.

"Once again, new leaves sprout." He finished.

Most of the students didn't understand the meaning behind his words, but Naruto was proud that Konohamaru was able to get most of it. He understood the importance of the next generation. He truly listened to Naruto whenever they spoke, and the Uzumaki knew that he would become an excellent Hokage one day.

"Would you like to say something, Naruto-kun?" Hiruzen asked.

Naruto smiled, nodding his head. "Being a shinobi of Konoha means a lot more than most think." He took a deep breath. "We do the righteous work of god," here he looked at their Hokage, "so that Heaven may stay pure." He brought his sight back to the students. "As long as we have the Will of Fire, Konoha will always shine its light upon the Elemental Nations."

That confused the children even more, but they'd understand one day, and that would be the day they became something more than shinobi and kunoichi.

That would be the day they became Angels of Heaven.

"Alright class," Umino Iruka, the academy instructor said, "you're all excused. Have a nice break, and I'll see you all soon." With those words said, all of the students rushed off, eager to do whatever it was children did. All that was left on top of the Hokage tower was the Hokage, Naruto, and Iruka.

"You know, Naruto-san, you have a particular way with words." Iruka laughed. "It's like everything you say sounds so important, and even if you can't understand it right away, it always makes sense later." He shook his head. "And it usually happens when you need your words the most." He sighed. "It's amazing, and I wish I had the gift."

Naruto just smiled. "It's not a gift, Iruka-san." He turned to the village. "It's the truth. Once you understand the village, truly understand her, then you know what to say when talking about her." He chuckled. "She's just like a woman, she wants someone to protect her, to take care of her and treat her like she's the most important person in the world. And let's face it, she is."

Iruka shook his head again. "Like I said, a way with words." He bowed to the Hokage and his Shadow. "Have a good day, Hokage-sama, Naruto-san." When the two nodded their heads, Iruka took his leave, leaving the two most powerful men in Konoha alone.

"Are you positive it's him?" Hiruzen asked in his serious, Hokage-tone. He sighed. "Of course you are…" He knew that his Shadow wouldn't guess at something this serious.

"Whatever you ask of me, Hokage-sama, shall be done." Naruto replied. He was on his knee, and had his right fist over his heart. It was hard to kick ANBU habits.

"We wait and see who all is involved. We prepare for the coming battle." The Lord Third ordered.

"And after that, Hokage-sama?" The smile on his face said he knew the answer.

Even the Sarutobi found himself smirking.

"Death to all enemies of Heaven."

Naruto couldn't have said it better.


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