
Naruto Descendant of Shao Khan

This is not my story just bringing it over to webnovel the original is Uzumaki Kombat by VFSNAKE

xxwolfxx_0 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Conquest Begins

Naruto walked into Konoha with a small army of samurai bodyguards. They didn't need to protect him though. They knew first hand that their new Daimyo was on a level way beyond them and even the Shinobi in this village. With each step they took, the people of Konoha whispered to themselves of how the new ruler of Fire Country was a monster, and questioned how the samurai around the still growing boy could serve such a creature. Some of the guards were a bit surprised by this since the whispers were close to treason and yet Naruto paid them no mind. It was like their words were expected of Konoha and from its people while finding their words were empty as a dry well in a desert. As he walked through Konoha, the newly crowned Warlord, and Daimyo of Fire Country noticed Root Shinobi were tailing him.

"Why don't you all relax for a little bit. I have some important business to discus with some people in private," suggested Naruto and his samurai were a bit surprised.

"Are you sure Daimyo-sama? Shouldn't one of us be with you at all times?" asked one samurai while still looking around for any possible threats.

"Perhaps. But those I'm going to see soon would only disgust you since their ideals are in contradiction to your own. Don't worry though. They have neither the power nor the skill to defeat me," answered Naruto with the bodyguards looking at each other before bowing to him and then leaving his side.

"You were wise to have them leave Naruto-sama," said the Root Shinobi respectively, as he was ordered to by Danzo, and convince the boy to follow him.

"Why? Because you and the others in hiding were going to kill them?" questioned Naruto while looking behind him to see several Root Shinobi hiding in the shadows of the other buildings.

"Danzo-sama requests your presence," stated the Root Shinobi with Naruto letting out a chuckle.

"Requests? Don't you demands? The man doesn't make requests to anyone. He demands everything from everyone and respects nothing from everyone," replied Naruto with one Root Shinobi make a twitching motion with his hand to reach for a weapon for his insult to the war hawk.

"Nonetheless Danzo-sama still wishes to speak with you...in a private meeting," stated the Root Shinobi while Naruto let out a chuckle.

"Very well. But not now. I have a scheduled appointment with the Hyuuga Clan and being late would raise suspicion upon your Boss. We both know you wouldn't risk that," answered Naruto with the Root Shinobi nodding.

"After you are done then," replied the Root Shinobi before he along with the others just vanished deeper into the darkness.

"Fool," muttered Naruto before heading to the Hyuuga Clan Compound.

"Halt! State your business," said the Hyuuga Branch member guard.

"I'm here to speak to the Hyuuga Elders. They are expecting me regarding an answer to a proposition they sent me not that long ago to the Fire Country Capital from where I rule," answered Naruto with his crimson eyes burning with fury at these incompetent fools.

"I see. This way sir," replied one of the guards before he let escorted Naruto into the clan home and into the meeting room where the Hyuuga Elders were waiting for him.

Naruto also noticed Hiashi was not here and thus meant the man had no knowledge of this meeting.

"Daimyo-sama, how good of you to see us. When you sent word of meeting us in person, I think I can speak for everyone here when I say we were shocked, and honored that you would wish to speak to us about our offer," said one Hyuuga Elder rising from his seat to speak for the others on their behalf.

"I'm glad to know you are so willing to welcome me into your clan with opens arms. All things considered," replied Naruto with the Hyuuga Elders frowning slightly.

"Daimyo-sama?" questioned another Hyuuga Elder.

"Considering how I was hated, scorned, abused, and down right despised by the people of this village for most of my childhood, it is refreshing to know that the Hyuuga Clan does not follow the ways of such common people," answered Naruto in slightly mocking tone.

Oh who was he kidding. Naruto was mocking them and they had to sit there taking it with a smile on their faces.

"Yes well, it just shows how much the Hyuuga clan is far superior to that of the lower, and weaker people of this village," replied the first Hyuuga Elder who had first greeted him.

"My memories of the past say otherwise Hyuuga Elder," countered Naruto with a growl in his voice.

"Y-Yes. Of course. Mistake on our end, but the past is in the past, and should stay in the past," replied the Hyuuga nervously.

"Now I believe we are here to discuss the proposal you sent me not that long ago," said Naruto while seeing their nervousness leave and refocus on the task at hand.

"Yes. We wished to have Hyuuga Hinata be married off to you in an arranged marriage to further strengthen your right to rule over Fire Country. While annexing Whirlpool was a wise move on your part Daimyo-sama, you need to marry someone of noble Fire Country blood to prevent anyone to question your legitimate claim to the throne," stated the third and final Hyuuga Elder of the three in the room with Naruto.

"Of course. And who among the various clans in Konoha is more worthy then the ever prestigious Hyuuga Hinata?" Naruto said rhetorically while seeing the Hyuuga Elders appear nervous.

"She has always liked you Daimyo-sama. Long since before your rise to the throne of Fire Country," stated the first Hyuuga Elder with Naruto nodding.

"That she has Hyuuga Elder. BUT I know for a fact you aren't doing this for her and have little to no love for the girl you wish to marry off to me. Hence why you had so many different stipulations in place aimed at benefitting the clan that seem a bit...steep for my tastes," countered Naruto before throwing the scroll with the conditions to the marriage unveiling itself to them.

"We thought such terms were fair Daimyo-sama. It was believed such terms would help provide...incentive to have children with Hinata-sama as soon as possible," answered the second Elder with Naruto narrowing his eyes at him.

"By incentives, you mean pay tributes to your clan, fatten your wallets, and basically use Hinata like a leash against me once she's been wrapped tightly around my neck for you to pull when you want to pull for something you want," countered Naruto with his power pulsing throughout the room violently and shaking it almost as violently to further show his displeasure.

"W-We don't know what you mean Daimyo-sama!" exclaimed the first Elder in a slightly panicky voice.

"Oh but I do. You want to make her a slave to you while being married to me. By doing that, you can try manipulating me through her, and use the children we would have to further sink your claws into my slowly growing Empire. You are all leeches. Parasites! Feeding off the flesh and power of those around you while giving nothing back in return except your so called wisdom that benefits only you in the long run," stated Naruto while the Hyuuga Elders looked nervous.

"The Hyuuga Clan is offering you the Heiress of our clan," stated the second Elder.

"The one you consider to be the weak and useless one of two potentials in leading the Hyuuga Clan," countered Naruto while the Elders scowled now.

"We feel she is better suited to being your wife then being the future Clan Head of our clan," answered the Third Hyuuga Elder.

"And how does Hiashi-san feel about this?" asked Naruto while the Elders now looked at each other for a second.

"Hiashi-san?" asked the first Elder.

"Yes. How does Hiashi feel about you selling his daughter into this arranged marriage? Or did you not tell him what you've done?" questioned Naruto with the Hyuuga Elders looking a tad nervous.

"He will be told in due time. His duties to the clan right now are more important," replied the first Hyuuga Elder.

"So in other words, you won't tell him until it's official, and too late to stop even if he wanted to stop it," answered Naruto with the Hyuuga Elders scowling.

"We are doing what is best for the clan and the Leaf," countered the first Hyuuga Elder.

"You are doing this for yourself!" exclaimed Naruto with his temper reaching its limit.

"And what if we are? The clan will benefit in the end through this just as we will when this marriage is official with your signature," stated the second Hyuuga Elder.

"Wrong. It needs need my signature and Hiashi-san's signature. Without it, this contract is just a waste of paper, and even now I won't sign it because the stipulations are insulting to me along with Hinata," stated Naruto with the Hyuuga Elders looking floored by this.

"You need to agree to this! Without it, the Daimyos from other countries will challenge your right to the throne, and so will those within your own Court. Your predecessor's family will claim the right to the seat of power of this country unless you marry Hinata-sama under our terms!" exclaimed the second Hyuuga Elder with Naruto growling.

"You think I care about what the other Daimyos of other countries think of me being on the throne of Fire Country? I don't! IF I decide to marry Hyuuga Hinata, it will be under my terms, and anyone that challenges that will be destroyed!" exclaimed Naruto angrily while rising from his seat and unleashed his power throughout the entire room.

"Please Daimyo-sama. Reconsider marriage the proposal we have setup for you. It will benefit us all in the long run," pleaded the first Hyuuga Elder.

"The marriage proposal will only benefit you three members of the clan since all of you have considerable influence in the clan's finances. Which is why I've decided to take you three out of the equation in terms of the Hyuuga Clan and Hinata's life," stated Naruto before he summoned his Wrath Hammer.

"Guards! Guards!" called out the second Hyuuga Elder, but was met with silence, and no movement from the assigned Hyuuga members outside the room.

"In case you haven't figured it out yet, the guards aren't going to help you since they are under orders to let what happens in this room...stay in this room," replied Naruto with a deep dark chuckle.

"WHAT?!" yelled all three Hyuuga Elders in shock.

"Yes. I sent a message to Hiashi before my arrival here today. He wasn't exactly pleased with your actions behind his back. So we decided...that you three have to be...removed from the clan and the village," stated Naruto before letting out a chuckle and then moved too fast for any of the three Hyuuga Elders to track.

The end result was the room being covered in blood of the three Hyuuga Elders.

"I thank you for bringing what they were planning to my attention," stated Hiashi, who was waiting for Naruto to leave the room, and saw the young man walking out with blood covering most of his body.

"Your welcome. Now about our deal regarding Hinata-chan's future...," replied Naruto with Hiashi's body going rigid and looked at him with a small glare.

Not that it intimidated Naruto since he was glared at by far worse.

"As we agreed upon, my daughter can marry whoever she wishes to without interference from myself, or the clan as I have promised. Though considering her feelings for you, I have a suspicion on who my future son-in-law will be, and I have...mixed feelings about that," stated Hiashi with Naruto now smirking at him.

"Do not worry Hiashi-san. No harm will come to Hinata-chan. If anything, you should feel worried for those that cross her when the training regiment I have her do is complete, and becomes a truly vicious kunoichi," replied Naruto before letting out a hearty laugh that made Hiashi shiver.

'The boy already possesses monstrous power. If he passes it onto Hinata through his own personal training regiment...I will indeed feel worry for my daughter's future enemies,' thought Hiashi with the boy walking away.

"I hate to trouble you Hiashi-san, but could I possibly use your bathing area to clean up? I would rather the people of the village not ask questions why I'm covered in blood while walking out of the Hyuuga Clan Compound just yet," replied Naruto with Hiashi nodding slightly since it would look bad on both sides if Naruto walked out with blood covering his body.

"Of course. One of the Branch family members will escort you to the proper bathing area and we will proceed with getting your clothing cleaned of all the blood," answered Hiashi with Naruto giving a brief nod before walking away from him.

(Underground Root HQ-Sometime Later)

"Welcome to my domain Daimyo-sama," stated Danzo, as he made sure his Root Shinobi escorting the boy took the long complex way to this meeting room.

"Your hospitality leaves much to be desired Danzo," Naruto replied curtly.

"You will treat Danzo with the proper respect he deserves Uzumaki Naruto. You maybe a Daimyo now, but your position of power is not as strong as you think," scolded Koharu with Naruto looking at the elderly woman with distaste.

"Its Namikaze to you three. As for my power base, I think its is strong enough to handle you, Homura, Danzo, and his little private army of Root Shinobi he has on hand that shouldn't be around," countered Naruto with Danzo's one visible eye narrowing at him.

"You seem very confident of that fact," stated Danzo with Naruto smirking at him.

"You also seem very confident that your side can manipulate me to do what you want," countered Naruto with Homura and Koharu scowling at him.

"That's quite the accusation Namikaze-san," said Homura with Naruto letting out a small chuckle.

"You forget, I have the souls, and memories of those that know you best. You will seek to manipulate me using politics, brute force, blackmail, and if those don't work...other means will be used," said Naruto with his eyes looking right at Danzo and it made the old war hawk a bit nervous.

'He knows. Orochimaru performed the procedures on my body and the brat has those memories!' thought Danzo while making a discreet gesture with his hand to signal his trump card hiding in the shadows.

"Do you really think that Yakmanaka Clan member you have hiding in the shadows will be able to manipulate my mind where your Sharingan has failed?" asked Naruto with Homura and Koharu becoming tense while Danzo's visible eye narrowed dangerously.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," replied Danzo with Naruto looking a tad amused.

"Oh really?" questioned Naruto before making a Light Spear manifest in his hands and threw it behind him with incredible force that pinned the man hiding in the shadows to the wall.

"That was uncalled for!" exclaimed Koharu while inwardly cursing the boy's detection abilities.

"He was planning to attack my mind. Granted he would have failed given my mind is immune to such mental attacks, but I felt I needed to make my point get across that such acts of manipulation will not work, and will not be tolerated," stated Naruto firmly with the three looking at him with scowls on their faces.

"And what would you wish of us Daimyo-sama?" asked Danzo with gritted teeth.

"I want your Root Shinobi reactivated," answered Naruto much to the shock of the three in the room.

"What?" asked Danzo in a rare show of surprise

"You heard me Danzo. I want your Root Shinobi back out in the field. They are no longer disbanded. I'm returning them to official active service to fight for me under in my name and under my rule," answered Naruto with Danzo narrowing his eye in suspicion at him.

"If that is the case, you just killed one of them, and he was very skilled at his work when it comes to entering minds" countered Koharu with Naruto shrugging.

"No skin off my back. He was more loyal to Danzo and the two of you anyway," said Naruto offhandedly.

"What exactly are you implying?" asked Homura with Naruto looking at him with his crimson eyes nearly glowing while looking at him with contempt.

"That Konoha's officially disbanded Root Shinobi are more loyal to Danzo then they would be Fire Country's Daimyo or the current Hokage of Konoha," answered Naruto with Danzo snarling at him.

"Preposterous! Root Shinobi are Konoha Shinobi. They defend Konoha and Fire Country from all its enemies from the shadows!" exclaimed Koharu with Naruto smirking.

"Oh really? Let's bring one into this room right now and give that Shinobi an order. Who among our two sides do you think the Root Shinobi will obey when given a command? Danzo? Or myself?" questioned Naruto with the three old people in front of him fidget for a moment.

"There is no need to perform such a test Daimyo-sama," stated Danzo dismissively while Naruto's eyes narrowed at him.

"I insist on it Danzo," commanded Naruto with the war hawk growling slightly.

"Very well," said Danzo before making a small hand motion and a Root Shinobi came out of the shadows under he was between the two sides.

"Yes Danzo-sama?" questioned the Root Shinobi.

"We have a test that needs to be done and you are test subject," stated Naruto with the Root Shinobi looking at him with a glare behind his mask.

"The new Fire Daimyo is right Crow. We need your assistance in this...test that our guest has decided to perform in testing the loyalty of Konoha's Root Shinobi," Danzo filled in for his subordinate before Crow could say something unintentionally stupid.

"I am honored to participate Danzo-sama," answered Crow while bowing to Danzo, but not to Naruto, and simply awaited the test.

"The test is merely asking you some questions Crow. You will answer them truthfully. Failure to comply will result badly not only for you, but for Danzo, and his lackeys on each side of him," replied Naruto with the opposition clearly looking displeased by his choice of words.

Naruto didn't give a damn.

"What are the questions?" asked Crow while trying to be polite.

"What are you primary objectives in being a Root Shinobi? What is your purpose?" asked Naruto with Crow not answering for a moment.

"To protect Konoha and Danzo-sama from all harm," answered Crow simply.

"And if Danzo were charged with crimes against Konoha with proof of his misdeeds in hand? Would you arrest him? Or would protect him?" questioned Naruto with Danzo not liking where this was going.

"There is no need to ask such a question," stated Koharu with Naruto glaring at her.

"Its not an unreasonable question! Besides, I'm not asking you old hag. I'm asking this Root Shinobi. Now shut up!" commanded Naruto with Koharu looking infuriated by his disrespect.

"I would protect Danzo-sama," answered Root to further prove his loyalty to Danzo.

"Oh? I thought it was your primary duty was to protect Konoha first and Danzo second? How is protecting Danzo more important then protecting Konoha?" asked Naruto with Crow pausing slightly in thought.

"By protecting Konoha, we protect the one true defender of this village, and will help him protect Konoha's future from its enemies," replied Crow with Naruto nodding.

"You mean his version of Konoha's future. Not the one I envision or the current vision the current Hokage has for the village," countered Naruto with Crow being completely silent.

"Danzo-sama's vision of the village in the true version of what Konoha should be and not those like that of the current Hokage," answered Crow with Naruto scowling.

"So if you were given the order by your Daimyo, who owns Fire Country, and even this very village you serve...you wouldn't obey me if Danzo were to give you another that would contradict mine?" questioned Naruto with Crow looking briefly at Danzo for some form of guidance.

"I assure you Daimyo-sama, if Crow was given an order by you, he would obey, and not follow any command I gave that went against your wishes," replied Danzo simply.

"Then he can tell me that himself...without your input," countered Naruto with a scowl on his face and saw the war hawk not liking his tone.

"He is my subordinate," stated Danzo while seeing Naruto's power starting to rise.

"Just as you are MY subordinate Danzo," countered Naruto with Danzo having a brief moment of rage on his face.

"I am my own Master. I may not be Hokage or Daimyo, but I bow to no one," Danzo shot back with Naruto's power now swirling around him at dangerous levels.

"Tell me Crow. If I ordered you to kill Danzo on charges of him being a full blown traitor to Konoha, would you obey?" asked Naruto with Crow finding himself being unable to reply.

"I am not a traitor to Konoha!" exclaimed Danzo while stomping his cane furiously on the ground.

"Your alliance with Orochimaru says otherwise Danzo. Remember I have the Sannin's memories and I know he gave your...alterations. I know you provided him with a means to infiltrate the village and I know you provided him with information which lead to a nearly successful invasion during the Chuunin Exams," countered Naruto with Danzo's face going pale before it became red with anger.

"The Sandaime was weak. He needed to be removed so I could take over. He felt turning you into a willing weapon of the village using his method was the best," stated Danzo while Naruto chuckled.

"And be an emotionless tool like these Root Shinobi? How...pathetic of you," taunted Naruto with Danzo snarling at him.

"Emotions make us weak. Being without emotions makes us better Shinobi. Makes us better killers," stated Danzo while Naruto scoffed at him.

"Please! If you were really so righteous you would have kept on fighting with your Root Shinobi until proper retirement age. Instead, you retired right away after the Second Shinobi War when Hiruzen became Hokage, and then you became a military advisor for the Third Shinobi War," countered Naruto with Danzo gripping his cane tighter.

"I am a natural born leader. I gained enough experience from war to earn my retirement and military advisory position. I don't have to be on the front lines to lead others," stated Danzo with Naruto scoffing.

"Natural born leader? You hide behind others. You tell drones what to do while forcing measure like seals and conditioning to make them obey when they wouldn't if their minds were their own. You are weak. You make others do things for you because you don't can't stand the idea of being judged by others in the seat of power while feeling you should be in their place. You are a bureaucrat plain and simple," replied Naruto with Danzo starting to lose his patience with him.

"You don't know what you're talking about boy! I am Konoha's best and only chance for greatness under my rule. Whether by sitting in the Hokage's chair or by manipulating the one in the seat from the shadows," stated Danzo with Naruto let out a chuckle.

"Oh really? Then you won't mind fighting me...right now!" challenged Naruto with his power exploding out of his body, shaking the room, and those around him from their current position around him.

"Root! To me! Fight to protect your Master," commanded Danzo while leaping back while his Root Shinobi swarmed the room.

"Taking the cowards way out I see. How predictable! Its no wonder you were passed over for the position of Hokage of Konoha! You lack the 'Will of Fire' the Shodaime preached about to handle the title!" exclaimed Naruto, which only infuriated Danzo further, and made the old war hawk move to reveal his hidden arm to Naruto.

"We will see who is what when I use the combined power of these Sharingan Eyes and the powers of the Senju Clan to tame you. I will now become your Master just as Uchiha Madara was Kyuubi's!" exclaimed Danzo while using this opportunity to unseal his arm while Naruto fought his Root Shinobi.

"Fool! The powers of the Uchiha and Senju Clan that were surgically grafted to your arm cannot shackle me like it did Kurama all those years ago. But you will soon learn that the hard way before you bow at my feet in submission moments prior to your death!" stated Naruto, as he obliterated the Root Shinobi around him, and turned to Danzo ready for a fight while his two lackeys on the Shinobi Council drew their own weapons.

"The Sandaime was a fool to give you so much freedom. Weapons such as you do not deserve it!" exclaimed Homura while Naruto silenced him with a sudden shoulder tackle that sent the old man flying into a wall with enough force to break quite a few bones in his old body.

"Daggers of Light Jutsu!" called out Koharu, as she threw various kunai at Naruto, and made several hand signs that when combined with the weapons had shown were turned into projectiles of light that stabbed into boy's back.

"Is that all you've got? You're pathetic!" stated Naruto while shrugging off the various projectiles stuck on his back before throwing his Wrath Hammer at Koharu and hit the old woman in the chest with the weapon crushing her internal organs upon impact.

"And you are outclassed!" exclaimed Danzo, as he used the Senju Clan's bloodline to trap Naruto with wood, and kept the boy from moving.

"Is this suppose to frighten me?" asked Naruto mockingly at Danzo while the man was now walking up to him with a sense of victory in his step.

"No. But you will no fear once I use my power on your mind to make you submit to my Will. You will stay Daimyo, but you don't make a move without my orders. I cam in command now. You will do what I want. You will do what I say. You will do thing when I give the order and without hesitation. You belong to me!" commanded Danzo while using his Sharingan Eye in his head to influence the boy with its hypnotic power.

"I belong to no one. Especially to a coward like you," stated Naruto with a smirk on his face while Danzo looked infuriated by it.

"Obey me! I command you to submit to my Will and obey me!" said Danzo, his voice practically raised to that of nearly yelling while trying to make the Sharingan Eye that was used to manipulate those he used it on to submit to his desires.

"You like the Uchiha and their Sharingan...suck," taunted Naruto before letting out a chuckle while Danzo looked furious.

"If you won't submit through the power of the Uchiha and Senju bloodlines...then you will submit through good old fashion pain!" exclaimed Danzo, as he drew the hidden sword from his cane, and prepared to stab the boy with it.

"Guess again!" countered Naruto before letting out a roar and unleashed more of his power that freed him from the wood prison Danzo had created.

"Impossible! I will not be denied power that should rightfully be mine!" said Danzo in frustration with Naruto summoning his Wrath Hammer back to his hand.

"This power was never yours to command. You are an archaic thing that cannot stand others who are in possession of power you yourself could not hope to have unless it was done in an unnatural sense. Even then it is as I just stated...unnatural," stated Naruto while walking toward the old man, who snarled at him, and looked like some kind of deformed creature from Outworld Flesh Pits that shouldn't have been created in the first place.

"Of course it was! The right to control Kyuubi is in my blood. My Father was an Uchiha, but he went against clan mandate, and fell in love with some bitch of a woman outside of the clan. It was bad enough I was never allowed to call myself an Uchiha, but I had a rare genetic deficiency from my Mother's side that crippled any chance I might have to ever activating the Sharingan. They cast me out of the clan, killed my Father, and forbid my Mother from ever mentioning it to me under the penalty of killing us both. She confessed the truth to me on her deathbed, begging for my forgiveness, but I couldn't, and wouldn't forgive her. The only way I would ever be able to have the ability to use the bloodline was if I had it surgically inserted into my body and even then there was always a chance my body would reject it. Fortunately, Orochimaru was skilled enough to prevent such a problem, and even used the same method with the Senju DNA in my arm," stated Danzo with Naruto looking at him in disgust.

"Pathetic," was Naruto's response before putting away his Wrath Hammer and instead summoned Kusanagi to his hand since the weapon seemed suitable for this situation.

"We'll see how pathetic I am when I have you lying at my feet near death before I break you!" stated Danzo, as he wasn't ready to throw in the towel yet, and saw Naruto grinning evilly at him.

"That's interesting Danzo because I was thinking something similar," replied Naruto while letting out a chuckle.

Screaming in rage at this mockery of (in his mind) justice, his years of countless training to suppress his motions now shattered beyond restraint were gone, and Danzo attacked with his sword in hand with a speed one would not think a man his age possessed. But the fact he did meant Naruto couldn't underestimate him and that the man needed to be put down quickly. Using Kusanagi in hand, covered in his power, Naruto moved faster then Danzo could track with his eyes, and cut off the massive arm along with the one in his face where Sharingan Eyes were implanted. Staggering slightly, Danzo spun on a dime, again surprising for someone his age, and definitely not easy either before thrusting his sword into Naruto's back. The war hawk knew that even if he couldn't kill the brat, the failed weapon could be injured, and ambitions would be ruined.

"I may have lost the battle, but you will lose the war, and that is my victory in this fight," stated Danzo before using his chakra to activate the seals on his body to turn himself into a massive bomb that would kill his enemy.

"Fool. You think I am real Naruto? I am a clone," stated Naruto with Danzo looking at him in shock.

"You're lying. If you would have quickly dispersed once hit if you were a mere Shadow Clone!" accused Danzo while the seals on his body were glowing brighter now.

"Fool! I am no mere Shadow Clone. I am clone forged by the original. A skill the real Naruto learned from his Forefather Emperor Shao Kahn while in Outworld. He knew you would try something and used the time at the Hyuuga Clan Compound to make me before finalizing things with Hiashi about his eldest daughter's training outside of Tsunade's own. You will die here, killing only a clone of your enemy, and no one here in this Root base...will survive the end," answered Clone Naruto while letting out a laugh and looked at Kusanagi before banishing the sword away to a pocket dimension where the Wrath Hammer was located.

His creator would need it for the battles that were to come in the future.

"DAMN YOOOOOUUUU!" yelled Danzo with all his fury before the seals on his chest activated and destroyed the entire Root base along with all of his subordinates there.

(Hokage Tower-With Naruto)

"It is done. Their time in this world has past," stated Naruto calmly to Tsunade, who was nodding her head in understanding since he had told her what he had planned to do, and what would be done to pull it off.

"Good! With Danzo, Koharu, and Homura gone, the Civilian Council have now lost their fangs and can stop bothering me with their bull crap that they should be handling. I swear they've been deliberately trying to drown me in paperwork so they can do things behind my back!" exclaimed Tsunade with Naruto smirking at her.

"That is a distinct possibility. No more. I am ordering a new Shinobi Council be formed that controls the Civilian Council, but does not overstep the authority of the Hokage, and any such action will be met with charges of treason before being killed on the spot. I'm tired of the bureaucratic red tape they've woven around the laws of Konoha and its high time they were removed," stated Naruto with Tsunade smirking at him.

"Consider it done Daimyo-sama," replied Tsunade while Naruto let out a chuckle.

"There is also the small matter of one Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Sasuke," added Naruto with Tsunade raising her eyebrow at him.

"Oh? How so?" asked Tsunade curiously.

"Hatake Kakashi is to be demoted to Chuunin and Uchiha Sasuke will stay a Genin while keeping his movements limited in the village until a few experts from the Yamanaka Clan clears him fit for duty outside its walls," commanded Naruto with Tsunade nodding since she read the reports on how the Uchiha had quite the ego and wanted everything while giving nothing back.

"Consider it done. Anything else?" questioned Tsunade with Naruto shaking his head no.

"That's it. See you around Tsunade," stated Naruto before leaving the room and making the female Hokage sigh.

"He's really something, isn't he?" asked Jiraiya with Tsunade nodding.

"Yes he is. Any word on the Akatsuki?" asked Tsunade knowing Jiraiya was keeping an eye on them.

"No. They're being silent right now. My contact says they're going to wait three years to gather what strength they need so that gives us three years to whip the new generation into shape," answered Jiraiya with Tsunade nodding.

"And while that is happening, our Godson is planning on waging a long fought war with another country, and Shinobi village in Water," stated Tsunade with Jiraiya nodding.

"He's the Daimyo now Tsunade-hime. Its his way or you're dead," answered Jiraiya and it was clear Tsunade didn't like it.

(Water Country-One Month Later)

"Just like I remember it," stated Suigetsu while seeing much of the forest region in the area of Water Country they were currently in had not changed much.

"Not bad. I've seen better," stated Naruto before sensing a presence to his right.

"And what about me? Have you seen a better woman then myself?" asked a female voice from the shadows that when entering the light was a woman wearing a blue kimono, had a shapely body, and flowing red hair.

"I don't judge a woman by their beauty. I judge them by their souls and you my dear have one that matches your body," answered Naruto with the woman blushing a bit though she found his response a little strange.

"So you have some kind of power to see into people's souls?" questioned the red haired woman while walking over to him.

"Something like that," answered Naruto while the woman grinned at him.

"Careful Boss. Karin might get jealous," said Suigetsu with a grin on his face.

"She's always jealous Suigetsu," replied Naruto with Suigetsu nodding in agreement.

"Can't argue with that," said Suigetsu with a chuckle.

"Forgive my rudeness, but I have yet to ask you your name," said Naruto to the red haired woman secretly admiring his body.

"Terumi Mei. I am the leader of the Rebels against the Mizukage of Mist," answered Mei since she knew he was the real deal and saw no reason to hide it from him.

Especially since it was known that Naruto had Jiraiya of the Sannin's spy network at his disposal.

"Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto. The new Fire Daimyo of Fire Country. The man standing behind me is my trusted bodyguard Suigetsu and a former Seven Swordsman of the Mist in training," replied Naruto with Suigetsu giving a mock salute while hefting Zabuza's old sword.

Naruto had disliked the idea of going to Zabuza's grave and removing the massive sword from its resting place to give to Suigetsu. However, the light blue haired swordsman had been whining, pleading, and arguing his case for the sword every chance got. It was to the point where Naruto nearly ripped out the man's soul, but stayed his hand when the swordsman told the new Fire Daimyo that it was tradition for such swords to be given a new Master when the old one died. So with a great deal of control, Naruto agreed to let Suigetsu have the sword, but gave the man a warning to not abuse the sword, and respect its wielder's predecessor.

Good help is so hard to find these days.

"He's holding Momochi Zabuza's weapon," stated Mei with Naruto nodding.

"Zabuza is dead. He died in Wave from his injuries there after killing his backstabbing client Gato," explained Naruto before going further on what happened that resulted in it coming down to that.

"I see. Well, it seems the sword hasn't rejected Suigetsu-san so its his by right," stated Mei with Suigetsu grinning at her words since he didn't want to part with the weapon.

"We are getting off topic Mei-san. If you would be so kind as to fill us in on the situation with the Mizukage and his forces would be nice," replied Naruto with Mei nodding.

"Very well, but not here. Follow me," said Mei before the three of them made their way to the hidden rebel base.

"Looks a bit like a shithole," mumbled Suigetsu, but stopped from speaking further when Naruto glared at him with burning crimson eyes, and made the swordsman sweat.

"There are worse looking places then this Suigetsu. I've seen them. Lived in them. Do not be insulting to our guest again...or I'll rip out your soul and make it mine!" threatened Naruto with Suigetsu nodding quickly.

"Sorry Naruto-sama," replied Suigetsu quickly with Naruto growling at him.

"Damn right you are sorry," stated Naruto before turning his attention to the table seen at the tent located within the nerve center of the base where Mei had taken them to for the strategy to take Mist.

"Our forces are nearly tied with the Mizukage's own. Many Shinobi who don't agree with his policies are either here or acting as spies for us within the walls. Our Intel from them has told us that the Mizukage is getting tired of us and wants to send out his Shinobi to eliminate the threat to his rule. Even with what we have here and secretly in Mist, we are still outnumbered by a small fraction, but its still a significant fraction, and could turn things against us," said Mei while showing Naruto the layout of Mist and where the Mist Shinobi were located.

"And you need my help to thin the ranks of such a fraction to the point where they don't become a threat anymore," stated Naruto with Mei nodding.

"Yes. After you successfully sacked Rice Country and annexed it into Fire two weeks ago, I had hoped you could help us do the same with Mist, and overthrow the Water Daimyo since he has been the Mizukage's key supporter. With him removed, I can have the position of Mizukage without worry of the Water Daimyo of using his authority to order someone of his choosing to take over the village, or possibly liquidate it out of spite," answered Mei with Naruto nodding since he had heard the people were quite upset with their current ruler.

It would soon be a time for a change.

"Sacking Rice Country was easy Mei-san. I had inside help with the Sound Shinobi there with my agents already in place before I attacked. Add the fact the Daimyo there didn't have as many samurai as the current Water Daimyo is another factor that needs to be considered too. Once I'm done with Mist, I need to plan accordingly to take on the Water Daimyo, and ensure this doesn't come back to hurt you," answered Naruto with Mei just nodding in understanding.

"Not to be disrespectful Naruto-sama, but will it just be you and Suigetsu aiding us in this upcoming battle? I was hoping for more support," stated Mei with Naruto letting out a small chuckle.

"Don't worry. I have another agent in the field with a team scouting ahead where Mist is located. He knows the terrain since he was born here like Suigetsu," Naruto informed Mei.

"Oh?" questioned Mei curiously.

"Yes. His name is Kaguya Kimimaro," answered Naruto with Mei's eyes widening in shock.

"A Kaguya? Here? I thought they were all killed when the clan charged Mist in an all out assault on Mist?" said Mei in surprise.

"No. He's the last of his clan. I had him keep Sound running after I took it over after I killed Orochimaru of the Sannin and his right hand Medic Nin Kabuto. When the time comes, Kimimaro will meet up with us, and we can take the fight to the Mizukage once we have the necessary Intel from the scouting," answered Naruto with Mei nodding and clearly impressed by the way he handled things.

No sooner had Naruto finished speak did Kimimaro with the other Sound Four arrive and kneeled at the Namikaze's feet.

"Naruto-sama, we have successfully finished our scouting mission, and are prepared to make a full report," stated Kimimaro.

"Report!" commanded Naruto with Kimimaro rising with the others.

"The Mizukage has spread his forces thin throughout the village. They do not have the means to protect themselves on all fronts. If we attack one section of the village, another force can flank a weaker section of the wall near the tower, and engage the Mizukage in a fight for control of Mist," said Kimimaro showing that the thinnest line of troops in the village were not around the Mizukage, but away from the Mizukage, and they just need to attack from one side while going for the main problem with another.

"How soon can your forces be ready to attack Mist?" asked Naruto with Mei smiling.

"Considering how everyone is tired we are of Mizukage's Rule? Tomorrow!" answered Mei with Naruto grinning a feral grin that made the woman blush.

"Tomorrow it is. Prepare your force Mei-san. Tomorrow is the day the Mizukage sees his last sunrise!" ordered Naruto before walking out of the tent with his bodyguards.

"I don't trust him Terumi-sama. His power is...strange," said Ao, who was watching the entire conversation from his position in the tent, and used his Byakugan to see the boy's vast power that seemed to be...infinite!

"Ao," said Mei in a deceptively sweet tone.

"Yes Terumi-sama?" asked Ao with Mei looking at him with smile on her face.

"Shut up or I'll kill you," replied Mei before walking off to leave a startled Ao in the tent.

'That woman will be the death of me,' thought Ao with a sigh before following right behind her.

(Hidden Mist Village-Sometime Later)

The current Mizukage, the three-tailed Jinchuriki Yagura was sitting in his office, and was feeling a sense of something powerful heading his way. He could feel it. His Biju could feel it.

Something was here.

"Your village is about to be attacked Mizukage," said Raiden, as he appeared in a flash of lightning, and stood before the stunned Jinchuriki.

"Who are you? How do you know such things?" asked Yagura while hearing his Biju tell him to not cross this powerful being.

"I am Raiden. One of the Elder Gods and Elemental God of Lightning. I have come to warn you of the attack on your village by the rebels, who are being led by their leader Terumi Mei, and their ally Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto. It is the latter of the two that should concern you since he plans to take your head," stated Raiden while making an image of Naruto appear before Yagura using the Mizukage's viewing orb.

"Why are you telling me this?" asked Yagura with Raiden's eyes narrowing.

"Because the boy is a threat to this realm and must be killed within the Rules set forth by my fellow Elder Gods. He must die by mortal hands," stated Raiden with Yagura now narrowing his eyes at him.

"Why don't you do it? If you are a God as you claim, then it must surely be within your power," questioned Yagura before Raiden unleashed lightning all around them.

"Do not question me mortal! These Rules must be followed by mortal and God alike! Unless Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto challenges me to Mortal Kombat I cannot fight and kill him in battle. It falls to you Mizukage to do it in my stead," proclaimed Raiden, as he pointed his lightning covered hand at Yagura, and then left in an instant like he was never there.

And no sooner had the Elder God left the room did the attack on Mist start with the sound of fighting being heard outside the Mizukage Tower.

(With Naruto)

Naruto with his bodyguards consisting of the Sound Four, Kimimaro, and Suigetsu were engaging in battle near the Mizukage Tower. They were ranged from Chuunin to Jounin level, who were engaging Naruto's bodyguards while the those closest to the tower were ANBU were engaging Naruto himself in battle. While this was happening, the main rebel army was fighting the Mist's forces for control of the village with rebel sympathizers now making themselves known and catching Yagura's loyal forces by surprise. The battle was looking to go either way, as the fight for control of Mist was getting bloody, and brutal in ever sense of the world.

And then Yagura decided to make his appearance.

"You dare oppose me! The Mizukage?! You will all die!" bellowed Yagura while using the Biju's chakra to become a terrifying form before his enemies.

"Don't pay attention to them Mizukage. Focus on me!" challenged Naruto and his words caught the Mizukage's attention.

"You are the one Raiden told me about. The one he wants killed. Very well! Let's see how powerful you really are little man," retorted Yagura with his staff with the hook on one end in hand and charged at Naruto.

"At last. True Mortal Kombat! FIGHT!" exclaimed Naruto, as he charged Yagura, and the two began their epic battle for Mist village's soul.

"Terumi-sama, I can see Yagura is fighting Fire Country's Daimyo. He's using the three tail's chakra!" exclaimed Ao while fighting off some Mist Shinobi beside Mei.

"A clash of the Titans," stated Mei, as she saw the two powerful beings clashing violently against the other, and it was clear to the red haired woman that Naruto was enjoying it.

"DIE! DIE!" exclaimed Yagura, as he tried to hurt Naruto, but his opponent wouldn't fall, and was covered in crimson energy the helped protect him from harm.

"Never! I am Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto and I am a Conqueror!" bellowed Naruto, as he smashed through Yagura's defenses with a shoulder tackle that sent the Mizukage back over 20 feet into a house.

In retaliation, Yagura summoned the three-tailed Biju in its true form, and the creature howled in fury. Everyone now was backing away from the massive Biju, the stories, and rumors of its power not doing the creature justice in their eyes. The only one standing against it was Naruto, who stood with his Wrath Hammer at the ready, and grinning like a mad man at the sight of him.

"NOW YOU DIE!" yelled Yagura and the Biju at the same time like the two were of one mind and voice.

"Show me what you've got Yagura!" exclaimed Naruto while the Biju roared in rage and moved to launch a powerful attack.

Only Naruto beat him to it.

Raising his left hand, Naruto gathered a large portion of his chakra into it, and forming a massive Rasengan. Rushing forward, Naruto dodged the Biju's tails, climbing up on one of them, and rushing up the tail toward Yagura. The Mizukage must have sensed this, as he readied his staff, and brought at the ready to repel Naruto's attack. Unfortunately for him, the Rasengan was not something one could just block with a staff, and considering the power behind this one...such an act was laughable at best.

Naruto broke through the block and tore through Yagura with the Mizukage screaming out in pain. The explosion that followed shook the village down to its very foundation with buildings collapsing, people being knocked over, and causing everyone to shield their eyes until it was over.

When everything did die down, every Shinobi still alive was looking around to see a good portion of Mist village was destroyed, which wasn't surprising given the explosion that they just survived, and saw two downed figures opposite of each other. However, on looking closely between the two, they saw Naruto slowly get off the ground, cracking the various joints in his body back into place, and walk over to the dying Mizukage.

"You did it. I am free," whispered Yagura while staring up at the victor of their fight.

"What do you mean?" asked Naruto with Yagura crying now with a smile on his face while blood left his body and saw the other Shinobi around them coming closer.

"This life I...I have led as the Mizukage has...has been a lie. I am...I was a puppet to...to another person. He is the true threat. He used his power to...to turn me into a monster," said Yagura while seeing Mei walk over to him.

"And you expect us to believe you, why?" asked Mei with a hint of coldness in her tone.

"Because its the truth. I swear it! In my office...a secret compartment in my desk...on the right side. There is a book. A journal. I have written in it during...during the moments of...freedom I had before he came to...to reinforce the Genjutsu over me. Read it and know the truth," answered Yagura while the world began to grow dark around him.

"Die peacefully Yagura. The Elder Gods will not punish you for deeds that were not your fault so long as you did not wish them to happen of your own volition," stated Naruto with Yagura nodding and crying harder.

"Is it wrong or too late to say you are sorry? If you mean it with all your heart? With all your soul?" asked Yagura with pleading eyes at Naruto.

"No. Its never too late. But only if you mean it Yagura. Do you mean it?" replied Naruto with Yagura nodding.

"Yes. Yes! I am sorry. For everything! I swear it!" answered Yagura with Naruto giving him a gentle smile.

"Then you have nothing to fear from the other side," replied Naruto with Yagura smiling at him.

"Thank you...Namikaze...Uzumaki...Naruto," said Yagura before his life left him and he was officially dead and the feeling of the power of the Biju soon left the area.

"The Biju in him won't manifest itself for another three years," said Mei with Naruto nodding.

"There is a group called the Akatsuki, who are after the Biju, and will want the three-tails when it manifests itself. Be on your guard in three year since they will no doubt be snooping around Water Country when that happens," replied Naruto with Mei nodding.

"We'll be ready in three years. Count on it," replied Mei with determination in her voice.

"A beautiful woman with fire in her eyes. Damn that's sexy," remarked Naruto with Mei bow blushing red all the way to the roots of her hair.

"You are such a flatterer Daimyo-sama," replied Mei with Naruto letting out a chuckle.

"I'm much more then that my dear. The women I've taken to be apart of my clan can tell you that much," said Naruto with Mei raising an eyebrow at him.

"So the rumors are true," stated Mei, as she had heard the rumors of the new Fire Daimyo having at least two concubines, and there was also rumors of the Hyuuga Heiress being the actual wife though that was still years away from being remotely true.

"Now that all depends on the rumors Mei-chan. But I assure you of one thing about the rumors of me being a demon in bed...they are true," replied Naruto with a predator like smile and eyes to match with lust pouring out of them.

"Really? Well that is quite the claim Daimyo-sama, but saying the rumors are true, and proving that such rumors are true are two different things," countered Mei in a husky voice and Naruto grinning further.

"Then perhaps the new Mizukage of Mist would like to accept an invitation to test such waters and start her first day off with a BANG?!" questioned Naruto with Mei becoming even more flustered.

"Terumi-sama, while the man here is a Daimyo, to even make such a vulgar proposal to you as the new Mizukage is insulting, and with your permission I will escort him out of the village," responded Ao while glaring at Naruto for his crude perverse offer.

"Ao, I appreciate your concerns, and well being for my safety in all things. However...," replied Mei with a pause to turn to her faithful subordinate.

"Yes Terumi-sama?" questioned Ao seeing that deceptively sweet smile on her face.

"If you don't shut up right now...I'll kill you," Mei finished with Ao going stiff and pale in the face with fear.

"Yes Terumi-sama," answered Ao while Mei turned to the clear amused Fire Daimyo.

"Such authority over your subordinates Mei-chan. I think I might be falling in love," remarked Naruto with a chuckle.

"Save the sweet talk for later Daimyo-sama. You along with your small team of Shinobi are going to help us with the reconstruction of Mist. Do that and our forces will help you against the Water Daimyo," replied Mei while putting a finger on his muscled chest and she shivered slightly when it met solid muscle.

She was also wondering what else could be solid muscle.

"Fair enough. I do need to send one of my subordinates out though to send a message for some of my forces to come here for when that last part happens," was Naruto's answer and Mei nodded in acceptance since he would need a considerable force aside from himself to storm the Water Daimyo's castle since one in Fire country was completely different.

Given the increasing violence in Water Country, the Water Daimyo had fortified his castle, and had a lot more samurai watching over him then even the previous Fire Daimyo of Fire country before Naruto took his throne. To take the Water Country Capital, Naruto would need a sizeable force of strong competent warriors, and the Namikaze planned to do just that.

After that, it was simply annexing Water Country into Fire Country while appointing a competent Regent to oversee the land, and ensure no more bias was done to anyone with a bloodline. He had seen Mei use her bloodline during his fight with Yagura, if only at a glance, but Naruto could tell she was very deadly with it, and was clearly Kage level. If the people that hate bloodlines learned of Mei having one, they would amass together, and try to do something unless information about bloodline users was made known to people to crush their fears.

"In the meantime Naruto-sama, why don't we check my predecessor's office," replied with Naruto snapping out of his thoughts on his plans for the future.

"Yes. Let's do that. Hopefully, it will give us some insight on the Puppet Master behind our tortured puppeteer for a Jinchuriki," added Naruto with Mei nodding.

"See to it that Yagura's body is well preserved. Depending on what information we find, the man will get a proper burial, and be pardoned of his crimes," Mei informed Ao, who nodded along with the others.

Sure enough, when the two got to the Mizukage Tower, which was damaged in certain areas, but still standing for the most part, and in the office, they soon found the item they were seeking was where Yagura said it would be located. Mei carefully opened the very beaten up journal, it seemed to represent all the misery, and internal torture the man went through in his life being a prisoner within his own mind. Sure enough from Yagura's own writing, the Jinchuriki had been turned into a bloodlust desiring psycho on the orders of someone with a Sharingan Eye, if the drawing of it on the paper was any indication, and a warning left in it to his successor to be cautious should that eye ever be used on the next person sitting in the chair of the Mizukage.

"Damn Uchiha and their Sharingan. To think Konoha constantly loves their bloodline and yet they hate the very creatures that bloodline draws out their bloodlust from. Even if they knew the truth about the Sharingan, they would only encourage it due to the Biju being seen as pets, and tools for warfare without any regards to the Jinchuriki that are made their vessels. Such hypocrites," stated Naruto with disgust in his voice.

"Agreed. At least with this we know the truth about Yagura's behavior and gave clear him of willingly doing wrong to others," stated Mei while Naruto nodded in agreement.

"That will only sit well with a few people Mei-chan, but in time...the truth might be just enough to change their minds," stated Naruto with Mei nodding sadly knowing there would be some with bloodlines that had survived the purges being unable to cope with this news.

"I'll try to help them in that regard," said Mei knowing they would need her to help them and considering she had two bloodlines it would further enforce that belief.

"I know you will," stated Naruto while looking at Mei and could see the blush on her face again at his confidence in her being able to help those in need.

"There is still the matter of the Water Daimyo. He approved all the policies regarding the bloodline purges without hesitation and personally considers those with bloodlines to be unnatural. Like we go against nature itself!" stated Mei heatedly with Naruto growling in anger at this Daimyo ruling over this country.

"Did he know Yagura was a Jinchuriki?" asked Naruto with Mei frowning.

"I don't know. Maybe. Possibly. Everyone in Mist knew and so did other villages since it would make other foreign Shinobi think twice before invading. It wasn't a big secret, but even if the Water Daimyo found out, he would have supported Yagura, and his policies while calling it a form of 'ironic justice' in the belief that one abomination was leading a purge against other abominations," stated Mei with Naruto growling noticeably in anger now before punching a nearby wall causing it to collapse.

"I'll make that pathetic man for a Daimyo beg for mercy when I can through with him. Oh yes. It will truly be a sight to see such a pathetic ruler perish under my hands. This man is not worthy to sit on his throne and call himself a ruler of this land!" exclaimed Naruto with his power radiating around him.

"Which is why he needs to be removed before he decides Mist is no longer valuable and decides to liquidate the village," said Mei with Naruto looking at her with a great deal of intensity.

"He will. Make no mistake Terumi Mei...this Water Daimyo will die and he will drown in his own blood when it happens," stated Naruto while picking up a paperweight made of stone and crushed it in his hands like it was made of cheap plaster.

But given his own forces still being a tad thin in terms of launching one campaign after the next so quickly, Naruto knew he would need reinforcements to protect Fire Country, and his rear flank from the other Daimyos. No doubt they were gearing up for a defense or attack against him after he took Rice Country not that long ago. Normally, no one would give a damn about the smaller countries around the big ones, but considering how Rice was near Waterfall, and several other small ones could lead to bringing about a big strategic advantage in the long run. It was making the other Rulers nervous and the fact Naruto had done away with the two Daimyos he had met so ruthless was only adding fuel to the fire that was their paranoia.

Naruto had hoped to take Root away from Danzo, but the conditioning of them was too deep to break their loyalty of him unless the war hawk died, and even the base had a vast majority of Konoha's Root Shinobi were there when it was destroyed. Some were still alive, having been out on missions for their Master, but not many, and some even tried to avenge their dead leader before being slain by Naruto himself. His own samurai were mostly at the Capital, watching over it while Shizune, and Anko helped run things in his stead while off waging war first with Rice before heading here to combat the late Mizukage. He needed to bolster his ranks to allow his samurai to be sent out to fight for him rather then play defense and Shinobi from Konoha could only do so much due some in the village not liking him being Daimyo in the first place.

There was always the possible chance of traitors, deserters, or potential would-be spies willing popping up in Konoha ready to sell Naruto out in exchange to just see him fail miserably. The fact they would be paid and possibly protected from retribution in return for such a thing wouldn't hurt them either if they thought it was possible to get away with screwing him over.

While thinking this line of thought, Naruto had an idea on what to do, and decided he should call upon...otherworldly assistance from those not of this realm. It was possible if Naruto read the rules set forth by the Elder Gods correctly and interpret them in a way that they would not interfere with his plans. So long as Naruto did everything correctly, the Elder Gods couldn't interfere, he would get what he needed, and the tensions between two races would vanish in the process.

That and he was overdue to visit his Forefather in Outworld. Naruto has always stated how much he cherished family and would not make himself out to be a liar to that fact.