
Naruto : Declaration

**I don't own Naruto.** When you die, you reincarnate. That is the cycle of life. He was sent into a new world, being the first with his memories, as well as a gift to help him on his journeys, perhaps forevermore. Uploads one chapter a week

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9 Chs

1 Who is Sasuke Uchiha?

× Location : Inapplicable ×

× Time : Inapplicable ×

Kouhei Suzuki woke up with and immediately felt pain in... every part of his body, he felt like he died, he died to save his group, did he get reborn as one of those 'things'?

He heard a rumor that even if you die, but your body is intact and is eaten by one of those things, you turn into the same as those things.

He couldn't see anything around him... No, it was like he couldn't even open his eyes, he hoped he wouldn't be forced to see him eat his friends.

But, his eyes was forced open, but he could only see a figure in pure white in front of him, he attempted to look behind him, only to see a pure black background after the figure.

"Who.. are you?" He asked in suspicion and worry, though if the being wanted to do anything, he wouldn't be able to stop it. It was just his instincts.

"In short.. I am a higher entity.. but I am not what you mortals call 'gods' per se, but I am definitely close to it." The being said in a resounding voice, the voice seemed to be echoing around even though there was no wall.

"What?!" He said in shock, was this a dream of a dying man, or is this the truth?

"Yes, I am real, and it is the truth. Boy, you did a great thing by saving your friends today. You may not see it in your life, but in time your friends will eventually find a way to reverse the effects of the Sun Goddess's anger, saving billions of life." The being said, he was not sure what he was supposed to do with this information, thanks for telling me?

Wait.. the sun goddess? What happened? Before he could do anything more, the being said once again.

"So, a 'god' angered her too much, and in her anger she made the physical representation of her betray Earth and almost burnt that planet down, but that would still be better than what happened."

"So, the sun betrayed the earth, basically?" He asked, what will happen to him next? Did the being pull in here just to have a talk?

"No, I have pulled you here to tell you that I will reincarnate you into the next life. You see, once everyone dies, they are able to purchase gifts that will carry on to the next life using their own karma from the previous life." The being explained, what could he buy?

"How much Karma do I have right now?" He asked, how do you gain Karma anyways? Is it doing good things or just doing things overall?

"With how you have lived so far, you currently have 161,077,628 Karma points." The being said.

Kouhei was trying to think of how to carefully spend his points, since he assumes it is far higher than the others. Before he could do anything more, the being said once again answering his second question.

"Furthermore, keep in mind that you gain Karma points by affecting people, not doing 'good' deeds to affect people will be the same as doing 'bad' deeds to people. Gaining Karma points, is just by doing something that affects other people, in your case, it justs happen that a good deed you did gave you lots of Karma." So he should do things that affect people? Maybe he could ask to be an important person to have a good chance.

But he needs to get his memories first, people fear death because they do not know what happens when they die, but if he can remember life after death, then the only thing he needs to fear is doing not enough in life.

"How about, for my first 'purchase', I get my memories that will carry on to my next life, whatever that may be?" He asked, he wondered how much it would cost, after all humans aren't supposed to know what the afterlife is.

"Boy, do you know what you are getting into? Buying memories using Karma is extremely expensive, are you sure? Getting your memories will cost you 90,000,000 points." He said questioningly, is this mortal actually wanting to transcend death?

"Yes, I am sure. For the second purchase, is it possible for me to make a deal with you? It's okay if you don't accept, but I'm just asking." Kouhei asked. He decided to take a bit of a gamble for this, since he wasn't sure if the being was going to accept deals from a mortal.

"Hah! There has never been a mortal as daring as you before, tell me the deal and I'll see if I'll accept!" The being said in amusement, after all, before this no mortals became as daring as this to propose a deal with him.

"I'd like for me to not know who I will be reincarnated as, I also will not be reincarnated at the birth, instead being reincarnated at an older age." He said, he was deciding what he should get for the deal first, this was a deal with a 'god' after all, he should be careful.

"As for what I get in this deal, I'd like for a 25% decrease for the next purchase that I make." He said, hoping for the best and that this 'god' would be generous.

"Hm, interesting offer. Well, I accept, I'll choose who you reincarnate as for you, and your next purchase is going to be 25% off, you have 71,077,628 points left." The being said in acceptance.

Yes! Kouhei thought, he saved 25% of his next purchase, retained his memories and could still wish for at least one more thing, but first he decided to ask a question.

"Can I wish for things from fictional content?" He asked. Honestly he didn't remember much, but from his old life before the Apocalypse he was a Bleach fan.

Wait.. Bleach fan? How did he remember that? He realized he hadn't remembered it in a long time, speaking of which, he could remember everything, how?

"You are using your Soul Information right now, when your Body remembers something, it remembers normally by the memories being just small lightning in your brain, that is called Body Information, but also it stores it in your Soul, this is called Soul Information. Your soul can remember everything including when you are supposed to be unable to remember." The being explained. Well, he decides to go through a lot of things to see if there are overpowered abilities that he knows well.

"How much for the ability called 'The Almighty' of Yhwach?" Kouhei asked, he hopes he can get it, but even with the discount it might not be enough.

"The ability called 'The Almighty' costs 200,000,000. Even with the discount, it still costs 150,000,000. Fate Manipulation, even at the lowest level from a kid like Yhwach, is extremely powerful, and I am not the one setting up these prices, so don't blame me." The being said. Well, at least asking for that is gone, but at least there is an another option, he just hopes that it is better than this one.

"How about this then, Hyousube Ichibe's Zanpakuto, Ichimonji." He asked and hoped for the best, if this wasn't enough, he will try to get an ability from an another universe.

"It costs 80,000,000 Karma poi-" The being announced as if it was an auction.


"-nts. However, with the 25% discount, it now costs 60,000,000 Karma points"


"I accept, I'd like to buy the Ichimonji Zanpakuto for 60 million points!" He accepted in happiness, well, it was extreme luck that helped him. If he had not made that binding vow, he would not have gotten Ichimonji.

"You are really lucky, mortal. Well, you now have 11,077,628 Karma points left, what next do you want to buy or is this it?"

At first he wanted to say that he wanted to go and reincarnate now, and hope that the god is a generous god and will give him a good place to live.

But he realized that the being could also do some cheating and just give him the Shikai Release, nothing more. That was still powerful as it could erase people's name and their abilities, but it definitely isn't the full deal he wanted.

"I'd like to confirm that you will give me both Ichimonji Shikai and Shin'uchi (Bankai) from the deal, and there's also something extra for the Ichimonji as well." Kouhei said, trying to contain his excitement, if he can truly get Shikai and Bankai, then it would be good.

"Yes, but when you begin, you will need to actually learn both Shin'uchi and Shikai. You will begin with just the sealed Zanpakuto, and since I am feeling generous, it will appear in your mind scape at first." The being stated. Although since Ichimonji will appear in the mindscape, he still needs to train.

Well, it makes sense, but before that, there's one more thing he wants to buy from the being.

"I'd like to also be able to call upon this weapon at any time. No matter where it is, how much will this cost by the way?" Kouhei asked.

"Soul-bounding an object to you is extremely expensive, but since I see you have enough Karma points for it, I will soul bound it to you for 10 million Karma points. Got it?"

"Yes, I am done with my purchase, could you reincarnate me now?" He said, with Ichimonji, he just hopes that he gets into a decent enough world that he can survive in long enough and also not be an old man.

"Of course. Just touch my hands and say the same thing that I do, and you will reincarnate with everything you bought." The being said. With this, the being walked towards Kouhei and raised his hand towards him. Kouhei put his hand to touch the beings hand, made of light.

[My right hand is the stone that bridges worlds. My left hand is the blade that binds reality. The black-haired shepherd is hung from a chair. Stratus clouds come, and I strike down the Ibis.]

Both Kouhei and the being said this at once, immediately a portal made of light began to appear, Kouhei almost fell down, but before he did he asked the being one more thing.

"By the way!!! I never got your name!!" Kouhei said, it seemed like wind was blowing but there really was no wind, the space was really just fluctuating.

"You aren't worthy enough to have that name yet, mortal."

We are all born dead, the end exists before anything begins.

If living is a constant quest for awareness, the awareness we gain at the end is the real goal.

In other words, death is discovery and complete understanding of the end.

We are not permitted to seek awareness, those that transcend death will not find awareness in anything.

× Location : Valley of the End ×

× Time : September 24, 18:00-18:15 ×

As soon as Kouhei woke up, he immediately felt a pain in his head. His brain was immediately filled with memories that he himself did not experience. But still memories in his head, nonetheless.

At this moment, he experienced his 'parents' naming him Sasuke, after Sasuke Sarutobi, and to not dishonor his name.

He experienced his 'father' teaching him the great fireball technique for the first time.

He experienced his 'brother' forcing him to watch his family die 518,400 times.

He experienced 'him' joining Team 7 and eventually leaving for his so called 'ambition'.

Kouhei realized that he received the soul information of Sasuke, the body that he is reincarnated in. If this was the body information, then he might forget some details, but he remembered it vividly, he could recall the minor difference in each deaths, even if it was gruesome, it was nothing compared to his life back then.

Back to reality, he saw a boy with blonde hair and whiskers on the ground. He recognized this from both of his life's memory, Naruto Uzumaki.

He could hear raindrops falling onto the ground, a thunder in the distance roaring.

But he also remembers that Kakashi will be here soon, so he needs to go quickly. If he is Sasuke, then the village won't take kindly to him attempting to defect even if he hasn't done anything yet.

He runs as fast as possible in the Sound Village's general direction using Sasuke's memories, well, it was more like staggering. He puts the chakra into his foot and tries his hardest to not mess up and begins jumping through the trees as fast as he can.

He finally meets a Sound ninja, who recognizes Sasuke. The Sound ninja leads Kouhei to one of Orohimaru's hideout where he is there.

"Come in, Lord Orochimaru should be in there waiting for you." The sound ninja said, welcoming Kouhei in an emotionless tone.

× Location : Unknown ×

× Time : September 30, 5:00-5:30 ×

"Like me, you have the power to awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan, but there is a catch."

"You have to kill.... ..your closest friend." said Itachi.


"You have to kill.... ..your closes-"

I.. I will not lose my control to you!

I will find my own path to power...

I will be better than you!


What did.. was I talking about?

What happened?

Sasuke woke up, all his pain from the battle before had disappeared, how long has it been? He tried to get up, with some difficulty he managed to do so, even if he didn't feel pain anymore he could still feel fatigued.

He looked around, only seeing a sort of long paneled path suspended in the air, with a staircase in front. Looking down, he sees three gray tomoes rotating, it looked like it was sort of infecting the area around it, turning the brown wood into a darker color.

He wasn't sure where he is, or is the place even real, so he did the only thing he could, he walked up the stairs slowly and carefully.

The silence was deafening, the only sounds was his footsteps stepping over the hard wood. It did not help that in the world, it was nighttime and he could not see well.

Despite there being no one, the area was extremely eerie. Soon enough, he reached the top of the stairs, reaching a platform.

It was an extremely large platform, both areas at the base and on top of the stairs, lined by circular pillars seeming to be made of darkness itself

It was seemingly nighttime for the backdrop, but for the pillars, he could not see a single thing being reflected, not even the thing before him.

Before him was something that looked like a cocoon, being pure light, contrasting the dark void and night backdrop.

Five discs, floating in the night, seeming to be cities in itself, each one surrounding the cocoon on top it.

Five floors, the cocoon having five layers on top of itself, the moon behind it illuminating it like the stars.

A transparent stair appeared in front of Sasuke, it's vibrant colors luring Sasuke to walk upon it. It seemed as if it was mind controlling Sasuke to walk upon it.

Sasuke did not resist and stepped up the stairs immediately, every step he took seemed to cause ripples on it, almost like water walking.

He entered the cocoon, seeing what seemed like the gates to a shrine, after that was a pathway made of stone and gravel. Behind the pathway was a throne room, decorated by colors and silk.

But Sasuke knew, in his mind and instinctively that it wasn't what he was looking for.

When he believed that the shrine was not what he was looking for, the shrine immediately dissapeared, the room being turned into a seemingly normal balcony, and a curtain hiding in front of him.

"The view from up here is beautiful..." Sasuke said, though there was no words that came out of his mouth.

He looked around, seeing three of the five discs he saw before, the city looked like what you would see from Konoha in its founding years.

Yet there was an elegance and beauty to it, it's simplistic designs and colors make it extremely beautiful to look from the cocoon's view.

Soon enough however, his instincts took over and he went to see what is behind the curtain.

He walked over to the curtain and peeked a look at it, what he saw shook him to the core.

He saw himself, but older sealed and encased inside a crystal, almost seemingly on display, the room looked like his room, but there was no windows, the room was illuminated by only the crystal.

When he entered the room, he could see a sword being stabbed through him and the crystal, as well as a broken paintbrush on the ground, it being broken into five pieces.

He attempted to pull the sword out of the crystal, the swords guard looked like a two-winged dragon, its pommel being a normal gray color. Looking at it, the sword seemed ordinary.

Attempting to pull the sword out, Sasuke saw a part of the sword became a black color, and far became easier to pull out, though that was only temporary as when he attempted to pull the part out where it was just a normal sword, it became far more heavy and he almost collapsed from its weight alone.

Eventually, the entirety of the handle turned into a black color and it was at this point that it became much easier to pull it out, almost the entire bottom half of the sword turning into a pitch black color.

When Sasuke pulled it out, he screamed in pain immediately, all of the black returned to 'himself' inside the crystal, and he dropped the sword, falling into the ground, producing a 'ching' sound upon touching the ground.

At this moment, he experienced 'his' birth, 'him' being given his name, Kouhei Suzuki.

He experienced watching a show called 'Naruto'.

Sasuke experienced 'his' first time going to 'school', a so-called normal school.

Sasuke experienced graduating from his 'school', and also the day where the sun betrayed the earth.

Sasuke experienced 'him' sacrificing his life for his group and ending up in a place outside time.

'His' entire life flashed before his eye, he experienced memories that were not 'his', but his past self that he stumbled upon.

But in that moment, all the knowledge disappeared, and seemed to return to its roots.

However, instinctively, when he tried asking questions about Kouhei, he seemed to know everything, even when he couldn't remember a single thing.

Realizing from Kouhei's memory that he must have gotten his Soul Information, and therefore remember everything about Kouhei's life, and that Kouhei must also know everything about his life too.

He wasn't sure what to make of it that he was just an another person's reincarnation, but was also confused as how he didn't 'dissappear', after all, he is Kouhei, just in a different life.

Perhaps a person is shaped by their experience in their life and what decisions they took during their life. If we do not have our memories, is it really 'us' or is it just someone else using the same soul?

But then how is he still here? He has Kouhei's memory or his Soul Information, yet it does not affect him in any way, his so-called 'personality' did not change at all.

To say, it looked like he was looking from a third person perspective in 'his' life, but yet paradoxically still has all the experiences in his life.

Perhaps he survived because this is the inner world of Kouhei Suzuki? Since he is the reincarnation of Kouhei, did a part of Kouhei's soul split into two and gave him enough essence to still remain conscious, sort of like an inner spirit?

Back to reality, he attempts to look in the Soul Information of Kouhei to see what this show named 'Naruto' is, it was named after his best friend and it was an important part of Kouhei's memory.

Before that however, he hears a voice calling out to him, he wasn't sure who or what but it was coming from the ground.

Specifically, the broken paint brush on the ground. He keeps hearing a voice from it, though he couldn't make it out specifically what it was trying to say, the voice was extremely faint and quiet.

He picks up the brush from the ground to 'hear' it clearer, even when picking a single piece of it, he could barely make out what he was hearing. Not sure what to do next, he decides to pick all of the five fragment of the brush, and put it on the table.

The voice was faint and could barely be heard, but it was there. Sasuke managed to piece together what the voice was saying, but couldn't hear the last part.

The voice coming from the brush was faint, Sasuke did not know if the sound was male or female, it sounded like it was a robot of sort, is this supposed to be the Zanpakuto spirit? What was it's name again?

It's name is...

What? How could I not remember?

It's just on the tip of my tongue...

I.. can't remember.

"It is nice to meet you, Kouhei Suzuki and Sasuke Uchiha.... My name is... ⬛⬛⬛"