
Naruto: Danzo makes a late comeback

A young man transmigrates into Danzo a few years after the Nine-Tails Incident. The original Danzo was incompetent and never achieved his dream of Hokage, but now with the knowledge of the plot and a simple system as help, let alone Konoha even dominating the whole world is not a problem. And it all starts by throwing the world in another war.

Iamxourtingdeath · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Shisui: I am too innocent for this world!

The next day.

Standing a few kilometers outside of Konoha, Danzo was waiting for Orochimaru with his subordinates.

The Kumo-envoys arrived yesterday and had a meaningless discussion with Sarutobi and the others, Danzo didn't bother to attend, especially the arrogant expressions on their faces.

He really couldn't understand, why are walking corpses so arrogant?

Anyway after thinking about it yesterday, Danzo decided to let Shisui use his Mangekyo Sharingan against Orochimaru and make him loyal to himself.

Otherwise that snake is too uncontrollable, its almost impossible to let stay peacefully in Konoha.

Shisui had told him about his ability out of his own iniative yesterday, except for showing his loyalty, Shisui also had the intention to see if Danzo would be frightened when he knew about it, but as someone who has seen the plot Danzo is invincible in this regard, he has absolutely no fear that Shisui would use it on him and Shisui test went smoothly.

After that Shisui also agreed to use it on Orochimaru without hesitation, anyway he trusts that Danzo will be able to resolve the conflicts between the Uchiha and Konoha by force and it doesn't matter if his Mangekyo ability is wasted.

"Hehehe, Danzo, I heard you something very interesting in your hands. Can I see it?"

A cold voice sounded in their ears and a pale snake-faced Orochimaru appeared in front of them.

Danzo didn't answer immediately, instead he gave Shisui a faint look and the latter understood.

With a thought, Shisui's eyes turned into a blood-red Mangekyo-shape and he whispered.


Orochimaru didn't even react and his mind was invaded instantly.

'Be loyal to Danzo.'

Without having the ability to resist, the order was smoothly imprinted into Orochimarus mind forever.

The cold look in Orochi's eyes disappeared instantly, replaced with a respectful expression when looking at Danzo.

Noticing the change, Danzo laughed loudly while speaking.

"Let's go back. We have a new comrade hahaha."

The plan went very smoothly. Not only is Science Jesus under his command from now on, but the system also accepted the change of Orochi, even though he was mind-controlled, giving him another chance to choose an item.


Root base.

Danzo was seated in his chair with Orochimaru and Shisui on his left and right side.

He lightly tapped on the ground with his cane and started talking.

"I have something important to discuss.

Presumably you both know that my reputation is extremely bad and there is basically no chance to become Hokage at all, at least if there are no drastic changes."

Although it was a bit embarrassing, Shisui and Orochimaru couldn't deny what he said.

The reputation of Danzo is really terrible, there is no other way to describe it. The amount of people, who want to kill Danzo could line up from Konoha to Kirigakure.

Looking at the two silent guys, the corner of Danzo's mouth twitched.

'Shouldn't you fuckers comfort me now?

Not even Orochimaru who has full level loyal due Kotoamatsukami's deny's my words, fuck me.'

Throwing the useless thoughts out of his mind, Danzo started talking about his next plan.

In fact it is pretty simple, when the Kumo guys rob Hinata, fail and then make their unreasonable demands to Hiruzen, he will first publicize everything that happened at the last minute and then show up just when the Konoha High-level are about to agree to the demands, forcefully kill all Kumo-messengers and then volunteer to go to the front line.

Then with his newfound strength, he will reincarnate as a god of war, kill as many Kumo ninjas as possible on the battlefield, become the new hero of Konoha and then Fifth Hokage.

Well Shisui was useless in the discussion, this guy is too innocent for such plans, but Orochimaru, a literal snake, is all too familiar with such things. All the details of the plan were easily finalized with his help, some of the ideas of Orochimaru sent a chill down the spine of Shisui, making him grateful for his Mangekyo ability, he really isn't suited for this evil world.

After the discussion Danzo had a smile on his face, everything is settled. Taking out the Munch Munch fruit from the system, he turned his attention to Orochi.

"Orochimaru, this is a gift for you, we will discuss the specific functions of this fruit later.

In the future, you shouldn't put much thought on fighting. I want you to focus completely on science, other things are not as important. Not only should you research the things you usually study, but also mechanical and biochemical troops and weapons, civilian tech, long-range communication devices, and weapons of mass destruction should be put on the agenda.

I will fully cooparate with you in terms of funds and materials, don't let me down."

These words made Orochimaru's eyes flash with excitement, yes, he is now loyal to Danzo, but his character hasn't changed at all. Taking the fruit from Danzo's hand, he licked his lips with his tongue that would make any girl go into coma and spoke with a respectful voice.

"Yes, Lord Danzo, leave it to me. I will bring my subordinates and equipment over and start right away."

Patting Orochimaru on the shoulder with satisfaction, Danzo smiled.

"Good, after I become Hokage, I will pardon your crimes and throw all the blame on Sarutobi, so don't worry, you will get your status as Sannin back and then walk uprightly on the streets of Konoha.

And you Shisui come with me, we will practice our abilities for the upcoming war, anyway we will have to wait for a few days so that our plan can start."