
Naruto: CyberPunk Legend

Ken McCoy is a person who loves to say that he puts Family, friends, and work to the highest priority that he can. But when he loses all three he laments that he wasn't given his happy ending. The chance to make a legend, to be a legend that everyone can read about and wonder how he did it. But when he was sent to the Elemental nations by a R.O.B. and began to shine he was struck down once again. Kekkai can only cut his losses and start over,Third times the charm. But can he still do it? Kekkai believes he can. The Warring States era has so much that wasn't told In the naruto manga, close to hundreds of year's before even the Madara Uchiha and Senju Hashirama are born he has to navigate his friends and family through a time of myth as Gods and Demons reemerge from their slumber seeking to reinstate their claim on the world. An ancient powerful empire declares war with the world. Aliens and their halfbreeds run amuck throughout the land. Seeing the Chaos before him with his comrades at his side. Kekkai grins savagely and says “Bring it on! It's time to make a Legend!” —- Weak to Strong Clan Building Kingdom Building Harem No NTR R-18 Incest P.s I’m a new author who decided to put my wild imagination at ease. Many crossovers are waiting and this is my test run wish me luck

JokerProdijay · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 8: Plague, The Shuinzu Sect

"The land had become so polluted in their attempts to kill that abomination that the nature of the land itself was poisonous miasma to all that entered. What was left of the Yokai became even more scarce and they could no longer repair the land at all! The aftermath just sat there wallowing in a pit of poisonous molten rock!" Grandma Chiho says with a touch of loss.

"Wait, you say that Yokai restores damage to nature? How?" I asked, amazed and a little shocked.

"With Nature energy, a force that connects every single living creature in the world, it is what allows the land to function and thrive, it is what makes the difference between a dead land that is crooked and abandoned, no longer able to support even the smallest form of life. And a wetland teeming with a balanced system of life and death. Something necessary for people to live in prosperity. The Yokai are extreme spiritual embodiments of that energy and their very presence brings out the benefits of land to its residents close to tenfold!" Yoshiko explained.

/So they act as buffs and focus points for Nature Chakra, / I thought with a nod.

"The Mēkā were a branch of the Omyoji sect that served as caretakers and benefitted the living aspect of Yokai, while another clan that we were allied to served the Dead. And this situation kept the people and nature in balance. Well, it does most of the time." Hak-Or whispers his countenance dark and brooding, thinking about something unpleasant from his memory.

"The clan that represented the dead abandoned their duty to aid their allies in this war, breaking the balance with their interference and when their numbers dwindled after being hunted by the opposing side they went into hiding, afraid of ending their bloodline. So when the catastrophe happened, the already disrupted balance collapsed on itself and became a plague that had little to no cure across the land. Close to hundreds of miles were filled with sick people who were slowly and painfully dying." Ryū said and with a swipe of his hand, the screen changed.

Just a glance at the new image shown on the screen made Akane and Akiko turn away in disgust and horror. Even I who have seen in my last life how twisted sickness could make people had to advert my eyes a little at the state of the people in the image.

"Disrupting the balance of nature has consequences that everyone must pay. Some pay little, others pay more, This is the least of it." Ryū grunted

The image showed over a dozen monks and priests wearing some kind of plague doctor clothing standing above droves of people writhing in pain in an enclosed encampment. Thin, malnourished, and completely deformed! Their limbs splayed to the side like dying crooked branches, open sores, and lesions covered their bodies constantly erupting in pus and blood, their eyes crusted and unable to even open as they writhed in torture.

The monks and priests constantly chanted and performed all kinds of Mudras before shouting out and a large smokey golden and green energy poured out from the ground below the encampment, the light washed over the sick and like removing rust slowly scrapped away a black tar-like substance from their bodies and gathered into the air.

One of the monks stepped forward and opened a small wooden box and made a hands-on before opening it. Slowly, the golden green energy gathered the Black substance and imprisoned it within it.

The people who lay below slowly stopped moving but were still injured, their faces covered in relief as their pain finally disappeared. Lying there in stillness as if resting. One of the monks went down and placed a hand over their mouths and chest, before long he looked back up and shook his head in disappointment.

"The sickness drove itself into any person without resistance to it, the only thing that any healer could do was to take it away the corrupted poison, but many were too weak to survive the process and died. Although it relieved their pain, it was practically impossible for the plague to be cured by Chakra alone."

"The culprits of this catastrophic disaster had their families stripped of their rank and aristocracy, never again allowed to hold any position higher than a count for 5 generations. And no Ninja Clan was ever allowed to recruit militia outside of their lands unless they use their family troops."Ryū continued to explain the story.

"Though I like to believe this was a pathetic slap on the wrist for bad behavior, their punishment was way too light compared to the chaos and destruction it caused!" Ryū growled.

"I know this is horrible, and it's a very important history lesson, but what does this have to do with [Damian] and how my technique will endanger myself and others?" I asked while interrupting his chastise on the Uchiha and Senju's lack of punishment for their crimes.

/Those two clans have always had preferential treatment, Even in the future when the entire country of the world was in a civil war between the ninja clans and Hashirama and Madara wrecked a large area of land, it was named The Valley of End and monuments built in their name. If anybody pulled that stunt they would be called Terrorists and hunted down en mass./ I complained

But what could I expect, the Otsutski bloodline has treated this world as their back garden since Kaguya and Isshiki, I don't expect them to change now if they couldn't change then.

"I'm getting there, I'm getting there, we need to give you the whole story, or else you wouldn't understand." Ryū chuckled at my impatient interruption before waving at the Jade once more.

"Our ancestors at the time were a branch of Omyuji that were the caretakers between Nature and civilization, the bridge between the Yokai and the People. The plague was starting to get worse and worse, taking the life of anything and anyone that touched it. Except for us! You see, even though the Yokai in our influence couldn't solve the problems that plagued the land, we had certain long-lost techniques as Omyoji that could refine the berserk natural energy and soothe it, we were not affected and could heal the places that we did in an attempt to cure and stop the spread of the plague. When word of our prowess in healing the plague spread, we were immediately summoned by all the local Daimyo and ordered to hand over the method immediately. Sadly, the method required Yokai who were none too pleased to be ordered around by the cause of the destruction of their land. Not believing that they couldn't do what we could, they looked elsewhere to Omyoji and the Immortal sages of the Ninja Sect. That's when the problem that was already very bad turned even worse!"

"When the Daimyos contacted those 'Sages', they broke into an unknown argument that left both sides dissatisfied. The Omyoji that they contacted had little luck in finding a way to cleanse the land. That was until a certain unknown practitioner something that is considered taboo, devoured the Maisma Nature energy and refined it with their chakra to form a technique called Sage Mode. This is a legendary technique that few can refine and even fewer can release, held as the highest technique by the Three Holy Sages. This technique using the Maisma gave permanent increases to the strength of the user and required so little using a miasma nature that the Daimyos and Omyoji were overjoyed and immediately spread this technique among their ranks. They began to swarm the Scorched Earth in droves, not even knowing what kind of disaster it would bring upon them."

/Permanent boosts? That's quite unlikely, there has to be a downside. Otherwise, there would be sage-enhanced people everywhere in naruto and nobody would need to experiment like Orochimaru to become one./ I noted

"What disaster?" Akiko asked

"The energy they absorbed stayed within their bodies and took root like cancer, draining them slowly of their sanity and emotions like a parasite. Turning the weaker willed into mindless deformed creatures when it consumed them like the Oni, let's say that the Daimyo at the time became short-staffed in people for a long time to clean up the corrupted. They sent ninjas and monks to hunt down those who survived the transformation. Those that did retain their minds immediately deserted the Omyoji order and the daimyos and created a sect of their own. The Shuinzu Sect. Headed by the one who called himself the successor of the Oni, The Maō. The Maozuko Sage."

"His teachings and ability to use the wild nature chakra were astounding and as they gained increasing mastery over it. He began to influence others to join a cult of Evil Gods to follow him. Anybody who stood in their way was destroyed, including many ninja clans and Omyoji clans."

The screen turned to ruins as I have seen many monks and Samurai fighting and being slaughtered by a group of Tall blood-red monks who reached close to 15 feet in height, their muscles bulging and their skin Blood red, with long expanding tattoos that crawled along their skin.

"The Three Holy lands stepped forward and rebuked the Daimyos and Omyoji alike for their negligence and said that the Oni originated from using such techniques and if they grew any more then thousands of Oni would appear from them and Kill anything in sight. Though it's not recorded what exactly happened after this the Shuinzu sect was miraculously destroyed and its followers were given a kill-on-sight order." Ryū explained before looking at me.

"Any techniques that rely on Nature energy except the three holy lands were banned and forbidden. Anybody within the Elemental Nations who are caught using these techniques is captured and tried for heresy and treason."

"Throughout the years even though there have been countless resemblances to the Shuinzu sect emerging but the most recent was in the Land of Storms, which was forty years ago, Me and Chiho had the luck and misfortune to witness one of these Maouzko practitioners. They had staged a rebellion and attack on the Storm Daimyo, after brainwashing an army to their cause, they caused massive damage to the land and even killed the Storm Dragon that served as the local defender of the land. Their power is beyond understanding and not to be associated with." Ryū says before finally turning and looking at me.

No, everyone turned and looked at me, as if saying fess up. We know what you did.

"What!? What are you looking at me like that for?" I asked puzzled

"Don't you have something to explain to us? Like who taught you your Tulpa technique?" Aunt Madoka lightly encouraged from the side.

"I told you that I learned it from a book! And my Tulpa has nothing at all to do with Maōzuko. How in the heck did you guys come up with that explanation?!" I blinked before exclaiming, wronged and hurt that they would think that they believed that I had joined some kind of cult! No wonder they brought me here and began a history lecture.

"I haven't even left the clan much less interacted with some kind of cult!" I exclaimed while glaring at them.

The adults turned and looked at each other with an 'as expected he denied it exchanging a glance.

"It's not like we don't believe you, Kekkai, it's just that, where did you learn Sage Arts from then?" Grandma Chiho asked softly.

"Sage arts? Grandma, I haven't even learned how to refine Chakra yet! Where would I get Sage Arts from?" I exclaimed, a little exasperated.

"Your Tulpa, or whatever it is, when you switch to it, your body begins to heat up and change tints, the boost in strength, as well as recovery ability, and that madness and rage that it has! It can't be anything else besides Wild Nature energy! Kekkai, that type of thing will corrupt and destroy your mind, it's not worth a small boost in strength for your sanity!" Ryū explained grimly, placing a hand on my shoulder and shaking it.

"Umm, are you talking about [Damian] Muscle control and blood flow control technique? Because that's not Nature Energy at all if you're talking about that." my eyes opened wide in realization, it's not what my technique was that confused them but how it looked on the outside.

"Muscle control? What does that have to do with your technique?" Grandma Chiho asked

"Blood and Muscle Control? What's that?" asked Akane.

"Do you remember those Breathing and Stretching exercises that I taught you?" I asked

"Mhmm," they both nodded

"Usually, to promote growth in muscles and nerve elasticity you need to heat up, stretch and cause small damage to the muscle tissue and allow it to heal. This builds strength and muscle without tearing and over-damaging the tissue. Breathing and stretching allow somebody to control their core and strength, while also promoting blood flow speed and heat transfer. Granting a boost in your ability to use your muscles and explosiveness. [Damian] knows how to do that and more he's on a completely different level when it comes to muscle control. A while ago during the winter, I was training my cold tolerance, [Damian] managed to come up with a way to retain Heat and promote blood flow in my body with breath control and micro-movements to allow my blood to flow so fast it rises my surface temperature to explode to a whopping 150 degrees! My adrenaline and strength spike to abnormal levels, promoting my healing exponentially and allowing me to do things I wouldn't normally be able to do, although the drawbacks are weakness, dehydration, and extreme fatigue. It's perfect if I want to explode in maximum capacity for a short amount of time!" As I continue explaining the other perks and wonders about [Damians] technique, but as I got halfway through I became more excited and started going faster and faster, in the end, I saw my family's eyes begin to swirl into their heads from my endless scientific research jargon pouring into their heads.

But you have to understand! This is impossible for regular humans in my past life! Just the internal temperature alone is way above what is survivable in my past life which is 115 degrees. A pure biological anomaly of 150 degrees will send doctors packing because that person is dead and practically well done.

But I not only survive, but I believe I can do it two times, maybe pushing it to three times a day! Such a thing already makes me feel extremely accomplished. Yes it's a messy-kiddie version of the Eight Gates and I can't perform it without help from [Damian], but it's a command it's only the first version. I can improve it as I go on especially when I learn Chakra!

Looking at me preening like a proud peacock with a wide smile on my face, chin raised and my chest puffed out. My audience was confused, slightly amused, and surprised.

"So your skin is changing colors because of your rising temperature? Not Natural energy?" Yoshiko asked cautiously

"I don't know!" I replied, like hell, I would know, I've only been here for five years and haven't even contacted the local specialty named chakra!


This earned me a glare from everyone, their prominent forehead veins bulging told me that I better explain quickly because they were running out of patience.

"I've never refined chakra before, much less Natural energy. All I know is what I experimented with during training and feeling around in my leisure time, there's nothing about a cult of Demonic worshiping weirdos or anybody teaching me. It's just me, myself([Damian]), and I([Ryze]). And [Damian] is the one who fully controls it I just sit back and watch. So there might be Natural energy in the mix but I certainly don't know." I explain with shrugged shoulders.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, contemplating what I was saying and I don't know what else.

Akane and Akiko were just sitting to the side, a little confused.

"Can you sense natural energy in me when I exchange positions with [Damian]?" I asked, knowing that it is impossible.

"Yes. Although it's different from regular Natural energy, it is present. That's why we were so worried about you learning Maōzuko techniques." Grandma Chiho nods and confirms

"..." I blinked

/Seriously? I skipped Chakra and directly went to Nature energy./ I was flabbergasted, and a little excited.

"How can you tell?" I asked

"Kekkai, you little brat, did you hear nothing about what we said about Yokai? Our clan branches from Omyoji, which dealt with spirits and creatures that use nature to hide and attack people! If we can't detect it, how are we supposed to balance the environment when we cleanse the Yokai? And Yokai themselves are elusive creatures who rely more on their environment than chakra to hide. So how could we find them if we can't even feel them?" Aunt Madoka scolded

"Umm, I didn't think about that," I replied sheepishly, immediately admitting I messed up in my common sense here.

At this everyone chuckled.

"Okay Kekkai, we believe you. But can you explain your friend's anger? Why is he so mad when he comes out?" Ryū sighs and decided to switch to a new topic.

"I kind of made him that way, he's not angry at me or everyone, it's just that when I need to get motivation or a boost. He comes in and helps me get through it. But he's usually calm, relaxed, and gentle most of the time." I say although that's not the only reason why [Damian] came into being.

"I see, well, just in case. Let's meet him face to face." My grandfather says with a raised eyebrow.

"Face to face? Didn't you already see him? And just to let you know, when I made him, even if I can't understand what he's saying, I just go off the emotions he projects to me."

"No, we are going to use a different method, sometimes we have to find spirits that lie outside the physical realm, Miko deals with these types of creatures more often but we still have some tools that allow us to access the Mental Plane." He smiled before turning and leading us away from the Viewing Jadeite and out of the library.

/Ring! Ringggggg! Ring ring ring ringing!/ A panicked repeated bell sounded in my mind as a feeling of loss and regret panged.

/Sorry buddy, next time, it's not going anywhere. I'll be back soon enough and pour through everything that place has to offer!/ I comforted softly.

/Ring./ the bell sounded in agreement.

As we made our way through another stone corridor Grandpa Ryū stopped suddenly, stroking his beard he turned around to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh and that reminds me, you said that you haven't refined Chakra yet right?" Grandpa Ryū asked

"Yes, I felt that if I used Chakra early I would damage my body from excess strain," I replied.

"That's for regular ninjas who try their best to squeeze their bodies for all their worth. Trying to unleash power beyond what their body allows. People of our clan usually refine medicine and go through meditation to control such impulses and to prepare our minds for battle against Tainted Yokai to prevent possession. You however have managed to push your body past certain limits with training and willpower alone. Even going as far as to make a physical technique that can draw natural energy without using chakra. You should also have attainments in meditation, seeing as you can create a subconscious being from your mind alone. So I think it's time." Grandpa Ryū states while examining me.

"Time for what?" I inquired, curious.

"For you to learn to refine your chakra." Grandpa Ryū says with a grin.

Finally coming to the Chakra chapter. You will also meet the little buddies that the MC created. Also, Tulpas are an individual set of different thought processes that run in sync with your own. This technique if refined could make creatures like Succubi, It, and the Yeti. When this technique is brought to naruto, an amazing thing is created, welcome to Wonderland.

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