
Naruto: CyberPunk Legend

Ken McCoy is a person who loves to say that he puts Family, friends, and work to the highest priority that he can. But when he loses all three he laments that he wasn't given his happy ending. The chance to make a legend, to be a legend that everyone can read about and wonder how he did it. But when he was sent to the Elemental nations by a R.O.B. and began to shine he was struck down once again. Kekkai can only cut his losses and start over,Third times the charm. But can he still do it? Kekkai believes he can. The Warring States era has so much that wasn't told In the naruto manga, close to hundreds of year's before even the Madara Uchiha and Senju Hashirama are born he has to navigate his friends and family through a time of myth as Gods and Demons reemerge from their slumber seeking to reinstate their claim on the world. An ancient powerful empire declares war with the world. Aliens and their halfbreeds run amuck throughout the land. Seeing the Chaos before him with his comrades at his side. Kekkai grins savagely and says “Bring it on! It's time to make a Legend!” —- Weak to Strong Clan Building Kingdom Building Harem No NTR R-18 Incest P.s I’m a new author who decided to put my wild imagination at ease. Many crossovers are waiting and this is my test run wish me luck

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19 Chs

Chapter 13: Gift of the Host

A silent breeze whisked across the roof, I sat there with my legs crossed, chin cupped by my hand, and a slightly bored and curious expression on my face.

-What is this? You say that we need to talk but when I agree, you guys just keep your mouths shut?- I groan in my head

That's right, Although [Morpheus] had come out of the blue, solemn as fuck, saying that we needed to talk, they haven't said anything for three minutes straight!

It was getting pretty freakin awkward.

But I seem to be the only one in a hurry for the conversation to start. [Damian] and [Ryze] sat next to each other mumbling something unintelligibly to each other. [Morpheus] had stepped to the side and leaned up against a railing with his head down, pondering about who knows what. [Ornn] was the only one who seemed as bored as me as he just chuffed and sat there, began to lazily wait on the ground, and began stargazing. The tall man who I assume to be [Hati] was a little uncomfortable and toyed with his spear, [Sköl] smiled in mirth watching him squirm while tuning her bow.

And [Yggy], well I don't know what the hell is wrong with her, for some reason ever since she appeared in human form, her gaze hidden under the shadow of her brown hood has been trained on me.

The gaze contained a mess of emotions joy, curiosity, hope, longing, loss, and something that unnerved me so much when I met her gaze that I didn't try to do so again even though I can still feel her eyes.


The freaking woman was looking at me like she was an old cougar that has been starving for days and had just seen a young buck that can fill her appetite and more!

I'm only 6! Well, my soul age is 38 and I'm an adult inside a child's body, and she knows that but still, the feeling of being stripped by her eyes made me squirm a little. There's nothing inside here for you! I might be impressive when I grow two more feet and fill out, but this slim and slightly toned body still hasn't hit his growth spurt!

But that still didn't prevent her gaze when she noticed me squirming her smile grew wider and her molesting gaze even more blatant.

"A-Ahem! Cool down! We have an important matter to discuss here, we don't have to for you to flirt with our host, Fuyoko." said a deep warm voice to break the uncomfortable silence, [Hati] had decided to take the lead.

"Ohh? Do we? And here I thought we were just here to show off our human forms and enjoy the fresh night air." a melodious sweet voice came from [Iggy] or should I call her Fuyoko now, as she tilted her head and mocked [Hati].

[Hati] just glared at her, turning to me to speak, but when he met my gaze he just turned away again and whistled.

"She's right, you're delaying long, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" [Sköl] chided


With a heavy animalistic Sneer echoing outwards from him along with his form starting to flicker, I could tell that [Hati] didn't appreciate the jab as he glared at the two of them.

"Ahem! Alright, let's cut to the chase, Kekkai, we-" [Hati] began but once again trailed off with a troubled look across his face.

"They're leaving." [Morpheus] states," They've decided to pack up their bags and leave."

"What?" I blinked in surprise, "Leaving? To where? Why!"

"Home, little one. We are going home. It's been a fun three years, we've learned a lot and enjoyed your company, and we are eternally grateful for your saving grace and hospitality. But now we must go home and prepare." [Sköll] answered softly, her gaze soft, comforting, but firm and determined, though this is the first time I've heard [Sköll] without translation from [Morpheus], even so, I recognized the 'this is final' tone in her voice.

"Saving grace? What are you talking about?! And prepare for what?" I asked, confused

"Child *Sigh*, you should realize by now that we aren't Tulpa, or rather not by your definition of the term," [Hati] sighed before squatting with his spear and looking me in the eye.

"Then what are you?" I questioned

"Demi-Gods, Deamon's, Fey, Elementals, Aspects, Djinn, there are numerous names that could have described us best in your old world. But I found the title I appreciate the most is Guardians, or at least we used to be Guardians." [Hati] explains slowly with a slight smile of weary self-deprecation at the end.

"Speak for yourself! I'm the one who was forgotten and laid to waste, if I didn't want my kin to slowly change into the lumbering slobs of fat, pigs for the slaughter, I would wait to repay Kekkai slowly over the years! I wouldn't care what those fools do later otherwise!" [Sköll] muttered sarcastically, her face twisting in disgust as she stopped tuning her now for a moment when talking about her relatives, but then continuing with her chore, a little pain, discomfort, and rejection in her words.

"Used to be, so I'm guessing you guys are-" I slowly chewed on the information given to me for a few moments before starting again, but [Fuyoko] formerly [Iggy] interrupted me.

"Don't guess, let me explain it plain and simple. We are Totemic beings that are tied to several different aspects of nature and power. But we died. As we tried our best to keep our remanent spiritual energy in the land of the living and resist returning to the great origin, you came along and anchored us inside your spiritual world and cultured us all back to health, and allowed us to regain our Physical Shell. Now these two want to leave for their revenge story, and they are trying to say goodbye before they die taking on someone they know they can't beat." [Fuyoko] fired off rapidly, cutting a much-needed long story short in one breath, after she explained this she slowly began walking up before sitting down on the ground at my side.

"But don't worry about these two ungrateful people, I promise you I'm here to stay, I'll gladly repay you with whatever you want~!"[Fuyoko] slowly whispered as she cuddled closer to my flank with long drawn-out gestures.

She was dressed in a patchy brown wool robe with a large hood and intricate black mask covering her eyes and most of her face, but that did little to take away from her charming body. Long red locks flowed down her covered face, and over a gap that exposed a hint of the tantalizing curves that hugged against her robe, long legs that can make your throat dry, and a sweet smell of honey and cinnamon that drifted off her body made my face blush a little.

"Ummm, ahem. Can you back off a bit," I mutter uncomfortably, squirming like a virgin teen in front of his favorite porn star.

Look at me, this woman is making a grown experienced man uncomfortable like this, a saving grace is by no means the need to be a tease!

"If those two leave, you're going too, It's not like I don't trust you here, but I don't trust you here." [Morpheus] states suddenly as he appeared and separated the two of us by pulling me up by the shoulders with a heave.

"What?! For what reason don't you trust me!? I haven't even done anything, these guys want revenge but I'm the only one without baggage when I died. What's wrong with me?" [Fuyoko] speaks out in her defense, putting on an exaggerated look of surprise and hurt with a hand pressed against her fluffy chest.

"Mhmm, your right, if we leave and she doesn't, we don't know what she would do to our precious child." [Sköll] nods in agreement

"Umm, you guys do know that I'm a grown-ass man-" I began to come to my defense immediately, I'm young right now, but that doesn't mean I don't have any defense against women, but [Morphues] squeezed my shoulder and shook his head solely.

"Trust me, this chick ain't normal, you can't handle her! Ever since she arrived, she's been getting more and more wild!" [Morpheus] whispers to me, his hand dropping right on the word wild to emphasize

"Hey! I can still hear you!" [Fuyoko] reminds me from the side.

-That's because he wanted you to hear, and what bothers me is that you don't fucking deny it!

"Wild, as in more flirty? Or wild as in" I whisper back to [Morpheus], my answer was a shiver I could see travel across his spine as he looked warily back at the woman still sitting on the ground.

"As in several times, she nearly had your ass! You like to rest mentally on her trunk in the MindScape, but what you didn't notice is that when you did, some multiple playful little vines and branches were about to start poking around if we didn't stop them!" [Morpheus] explains slowly and fearfully

"....." I was stunned as a shock traveled up my spine and I looked to the others for confirmation of if it was true

They all nodded solemnly in response one after another to my inquiring gaze. Well, except the culprit herself. She just smiled wickedly at me and licked her lips sensually.

-This bitch tried to MindRape me! And not once but several times! Motherly my ass! Or maybe that was what she was looking for all this time with those vines of hers!- I register, my ass tightening at the image of Boy vs Jungle roleplay that suddenly came to mind but I banished the terrifying image the next second.

"Thanks," I whisper to [Morpheus], the savoir of my mental purity.

"I can still hear you!" [Fuyoko] grunts in dissatisfaction on the side

I ignored the Nympho, turning around I looked at all of them and asked tentatively.

"So, are all of you, dead Spirits?" I ask slowly

"No. Just us three, the rest of them did come from your mind, this Visualization technique of yours is actually quite the impressive technique!" [Hati] states,"To accumulate and manifest your will into four distinct creatures, each with their own mindset and expertise! No wonder you managed to harbor us in your mind!"

"Good, I thought I was completely tricked! Thinking I was manifesting my mental energy and it was just going to seven Stowaways! Now that you mention it, you guys could understand me this entire time! Why the hell didn't you speak proper English until you got your body? It's not like you need an actual voice box to communicate with me!" I demand with a glare

"Umm, funny thing is, we didn't expect to stay long." [Hati] mumbles, embarrassed about something as he scratches the back of his head.

"We were waiting for you to die, so we could take you back to our respective Afterlives." [Sköll] states plainly

"You guys were expecting me to die?! I was three at the time! You were way too early! What are you Grim reapers?!" I rebuke heavily

"I am, sort of, but she's not. And us expecting you to die wasn't exactly uncalled for, we know that you don't know, but you have five different bloodlines, three of which you are a mutant. And at that, at the time, all of them were about to awaken initially." [Hati] explains unhurriedly

"Which means?"

"Remember that Kurama Clan girl? The one who had a Kekkai Genkai Bloodstain that was constantly devouring her memories and needed to have her mental domain sealed?" [Fuyoko] Asks, "That would have been you with just two Bloodlines activating. You were about to release five, it should have crippled your body right then and there!"

"But here I am, alive and kicking, before today's events I haven't even had so much as a cough or cold since birth! Much less the weakness you've described" I state as a matter of fact

"And that's the first reason we stayed, your Lineages which should have conflicted we're delayed and refined slowly by us into something more manageable over these few years. Until we knew your body was capable of handling it." [Sköll] explains

"What did you do with it?" I ask with a raised eyebrow

"We already gave it back to you, with just a little extra as a gift. Only, we didn't expect your body to still incapable of refining it completely, so, we went the extra mile and crafted a Regalia for you! Although these little ones did their best in the process, the three of us still had to put in a lot of work to finish it! So, You're welcome, Kekkai."

"Rubbish! Just a little sweat after fifty years of relaxation must have made you lazy! Don't worry, child, this gift is a compensation to you for the knowledge and saving grace you provided to us and our people!" [Hati] explains with a thankful nod, presenting a clenched hand before me and pressing something into my own.

It was the orb, only it had changed its appearance drastically, the metallic shell had disappeared, replaced by a soft violet gelatinous shell, and inside was a mass of ever-shifting scarlet liquid that glowed brightly, as well as a cerulean blue core.

As I grasped it, feeling around the surface carefully. As I did, I felt a warmth spread up from it and into my arm, quickly filling my body with a strong, comfortable heat.

Closing my eyes, enjoyed the warmth that spread, relaxing my body and filling my veins with a slight hum of energy as it passed. I felt stronger, clearer, and yet-

-It feels off. Like in the Cave, that strange sense of being off-key, as if I'm lagging behind something.- I note to myself, opening my eyes, I looked around and I seen seven pairs looking back in expectation.

"Thank you, I appreciate the gift, but You still haven't told me what I did that saved you or the people you're talking about?! If it was simply the rent payment for staying in my head, I don't need it. I don't understand much about what's happening, but if [Sköll] says it took some effort, it must have been expensive price you guys needed to pay, You guy's company was more than enough over the years." I smile and try to hand back the orb to [Hati]

The tall dark man just simply smiled and backed away, not willing to come forward to accept it.

"Just keep it, we used your mental realm as the focus, as powerful as it already was, it was no skin off our backs to perform something like this. But this little trinket will also block the [Divination] and [Prophecy] techniques of certain nosey creatures such as the Toad Sage." Fuyoko advised from the side lazily, "And, even if you don't know, they do know what you gave them is priceless compared to what they gave you, especially since they are in such a rush right now!"

"And that is?" I ask, looking curiously at them

"Your memories, on the first night of our arrival, you opened all your memories, be it your old home, your past, and about this world, and its future!" [Fuyoko] states simply

This caused me to pause in realization, that's right! My Memories! Having a front-row seat about what happened in the past as well as the future, the foresight given to all transmigrators was just given to these local gods without hesitation in complete and total ease!

I felt like slapping myself hard, how could I miss that?

-No wonder they want to hide me from the Toad Sages Prophecy! With all the strength my little butterfly wings could flap, I didn't expect the first affect would be Gods! Well, hopefully, they aren't going to do something stupid with it! - I nearly coat myself in a cold sweat, hoping with all my might these two are will be reasonable!

"To be honest, I'm both shocked and unsurprised at the state this world would be in. But, you couldn't expect less from those lying, hypocrite bastards!" [Hati] explains, but this time was different, instead of a soft smile on his face and matching kind eyes, his teeth were exposed completely into a snarl, and his eyes began to take on a ravenous bloody hue. As if he was about to activate the [Sharingan] at any second from his rage

"Hmph! Those bastards were trying to kill us off slowly! They're all OathBreakers, there is a special type of hell reserved for their kind of people! We would have continued to wait peacefully for them to keep their promises, unaware of the noose they had wrapped around our necks! But with your memories as a warning, we are going to prepare a BIG surprise for them that will wipe the smug, self-righteous looks right off their faces!" [Sköll] snorts as well, her porcelain white face showing nothing but disdain, but I could see the knuckles tightened on her now, so right they looked like they would start bleeding in the next second, as well as the slight ghostly breeze that was causing her clothing to shift and flicker hinted at her rage as well.

-I'm doomed! What are these two going to do?!- I nearly faint in place seeing these two start to produce a bloody red aura and mutter to themselves menacingly!

"Okay! Okay! Let's not get ahead of ourselves and Calm down! Who are they? What did they do? What are you guys trying to do?!" I panic and try my best to calm these two down and get some information about the situation as soon as possible!

These two looked so pumped up, I thought they were about to start a world war!

"We are going to gather our pantheons, all of our descendants, and anybody who are willing to take up our cause and bring them to war!"x2

-Dear god, they really are going to war!- I felt light spots appear in my eyes

"With who? Maybe I can help, or maybe we could negotiate with them before you guys try to kill them!" I ask hurriedly

"The Great Toad Sage Gamamaru, and that son of a bitch Six Paths Immortals Hagaromo Otsutsuski!"They state once again in unison, eyes practically spitting flames of anger.

"Oh, Shit." I whisper, before fainting then and there on the roof.