
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ainzelorph_9999 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


I go to the space bead while the space bead is on top of the biggest mountain, that was made for trials if you reach the top you will get a great prize or reward, after all only those that have great will power, very strong soul and strong enough body can arrive at the top.

I also made a myth by using a clone that whoever reaches the top can become the strongest and get the heavenly treasures.

In the space bead there is a special cave made for my seclusion, well you might ask how is a cave special, well I used a lot of fuijutsu there I mean a lot in the cave there is total void similar to where I met zeus?, no light, no matter, no colour, and nothing is there, I used about hundred billion seals to make it larger I did not use infinity as I wanted to do it hard way guess because I am bored. I made it for my seclusion after all I am going to breakthrough there going to be lots of explosion and I don't want to destroy the space bead with my pressure. So I made it that it can handle my pressure and even if my pressure comes it won't go anywhere else, I think , aswell as I need a lot of nature chakra to breakthrough so I used infinity and made nature energy here infinate.

I sit down on the floating rock I satart making universes and universes, a lot of different type of universes, one with only one planet sustaining life in other lots of planets sustaining life. One has where every one uses ki or internal energy like moorim and other has a fantasy land where people use mana, one has advanced magic planet other has ancient dragons alive. One has where they cultivate qi and other has where there is no energy to strenthen bodies but use and advance technology. One has magic and ki where some mix it and create chakra other has breathing techniques and demons. One has where one awakens their soul as a tool or beast they use it to strenthen themselves while other has special artifacts that give people power based on their worthyness. One has where humans and gods live among and gods give their blessing for humans to get stronger other has where there is game like system and every body has a system and level up to get stronger. Vast veriety of worlds, even worlds like where everyone can create worlds and destroy them, even where mortals can become god.

I made all kinds of universes and speed up the time so they can quickly develop.

-million years later-

I finaly made enough univeses to run through a multiverse now the maultivese will make new universes itself. I breakthrough multi - being realm now there is a fully fuctional multiverse inside me, now to breakthorugh I have to compress the multiverse until it's infinately small or make my dantian infinately large both are easy then I just have to make a membrane around the chaos so the it stays in the multiverseand fill the dantian with astral energy, and to make ther multiverses I will make mebranes that will not have any astral energy but chaos then like before I kust have to make a mutivelse and it will become self suficent.

Astral energy is fision of all energies be it ki, physical energy, mental energy, mana, chakra, qi, nature energy, elemental energy, internal force and any other energies fused into one.

I use my third eye ability infinity on the dantian walls and make my dantian infinately bigger, I make a membrane around the multiverse, strenghten it enough so even omni multiversal bigbang happens it won't break, next I start fusing all types of energies It makes an energy that is all black even if I add more energies it will stay black, so this is how void is all black.

I start making a new membrane in the dantian I take out of it and add chaos in it I make new universes but this time it will only be cutivation multiverse or reality.

- million years later -

I finaly made it my second reality, now It will start making realities itself but it will be extremely slow to become a self sustaning reality it wil probaly take mrore than trillion years. I speed up the time in my dantian it will make it self in hundred years.

- hundred years later-

The new reality is made and another started to form but this one is faster than the last one not by much but still faster.

- million years later -

hundred thousand realities are created and Now I am as strong as zeus, even the training room is falling apart just with my pressure I can destroy all the realities but same can be said for zeus?. The speed has become fast even fast enough just make a reality in thousand years and it makes hundred realities at once.

I make quadrillions of clones to fight eachother in my mindscape with this, I will be able to get fighting experence and full control of my strenghth so I don't destroy realities for every move I do. I supress all my aura and put soo many seals that I can't count, okey I can it is million. If I release one I get jonin rank power added and my base or sealed power is kage level power I can unlock the seal infinately fast time and lock them in infinately fast time. After ten if onlock a seal it will be kage level add until hundred then it will be super kage until thousand seals, then it will be sage of six path level until ten thousand, then it will be kaguya level until hundred thousand, then outsutsuki god level, untillast seal. After opening last seal will seal of all my power that is millions of times more than before.


A/N Next volume will be when he goes into other realities.