
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ali_Hassan_2826 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Hagoromo, Indra and Ashura

-Lin POV-

I walk straight since Zeus said that he will drop me near the sage of six path's village, Walking for 10 minutes I see a river, first of all, I will check my face.

I see a six-year-old child that is very cute, with blue eyes, pale blue hair nearly white, and milky white skin. I drank some water, I decided to check my powers first to see all the knowledge jutsu knowledge.

I close my eyes and I try to go to my mind escape but when I open my eyes I see a void and a planet that has a pavilion. On the pavilion the wooden plaque says library. When I entered it the inside of it was too big to measure, I can that it is ten times the earth's size.

In the middle is a bookshelf called chakra cultivation. It has several volumes total of 25 volumes. Every volume is for a realm, from mortal to immortal to god to omnipotent god. And every realm has nine realms up till the immortal realm, after that it depends on the realm.

I am only taking the first volume the chakra medarian opening. In this realm you open your medarin also called chakra pathways and refine them to be smooth and strong. at every next level, they get strengthened more and more they also get more smother at every major realm. You have to open every 361 pathways and refine them until they are strong enough to have no damage even if a metal sword tried to cut them.

I will cultivate after I reach the village, when I left the library there was a platform with a katana on it it is pretty weak, but I know it is weak because I am weak right now. I tried changing its shape to a spear, it turned into a spear I tried to turn it into a shuriken it turned into a shuriken, then into a stick then into a liquid then into a cube, and back to a katana.

I came out of my mindscape and tried to summon the katana it appeared in my hand, I tried to change to all the shapes again but this time it was a little harder, and the warmth or chakra in my body disappeared a little. So it uses chakra to change shape but it does not use chakra to summon or did summon.

-5 minute-

I am following the way the river is going because I once read in the survival guidebook that there is a high chance of civilization along the river because civilization needs water to sustain itself.

After who knows how much time I arrive at the entrance of a village, there are people happy and it felt like someone is watching me but I did not show it outside. Because it is only Hogoromo who can have skills similar to soul sense. After a few minutes, Hogoromo, or the sage of six paths came.

Hogoromo- Hello young one my name is Hogoromo Otsutsuki, where are you from and what are you doing here?

Lin- My name is Lin Qi and I am an orphan and came from the forest near the river.

Hogoromo- I can see you have a very good potential greater than my two sons how about it would you like to be my adopted son?

Lin- sure but can you tell me what kind of potential you are seeing in me?

Hogoromo- yes, the potential I am talking about is your physique, it has quite the potential.

Lin- thank you, then I will be in your care then.

- In the house-

Hogoromo- Indra and Ashura this is Lin Qi your big brother from now on. Lin these two are Indra and Ashura.

Lin- Hello nice to meet you.

Indra- Hn

Ashura- nice to meet you, will you play with me?*excited*

Lin- sure but right now let me rest first then tomorrow we will play.