
Naruto: cultivation

The cover picture in edited but not mine, so don't sue me. Beyond overpowered, NO harem, and NO R-18

Ali_Hassan_2826 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Clone POV 9

Fushiro- what do you wanna learn medical ninjutsu or water ninjutsu.

Tsunade- well medical ninjutsu I am not good with other ninjutsus but it will be good to have water jutsu aswell.

Fushiro- then your fourth test will be on water jutsu and a little on medical justsu, you just need to learn one water jutsu and one medical jutsu it canbe of higher forms or just a simple first aid that uses chakra.

Tsunade- lets make a bet

Fushiro- about what?

Tsunade- I will learn an B-rank water jutsu and S-rank medical ninjutsu. and

Fushiro- and

Tsunade- If I win you have to tell me your real identity.

Fushiro- and if you lose!

Tsunade- you can chose, you can make any condition that I can fulfill.

Fushiro- *sigh* kids nowardays, sure and you have to stay on your words.

Mito- tsunade don't you always lose bets.

Tsunade- come on I will win

Mito- but...

Fushiro- let her be she will not compromise anyway.

Mito- yes uncle

Fushiro- sinse the bet already made here these two jutsus one is a B-rank water-style water-dragon while other is forbidden rank madical jutsu absolute heal.

Tsunade- I know about the water dragon jutsu but what is absolute heal and it is out of the bet.

Fushiro- It's a jutsu I created I call it absolute heal because it can heal any injury aslong as you have enough chakra maning it can regenerate lost limbs such as arms and legs even eyes, I will take it if you can just use this jutsu to heal even if they are jut scraches after all it needs very high chakra control

Tsunade- and if I master it enough to heal some cuts.

Fushiro- then I will teach a special jutsu that only I know because I invanted it

Tsunade-- you are on .

after that we talked for two hours and she finally called great grand uncle before she was still saying I am not the black flash then she totally (not litterally) forgot about it and started talking about random things. when the time hit to nine I said my good byes to them and headed toward my house.

-My house-

I enter and see Dai still trainig, he is a trainig maniac. He is training without gravity as he is still not strong enough to use gravity.

Fushiro- have you eaten dinner yet?

Dai- no grandpa I was too focused on trainig that I forgot to eat, and I was waiting for you.

Fushiro- did't I say not to train so overwork you are still young and can get injured easily.

Dai- yes grandpa I will remember it and not overwork myself next time.

Fushiro- Let's eat

- morning, ninja academy -

Fushiro- who was able to sense chakra yesterday?

Jiraiyah puts his hand up

Jiraiyah- me!! *smugly*

Fushiro- have you unlocked it fully

Jiraiyah- yes

Fushiro- anyone else

Dai- me

Fushiro- okey, anyone else

There was silence all around

Fushiro- today those who havven't felt chakra will do same as yesterday. Jaraiyah, Orochimmaru, tsunade, Dai, Sakumo and fugaku will come outside for trainig. Everyone rest will do same as yesterday, from now on, on moday you will learn about chakra it can be theory or practical, on tuesdays it will be theory, on wednesday it will ninjutsu, on thursdays it be taijutsu and on friday it is meditation.

Jiraiyah- what do you mean by theory

Fushiro- on monday theory meaning theory about chakra and on tuesdays is about other subjects such as history, geography, maths, ranks and other things a ninja should know. Any other questions.

Jiraiyah- what is meditation for?

Fushiro- well it's for to calm one self, to find inner peace, to increase chakra, to be more focusing and to just relax yourself. a skill that will help with mental health a lot and controlling and balacing chakra. This curriculum is for those who have unlocked their chakra but will start next week for others it will be taijutsu, theory, metitation and shurikenjutsu. Understood.

Everyone-- yes sensei

Fushiro- then start todays trainig and those come with me whose name I have called.