
Hinata's kidnapping

"Hey Amatsu-kun, what were you doing back there? I saw father talking to you about something." Hinata suddenly asked with a curious face. She had found him talking to her father under the tree for quite some time. She tried to listen to what they were talking but couldn't hear anything.

"Oh it was nothing serious. I was trying to unlock by chakra for quite a while. So I was meditating to find my chakra. It seems Ojisan knew my intention and kept an eye on me. Today I was able to successfully unlock my chakra. And ojisan helped me to activate my byakugan. It was really cool. To be able to see almost everything around you with such clarity, it really was something else." Amatsu excitedly shared his experience with Hinata. During these exciting moments he become like a child again.

In other times he always behaved so mature that people felt like talking to an old man instead. With time he had managed to blend well.

"Wow! you have already unlocked your chakra! No fair. I also want to unlock my chakra." Hinata pouted.

"Well if you want you can ask ojisan to help you. I think he will agree to it." Amatsu suggested. He wanted Hinata to have Hiashi's help during the process.

"Just you wait. I will ask papa to unlock my chakra and my byakugan. Then we will both be on the same level." With a new found conviction, Hinata abandoned Amatsu and ran towards her father's office.

"Papa papa, help me unlock my chakra." hinata didn't give Hiashi a moment and began demanding him.

"Easy there Hinata. Whats up with the enthusiasm? Not that I am denying it." Hiashi calmed her precious daughter.

"Papa, Amatsu-kun already unlocked his chakra. I want to unlock my own too." hinata began to whine and pressure Hiashi to agree.

"Ok. How about you sit here first and I will help you unlock your chakra." Hiashi guided her daughter to sit infront of him in lotus position.

Once she was confortable with the position, he said "I will guide my chakra inside your body. Try to feel it first. Feel how it flows, where it goes and where it is gathered."

Hinata began to do what her father told her with utmost seriousness. Slowly she began to feel his chakra flowing inside her body. She concentrated hard on the feeling of chakra and slowly felt where her chakra was gathered. The whole process took an hour.

"I found it, papa." Hinata exclaimed with excitement.

"Well done my girl. Now slowly make your chakra flow within your body. Don't force it."

Hinata slowly began to coax her chakra to flow. After multiple tries, she was successful. Her chakra began to flow throughout her body.

Hiashi smiled with pride as her daughter circulated her chakra. He had used byakugan to monitor the whole process and guide her.

'It seems Amatsu is not the only genius huh! Well I expect nothing less than my daughter. And it seems Amatsu's influence on her has many positive outcomes. If Amatsu learn something Hinata surely will not want to be left behind. This competative nature will definitely help her.'

Hiashi had some worry regarding his daughter's future. Hinata had inherited not only her mother's look but also her softness and kindness. He loved his wife very much. But Hinata was going to be the head of Hyuga family in the future. She need to be stronger than him atleast to run the family smoothly.

'Lets worry for the future later.'

Time Skip. Six months

After unlocking their chakra and activating their byakugan, Amatsu and Hinata would often train together with Hiashi guiding them. They wanted to train their eyes to expand the range and mostly importantly to reduce headaches. Thankfully after a month of practicing, he was able to maintain his byakugan for one minute without any headache.

Hinata needed a little more time to adjust.

His visual range had also increased for 5 meters. Though it was nothing compared to what adults could see, it was something of an improvement.

Hinata was behind him in this regard. She had a range of 10m. Amatsu's larger spiritual energy helped him in this matter.

The two of them mostly train togethor or played with Hanabi. She had grown and was able to follow the two wherever they went. She was like their little shadow. Hanabi was much more playful than Hinata.

Except for her family, Hinata didn't talk to many people. She was somewhat shy to meet other people. But Hanabi was her opposite. She was a ball of energy with unlimited supply. She could play with them for the whole day and still managed to have energy.

Amatsu often compared them with children of his old world. They were not as strong and energetic as compared to children of this world.

'This must be due to chakra. After all you can punch boulders to dust using chakra.'

Amatsu's interest in the possibilities using chakra was all time high. He knew it would not decrease even after many years.

He had watched many times how members of their clan practice. Starting from some stretching to outright fighting against an opponent. He was somewhat afraid when he saw how brutal those fights were.

The speed, the precision, the ferocity and the gentleness. He couldn't follow their speed at all. The fought so fast that he began to fear what would be his future.

But it also slowly made him aware the truth of this world.

It was not a world where you used fancy superpowers and act as a hero. It was not a world where you would go to jail if you commited crime. It was definitely not those world where heros didn't kill.

This was a world of killers, Whether you are a five year old child or 70 year old man, if you are a shinobi, then be prepared to be killed if you not kill your enemies. Mercy was a lie. Being merciful to your enemy means that enemy has another chance to kill you. He wouldn't hesitate to kill you next time. And if you asked why he killed you even after he showed kindness, then the enemy would laugh at his face and reply

"Being merciful to enemy is cruel to yourself."

In this world of shinobi, there was no distinction between gender or age. it is either you are an enemy or an ally.

He had heard enough stories about missions from older generation to make a picture of this world.

And if that is not all, there are the nine tailed beasts. The beasts who were said to be a force of nature. And the strongest of them all the nine tails, who killed his parents along with many others.

After dying one time, he was not planing to die again anytime soon. Escpecially after having the taste of power.

In this six months beside training in byakugan, he constantly meditate at night to fully sense what was going on inside his body. This was something he had picked up after unlocking his chakra. He was able to sense his surroundings to a certain degree even without byakugan. Though it was not as clear as byakugan, it was pretty useful. He had asked to Hiashi about this.

He told him that he was a sensory type shinobi. These shinobi were a special type who could sense others chakra. It was like having a six sense.

Most experienced shinobi is capable of sensing chakra like a sensory type shinobi. But those who are born with it had advantages upon others. He advised him to try to meditate and sense his surrounding slowly. This would help him practice in his new found talent.

After all sensory types have many adavantages than regular ones. With his byakugan, he could fully take advantage of this.

If byakugan could see, then his new talent could help him feel. This was like having an extra perception.

So every night he would mediate to sense the flow chakra inside his body first and then slowly expanding his range.

He didn't know how much time was passed but something or someone unknown entered his perception range. He was confused at first. During this time he could differentiate his clan members from others. After all a clan have their own unique chakra signature between their members.

So, he deduced the unknown someone was not from his clan. He was an outsider. And from the direction he was going, it was the room next to his.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and began to activate his byakugan. Now he could see someone steathily trying to enter Hinata's room. It didn't take him a second to know the motive of the fellow.

For the first time in his life, he couldn't decide what to do. if he shouted, the kidnapper would definitely know his presence and might even kill him to silence a witness.

He knew the kidnapper wouldn't even flinch to kill a three year old child.

His mind was in a mess. He wanted to save Hinata but at the same time he was terrified of loosing his life.

But it seemed his subconcious mind had already made a decision for him. Gathering every ounce of energy, he screamed.


Suddenly, the peaceful Hyuga compound was not so peaceful anymore. as the sound pierce through the night, most members of the clan were awake. the ones on the guard duty immediately used their byakugan to found the source.

What they found chilled their hearts. Someone was trying to kidnap their clan's heiress Hinata Hyuga.

Inside Hiashi's room, he and his wife suddenly woke to the scream and used their byakugan to search for the source.

When Hiashi saw someone was trying to kidnap his sweet and innocent daughter, he dashed with all his strength breaking several walls.

Within a second he was infront of the intruder with so rage written all over his face.

"You dare to even try to kidnap my daughter! No one will save you today."

Without even giving a chance to the intruder, he used a secret technique of Hyuga to break every chakra points of the intruder.

By now, all the members were gathered outside the room.

"Brother, what happened? Who is this?" An identical looking man to Hiashi came towards Hiashi with bryakugan flaring.

"What happened?? This man tried to kidnap my daughter. If not for the shout, we don't even know what would have happened to my daughter." Hiashi was still sithing in rage while trying to console his daughter.

Hinata was in a stupor. She didn't know what was happening. She was sleeping when a scream made her awake. The next thing she knew an unknown man inside her room and her father bursting through walls and incapaciting the man.

It took her a while to think that she was on the verge of being kidnapped. This thought terrified her and she began to cry.

Hiashi embraced her daughter and patted her back. "Don't worry Hinata. Nothing will happen to you."

"Hic" Hinata slowly became calmer. Her mother came and took her along with Hanabi.

Hiashi now had a chance to fully evaluate the situation in front of him. A branch family member brought Amatsu from the other room. The poor boy looked terrified. Though he was trying hard to maintain a calm face, but failing miserably.

"Amatsu. Thanks for the shout." Hiashi kneeled in front of the boy and hugged him.

"You don't know how greatful I am. You have saved my daughter from a terrible fate. Thank you for that." Hiashi's tone was full of greatfulness.