
Naruto: Call of Cthulhu

Something's off in the shinobi world. Bizarre events are popping up left and right. The latest intel to land on the Third Hokage's desk is about a creepy cult operating in the Land of Water. These fanatics are worshiping an ancient deity known as Cthulhu. ---------- ---------- I don't own Naruto or Lovecraft related things. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and H. P. Lovecraft. If you have nothing else to read, give it a try. The writing style may not be for everyone. If there aren't enough readers, I will reduce my updates. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com Warnings: - Not MC-focused - No harem - Not an easy read - AU If you want to support me: p@treon.com/Malphegor ko-fi.com/malphegor

Malphegor · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

The Shadow in the Background

As ninjutsu class came to an end, Daiko gathered his notes and exited the classroom, leaving behind a fuming Kaigo.

The young student slumped back into his seat.

Throughout his punishment, he had been brewing with resentment, his thoughts growing darker by the minute.

Now, with the class over, he'd made up his mind.

"I'll deal with him," he growled, his hands clenching into fists.

His two friends exchanged a confused glance. "You mean Itachi?" one of them asked.

Kaigo shook his head, his eyes narrowing. "No, Kagami."

"But why?" the other friend pressed. "What did Kagami do?"

"What did he do?" Kaigo scoffed. "He didn't back us up against Itachi, for starters. And then he got me in trouble. He's going to pay for that."

In his mind, Kagami's actions were unforgivable. He didn't care that his own ignorance and attitude had landed him in trouble.

To him, Kagami was now an enemy. And enemies had to be dealt with.


"Let's go," Kaigo said, rising from his seat.

His friends followed, falling into step beside him as they strode out into the corridor.

The three of them made an intimidating sight, walking abreast with their hands shoved deep in their pockets and their faces set in identical scowls.

The other students, sensing trouble, quickly moved aside to let them pass.

As they approached the teaching building's entrance, a tall figure burst through the doorway, blocking their path.

The collision sent Kaigo and his friends flying, their feet leaving the ground as they crashed onto the hard tile floor.

"Ouch," one of his friends groaned, rubbing at his bruised head. 

Kaigo, however, was already back on his feet.

"Watch where you're going, idiot!" he snarled at the newcomer.


The figure stepped into the building, the bright sunlight behind him casting his features into shadow.

As he moved closer, the boys could see that he was no student.

He was a shinobi, a genin by the look of his vest, and he towered over them, his broad shoulders and muscular frame making them look like children in comparison.

"Who are you calling an idiot, brat?" the genin growled, cracking his knuckles.

Kaigo's tough talk evaporated, and he paled. He took a step back, his friends scrambling to hide behind him.

"You... you ran into us!" he stammered, trying to muster some defiance. "We were just walking, and you-"

The genin laughed. "Walking? You were strutting around like you owned the place, is what you were doing."

He took a step forward, standing over the terrified boys. "Looks like someone needs to learn some manners."

And with that, he slammed his fist into the ground at their feet, the impact sending them sprawling once more.

"Ah!" Kaigo yelped, scrabbling backwards on his hands and knees.

His friends were already running, their footsteps echoing down the corridor as they fled.


Kaigo stumbled to his feet and took off after them, the genin's mocking laughter chasing him as he ran.

Ahead, he spotted a familiar figure - Kagami, with his dark hair, and calm, almost bored expression.

At that moment, Kaigo saw his chance for help. Kagami was strong, one of the few students who could use ninjutsu.

He'd surely help, would stand up to this bully of a genin.

All thoughts of revenge flew out of Kaigo's head. If Kagami got him out of this mess, he'd gladly do anything he wanted.

"Kagami!" Kaigo shouted, his voice high and desperate. "Help us!"

Kagami turned, his eyebrows rising slightly as he took in the scene. Kaigo and his friends, running for their lives.

The angry genin, hot on their heels.

For a moment, their eyes met. And then, to Kaigo's horror, Kagami turned and ran.

No shout for a teacher, no attempt to reason with the genin, no backward glance.

Kagami just ran, leaving him and the others to their fate.


Kaigo stumbled, nearly falling, but the sound of the genin's pounding footsteps drove him on.

He had no choice. He ran, his breath ragged, his heart racing.

Ran, until his foot caught on something, and he went sprawling, his chin cracking hard against the floor.

Dazed, he looked up... and found himself staring at a pair of sandaled feet.

He followed the feet up, past dark pants and a high-collared shirt, until his gaze landed on a face. A face he knew all too well.


The Uchiha prodigy stood calmly in the middle of the corridor, blocking the genin's path.

His expression was unreadable, his posture relaxed, as if he faced down angry shinobi every day.


"Out of the way, kid," the genin snarled. "Unless you want a beating too."

Itachi didn't move. He raised his left hand, forming the seal of confrontation.

The genin's eyes widened, then narrowed.

"You little punk," he spat. "You think you can take me? You and what army?"

Itachi remained silent, his hand still raised.

For a long moment, no one moved. The only sounds were the genin's breathing and the muffled whimpers of Kaigo and his friends.

Then, the genin charged. His fist flew towards Itachi's face, a blow that would have shattered bone and sprayed blood.

Would have, if it had landed.

But he was gone. Faster than Kaigo could blink, the Uchiha prodigy sidestepped the punch.

His hands flashed out, grabbing the genin's wrist and shoulder.

And then, with a twist of his body, Itachi threw the genin across the room.

The genin crashed to the ground, his face a picture of shock. He didn't get up.

Itachi stood over him, not even breathing hard. He nudged the fallen shinobi with his toe, nodded, and turned to the stunned students.

"Someone take him to the infirmary," he said calmly. "He'll be fine, but he might have a concussion."

Kaigo stared, his mouth hanging open. He couldn't wrap his head around what he'd just seen.

Itachi, the boy he'd underestimated and plotted against, had just saved him. Had taken down a genin like it was nothing.


"Itachi-kun," he blurted, scrambling to his feet. "That was... you were amazing!"

Itachi raised an eyebrow at the sudden honorific, but said nothing.

Kaigo couldn't help but keep going. "The way you fought was incredible! You're so strong, Itachi-sama!"

The other boys quickly joined in, showering Itachi with praise.

"Yeah, you're the best, Itachi-sama!"

"We've never seen anyone fight like that!"

"Please teach us, Itachi-sama! We'll do anything!"

Itachi remained silent, his face a mask of calm.

But Kaigo thought he saw a flicker of annoyance or resignation in those dark eyes, as if this was all too familiar to the young Uchiha.



Meanwhile, Kagami watched from the sidelines, his face as impassive as ever. But his mind was racing.

Earlier, he had turned and run because he didn't want to get involved in Kaigo's trouble.

Even if he had intervened, he might not have easily defeated the genin.

He knew the Three Basic Techniques, but that was it. He lacked other special attack methods, including physical techniques.

This was one of his major weaknesses, and he knew it.

He'd seen how Itachi took down the genin.

The Uchiha heir's movements were effortless, precise, and far beyond what a first-year student should be capable of.


What struck him most was the way Itachi had ended the fight. Not with some flashy jutsu or a flurry of punches, but with a simple, almost gentle throw.

The same throw he'd used against Hana during their sparring match.

He realized that Itachi's choice was smart. It was a quick and efficient way to take down an opponent without causing unnecessary harm.

It was the mark of a shinobi who understood that violence was a tool, not the goal.

Now he was even more excited about the weekend's physical training.

As he stood by the window, Kagami glanced towards the Hokage Monument and spotted someone climbing the spiral stairs.

But the distance was too far, and he couldn't make out who it was.

Oh well, it didn't matter. The next class was about to start, and he didn't want to be late.

With one last look at Itachi, Kagami turned and headed back to the classroom.



High atop the Hokage Monument, Kakashi climbed the endless stairs.

The sun beat down on him, but he didn't break a sweat. As one of the village's elite, he was no ordinary shinobi.

After what felt like an eternity, he reached the top.

Before him stood a simple, unassuming building carved directly into the rock face.

A wooden sign above the entrance read: Konoha Archive Library.



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Did you know that Rock Lee has a vegan brother?

His name is Brocco Lee.