
Naruto But Evil???

Travel through Naruto, become Uzumaki Naruto, sign in to get the Aizen Kuyousuke template, unlock the Mirror Flower Suigetsu, and get the Honyu!Facing the darkness of Konoha, the oppression of the village, and the turmoil in the ninja world! Uzumaki Naruto, hereby swear an oath!At this moment, let the world feel the pain!Unlimited monthly reading? I am in a mirror, completely hypnotized!Six Paths Immortal Technique and Blood Succession Limit? I have Bengyu, evolve everything!From now on, I want everyone in the world to remember this name forever!Uzumaki Naruto, turns black here!

Ron_Blackwood · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Ch 50 [ Bonus Chapter ]

The words fell!

The surrounding Sunagakure ninjas reacted immediately after hearing this. Immediately, they quickly took out their weapons and launched an attack on Konoha!

Temari and Kankuro also reacted and joined the battlefield!

On the high platform in the audience, Orochimaru, disguised as the Fourth Kazekage, also attacked the Third Hokage at this moment!

The scene suddenly became a mess!

Konoha is in flames of war!

Sunagakure has launched an attack on Konoha!

Booming explosions continued to sound in the distance.

Apparently, the Sunagakure ninja outside also received the signal and began to attack Konoha.

Some of the Konoha villagers and Konoha ninjas were attacked by Sunagakure ninjas before they could even react.

Seeing this scene, the Konoha Jonin also reacted immediately.

This is Sunagakure launching an attack on Konoha!

Immediately, the Konoha jonins quickly reacted and called on the Konoha ninjas to defend themselves against the Sunagakure ninja's offensive.

Kakashi also came to Naruto at this moment. After kicking away a Sunagakure ninja, Kakashi glanced at Sasuke and Gaara who were still on the playing field, and immediately said to Naruto:

"Naruto, the Chunin Exams are temporarily suspended, and Sunagakure attacks Konoha. You go help Sasuke defeat that Sunagakure ninja, and then adapt accordingly! "

After that, Kakashi joined the battlefield again.

However, after Kakashi left, Naruto did not help deal with Sunagakure as Kakashi said.

Instead, Naruto sneered and

asked him to help Konoha. Fight against Gaara?

What a joke.

How is that possible!

He is very willing to see Konoha being attacked by Sunagakure.

Moreover, not only will he not help Konoha deal with Gaara, but, he will do something A bigger thing!

I saw Naruto taking a deep breath, and then his eyes were filled with pupil power, and he let out a light drink!

"Mangekyō Sharingan, open! "

The words fell!

Naruto's blue eyes turned scarlet instantly!

On the scarlet pupils, the pattern of a six-pointed star slowly appeared!

Open the Mangekyo Sharingan!

Then, after opening the Mangekyo Sharingan, Naruto instantly looked towards Looking at Gaara, the huge pupil power was released and exploded! It instantly enveloped Gaara! I

saw that Gaara, who was originally going berserk, fell into stagnation instantly after being enveloped and controlled by Naruto's pupil power, and stopped where he was. The ground.

Sasuke in front of him was also stunned.

Before he could react,

Gaara, who was controlled by the Mangekyō Sharingan, instantly let out a roar!

That voice didn't sound like a human voice at all. On the contrary, It was more like the roar of a tailed beast!

Hearing this voice, the Sunagakure ninjas suddenly trembled!

Because they knew that this voice belonged to Shukaku!

One-tailed Shukaku was about to wake up!

Yes, Naruto not only used The Mangekyo Sharingan controlled Gaara, and even controlled Shukaku, who was about to go berserk in Gaara's body!

He wanted to control Shukaku himself to destroy Konoha!

After controlling Gaara and Shukaku, Naruto Instantly destroying the seal on Gaara's body, Shukaku's power continued to emerge!

Then, everyone saw, a bang!

Gaara's body suddenly began to change!

All they saw was Gaara's human form His body suddenly expanded rapidly at this moment, and countless sand poured out, covering Gaara's body.

The sand spread throughout the place like a sea of sand!

And as countless sand poured out, everyone saw, A behemoth appeared slowly under the condensation of countless sands!

It was a huge civet cat-shaped creature with dense blue spells o

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] n its body. His size was very huge! The

moment he appeared, the entire playing field was filled with It shook! Behind it, there was a huge tail!

That tail swayed wantonly!

Looking at the sudden appearance of the terrifying monster, everyone opened their eyes in shock, with fear in their eyes!

This is Sand The hidden one-tailed Shukaku!

Shukaku appeared!

Seeing the sudden appearance of the terrifying one-tailed Shukaku, the Konoha ninjas suddenly showed frightened faces, and some of them even said in a panic:

"So, what is that?"

"Is it a tailed beast?"

"Sunagakure actually took out all the tailed beasts! Do they really want to fight us Konoha to the end!"

"Damn it, why would a tailed beast appear here!"

"Will the disaster of thirteen years ago be repeated again? hateful! "

At this moment, they couldn't help but think of the scene where the nine tails destroyed the world thirteen years ago!

Could it be that history is going to repeat itself today!

Will the tailed beasts destroy Konoha again!

Suddenly, the whole place became more chaotic. .Kakashi

, Yuhi Kurenai and Asuma were also shocked when they saw Shukaku.

With their experience and knowledge, they naturally recognized that it was a Shukaku.

But they didn't expect it at all. Yin actually sent a Shukaku, and released it so early!

The Third Hokage, who was confronting the Fourth Kazekage in the distance, was also very shocked when he saw Shukaku.

Immediately, the Third Hokage angrily turned to the Fourth Kazekage in front of him. Shadow roared:

"Fourth Kazekage, do you Sunagakure really want to fight to the death with us Konoha! Even Shukaku was released! Aren't you afraid of our Konoha's revenge in the future? "

However, after hearing the words of the Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage not only did not panic, but also laughed strangely..

"Sarutobi-sensei, haven't you recognized me yet? "

Hearing the words of the Fourth Kazekage, the Third Hokage was stunned.

Then, before the Third Hokage could react, the Third Hokage saw that the Fourth Kazekage in front of him suddenly tore his mask, revealing the face of Orochimaru inside. !

Seeing that the Fourth Kazekage in front of him turned out to be Orochimaru, the Third Hokage was extremely horrified.

After seeing the shocked expression of the Third Hokage, Orochimaru chuckled a few times and said strangely:

"Sarutobi-sensei, long time no see. I wonder if you have remembered me as a disciple after not seeing each other for so many years. "

Seeing that the Fourth Kazekage in front of him turned out to be Orochimaru in disguise, the Third Hokage immediately knew that this was Orochimaru's conspiracy!

Suddenly, the Third Hokage was shocked and angry, and shouted angrily:

"Orochimaru, it's you! "

Seeing the shocked and angry expression of the Third Hokage, Orochimaru smiled with satisfaction..

"Haha, teacher, get ready for this big gift I give to Konoha! "

On the other side.

Not only Konoha was shocked when seeing Shukaku's appearance, but even the Sunagakure ninjas were shocked when they saw it.

Obviously, they did not expect that Gaara would completely lose control so quickly and even go berserk. , Shukaku came out!

However, they had no idea that Gaara and Shukaku were completely controlled by Naruto at this moment!

After controlling Shukaku, Naruto sneered and glanced at the surrounding Konoha ninjas with cold eyes. and the villagers said indifferently:

"At this moment, let Konoha feel the pain! "