
Naruto But Evil???

Travel through Naruto, become Uzumaki Naruto, sign in to get the Aizen Kuyousuke template, unlock the Mirror Flower Suigetsu, and get the Honyu!Facing the darkness of Konoha, the oppression of the village, and the turmoil in the ninja world! Uzumaki Naruto, hereby swear an oath!At this moment, let the world feel the pain!Unlimited monthly reading? I am in a mirror, completely hypnotized!Six Paths Immortal Technique and Blood Succession Limit? I have Bengyu, evolve everything!From now on, I want everyone in the world to remember this name forever!Uzumaki Naruto, turns black here!

Ron_Blackwood · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Ch 26

Therefore, Naruto decided to recruit helpers.

He needs someone to do something for him, to be his eyes and ears, to cultivate his own army!

At that time, it will be easier to achieve your goals!

And the Country of Waves is the beginning!

There are no ninjas in the Land of Waves and it is isolated from the world. Obviously, it is a good place to hide development.

Because of this, Naruto chose Zabuza.

Zabuza was once an ANBU of Kirigakure, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and he had been a rebel ninja for many years. His many years of wandering and assassination experience made him well-informed, so he recruited Zabuza, and Naruto did some Things are also a bit more convenient.

Soon, Zabuza had enough to think about.

He is a smart man, he knows that with Naruto's strength, he can easily kill him now, and there is no need to say anything to him.

Moreover, he really had no choice.

Coupled with Zabuza's past experiences, he also understood Naruto's approach to destroying Konoha. Immediately, Zabuza nodded and said:

"OK, I'd like to join you. But how can you let me continue to live? Zabuza

asked in confusion.

After hearing Zabuza's answer, Naruto nodded with satisfaction and said immediately:

"Very good, Zabuza, you are a smart person.."

"As for how to evade pursuit, you should leave the Country of Waves first, and then come back after we kill Cardo and complete the commission.."

"The goal of this mission is to protect Dazuna and save the country of Waves. Therefore, the main purpose of Kakashi and others is to solve Cardo, and you were hired by Cardo. As long as Kado dies and you disappear and no trace of you is found, then Kakashi and the others won't pay too much attention to you.."

"At that time, after you come back, you can develop in the Kingdom of Waves secretly. In this way, no one would have thought that you would continue to stay in the Country of Waves. "

Hearing Naruto's words, Zabuza was slightly startled, and then nodded.

Yes, he was hired by Kado. If the boss is dead, then Kakashi and the others will naturally think that the threat of Zabuza has been eliminated. Then he would no longer pay attention to

Zabuza. Thinking of Naruto making such a suggestion, Zabuza was even more amazed by Naruto. He couldn't help but look at Naruto deeply and said meaningfully:

"It's really unbelievable. Are you really a genin who is only twelve or thirteen years old?."

"There really is a monster in Konoha. "

Naruto smiled and said nothing.

Immediately, Zabuza said immediately without being verbose:

"Okay, I'll do as you say! "

Naruto nodded.

At this moment, a figure jumped out of the forest and landed next to Zabuza.

The figure wore a mask and ordinary clothes. It looked a few years older than Naruto. After Zabuza stood beside him, he looked at Zabuza with concern and said:

"Zabuza-sama, are you okay? "

Zabuza saw the young man coming, nodded, and said:

"Well, I'm fine, don't worry, Bai. "

That's right, the boy who appeared in front of him was the street boy Zabuza took in, and he was also the holder of the Ice Shield Blood Succession Limit. Shiro!

Seeing Shiro appear, Naruto was not very surprised.

He had long noticed that Shiro Hidden around, but didn't say it out loud.

Naruto examined Haku carefully. Haku's strength seemed to be around the

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] elite chuunin, and coupled with his own blood inheritance limit, it was also a good combat power. After Haku appeared,

Zabuza He also said immediately:

"Bai, you heard what I just said. "

Haku nodded.

He was watching from the side and naturally heard the conversation between Naruto and Zabuza. He also knew that Zabuza agreed to join Naruto. Therefore,

Haku also stepped forward and said to Naruto respectfully:

"Thank you, Naruto-sama. "

Naruto nodded. He knew that Shiro was thanking him for not killing Zabuza, but for taking them in.

Immediately, Naruto said again:

"Okay, without further ado, you can leave now and recuperate. "

Zabuza and Haku both agreed. Soon, with Haku's support, Naruto gave them a few instructions. After arranging things in the Country of Waves, Zabuza and Haku left immediately. Before leaving, Naruto

also Let them take a look at Kyoka Suigetsu's Haikou.

In this way, Naruto is not afraid that they have other thoughts. With Kyoka Suigetsu's complete hypnosis, even if Zabuza cannot think about it, they will not pose any threat to Naruto. Of course, in fact,

Zabuza He has completely believed in Naruto and has no second thoughts.

After all, he has just seen Naruto's power and terror.

In addition, Zabuza is also an ambitious person. It can be seen from his assassination of Mizukage that he does not Willing to accept everything he has endured.

Now that he has the opportunity to realize his ambition, how could he not seize the opportunity.

After Zabuza and the others left, Naruto also took advantage of the heavy fog to return to Sakura and the others.

At this moment, Sakura and the others, They were still waiting in formation, extremely nervously guarding against Zabuza's attack, and were completely unaware of Naruto's departure. Even if they found out, Naruto had a way to hide it. After returning to everyone, Naruto waved his hand and said with a

thick The fog also began to gradually dissipate.

Not long after, the fog dissipated and everyone's vision gradually became clear.

After everyone saw that their companions were safe and sound, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

And soon, Sasuke and Kakashi also They quickly searched the surroundings, looking for Zabuza's figure.

However, after they looked around, they found that no one was around, and Zabuza disappeared without knowing when. Suddenly, the two of them were stunned. Sasuke frowned in confusion

. out loud:

"Where are the enemies? "

Kakashi was also stunned on the spot, frowning slightly.

However, he soon discovered that there were traces of fighting in the woods in the distance, and even several big trees were broken. Obviously, what happened here just now A battle.

Seeing the traces left by those battles, Kakashi carefully explored the surroundings, then exhaled and analyzed calmly:

"May have left. "

Sasuke and Sakura were stunned and looked at Kakashi in disbelief, as if they didn't know why the other party left suddenly.

Just now, Zabuza threatened to kill them all!

Before Sasuke and Sakura could ask, , Kakashi looked at those battle traces, answered and analyzed them:

"It looked like Zabuza had met his enemy. "