
Naruto But Evil???

Travel through Naruto, become Uzumaki Naruto, sign in to get the Aizen Kuyousuke template, unlock the Mirror Flower Suigetsu, and get the Honyu!Facing the darkness of Konoha, the oppression of the village, and the turmoil in the ninja world! Uzumaki Naruto, hereby swear an oath!At this moment, let the world feel the pain!Unlimited monthly reading? I am in a mirror, completely hypnotized!Six Paths Immortal Technique and Blood Succession Limit? I have Bengyu, evolve everything!From now on, I want everyone in the world to remember this name forever!Uzumaki Naruto, turns black here!

Ron_Blackwood · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Ch 24

Seeing this scene, Zabuza opened his mouth in shock, his face full of disbelief and disbelief.

He never expected that the blond boy in front of him would blow his decapitating sword to pieces with one punch!

You know, this is a beheading sword!

One of the ninja swords of the Seven Kirigakure!

Although beheadings and swords had broken into pieces in the past, this scene was far less shocking to him!

After all, even if the beheading sword was broken in the past, it was only done with ninjutsu or weapons!

However, the person who smashed his decapitating sword in front of him was just a genin!

And this genin doesn't use weapons or ninjutsu, but ordinary fists!

With one punch, his decapitating sword was shattered into pieces!

All of this made Zabuza feel like he was in a nightmare, he couldn't believe it!

Until now, after seeing everything in front of him, Zabuza couldn't help but doubt in his heart. Could it be that what this brat said was true? Did he really cast that huge Kirigakure Jutsu?

Zabuza took a breath of surprise, looked at Naruto, and said gloomily:

"Kid, who are you? "

Hearing Zabuza's question, Naruto smiled lightly and replied:

"Konoha's genin, Uzumaki Naruto. Zabuza

was stunned for a moment, looked at Naruto in astonishment, and said again in surprise:

"Genin? "

Is this really a genin?

A genin actually broke his decapitating sword with one punch!

It's incredible.

Hearing Zabuza's surprised voice, Naruto smiled lightly and said again:

"That's right, Zabuza, we can talk now, right?."

"What to talk about? "Zabuza said.

"Talk about how to keep you alive. "

Zabuza was stunned for a moment, not expecting Naruto to say such a thing.

Immediately, Zabuza frowned, looked at Naruto coldly, and said with a sneer:

"How to let me live?"

"ridiculous. You, a genin, dare to say such things to me, Kijin Zabuza, you are so arrogant, kid! It's not the turn of a genin like me, the noble Demon Zabuza, to say such a thing to me!"

"No one can control my life!"

"Although I don't know what means you used to break my decapitating sword, but you are a genin after all! In front of me, Zabuza, the demon, you are still too young! "

After saying that, Zabuza stopped talking to Naruto, suddenly took out a kunai, and stabbed Naruto in the neck! At

such a close distance, Zabuza suddenly launched an attack, trying to kill him with one blow. , kill Naruto!

Seeing that Zabuza was still resisting, Naruto lightly shook his head and said:

"Well, since you don't have to drink wine as a penalty, we can only speak with our strength now! "


The next moment!

I saw that just when Zabuza's kunai was about to stab Naruto, suddenly, a Zanpakutō appeared in Naruto's hand, and the Zanpakutō shot out of the air! In an instant, it hit Naruto. In front of Naruto, a knife fell with a bang!

I saw that the kunai in Zabuza's hand was cut in half by Naruto!

Seeing that Naruto's blade was so sharp, Zabuza was shocked. With many years of experience, , he could sense that this seemingly ordinary Zanpakutō seemed to hide a very terrifying power, as if if he was struck by the sword, he would fall into a place of eternal destruction! Immediately, Zabuza quickly retreated to dodge! However, he still refused to give


. , after taking a few steps back, Zabuza quickly started to form seals!

Soon, Zabuza displayed a powerful ninjutsu and shouted:

"Water escape, water dragon bullet technique! "

As soon as Zabuza finished speaking, a water dragon suddenly rose into the air under his feet! The water dragon roared a few times, with a fierce look on its face, and rush

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ] ed towards Naruto ferociously! Faced with the ferocious water dragon coming at him, Naruto couldn't help

but Not afraid, he raised his palm and said softly:

"Animal bones scattered everywhere! Spire? Red crystal? Wheel of steel. What moves is the wind, what is still is the sky. The sound of spears clashing resounded throughout Xu City! Chapter 63 of Breaking the Way, Thunder Roar Cannon! "

The words fell!

Countless thunder lights instantly gathered in Naruto's palm! Forming a golden dazzling light ball!

On the light ball, the thunder light flashed and the arc exploded!

It contained an incalculable terrifying power!

This was what Naruto chanted after No. 63 Breaking Path, the power is very terrifying! Although it is the first time to use it, Naruto has already mastered it well! Now it is used with great luck! The next moment, the thunder

cannon explodes! Fires out!

With a bang !

I only saw that in mid-air, the flashing golden thunder cannon collided with the water dragon bomb in an instant! There was a bang! There was an explosion! The next moment! Zabuza


it in shock!

After his water dragon bomb collided with the thunder cannon , was completely unable to withstand the terrifying power of the Thunder Roar Cannon! In an instant, it turned into water foam and disintegrated in the air!

How is this possible!

Zabuza couldn't believe it!

This was a powerful A-level ninjutsu he had performed! He couldn't withstand the thunder cannon released by Naruto and was destroyed in an instant! He was like an ant, and was destroyed by Naruto with ease! This was

too unbelievable for Zabuza!

However, what made him even more unbelievable was Yes!

After the Thunder Roar Cannon destroyed the water dragon bomb, its power was not reduced at all, and it continued to rush towards Zabuza! When Zabuza

saw this scene, he was shocked and quickly wanted to dodge!

However, the speed of the Thunder Roar Cannon was really It was so fast!

In an instant!

He rushed in front of Zabuza!

With a bang! He hit Zabuza directly! A

terrifying power burst out! The power of thunder and lightning shot out!

Zabuza couldn't resist it at all, and was instantly hit by the thunder cannon. Blast out!

After the terrifying power blasted Zabuza away, Zabuza's body broke dozens of trees before stopping! The ground was also blasted with a big hole by the thunder cannon! Countless gravel splashed! See

this At this scene, Naruto exhaled and nodded with satisfaction.

This was the broken path No. 63 after he chanted it!

The higher the broken path number, the greater the power! And with the Aizen template, he was on the broken path. His attainments are even more outstanding and terrifying! Although Aizen's template has only been unlocked for a third of the time, the power released by Po Dao after he chanted it is far beyond the A-level ninjutsu, and it is not an A-level ninjutsu at all. The technique could withstand it!

Not to mention the water dragon bullet cast by Zabuza.

After Zabuza was blown away by the Thunder Roar Cannon, he was lying in a mess in the big crater blasted by the Thunder Roar Cannon. His body was in tatters at the moment. There are many scars caused by thunder cannons all over the body..

"puff! "

Zabuza spat out a mouthful of blood, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Naruto not far away with shock and disbelief. It wasn't until

this moment that he realized

how terrifying this Uzumaki Naruto is!