
Naruto: Bringer of Light

Henry Galahad was a knight without purpose, and the most wanted man on the planet; and somehow, he had managed to get this title in only 17 years. After his village was burned to the ground, he vowed to never let someone face the same injustices he faced, and worked very, very hard to achieve this dream. However, he soon learned that the world isn't as black and white as he believed. Faced with a choice between kneeling down to the powers that be, or tearing them down to achieve his goal, his choice was obvious. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. Just as he fell into the cold, dark arms of death, something changed, a light at the end of the tunnel, and he didn't hesitate for a second to accept its embrace. Though... "I'm... alive?" -one can only imagine how little he knew. --------- *Things to expect and consider*: 1) I am not an expert in Naruto-ology (per-se), and I am not trying to be. This story is based on Naruto with many new characters (most returning). It will use a lot of the same systems, categories, villages, and maps, just with a few (more like a lot) of changes. 2) No stupid MC moments (HUZZAH!!!) 3) Romance will be there (tag not misleading); but NO HAREM (HUZZAHHHHH!!!) 4) New and Old arcs 5) Training will happen 6) 1300 - 1500 word chapters *Discord: https://discord.gg/ycgY9mwWnz ^includes: - Character pictures (no spoilers) - General chat - More coming; I made it in like 5 minutes so be patient *I do not own the cover art

Oediuss · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Another World

- 3 months later -

Slowly but surely, Hatada's situation revealed itself, and he was thoroughly baffled to say the least.

Apparently, this was not the world as he remembered it. In fact, he didn't believe it was his world at all. Or at least, not his "original" one. 

Initially, for the first few days, he believed it to be the case. However, when he unlocked "mana vision" for the second time in his memory, this notion was thrown out the window.

None of these "ninja" as he had come to understand they were called had a single mana ring. However, he still felt mana permeating through them, and in a similar way to how he remembers it, however, there are no mana rings.

Thankfully, mana signatures are still a thing. He was easily able to differentiate people by their signatures. Sadly, he was now unable to determine their affinities, as no mana rings existed within their bodies, not that any competent Mage or Knight would have allowed him to inspect their mana rings anyway. 

'Extremely interesting. If this truly is another world, then this isn't really a big surprise. I mean, how could two completely different histories, cultures, and people end up coming up with the same way to mold mana?'

He shook his head, 'Yes, there is no way. However…' he closed his eyes 'they will most definitely notice mine… *Sigh*, I can only wait until I have completed my second ring to hide this… damn…'

Sadly, despite long ago promising himself he wouldn't rely on if's or but's, he was helpless to the process. 'I can only hope that nobody inspects me. While it shouldn't be an issue, I can't be sure.

'Nevertheless, while I am essentially trapped in an infant's body, I can at least begin to advance my rings.'

Thankfully, Hatada was somehow able to understand the spoken and written language of this world as if it were his last one. While he questioned this oddity, he didn't harp on such a non-issue, or he would be stuck in his mind all day long. Instead, he decided to take it as a gift.

Using this "gift", he had read his tag, learning of his new name, and age. Apparently, he had been born just a day before this "Nine-tails attack" had happened, which happened to be the day he awoke. Apparently, he was orphaned that day, and placed inside a state-run orphanage inside the very same village his parents died in.

From what he could tell, his parents were not ninja, but instead civilians. However, this was a nonissue for Hataka. Mana rings, and one's affinity, were something everyone in his last world had. Not a single person was more or less "talented" in building the rings, meaning that everyone had the same opportunity to reach the peak. That being said, affinities were not as egalitarian. Such things were decided by the soul.

Every person in his old world only had one elemental affinity, and it was up to them to utilize it to the best of their ability. Naturally, most people didn't care to put in the effort in either building mana rings or training in their affinity, but Hatada didn't even have to consider this.

He was GOING to be strong. There was no doubt in his mind.

Still, just in case something happened in his reincarnation, he still checked his affinity himself. Thankfully, it was as he remembered.

Light. The affinity most commonly found in the human race, though not statistically "common" despite this. Nearly 1 in 10,000 people had this affinity, but the numbers in other races were far lower, not to mention in beasts.

Yet, despite this rarity, the users of the light affinity were anything but unique. Many of them all focused on a single use of its magical potential: healing. While it is extremely potent, it would be a disservice to say it was all it could do.

Naturally, light can produce, well, light. At the most basic level, it can be used to simply light up a room when it is dark. This, however, is only the tip of the iceberg.

'Light is what is picked up by the retina and translated into images, and interpreted by the brain. Naturally, I can change what light is shown.'

Hatada lifted his hand and concentrated. In a few moments, his hand began to change color, now having the same color as the ceiling behind it. 

'Light Magic: Camouflage'

[A/N: Invisibility is a higher level ability btw, that's why Camouflage was used here]

Invisibility is an ability that comes natural with the element, and is the second most common use of it. Of course, a "healer" would have less combat prowess in comparison to almost any other category of mage or knight, so staying hidden is quite convenient for such individuals. 

Next has to be light constructs. While not scientifically explainable, they are comparable to a more smooth and calm version of concentrated lightning or fire, yet have a physical body similar to metal or earth. 

While light constructs can burn, they are better used in a similar fashion to the metal and earth affinities. 

Surprisingly, the least used aspect of light continues (or continued, in his last world) to be: simply pure light. Hatada, or Henry, made that a staple in his combat system. By emitting the most light possible, he was able to nearly or sometimes completely blind anyone attempting to look in his, or any direction around him. 

Yes, funnily enough, the tip of the iceberg was, in fact, the bottom.

The only way people were able to fight him was if they physically blocked the light from entering their eyes, thus blinding themselves by proxy. 

This, however, was quite difficult for him to get used to. Eventually, he came up with a spell that countered it, allowing for him to continue to use it as his light got brighter. Before this, he simply learned how to fight and maneuver without sight at all. A skill that he still trained for its benefits in spatial awareness and balance.

Noticing someone enter the room where he was, he stopped practicing camouflage.

"Hokage-sama, this is the last batch."

A relatively short individual was led into the room. Despite never seeing him in person, Hatada already knew who he was.

'The third Hokage, or "lord third". Apparently, he wasn't the current leader of this village until the fourth one was killed during the attack.'

Hatada, despite wanting to, didn't dare inspect this man with mana vision. Best case, he wouldn't notice. Worst case? He would. Thus, Hatada began to put on his best performance as an infant, attempting to not garner any attention.

Their conversation continued, sadly resulting in no new information being said. It was understandable, seeing as the one he was talking to was only a civilian nurse.


Despite not using mana vision, the Hokage, Hiruzen, noticed his gaze, and made his way over to his bed. 

'Will he notice?'

Hiruzen gazed down at the young orphan with pity. The child was obviously gifted with great genetics, with great big beautiful sapphire-like eyes that glistened with every ray of sunlight that touched them, framed by long, golden eyelashes, and silky, pure golden-blonde hair, yet, such features were not common in this area. 

'*Sigh*, how unlucky, his parents must have just moved here, or maybe they were just passing by. Fate is both unpredictable, and indiscriminate. Still…

'This child is interesting. Such an intelligent gaze…'

The two stared into each other's eyes for a while. Eventually, Hiruzen chuckled and broke it off. 'Although I pity his circumstances, one child is far more unlucky…

'*Sigh*, Minato, I would have never expected this. Despite all our preparation, the worst case happened. And your boy…'

Hiruzen wasn't stupid. In fact, his prediction was spot on. The common people were already consumed with fear and grief by the attack. It was only inevitable how they would view the jinchuriki now, let alone after their resentment brews in the coming years.

Finally, the third Hokage left the building, alongside any other adult around, leaving Hatada to his devices.

'This world seems to be just as, if not more dangerous than my last. Even more ruthless. If I am to survive, I will have to train even harder than I did before to accomplish my goals. Thankfully, all my memories are intact, so this should be a straightforward process. Let's hope the turbulence that plagues this town is past us.'

It's comical how impossible such a hope is.