
Naruto: Bloodline Saiyan

A normal person, with a normal life, being normal. He always felt that he was born in the wrong world. What if he had the chance to live his life in the right world? What if he had a Saiyan bloodline? I am interWorld and I will send you to the hereafter. I'm new at this, I've never written anything. I am in the pure boredom of quarantine, English is not my first language, has no harem, I accept constructive criticism and I have nothing naruto, all from its respective owner.

BrazilNobAutor · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Mikoto And Kushina.

As the duo made their way back home after their tiring training at the hot spring, they noticed a beautiful woman with black hair crossing their path, seemingly wanting to talk to them.

"Boys, are you lost?" asked the gentle woman with an interested tone.

"Are you talking to us?" Eiji asked, confused. What's up with this woman?

"Who else would I be talking to?" The young woman grew dissatisfied. It's not really common for children to be alone at the hot springs.

"And what are two cute kids like you doing here alone at this hour? It's getting late," the woman continued.

'Is it already this late, damn...?' Eiji looked at the sky and realized it was indeed getting dark.

Kakashi didn't even bother to pay attention to this woman; he was completely exhausted after enduring his brother's insane training! But at least he managed to complete it.

"We're not lost, beautiful and kind onee-san. We were training to become the strongest ninjas in all of shinobi history!" Eiji responded enthusiastically, giving the cutest look he could while crossing his arms.

Kakashi frowned at his brother. What is his brother doing now?

"What a sweet and smooth tongue for someone so young, already good at flirting?" the young woman began to sing, clearly pleased with Eiji's compliment.

"What's your name?" the woman asked on a whim. "And why are you hiding your faces with those things? A scarf and a mask? Is it the trend these days?" The woman asked curiously. 'Although they suit them very well.'

"I am Eiji Hatake, and this is my cute little brother Kakashi Hatake," Eiji introduced himself and his brother cheerfully while pulling Kakashi closer to the woman. "And you, onee-san? What's your name?"

'Oh? This is a surprise; both are Sakumo's sons, right? They're really cute.'

"My name is Mikoto Uchiha. I guess you've seen some of my clan around; they're always taking care of the village, after all," Mikoto said with a proud smile, completely proud to speak of her clan.

"Pleased to meet you, Mikoto-ne...??" Eiji paused for a moment and tried to process at the speed of light. 'Did she say Mikoto Uchiha? What the hell is this?' He thought, surprised by the newly discovered data.

Noticing something wrong with the boy in front of her, she became a little concerned; does he dislike the Uchiha? "What's wrong, Eiji-kun?"

"Are you really Mikoto Uchiha? The head of the clan? Fugaku Uchiha's wife?" Eiji blurted out one question after another, more interested in the brunette.

'What's wrong with him?' Kakashi couldn't understand his brother's behavior; he always seemed calm and composed... Just like Dad.

Before Mikoto could respond to Eiji, she heard a familiar voice. "Mikoto, where are you? Dattabane!" An angry voice sounded not too far away.

"I'm here, Kushina!" Mikoto shouted to her friend; she was already used to this side of her. Soon, a young woman with long red hair, wet from a recent bath, appeared; she had a very charming face.

"Beautiful," a word escaped from Eiji's mouth before he quickly blushed.

"What did you say?" Kushina's ears perked up; she didn't let this compliment pass, even if it came from a very adorable child.

"Where did you find him, Mikoto? He's so cute, and he has good taste! I like him! I want to take him home!" Kushina was all excited about the idea; she could even use him to learn how to raise a child! Filled with excitement, she automatically hugged Eiji, suffocating him with her breasts.

Mikoto couldn't help but sigh; her old friend sometimes had no limits when she got excited. "You can't take them home like that, Kushina; they have to go home too, and it's getting late!" Mikoto reprimanded her friend before sighing in defeat; Kushina wasn't even listening to her.

"These two are Eiji and Kakashi; they are Sakumo's sons," Mikoto then introduced the two, trying to reason with Kushina why she can't take the boy with her.

"Ahhh, but I like him, and... there's another one!?" Kushina exclaimed, before glancing at the younger of the two. She hadn't noticed Kakashi and, looking at him, he was as cute as Eiji. Kushina was scaring Kakashi unknowingly with her enervating gaze.

'This woman is crazy; I'd better keep my distance.' Kakashi made a mental note in his mind as he shuddered at her hungry eyes.

After that, Kushina released her grip on Eiji and asked him, "What did you like about me, little Eiji?" Although she asked a simple question, giving the wrong answer could mean his death!

"You should stop hugging him, Kushina; you might kill him with your suffocating hugs," Mikoto reasoned, saving Eiji from Kushina's arms.

"But he's so cute, and he called me beautiful!" Kushina said as if she had been unjustly accused, shifting her gaze between them.

Taking a breath, Eiji rubbed his cheek; she had pressed too hard, but he had to admit that her melons were soft!

'Damn, it hurts.' Well, sometimes we have to endure suffering to get what we want... Eiji justified to himself.

"Your hair is beautiful, red as blood, it's wonderful. I've never seen anything like it in my life." This was not a lie; Eiji truly found them extremely beautiful.

"See? Did you hear that, Mikoto? He's the second person to compliment my hair after Minato, Dattabane!" A huge smile bloomed on her face; she was very happy!

"But, Kushina-nee, we can't go to your house, it's late, and we're waiting for our dad to come back from his mission..." Eiji said, pretending to be sad; he had to deceive them! Yes.

"We always stay indoors; we've always wanted to go out or eat something different outside the house, but we never can."

"What the hell—" Kakashi was cut off in the middle of the sentence when Eiji stepped on his foot.

"We always stay at home or train, so we never go out much or meet anyone outside, my cute little brother is also very shy."

"Shy—" Kakashi started, only for Eiji to step on his foot again.

'You little bastard!' Kakashi cursed.

"You said you were training, right? But you're only 4 years old? What could you possibly do?" Mikoto asked, sensing that these two were not normal.

'Here's my chance.'

"Kashi-ni and I learned a Taijutsu created by me, the Academy's Taijutsu, all the graduation jutsus, there are only a few things about basic traps and explanations about genjutsu, fuinjutsu isn't really taught; they just say a few vague things."

"I bet there's

nothing to learn at that academy. They're too scattered." Kushina chimed in, completely agreeing with Eiji.

"Continuing, we learned tree-climbing and just mastered the leaf test and walking on water. We haven't learned Kenjutsu yet because our swords haven't been made yet, my Shurikenjutsu is at a pretty decent level," Eiji finished his speech, throwing all his achievements out there.

The two women were left stunned with only one thought in sync. "They're geniuses!"

"In a few weeks, we'll start mastering an element once we figure out which one!" recounting all their achievements, he was quite pleased with himself.

"How old are you? Are you in the academy?" Kushina asked, her eyes sparkling. She had the perfect idea in her mind!

"We're 4 years old, and we'll finish the academy in 1 year at most, staying longer than that would be an insult and a waste of time," Kakashi replied; he picked up on his brother's hints that these two people must be important!

'This kid wants to graduate in 1 year? That must be a joke... right?' Both were shocked by Kakashi's following words.

"No one should take more than 2 years to graduate," Kakashi murmured softly.

"It's already dark; we have to go, bye Kushina-nee and Mikoto-nee," Eiji said as he looked up at the sky and saw that it was already dark.

Mikoto was quicker than Kushina in bidding farewell to the Hatake brothers and watched them depart.

"You should have stalled a bit more, Mikoto! He was so cute, and his hair was so soft, dattebane!" interrupting Kushina, Mikoto asked, "Are you going to take him as a disciple, aren't you?" Mikoto narrowed her eyes at Kushina.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Kushina looked away, acting innocent.

"I recognize that look when I see it; you know the Third Hokage won't allow you to have a genin disciple, Kushina." Her status was a bit special; she couldn't be a genin teacher.

Kushina's eyes burned as she said with a smile, "If he doesn't let me, I'll blow him and his miserable office up. That old man will surrender to me, dattebane!"

'I guess the Third won't escape from this.' Mikoto prayed for the Hokage's well-being.