
Naruto: Bloodline Limit

When The Bloodline Limit was developed to its peak, he found out that everything was just a new beginning. “Various worlds? I can conquer the World of Naruto. I can do other worlds as well.” Liu Hao, who had become the master of the Ninja World, was ambitious. Let’s see how he conquers one powerful world after another. How he started all with his Bloodline Limit, working step by step to finally create his own bloodline. Enough to deter countless worlds that belonged only to his bloodline. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/Alipha

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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470 Chs

The Sympathy Between Queens

"Don't be too proud of yourself. Do you really think I've been wasting my time all these years? I have studied all kinds of knowledge about Bloodline Limit and secret arts. Of course, Wood Release is among them. Don't even think about defeating me with just that move. Boil Release: Mist Body!"

Mei was indeed worthy of being called the Iron Blood Queen. The danger she was facing now was, even greater than in the original work. But she was still unfazed. Her expression didn't change a bit.

Without making any seals, Mei's body actually turned into a cloud of mist, and the trees that bound her melted away. She was able to escape a disaster.

"That jutsu is very similar to Haku's newest jutsu. No, it is almost the same. The only difference is the element she turned into. She turned into a cloud of mist, while Haku turned into ice. Indeed, you can't be underestimated, Mizukage!"

Tsunade was a little surprised. She didn't expect Mei to be able to escape the binding of her Tree Realm. But it was nothing.

After awakening Wood Release, Tsunade had the body of an immortal that surpassed Hashirama. Her chakra regeneration, physique, and both chakra quantity and quality were far better than before. Moreover, with the improvement of Wood Release, all of this would continue to improve. Therefore, spending time against her was not worth it.

"You can dodge once, but can you repeat that feat? Even if you are able to spend less chakra, it is not necessarily about how many times you can use it. This move alone can defeat you." After the surprise, Tsunade quickly laughed.

"She's right, I can dodge once, twice, or three times, but I can't hide forever. It will just be a matter of time before I depleted my chakra. Damn, this jutsu is too troublesome, no matter how many times I cut them, I can't get rid of all these trees.

Mei was thinking while dodging. She had used an array of jutsus in an attempt to escape the branches, displaying her exquisite ninjutsu mastery to the fullest.

Ryoha, who was outside, couldn't handle it. From this lowest-level and most practical ninjutsu, one could see how the attainments of one person were. It was obvious that Mei's attainments in ninjutsu were really high.

"This woman is really powerful, even in such a situation, she is still so calm, and there is no flaw exposed, really powerful." As the battle continued, Tsunade also admired Mei even more.

"But I have no interest in grinding you to death like this. This battle should end quickly." Tsunade's hands formed different seals at the same time as if she wanted to use two different jutsus at a time. However, in reality, only she knew that although she seemed to be using two jutsus, in reality, she was only using one.

To be precise, it was a jutsu that was formed from two powerful secret techniques. It was a very powerful single-target jutsu left by Hashirama. Combined with her own understanding, she developed it into the most suitable jutsu for herself. Although the name did not change, the power was much stronger.

"Mei, I am not interested in defeating you in a protracted battle. What I want is to defeat you fair and square. I will let you know that as long as I, Tsunade, am here, the Senju will be the strongest clan in the world of ninjas. I will force you to accept your defeat. Take this, Wood Release - Adamantine Power: Acala!*

Tsunade's voice immediately woke Mei up. Suddenly, she felt a blur in front of her. A green light flashed in front of her like a laser beam and hit her body. The speed was so fast that she did not have time to use the Substitution Jutsu. However, she could use her Boil Release and turn into a cloud of mist.

"Bwoosh!" Mei, who had turned into a cloud of mist, was directly hit by the green light and turned back into a human. She spat out blood and was sent flying back, hitting dozens of pillars.

"Hmph, after I modified it to suit my style, how could you dodge it?" The green light had already turned into Tsunade herself.

In fact, the power of that technique just now was to combine Wood Release's power and detonate it on contact. It could be said to be one of the strongest single target jutsu of Hashirama. Now, it was even more perfect after being improved by Tsunade.

"What technique is that?" Mei was half-kneeling on the ground. She was so strong that she definitely wouldn't allow herself to show her weak side. Even if she lost, she wouldn't be able to show this side even if she died in battle.

"Wood Release - Adamantine Force: Acala. That is the name of the jutsu that just defeated you. Remember the name well. It was even capable of defeating space-time ninjutsu."

Tsunade said proudly. However, after the battle ended, she actually didn't humiliate this Mei who dared to look down on the Senju clan. Instead, she walked over to Mei and extended her sparkling and smooth right hand:

"Although I don't like you very much, you're really strong. I think you still have some reservations. Ryoha said that you are the one who knows how to hide your strength the most among so many ninjas."

"If this battle is a real life-and-death battle, I'd fight you until one of us die. But it would be a waste, right?"

"Why do you say that? Just based on Ryoha's deduction?" Mei curled her lips. A hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly hid it. Her behavior told Tsunade that she was right. Up until now, she had been holding back. That was not her full strength.

After all, they could see that both sides did not have any killing intent. It was just a spar. Was there a need to take out all of her trump cards in this battle? If that was the case, it was too stupid and worthless. Some abilities should not be easily used before their lives were truly threatened.

"No, just based on the fact that you are not worried at all after being defeated by me. Now I really want to fight you with all your strength."

Tsunade helped Mei up. She had also held back with that attack. Otherwise, she would have already killed Mei. Moreover, she had also held back.

She still had many techniques that she had yet to use. Moreover, she had just awakened the Wood Release for more than a month. Once she digested and absorbed all of her grandfather's experiences into her own, she would become even more powerful.

"It's a pity that I don't want to do it at all. If such a situation really happens, it will prove that we are enemies who will not rest until one of us dies. I don't want to become enemies with someone who has inherited the real Wood Release. However, I want to take back my previous words earlier."

"You are right. As long as you, Tsunade, are here, the Senju's name will not disappear. It is indeed the strongest clan. Although they have very few descendants, even if there is only one person left, they are still the strongest clan. The number of people will not be a factor that affects the strength of the strongest clan.

Mei shook her head and said her apology. When these words came out, the two of them looked at each other. There was no longer the previous smell of conflict. Instead, there was a sense of mutual understanding.

*It's a game-exclusive move

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