
Naruto: Bloodline Limit

When The Bloodline Limit was developed to its peak, he found out that everything was just a new beginning. “Various worlds? I can conquer the World of Naruto. I can do other worlds as well.” Liu Hao, who had become the master of the Ninja World, was ambitious. Let’s see how he conquers one powerful world after another. How he started all with his Bloodline Limit, working step by step to finally create his own bloodline. Enough to deter countless worlds that belonged only to his bloodline. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/Alipha

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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470 Chs

Pain on The Move

"It seems that you haven't slept for a night. Although I want you to be loyal to me, it doesn't mean that I want to enslave you. Remember that you are my assistant, which means that you are the extension of my arms. I don't need you to grovel. I only need you to be loyal to me from the bottom of your heart."

There were some traces of exhaustion and sadness in her eyes, but the firm determination didn't disappear from them. Obviously, Natsuhi had already prepared to leave everything behind at that night. Like a phoenix, she was reborn from blazing fire. She was prepared to live her new life. At the moment when the sun shone on the earth, she had already cut off everything from her past.

"In the future, only Ryoha's Natsuhi exists. There will be no more Hoshigakure or Sumaru in my life. No matter if I might die once or ten thousand times, I will never betray you."

Natsuhi was really worthy of being able to stand out as a kunoichi with firm resolution. She was not talented, but she was very decisive. Once she made a decision, she would not regret anything. Instead, she would never turn back.

"Let's go." Ryoha checked Natsuhi's body (Calm down, it was just a simple medical check!). After finding that her condition had not worsened, he and Natsuhi rushed to Land of Snow's direction. However, when they were passing through Konoha, Ryoha stopped by to find out what had been making him feel so uneasy.

At this time, two ninjas were arguing at the Amegakure's office. The two were the famous Nagato and the Angel, Konan.

"Nagato, are you sure you want to go to the Land of Snow alone?" Konan was very worried about Nagato's decision. Her woman's intuition told her that this Ryoha was definitely not as simple as he seemed on the surface. The fact that Ryoha could use other people's Bloodline Limit ability made her uneasy. After all, what if Ryoha was able to use Nagato's Rinnegan?

In the eyes of outsiders, Ryoha's ability to use other people's Bloodline Limit was seen as his own special kind of Bloodline Limit. In addition, when Ryoha used other people's Bloodline Limit, his version was much stronger than the original. It could be seen from the gap between his Sharingan and the Uchiha brothers' Sharingan.

Konan was very worried that if Ryoha learned to use Rinnegan, then Nagato would be in danger. Therefore, she opposed Nagato's plan.

"I have to go. The people in the Akatsuki have all been defeated. As the leader, I have to defeat Ryoha to get rid of this big obstacle in my plan and exert my pressure to the members of the Akatsuki further, so they know that I'm the strongest god."

"They can only do things according to the wishes of God. This will be half the effect of our work of collecting tailed beasts in the future. Ryoha knows too much, and his Bloodline Limit is too strange. If he is allowed to grow, it is hard to guarantee that he will not become a second God, so I must get rid of him in advance."

Nagato, whose arrogance made him think of himself as a god, was very jealous. It seemed that Ryoha's reputation is already well-known in the World of Ninja. Even as a god, Nagato couldn't allow Ryoha to continue to grow.

"You also know that he is very dangerous, but you still want to go alone? We have no conflict of interest with him at all. We can reconcile. He does not have a tailed beast, so he may not stop our plan. We have always provoked him first. As long as we put everything aside and talk about it, maybe we can solve it." Konan still did not give up and advised.

"That's impossible. People like him are very dangerous. It's fine if we don't provoke him. Since Itachi has already provoked him, then, in his opinion, it is also equivalent to our organization provoking him. Rather than letting him continue to grow and threaten us in the future, it is better to solve it in advance. Moreover, he and his team have already defeated Kakuzu's team before. This was already an unresolvable hatred.

"Okay, don't talk anymore. I know what you are worried about. Are you worried that he will learn to use my Rinnegan after seeing me? You don't have to worry about that at all. I have seen the information about him. If he wants to obtain an ability, he must see the user of that ability with his own eyes.

"The Sharingan, Nine-tails chakra, and Shikotsumyaku were only available for him to use after he saw the users. In other words, it is impossible for him to immediately obtain Rinnegan's power when he sees me as long as I kill him in that battle. Everything will be fine."

Nagato's tone was incomparably firm. The power brought by Rinnegan made Konan unable to continue what she wanted to say.

"Six Path of Pain, move out." Nagato controlled his six Pains to attack. Six figures flew out from Amegakure at an astonishing speed.

Even if Guy opened his Eight Inner Gates to the seventh gate, he might not have such speed. Of course, this referred to the current Guy. It was unknown if he would stay like this three years later. Everyone could improve, after all.

"Hehe, Zetsu, I never thought that a thirteen-year-old brat would actually attract Pain to personally move out. Who do you think is stronger when they clash? Even I myself want to get Ryoha's body to study it and see what is so special about him that he can actually use other people's abilities."

A man wearing a mask with a spiral motif stood outside Amegakure with a strange smile. Another pale man enveloped with two Venus flytrap-like extensions was with him.

"Haha, Madara-sama, it's a pity that we discovered it too late. If we discovered his secret before he opened the Mangekyo, then it would not be a problem to study him."

"Unfortunately, he only revealed this secret when he opened the Mangekyo. If not for that idiot Danzo, I don't know when this secret would be revealed."

"You are right. I also don't know how much he wants to use the Mangekyo. Pain really saves me the trouble of testing him and his forbidden Sharingan. This is also a good thing."

The one eye that the masked man revealed was a constantly rotating Sharingan, so the identity of this person was obvious.

"Madara-sama, what you are doing is a bit too sinister, but this is indeed the best choice. I will also go and take a look. You cannot miss a battle between the wielder of multiple Bloodline Limits and the legendary Rinnegan, after all.

White Zetsu said excitedly, and then he disappeared into the ground.

"Hahaha, you are right. This is really a wonderful battle. Zetsu, you have to watch it carefully." The masked man's laughter lingered outside the rain-covered village.

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