
Naruto: Bloodline Limit

When The Bloodline Limit was developed to its peak, he found out that everything was just a new beginning. “Various worlds? I can conquer the World of Naruto. I can do other worlds as well.” Liu Hao, who had become the master of the Ninja World, was ambitious. Let’s see how he conquers one powerful world after another. How he started all with his Bloodline Limit, working step by step to finally create his own bloodline. Enough to deter countless worlds that belonged only to his bloodline. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/Alipha

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

Konoha's Turmoil

This was the case for the Hyuga clan. The situation in other clans was similar to the Hyuga's. Some elders who were with Danzo wanted to dispose of Ryoha, and others suggested giving up the ones who were conspiring against Ryoha to satisfy him. However, these topics quickly spread to Jiraiya.

Jiraiya knew that his chance to add fuel to the fire had come, but he didn't show up directly. Instead, he hid behind the scenes and secretly released the news that Ryoha was coming to Konoha to kill all the higher-ups. For a moment, the entire higher-ups were shocked. Whether this news was true or false, Ryoha would kill even the higher-ups who had no conflicts with him, even if it was a false news.

These higher-ups, who cherished their lives more than anything else, had to take precautions, so more than 90% of the people who wanted to win Ryoha over immediately leaned toward killing Ryoha.

Of course, the ones who were most happy about this were the elders who were on Danzo's side. Although they didn't know who released this news, no matter if it were true or false, once it involved their lives, they would be more ruthless than anyone else. Moreover, Ryoha had a criminal record because when he left, Ryoha said:

"I will stay in Konoha if I am allowed to kill everyone who participated in this matter and their families." However, they thought nothing in the world could not be solved with profits. Maybe it was just Ryoha who was angry at that time.

The whole world came for profits, and the world was in turmoil because of it. All the higher-ups believed this saying before, but they forgot that Ryoha had always been a unique character.

In addition, because of Jiraiya's encouragement, many people were blinded by the desire (benefits after winning Ryoha). They now realize that Ryoha would sometimes go crazy and did not care about any benefits offered to him.

The higher-ups found that they couldn't do anything except take Hinata hostage. Even if Ryoha let them go for the sake of benefits, they couldn't bring out any benefits that Ryoha was satisfied with. He didn't lack strength, ninjutsu, genjutsu, and even Bloodline Limit.

At this moment, the higher-ups who were blinded by the benefits completely woke up under the influence of Jiraiya. It turned out that they could not negotiate with Ryoha a long time ago. Because there were a lot of people in the Danzo group. To ensure the clan's interests, the big clans of Konoha invested separately.

Every faction had its people, and now, almost 90% of the families in Konoha couldn't leave.

Therefore, under the premise that their lives were threatened, these clans that had been scheming against each other for so long now were unprecedentedly united. They were even more united than the village in the Second War, where the village had to face multiple other ninja villages at once. No one was holding them back.

"Well, everything is almost ready. Now I need a fire. A fire that can burn Ryoha to death. Ryoha can't take it away. He has to walk into the trap himself." Jiraiya thought with cold eyes.

Although he couldn't think of pulling in the hidden experts in the depths of the Ninja World, for the time being, taking this opportunity to unite more than 90% of Konoha's strength had already satisfied his goal. After all, there were always differences in the plan.

It could be said that now that he had enough strength to deal with Ryoha. What he lacked was a way to limit Ryoha's space-time ninjutsu. A figure suddenly appeared in his mind, making him hesitate. When did he become so cruel? He actually thought of a way to use Hinata.

"Can you really change? What's the difference between Danzo and me now? Didn't I leave Konoha because I hated this method? Now that I'm in power, do I have to be like them?"

"No, Ryoha is a threat to Konoha. Today, in order to deal with Ryoha, I used the people in the village for the first time. In the future, when I meet strong enemies again, I will do the same. I am Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sannin, and the Toad Sage. I am not Danzo."

Jiraiya suddenly shouted, his eyes no longer cloudy. Jiraiya, who was almost affected by his dark side, woke up and was very glad. If he chose to use Hinata, he could imagine that he turn into Danzo and the others in the future.

"I have my own way. I will never use such a low method. Hinata is innocent. She is not one of Konoha's corrupted higher-ups. She is innocent. If they want to defeat Ryoha, they can use a conspiracy or a trick to defeat him, but they can't use such a dirty trick. At least I will never use it."

Jiraiya just passed the test of the state of mind. To put it exaggeratedly, it was the whisper of the demon of one's heart. If he could not overcome the shadow that came from him, then he would be stuck here. His state of mind would no longer improve. Just like Kakashi, who had a problem with his state of mind. If he could not overcome the shadow in his heart, then there was no way to improve his strength.

After reaching Jonin's level, the increase in strength would either be achieved by a breakthrough in a life-and-death situation or a breakthrough in the state of mind. After reaching the level of Kage, how could it be so easy to break out between life and death? This was too dangerous and too extreme. Therefore, the cultivation of the state of mind was the best choice. Jiraiya had just tempered his state of mind.

Now, he was not affected. Instead, he had seen through the shadows. He was rejoicing at the same time. There was an indescribable feeling of pleasure, especially when his heart seemed to waver.

This feeling was simply indescribable, but Jiraiya could be sure he was lucky this time. His state of mind had improved, and his strength would also improve quickly. At that time, he would be more confident in dealing with Ryoha.

Many people were standing at the top of Land of Snow's tallest snow mountain. There were indeed many people at the top of the snow mountain that had not appeared once in decades or even hundreds of years.

There were seven people and a tiger. This group of people was Ryoha's group and Byakko, who had returned to her original form. Obviously, Byakko was ready to fight. After more than two years, each person's gains were massive.

But today, apart from Ryoha, everyone else inevitably had a trace of worry. Especially Bulma and Haku, the two women who had a relationship with Ryoha, were even more distressed. The worry and inseparable love in their eyes made Ryoha's heart constantly twitch.

"Is it going to start?" Natsuhi looked at Ryoha's back. For some reason, at this moment, she felt that she actually cared so much about him. To be precise, she cared so much about everyone here. The oldest person here besides Tsunade was her.

So often, she couldn't help but treat many people here as her own children. Now, seeing Ryoha in danger and being unable to stop him, she felt very sad. It was as if a knife was constantly stabbing her heart, and the others around her were also the same.

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