
Naruto: Bloodline Limit

When The Bloodline Limit was developed to its peak, he found out that everything was just a new beginning. “Various worlds? I can conquer the World of Naruto. I can do other worlds as well.” Liu Hao, who had become the master of the Ninja World, was ambitious. Let’s see how he conquers one powerful world after another. How he started all with his Bloodline Limit, working step by step to finally create his own bloodline. Enough to deter countless worlds that belonged only to his bloodline. Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/Alipha

nyawdao2 · Anime & Comics
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Another Hiraishin

"The combat strength of our base can't be weakened, so only two people can go. We still have to leave some strong and powerful people here just in case."

Ryoha cursed in his heart. If his Flying Thunder God Jutsu reached the second stage and he could engrave the jutsu's formula wherever his eyes could see, he would have already killed every member of the Akatsuki already. This was really troublesome.

What he was most worried about was not Pain and his Rinnegan, but the mysterious Tobi, who was good at space-time ninjutsu. If this person wanted to escape, it was really difficult to keep him unless one had a better attainments in the same field.

"Are you worried about the masked man you told me about who is good at space-time Ninjutsu?" Tsunade suddenly revealed a strange smile. This smile contained a variety of emotions.

"Yes, his strength is relatively mysterious, but no matter what, he is definitely at the level of a Kage. Moreover, I saw a Sharingan under his mask. He should be a person who has awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan and grasped space-time ninjutsu. Isn't it normal to be worried about that?"

Ryoha was in a bad mood. In the end, he was still not strong enough. If he had enough power, there was no need to worry so much. He could just rush over and kill them all.

"Look at this." Tsunade took out a handful of Kunai, wiped it with his hand, and then wiped it on the table. After doing all this, Tsunade threw one outside.

He saw that Tsunade, without the slightest breath or forewarning, suddenly disappeared on the spot. At the same time, she appeared next to the Kunai she had thrown before and caught it. Then, she disappeared from that place and returned to the place where she had just sat.

"Flying Thunder God Jutsu!" Ryoha, Bulma, Haku, and Byakko said in unison. They all looked at Tsunade with surprise. When did this woman learn it?

Including Ryoha, there were only two people who had mastered the space-time ninjutsu that very few people in the world had mastered. And looking at Tsunade's proficiency in using it, even if not for as good as Ryoha, it was not bad.

"So, you don't need to worry about it, right? No matter what happens here, I can come back instantly." Tsunade was very satisfied with everyone's surprised expression. She held her head high with pride.

"When did you learn it?" Bulma asked first, while Tsunade looked like she had the answer to every question, which made Bulma look both angry and amused.

"Not long after Ryoha learned the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I learned it. In the past, I also came into contact with space-time ninjutsus. Don't forget that my second grandpa is an expert in space-time ninjutsu. Now I think he was right. You need the right opportunity and luck to learn space-time ninjutsus."

"You can't learn it just because you have the knowledge and talent. In the past, no matter how my second grandpa taught me, I only felt muddled and confused. I felt like there was something blocking me from learning space-time ninjutsu. Last time I watched you learn the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I felt that it was quite interesting, so I also came to try it."

"The result was the same as before. There was no difference. There was still this vague feeling, and I couldn't learn it no matter what. It was as if every time I went to learn it, there was a mysterious force blocking me. Just when I was about to give up..."

"I thought back to when I was a child when I was bored, I would use my right hand to carve the Flying Thunder God's jutsu formula. As a result, when I woke up and regained my memories, I found that I had already completed the jutsu's formula. After that, I was very excited and tried many times to see if it was a matter of luck."

As a result, no matter how I tried, there was no hazy feeling like before. Instead, my mind was as clear as the sky. It was a very relaxed feeling. In the following days, of course, I studied how to engrave the formula on various mediums, which I only succeeded in a few days ago.

Ryoha knew that Tsunade was right and agreed with her statements. At the beginning, he also had this weird feeling when he carved the Flying Thunder God's jutsu formula. Although the formula was very mysterious and complicated, it could still be written by following the instructions.

However, in the beginning, no matter how Ryoha carved, he could not carve a complete formula. Later, for some reason, the same weird feeling suddenly disappeared, and the engraving process was getting smoother. He was able to complete it in one go, and then it was a matter of how to write them on various mediums.

"In that case, in learning space-time ninjutsu, your knowledge and talent don't matter much. They don't have much influence. What's more important is the right opportunity and luck. Otherwise, it is really difficult to explain why Tsunade was not able to learn it as a child even though she had been in contact with space-time ninjutsu since she was a child. She also had the Second Hokage teaching her, but she was still unable to learn it. But later, she learned it by herself, and so did Ryoha."

Bulma thought for a moment and could only give this answer. After all, space and time things were the most profound and mysterious things. It was not so easy to understand. Take Ryoha and Tsunade, for example.

They could now use space-time ninjutsu, but they really couldn't tell them the principle of space-time ninjutsu or the principle of time and space. Therefore, basically, people who learned space-time ninjutsus could only use them but couldn't tell the principle behind it.

It didn't mean that they could understand it. Just like how many people could learn to drive, it didn't mean that they knew how to make cars and all the mechanical principles of cars. But this didn't prevent people from driving. Now Ryoha and Tsunade were also in this situation.

"Well, then, it's only me and Tsunade." Haku took the initiative to stay. She wanted to train her Ice Release here. Byakko was too lazy to move.

However, she promised that if someone came next time, she would personally make a move and let everyone who had forgotten her know how powerful Big Sis Byakko was. Although Byakko was usually sloppy and even a little out of line, She always delivered when it came to serious matters and battles. Therefore, Ryoha was very relieved.

"However, we will move in a month. Natsuhi's body needs a month to recover. And you, although you have woken up and seem to be fine, that is just a superficial phenomenon. You have overexerted your chakra and physical strength. If you don't take good care of yourself, you will be miserable when you are older."

Tsunade said in an unquestionable tone. She treated all the patients who she could treat. In this world, the people that should not be offended are not those powerful politicians or businessmen, but doctors.

Especially medical ninjutsu experts, because even if you are a Kage-level ninja or even stronger, there are times when you need doctors. If they made it hard for you to recover, you would be in real trouble.

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