
Naruto: Blood & Pleasure

In one moment, I found myself gazing at the sky on my terrace, contemplating life's purpose and adopting a philosophical demeanor akin to a wise sage. The next moment, as I continued to gaze at the unchanged sky, something felt different. So, I turned my head slightly towards my surroundings, like any normal person would, and noticed an unusually carved mountain nearby. What I witnessed could only be described as... indescribable. There was no reaction powerful enough to capture the essence of what I was seeing. Because what I saw was a Mount Rushmore! Not just any Mount Rushmore, but the one vividly remembered in my mind—the Hokage Rushmore that defined my childhood. It was then that I realized I had departed from my so-called modern world, entering one of the most popular and cliched worlds imaginable. However, what I beheld was not the Naruto World I remembered. It was a more cruel and cutthroat reality, filled with dirty politics, bloodline racism, genocides, and much more. But it was also adorned with one more thing, and that was beauties—yes, beauties of every variety imaginable: blondes, pinks, blacks, browns, tall, thin, thick; tsundere, yandere, kuudere. And let's not forget one more thing – I also possessed something unique that no one else in this world had. What was it? Well, you'll have to read the story to find out! What are you still doing here? [Author's Note: If you'd like to support the continuation of this marvelous endeavor, check out the link below.] Patreon: [patreon.com/NexusPrimodius] Discord: [https://discord.com/invite/denoffanfics]

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 46

Chapter 46


Suu turned her head toward Hitomi, forcing an awkward smile. "Oh…. hi Hitomi! I didn't see you there," she said, trying to sound natural as she stood up and brushed off her clothes, praying no one would notice anything amiss or the cum stains on her.

Hitomi frowned. "Why were you crawling around on the floor, Suu? Come sit on the couch like a normal person."

Hinata and Hanabi suddenly stood up, joining the scene. "Mrs. Yamanaka? When did you get here?" Hanabi asked suspiciously, glancing between Hinata and Suu.

"I'm not sure, I didn't sense her arrival either," Hinata replied, brow furrowed in confusion.

Tatsuya felt beads of sweat forming as he scrambled for a plausible explanation. Suu's strange pose had only made the situation more difficult to explain away.

'Why the hell was she crawling while using the Body Flicker!' He thought a bit annoyed.

"Miss Yamanaka, when did you come? We didn't see you here when we got home earlier," Hanabi pointed out.

Hitomi looked surprised. "Really? I thought she was already here with you all."

Hanabi shook her head. "No, it was only Hinata and I... while my brother was cooking alone in the kitchen…behind the counter." She paused, her lips twitching at the end as if remembering something.

Sensing the rising tension, Tatsuya quickly interjected, "Hey, why don't we dig into this ramen before it gets cold? We wouldn't want all my hard work to go to waste, right?"

The mention of food made even Hitomi pause, hunger overriding her other concerns for the moment as her gaze was drawn to the delicious spread plated on the table.

"Agreed, it would be rude to let it sit. We can discuss things later." With so much work lately, she was especially tired and hungry, so she didn't question why her friend had been crawling oddly on the ground.

As everyone took their seats, Suu kept her gaze lowered, trailing behind in mortified silence. A sense of embarrassment washed over her, making her hesitant to meet anyone's gaze. However, there was one perplexing issue…

'Why am I still getting so wet?' She inwardly screamed at her body's reaction. She wished she could think she didn't know why this was happening, but that would be a lie... She perfectly understood why this was happening. After all, how could she not? She was a psychologist, and what psychologist don't know their own mind.

Her arousal was actually getting off the fact her friend was going to enjoy the food while completely oblivious to the fact that her son had prepared it while she was sucking him off.

'Oh Suu, when did you become so bad?. Get a hold of yourself''She chided herself and tried to calm her thoughts.

She knew she needed to quickly regain her composure; otherwise, it wouldn't take much time for the oblivious part to vanish and the consequences part to enter the equation.

"Wow, this looks as good as Ichiraku's!" Hitomi praised as she picked up her chopsticks. Hanabi and Hinata nodded in agreement, the ramen looked very impressive.

"Thanks! Well, let's dig in then," Tatsuya said, grateful for the distraction as they all took their first slurp of noodles and broth.


As Tatsuya savored the flavors, he couldn't help but admit it tasted very good; the balance of spiciness and umami flavor was just right. However, he suddenly paused as the slurping sounds ceased.

Glancing up, Tatsuya saw the others frozen in place, their faces flushed and breathing heavily. A sinking feeling hit his stomach. 'Did I accidentally use my neutral chakra again? No, I was so careful this time and avoided it especially...'

He observed them as they remained unmoving, only their heavy, feverish breathing and sweating showed any reaction. If not for their normal internal temperature, he would have called for medical help.

Finally, after a tense minute, they abruptly snapped out of their daze.

"Woah!" All of them exclaimed simultaneously.

"What was that?" Hitomi gasped, still catching her breath.

"It felt like I was in another world!" Hanabi exclaimed, her eyes shining.

"Did you feel that too, Hanabi?" Hitomi asked, her eyes dilating.

"Yeah, It felt like I was in space," Hanabi said excitedly.

"Mine was a bit different. It was—" Hitomi began, but she was suddenly interrupted.

"Is anyone else feeling really hot all of a sudden?" Hinata interjected as she started removing her top.

Tatsuya watched in disbelief at her actions and quickly looked at his mother thinking she would intervene, but she rather did the opposite.

"You're right. It's getting too hot!" Hitomi smiled as she began removing her top.

"Shit!" Tatsuya quickly averted his eyes, but was shocked once again. "Not you too, Suu." He saw Suu, who had already removed her top and was currently taking off her pants.

Seeing them all following suit, Tatsuya decided, 'It's better if I leave. I'll come back once they calm down.' He started slowly backing away.

But Hitomi suddenly yanked him back by the collar to the couch. "And where do you think you're going? We need our chef to make us more of this amazing food!"

"Hey, stop! Mom! What are you doing!" He attempted to bring her back to reality, but she seemed too excited.

'Why are they behaving so erratically?' He thought. 'From what I can see, they are not exactly aroused like in Suu's case when she has eaten the cake; it feels more like they have taken a heavy dose of dopamine.'

'Hmm, so my neutral chakra is an aphrodisiac, and chaotic chakra is a dopamine booster,' Tatsuya pondered as he tried to steady his head from his mother's shaking.

'But I think it is based on intent too, since when I used my chaotic chakra on that enemy, it functioned as a disruptor of his chakra pathway rather than boosting his dopamine. Maybe I can use this to enhance the capabilities of allies in battle,' Tatsuya thought.

And from the corner of his eye, he saw his mother trying to take his bowl of ramen. 'No, just one bite is already enough; if they get too much dopamine, they might directly pass to the Pure Land.'

He quickly summoned two clones, one to deal with Suu and one for his sisters.

But as he tried to snatch the bowl, his mother easily dodged him with a backflip, taking another slurp of ramen. "Hehe, you can't take my food, son. It's mine," she said with a mischievous grin.

Tatsuya's eyes twitched at that. It seemed the dopamine was boosting their senses and awareness quite a lot.

He then lunged for the bowl, but Hitomi nimbly sidestepped, slurping more noodles with a playful grin. "Too slow, son! You'll have to do better than that to get this back!"

Tatsuya pressed his attack, hands blurring as he sought to get the bowl from her iron grip. But her reflexes were lightning-quick. She dodged and parried his attempts, all while downing more broth between moves.

"I thought you kids these days were supposed to be faster than us old-timers!" Hitomi taunted playfully as she flipped over a couch, landing gracefully on the other side. "Guess I haven't lost my touch just yet!"

"Alright, Mom, you asked for it!" Concentrating chakra to his feet, Tatsuya flickered out of view, reappearing an instant later behind Hitomi's exposed back. His hands shot out, finally latching onto the ramen bowl.

"Aha! Got you now-" But his smile quickly vanished as she kicked the bowl from his hand while doing a handstand, making all the broth, toppings, and noodles fly into the air.

Her laughter rang out as her body flickered across the room towards the kitchen shelf, landing on it gracefully with an empty bowl as all the ramen components landed perfectly inside it. "Told you, son. It's too soon for you to win a fight with me," she said with an impish wink.

Celebrating her victory, she took the noodles in her chopsticks and was about to eat them when a shadow fell over her back, and she froze.

Hanabi was standing behind her with a smile as she smacked the back of her neck making her fall unconscious and grabbed the falling bowl of ramen and came to Tatsuya, handing it to him.

Hitomi wouldn't have been defeated so easily if only she had activated her byakugan and was not too lost in eating.

"Here is your bowl, brother. You wanted it, right?" She said with a dark smile.

Tatsuya's eyes twitched but he could only silently nod and take it as he looked sideways and saw his other clones had also taken away the ramen bowls from Suu and Hinata, who were busy wrestling with each other, destroying the living room in their dopamine-induced frenzy.

Tatsuya took a deep sigh...

I won't cook anymore.

- x - X - x -

Since this year's start, things have been quite hectic, if I had to say.

Suddenly remembering that I had a previous life and my current life was nothing but an anime in it.

Then the sudden appearance of a system, which started giving me lewd missions, like having a Oyakodon with my friend, not that I was opposed to that.

Which also led me to discover that my body was like a living aphrodisiac, and with my chakra having hypnotic abilities akin to a Degen Doujin protagonist, which ultimately made it extremely easy for me to sway a usually unsatisfied widowed wife to become his fuckbuddy. Of Course since I was not a Degen MC, I didn't do it intentionally and even gave her a chance to back out too.

After that , I had to confront and kill/torture an evil elder in my clan who was secretly a depraved mass rapist and psychopath trying to control a already controll freak clan, not knowing that he was also being controlled by the so-called hidden darkness of Konoha.

If that wasn't enough, I also had to rehabilitate the victims, which I of course didn't mind at all, as their suffering was due to my family's negligence. However, this also led to my fuckbuddy getting chances to have sex with me, which again, I didn't mind at all.

But this time, she decided to be naughty enough to suck me off while I cooked, and the point was that I wasn't even alone. Sigh… My fuckbuddy is crazy nowadays.

Of course, one thing led to another due to that magnificent blowjob; for one, I mixed my chakra again in the food by negligence of course, adding a bit of curiosity too. Thankfully, it was of a different type.

Then another surprise came, my mother entered the scene, and it's easy to guess what happened—she caught my fuckbuddy…. crawling on the floor. The only good part was she didn't catch her in the act, or it would have been over for us.

After that, there was a whole other fiasco of my family eating his chakra-induced food and getting dopamine-crazed, but at least everything ended happily.

Well, not everything. Since that day, the little squirt Hanabi has been giving me suspicious side-eye, and I felt like she knew something.

But I could only hope my guess was incorrect.

With that, I ended my monologue, finally arriving at my destination—the village Entrance Gate.

As for why I am here, it was, of course, to join Tsubasa on the joint mission with her.

It was much better than going to the Academy as here I can at least get some experience.

As for why I am able to go on missions without becoming a genin, it was, of course, because of clan privileges. Especially since I was a Hyūga.

"You're late,"

A voice called out from the east side of the gate.

Glancing towards it, I saw Yumiko Uchiha leaning on the wall.

"Why are you here?"

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