
Naruto: Blood & Pleasure

In one moment, I found myself gazing at the sky on my terrace, contemplating life's purpose and adopting a philosophical demeanor akin to a wise sage. The next moment, as I continued to gaze at the unchanged sky, something felt different. So, I turned my head slightly towards my surroundings, like any normal person would, and noticed an unusually carved mountain nearby. What I witnessed could only be described as... indescribable. There was no reaction powerful enough to capture the essence of what I was seeing. Because what I saw was a Mount Rushmore! Not just any Mount Rushmore, but the one vividly remembered in my mind—the Hokage Rushmore that defined my childhood. It was then that I realized I had departed from my so-called modern world, entering one of the most popular and cliched worlds imaginable. However, what I beheld was not the Naruto World I remembered. It was a more cruel and cutthroat reality, filled with dirty politics, bloodline racism, genocides, and much more. But it was also adorned with one more thing, and that was beauties—yes, beauties of every variety imaginable: blondes, pinks, blacks, browns, tall, thin, thick; tsundere, yandere, kuudere. And let's not forget one more thing – I also possessed something unique that no one else in this world had. What was it? Well, you'll have to read the story to find out! What are you still doing here? [Author's Note: If you'd like to support the continuation of this marvelous endeavor, check out the link below.] Patreon: [patreon.com/NexusPrimodius] Discord: [https://discord.com/invite/denoffanfics]

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 36

Tatsuya and Hitomi waited as Suu delved into Murama's unconscious mind, searching for the information they needed.

Tatsuya turned to his mother. "How do you plan to deal with Yami?" he asked.

Hitomi's expression hardened,"I won't give him the mercy of death.. I was originally planning to wait a bit longer, since we didn't have any concrete proof. But now, things have changed."

At that moment, Suu emerged from her trance, shaking her head to clear her thoughts. Tatsuya and Hitomi quickly moved to her side.

Suu's blank expression slowly turned cold as she emerged from her trance. "...I didn't know that man Yami was such a vile person. Thank goodness I came here, otherwise I wouldn't have known about the atrocities happening in our village."

Hitomi's eyes narrowed. "What did you see, Suu?" she asked, her voice tense.

Suu's hands clenched into fists. " I saw the basement and its conditions." She then described it in detail and it matched perfectly with what Tatsuya had previously told her.

She added at last "Though I was not able to completely read his memories, but from the fragments, I can form a general view of things."

Suu took a deep breath before continuing. "From what I can theorize, what they were actually doing was experimenting on the Caged Bird Seal technique. Precisely, they were trying to modify it."

"Modify it?" Hitomi asked, confused but realization quickly dawned on her.

Suu nodded. "Based on what I've seen in this man's memories, they were attempting to find a loophole within the technique so that the primary authority to control the Caged Bird Seal would be transferred to Yami alone."

A dark scowl immediately formed in Hitomi's face "That damn traitor! Was being an Elder not enough for him that he is now not only killing our own clan members, but also trying to usurp control over the entire clan?"

Her chakra began to emanate a menacing pressure as her fist clenched in fury.

Tatsuya added coldly. "This explains the reason, why most of the people in the basement were from the Hyuga bloodline and had their ocular veins swollen until almost bursting."

Suu looked shocked. "You've been to the basement?" From the memories she had seen, she knew that the basement was heavily protected, making it extremely difficult to infiltrate without raising alarms. Even she wouldn't be able to infiltrate it.

"... I was the one who brought this man here," Tatsuya replied. "Did you not see his full memories?"

Suu shook her head. "No, there's an additional seal inside him that's preventing me from reading more of his memories. If I tried to delve deeper, it would immediately cause him to die." She paused, her expression grim. "It's only because of my experience that I was able to get this much information. Normally, with this type of seal even a bit of mind intrusion or genjutsu would have triggered this man's suicide."

Tatsuya's eyes narrowed. 'The Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal? Danzo is sure to be extra thorough, even with the Weaver Bug, he still used this seal. This also proves that this man was most likely given to Yami by Danzo to assist him.'

"Were you able to get anything about Hayami from his memories?" he asked grimly, he could already guess what had happened, but for mental peace he wanted to know it.

Suu looked at him apologetically and slowly shook her head. "I wasn't able to read memories that far back."

"I see." Tatsuya sighed and then added. "Thank you for your help, Suu-san. I appreciate you taking this risk."

Suu offered him a small smile. "How could I not help when my friend is in need?" She said looking at Hitomi.

Hitomi gave an appreciative look and said "I'll remember this favour, Suu. But now, I have somewhere to go?"

"Don't worry about it. I know you would have done the same." Suu said.

Hitomi nodded, and then summoned a clone of her. "Go tell the Hokage about this, but make sure to wait until I give the signal."

"Understood," the clone said before flickering away.

"Are you going to attack him? Now?" Suu asked, her expression serious.

Hitomi's gaze was resolute. "Yes. I am sure, the death of the weaver bug must have alerted him already. So it's better to ambush him now and not wait and give him time to escape or plan something.

She then turned to Tatsuya and said "Let's go, son. Today we are going to wipe out the traitors."

Suu, seeing them go hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward. "Let me come with you. I can help."

But Hitomi shook her head. "You've already done enough, Suu. Don't drag yourself into this. Let us handle it."

Suu looked as if she wanted to argue, but ultimately nodded, trusting in her friend's abilities.

Tatsuya and Hitomi then flickered away, leaving Suu behind.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the village...

Yami was sitting leisurely, sipping his tea, when suddenly his expression changed drastically, shifting to one of shock.

"The Weaver Bug has died!" he exclaimed, standing up abruptly.

'How did it die? Wasn't Murama just sent to deliver a message to Danzo?' He thought, confused and a little panicked in his mind.

"Murama?!!" He shouted, but there was no response from his servant.

Yami's brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the situation. "Did someone take him? Or did he run away? But how can the Weaver Bug be killed unless Murama himself died?"

But a realization quickly dawned on him. "No... Murama is not capable enough to kill the Weaver Bug and survive, nor stupid enough to try to run away from me. Someone must have kidnapped him."

Cursing under his breath, Yami came to a chilling conclusion. "And seeing how the Weaver Bug has died, they must have tried to get him to talk, which likely means Murama is now dead as well."

"Dammit!" Yami growled. Murama was quite a capable servant, someone he needed to achieve his goals. He was skilled at covering his tracks and much more. Now, he is gone.

"Fucking useless." Yami cursed again.

Yami paced around the room, weighing his options. "Do I have to ask Danzo for another servant, now? I've already asked for two. No, I can't do that. He is already demanding so many Hyuga recruits - if I ask for more help, he'll double down on his demands."

Yami's expression darkened as he thought about that. He was already close to achieving his modification of the Caged Bird Seal, which he had planned to use in the upcoming ceremony. That would have given him hundreds upon hundreds of future soldiers under his control.

This was also the reason why he had been so adamant about pushing for Tatsuya's heir ceremony to be held as soon as possible. As without the formal declaration of the heir, the ceremony could not start.

But suddenly, a troubling thought crossed Yami's mind. "What if they were able to get some information from him? And who are 'they'? The Elders? Or that bitch, Hitomi?"

Yami's brow furrowed as he mentally retraced the sequence of events. 'No, that's not possible. With the Weaver Bug's failsafe mechanisms, it's nearly impossible for anyone to extract information him.,' he reassured himself. Moreover, only mere minutes had passed since Murama's kidnapping.

As for who might be responsible, Yami quickly narrowed down the suspects. "It's most likely that bitch, Hitomi. I don't have many enemies besides her, and those Elders don't have the guts. I'm sure it's her - is she trying to get information about me?"

Yami felt a twinge of relief at this conclusion. "Thankfully, I had prepared for something like this and installed the Weaver Bug on him. Otherwise, I would have been screwed."

Yet, he still felt unease within him. "Better prepare myself for the worst," he muttered, his eyes as he retreated to his private quarters.

{5 Minutes Later}

Outside of Yami's house, Hitomi and Tatsuya stood together, their presence unmasked. There were no pedestrians in the area, as this guarded location seldom saw civilian activity.

As the duo approached the house, an array of traps - shuriken launchers, poisonous gas vents, and paper bombs - were triggered. But these alarms were mere annoyances to them.

Hitomi effortlessly shattered each trap with her bare hands, her palms moving with unrestrained violence, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. Almost half the house had been reduced to rubble before they even encountered their target.

While the martial arts were called the Gentle Fist, it was only because they had gained so much experience in fighting capability that they could do the same damage gently. But this didn't mean they couldn't switch to brute force attacks that destroyed things.

"Come out, traitor!" Hitomi said, her grace and poise completely gone. "Are you still trying to hide? Coward!"

Yet, no response came from within. Hitomi's eyes narrowed, the veins around them bulging as her Byakugan activated.

"I see, so you don't listen to words," she said, a dark scowl forming on her face.

Clenching her palm, Hitomi channeled her chakra with such ferocity that it began to emanate a visible aura outside around her arm. With a mighty slam, she struck the wall of one of the rooms that was especially designed to block byakugan vision, the impact shattering the structure completely.

Debris and dust filled the air as the wall collapsed, revealing the interior of the room.

"So you are hiding here, Traitor." Hitomi said, looking at the man standing.

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