
Naruto: Blood & Pleasure

In one moment, I found myself gazing at the sky on my terrace, contemplating life's purpose and adopting a philosophical demeanor akin to a wise sage. The next moment, as I continued to gaze at the unchanged sky, something felt different. So, I turned my head slightly towards my surroundings, like any normal person would, and noticed an unusually carved mountain nearby. What I witnessed could only be described as... indescribable. There was no reaction powerful enough to capture the essence of what I was seeing. Because what I saw was a Mount Rushmore! Not just any Mount Rushmore, but the one vividly remembered in my mind—the Hokage Rushmore that defined my childhood. It was then that I realized I had departed from my so-called modern world, entering one of the most popular and cliched worlds imaginable. However, what I beheld was not the Naruto World I remembered. It was a more cruel and cutthroat reality, filled with dirty politics, bloodline racism, genocides, and much more. But it was also adorned with one more thing, and that was beauties—yes, beauties of every variety imaginable: blondes, pinks, blacks, browns, tall, thin, thick; tsundere, yandere, kuudere. And let's not forget one more thing – I also possessed something unique that no one else in this world had. What was it? Well, you'll have to read the story to find out! What are you still doing here? [Author's Note: If you'd like to support the continuation of this marvelous endeavor, check out the link below.] Patreon: [patreon.com/NexusPrimodius] Discord: [https://discord.com/invite/denoffanfics]

NexusPrimodius · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Chapter 32

After his discussion with his mother, Tatsuya returned to his room, his mind swirling with thoughts.

"There are still no results from Hayami's case investigation and it's too early to get Maya talking," he thought, standing on the balcony and gazing eastward. "Moreover, it's not even certain that Maya would know anything that could lead us to a breakthrough."

Lost in thought, Tatsuya opened his Byakugan, and focused his eyes, and started expanding his vision range. It started to stretch further and further, until it surpassed a kilometer, but it didn't stop at that - it continued to further extend to a distance of ten kilometers until it finally stopped.

This was his current limit to the range of perception of his Byakugan, which was quite a remarkable feat even within his clan. Even Neji, who was called a one-time prodigy in the original series, only had a range of approximately 1 km.

But he could only extend his vision to this much by narrowing his viewing angle to 180° from the usual 360°, focusing solely on one direction. And to him, this was quite a reasonable trade-off for the significant increase in range.

Returning his focus, Tatsuya gazed toward the edge of his vision, where a rather luxurious house situated there, emanating an aura of affluence.

"This is Yami's house," he mumbled.

Concentrating intently on it, Tatsuya peered inside, scanning every nook and cranny. However, as he delved deeper, his sight was blocked - no, rather than calling it blocked, it was more like a blind spot had formed, impeding his vision from penetrating further.

And there were two such blind spots in the house.

"Hmm... Two rooms with anti-spying ability, which are even able to block my Byakugan," Tatsuya frowned.

The reason for his frown was because there were very few things in the world that could evade the Byakugan's spying ability. The seals of the Uzumaki clan were among the rare exceptions, but even they required a certain metal to completely block the dojutsu called Mirajin. Without it, even the seals would be ineffective against it. This was also the reason how Danzo was able to hide his collection of Sharingan from anyone.

"This Yami must have a connection with Danzo. Otherwise, he wouldn't possess the resources and knowledge to construct such rooms," Tatsuya deduced.

"And with the amount of metal and seals he's using to disrupt my perception for the whole two rooms, it seems Danzo has been very generous to him. But he isn't one to give out freebies. What could Yami have offered in return?" Tatsuya pondered.

He would have loved to just infiltrate the house and uncover all of his dirty deeds, but infiltrating the home of a Hyuga was a very hard thing to do. After all, with their Byakugan, they could see every corner within their house anytime easily.

Being lost in thought, Tatsuya was suddenly jolted back to reality by a distinctive ding in his mind.

[Congratulations! Operation Go Blondie has been successfully cleared!]

[Reward: '30 Pleasure Points' has been successfully Gained.]

[Reward: 'Advanced Ninja Suit' has been successfully deposited in System Space.]

[Command System Space to retrieve the reward.]

[Additionally, the System extends its regards to the Master for progressing closer to the Holy Endeavour of Oyakodon. May your journey continue to showcase such progress.]

"Hmm?" Tatsuya's eyebrows arched in surprise at the mission's early conclusion. He had expected at least a drawn-out process, assuming it would take days or weeks for Suu to come around, if at all.

A smirk played on his lips. "Perhaps she's more eager than I thought. I may have underestimated the loneliness of a married woman," he mused.

But as he read the final panel of the system, a chuckle couldn't help but leak from his lips. "Oh! That's a Holy Endeavour? Didn't know you were such a Cultured System," he thought, shaking his head.

Then commanding the System Space to open, a holographic display materialized before Tatsuya, showcasing a sleek, dark cloak. And an interface appeared alongside it:

[Please Choose the Type of Advanced Ninja Suit]

[Type 1: Advanced Stealth Suit]

[Type 2: Advanced Assault Suit]

[Type 3: Advanced Medic Suit]

[Type 4: Advanced Defense Suit]

Tatsuya was pleasantly surprised by the array of choices presented to him. "Can you give me the functions and abilities each suit provides?" he asked the system, but predictably received no response.

"Wow. You are silent now, but didn't forget to give me wishes to complete the Holy Endeavour," Tatsuya said, feeling like punching the system.

"Hmm... decisions, decisions," he murmured, thinking which suit would best serve his needs and circumstances.

The stealth suit could address one of his current weaknesses; as despite the Hyuga clan's very high perception, they were quite lacking in stealth capabilities. This was also the reason that stopped him from attempting to infiltrate Yami's house thus far.

The assault suit held little appeal for Tatsuya. While he was very curious and interested about its potential enhancements, he doubted it would provide significant long-term benefits.

On the other hand, the medic suit piqued his interest greatly. His current medical abilities were quite basic, as he had not focused on developing them extensively. So getting a medic suit would help him greatly and even increase his survival ability in most situations.

Lastly, the defense suit was the least enticing option to him. The Hyuga clan were already masters in the art of defense, rendering its advantages somewhat redundant for Tatsuya.

After a brief internal debate, he reached a conclusion. "Stealth it is," Tatsuya declared, selecting the advanced stealth suit. While the medic suit tempted him, the stealth suit aligned better with his immediate needs and the situation at hand.

[You have chosen the Advanced Stealth Suit as the reward for completing the mission.]

[Advanced Stealth Suit: Hollowphase (S) has been deposited into System Space.]

Upon the deposit of the Armor into his System Space, the hologram also changed from a simple dark cloak into a sleek, form-fitting ninja suit crafted from what looked like a lightweight, matte-black fabric that seamlessly blended into the shadows. Its minimalist design exuded sophistication, with the inclusion of a hood for added camouflage.

"Looks badass," Tatsuya whistled, unable to contain his excitement after looking at the armor's sleek design. It seriously looked good.

His attention was then drawn to a small line at the bottom right of the hologram, stating {Click for Description} which he clicked immediately, which made another status panel open before him.


| Advanced Stealth Suit: Hollow Phase |


| {Ability 1: Optical & Sound Camouflage} |

| - Renders the user invisible and silent to naked eyes. |

| - Blends seamlessly into shadowy environments. |

| - Caution: Detectable by chakra-enhanced eyes and sensory Dojutsu. |

| - Cost: 0.1% of User's Chakra/Minute. |


| {Ability 2: Chakra Masking Layer} |

| - Masks the wearer's chakra signature. |

| - Nearly impossible to detect via sensor's perception or Ninjutsu. |

| - Caution: Can be detectable by highly sensitive sensory Dojutsu. |

| - Cost: 5% of User's Chakra/Minute. |

| - Note: High chakra usage may disrupt the Masking layer, causing the user to get detected. 1hr cooldown to reform the Masking Layer. |


| {Ability 3: Undetectable Chakra Flow} |

| - Conceals chakra flow from sensors/Dojutsu users. |

| - Makes technique prediction through sensing chakra flow almost impossible. |

| - Cost: Varies by chakra volume used during a technique. |


| {Ability 4: Absolute Anonymity} |

| - Grants absolute stealth for 10 seconds. |

| - Undetectable by any means as long as the user is in a non-combat state. |

| - Cost: 50% of User's Chakra. 12 hr cooldown. |


| {Ability 5: Hollow Phase} |

| - Grants the ability to become a Hollow Space during which everything passes through you without affecting you. |

| - Note: If the attack has spatial manipulation at a higher level than the suit, it may render the ability ineffective. |

| - Cost: Unable to Use Chakra during HoloPhase. No. Of usage: 3/day. Maximum duration of Holophase is 3 seconds but the user can end it early. |


| Property 1: Lightweight Flex-Material |

| - Incorporates lightweight and flexible materials to the suit, enabling greater range of motion, faster reflexes, and improved acrobatic capabilities. |


| Property 2: Reinforced Nanofiber Weave |

| - Provides enhanced durability and protection against physical and elemental attacks. |

| - Damage reduction efficiency based on Jutsu rank: |

| - S Rank Jutsu: 10% damage reduction |

| - A Rank Jutsu: 30% damage reduction |

| - B Rank Jutsu: 60% damage reduction |

| - C Rank Jutsu: 95% damage reduction |

| - D Rank Jutsu: 100% damage reduction |


| Property 3: Enhanced Thermal Regulation |

| - Regulates body temperature to ensure comfort and prevent detection by thermal sensors. |


| Property 4: Self-Repairing |

| - Minor damage self-repair takes 1 hour of non-combat state. |

| - Major damages require the suit to be inactive: |

| - Repair duration depends on the extent of the damage. |

| - For example, 99% destruction repair will take 6 months of self-repair. |

| - 100% destruction is unrepairable. |

| - The higher the damage, the slower the self-repair ability. |

| - Self-repair functions by using the supply of user chakra. |

| |

| {Note: when the durability of the Suit is less than 50%, the effects of the abilities will also get reduced. With each additional 5% damage to the suit, when the durability is less than 50%, the effectiveness of the abilities reduces by 10%.} |


Tatsuya's eyes widened as he scrolled through the detailed description of the advanced stealth suit's capabilities. "Holy hell," he muttered incredulously, blinking owlishly as if to confirm that he wasn't hallucinating.

Each ability was more impressive than the last. Especially the Absolute Anonymity and Hollow Phase abilities had him captivated, their potential seeming to rival even S-rank jutsu.

With Absolute Anonymity, he would be completely undetectable for 10 seconds, even to the mighty Rinnegan, as long as he remained in a non-combat state. And the Hollow Phase ability, which allowed him to become intangible was like cherry on top.

"A washed out Kamui, huh?" Tatsuya smirked. While the limited number of uses and its inferiority to the original Kamui technique was a drawback, it was still one of the most powerful abilities in the world. Through it, he had essentially gained extra lives for free.

The only concern was the durability of the suit. If it was damaged below 50%, the effectiveness of the abilities would start to be affected. He would have to be cautious not to let the suit take too much punishment.

Overall, Tatsuya was incredibly impressed by the advanced stealth suit's capabilities. It seemed to address many of his current weaknesses while providing extraordinary stealth and defensive abilities. This was undoubtedly a powerful reward that could greatly enhance his capabilities.

"Dammit, System, why don't you give me more of such missions? I'll happily complete them if you give me such rewards," Tatsuya said.

And as if in response to his words, a new system panel appeared in his vision with a ding.

[New Mission Created]

[Mission: Eat the fully cooked Oyakodon]

"Oyakodon, huh? Guess the system really is serious about this 'Holy Endeavor'," he mused, a wry smile playing on his lips.

"Well, I suppose I should get started on this new 'holy' task,"

"But first I have to deal with something else" Tatsuya said looking east.

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