
Naruto: Blood Descendance

A Haematologist transmigrated into the naruto verse with a blood release? (First time writing anything so be easy on me and help me along the journey)

Pezetty2x · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Wake up call

The scent of disinfectant hung in the air, assaulting his nose as he gradually regained consciousness.

Alex's eyelids fluttered open squinting against the harsh light through the curtains.

A dull throbbing began to pulse through his head, an insistent ache that intensified with every passing moment.

He raised his hands to his temple feeling bandages on his head as he tried to piece together what led him here an overwhelming rush of memories flooded his mind.

Images and emotions cascaded through him faces of people he didn't recognize places hes never been a life he could not fathom

The pain in his head deepened as he clutched the sheets the memories were real yet foreign leaving him gasping for air until it came to a abrupt stop as he passed out.

In Alex's past life on earth he was a Haematologist he found the way blood protects our bodies and supply's every organ extremely interesting.

Up until college Alex was bullied this caused him to have slight emotional detachment to the people who weren't close to him people didn't help him when he was bullied why would he help them.


Meanwhile, in the Hokage's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi was meticulously stacking documents, creating a neat tower of paperwork that seemed to defy the chaos that surrounded it.

"Gosh, why is there so much work? When I became Hokage, first the Third Great Ninja War, and then the Nine Tails incident—too much paperwork. The Leaf is too vulnerable," he muttered to himself, a hint of frustration in his voice.

Knock, knock.

"Come in," Hiruzen called, looking up from the paperwork.

"The boy we recovered from the weird cult has signs of waking up, Lord Hokage."

"Finally, something other than boring paperwork," Hiruzen muttered to himself, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. "Ahem, let's go together, Shikaku."


Alex awoke once again, one hand rubbing his temple as he tried to make sense of everything that had been happening to him.

"Wh-who am I?" he asked himself out loud, the words hanging in the air like a lingering uncertainty.

"That's a weird question to ask yourself, boy," came a voice, interrupting the stillness of the room.

Alex whipped his head towards the source of the voice, his eyes widening in recognition. How long had he been there?

"Wait a minute, that's Hiruzen, the Third Hokage!" Alex sat there, staring at him, his jaw dropped, his whole-body trembling with a mix of confusion and awe.

"So, what's your deal? Tell me everything about you. Let's start. What's your name?" Hiruzen inquired, his gaze piercing yet patient.

Alex thought for a few seconds before answering, "Ket-Ketsueki."

"Alright, Ketsueki, tell me everything about you and that cult." The Hokage's tone was firm, indicating that this was a matter of great importance and urgency.

"Approximately a year ago, I found myself abducted by individuals who identified as jashin priests. These men bore peculiar markings and spoke of sacrificial rites devoted to their Lord Jashin. Their ritualistic requirements involved selecting a child, followed by the deliberate choice of ten more individuals to be sacrificed, to awaken a child with some sort of ability.

While these recollections remained alien to Alex, an overwhelming surge of pure anger permeated his being in response to the mere thought of those priests.

Unbeknownst to Alex, tears began to well up in his eyes. "Huh, that's peculiar," he muttered.

Hiruzen's eyes widened, discerning the evident trauma that could potentially be harnessed for the Leaf's benefit. "This is valuable. We require every skilled ninja we can muster."

"Pray, do tell what transpired?" Hiruzen inquired.

"I regret to inform you, sir, that my memory fails me beyond that point. I cannot recall any events that ensued," Alex responded, meticulously assuming an act.

"Very well. Do inform me promptly should any additional memories surface," Hiruzen concluded.