
Danzo's men

Yui looked at me with a smile on her face. "Sorry for poisoning you, if it weren't for the Hokage's dogs watching you I wouldn't need to do all this." She slowly transformed into me as she was speaking.

My regeneration ability was already working at its full capacity and fighting the poison.

"You will regret this."

She raised her eyebrow a little. "How are you still awake you should be unconscious by now?"

I took out a kunai and threw it towards her face. She raised the table in the air to block the kunai. I punched through the table and grabbed her by the neck and pulled her towards me.

She tried to struggle but I immediately placed a kunai in her neck. I was quite rough so the kunai pierced her a little and blood started to flow out from her neck.

The people who worked at the bakery shop had already surrounded us and all of them were holding a kunai in their hand.

My mind was racing I was thinking about what action to take and what would be the consequences of my actions.

"Now now, don't be hasty boys. One wrong move and all the anbu of the village will be hunting you down and that will create quite a problem for you and your boss."

The tall guy who seemed to be the leader of the group spoke up.

"Kid put down your weapon and quietly come with us. If not then we might accidentally hurt you."

"I don't think Danzo will be happy if you do that."

They all froze for a second after they heard Danzo's name.

This confirmed that they were sent by Danzo. If I want I can go all out and escape from them any moment I want but now that I know they are Danzo's men I don't want to do that. And that is because I want to work with Danzo. I don't like the guy or anything but I think working with him will benefit me.

Because I believe that working with him will help me boost my strength by a lot. But his mindset was also a threat to me if I didn't have any value to him he wouldn't hesitate to kill me. If I didn't have any power he still wouldn't hesitate to kill me.

So I tried to find the solution for the problems. 1st problem was not having any value. I solved this easily by displaying my powers as well as being friends with Naruto because Danzo desperately wants to control Naruto. And I also tried to get a little close with Sasuke.

2nd problem was not having any backings. I showed my powers and got Hiruzen on my side. With the 3rd Hokage on my side, Danzo wouldn't dare to move against me.

But I still had one more problem Danzo's genjutsu. Even if he didn't dare to kill me he would not be worried about casting some Genjutsu on me. That's was the reason why I hadn't already approached Danzo yet.

If I had a way to deal with him I would have already met him and started training under him. So I didn't want to go with them at the moment but I also didn't want to expose all my abilities.

"What… What are you talking about kid?"

I sighed when I saw his terrible acting. I didn't reply to him instead I thought for a while. After thinking about it for a short while I decided to take the risk and go and visit Danzo.

I had enough confidence in myself to break free from his genjutsu in the future.

"Don't pretend like you don't work for Danzo. I am quite interested in meeting him so lead the way."

I let go of Yui's neck and pushed her towards the tall guy.

She touched her neck and coughed. "You bastard don't you know how to treat a lady."

"What can I say, I like to play it rough. Now stop blabbering and lead the way."

They were still hesitant even though I said I would follow them.

"I didn't know that Danzo's dogs were such pussies, what is Danzo doing training such useless dogs."

They all seemed to get a little angry after I insulted them.

"Kid the only reason you are alive is that we were ordered to take you alive."

"And I am willing to go with you but you are a pussy who doesn't believe in his ability to stop an 8-year-old kid if things go south."

He gritted his teeth. "Ok follow us and don't try anything funny because if you do I will make sure to give you a fate worse than death "

"Ohhh... Someone help me I am scared of this pussy."

I was just having fun teasing them cause I knew they wouldn't dare to kill me no matter what because Danzo had a tight leash around their neck and they wouldn't dare to go against his words.

They started to lead me towards Danzo, they were all on high alert and keeping an eye on my every movement.

"Hey Yui, why did you start working for Danzo?"

"Shut up and walk."

I laughed hearing her reply.

"What happened? You were head over heels for me till yesterday what changed?"

She ignored me and didn't even reply. After walking for a bit we reached an old house which looked like it would break with a big gust of wind.

"Is this the place?"

Yui nodded her head.

"I didn't know Danzo was this poor, I feel bad for the man, he has such a bad house and even terrible subordinates."

They just glared at me and didn't say anything. We entered the house and saw an old man sitting on the chair.

The tall guy from our group went over and said few things to the man.

The man moved his hand and the ground below us cracked open and revealed a stairway leading downwards.


An:- Thanks Dominik Macczak for joining my P@treon. if you want to read few extra chapters and support me join my P@treon
