
Chapter 32: A Crafty Intruder and an Interfering Instructor

"Last question," Kakashi read off the scroll that he was holding in his lap, "Are you aware of any plans that Orochimaru was making to attack Konoha?"

A slight thoughtful frown appeared on the face of his old pupil as he searched his mind for an answer.

"I recall being talked to, or at least aware of a plan that may have included an attack against Konoha. I can't remember," Sasuke said after a moment, "My memory is faded when I try to think of when it would be, but I know that it wasn't going to be soon. It has probably been set back even further, now that his latest vessel has been rendered useless to him."

Kakashi scrawled some notes down on the scroll before rolling it up again, studying Sasuke's face. The Uchiha boy had been open about anything that he knew, and signs did indicate that parts of his memory was gone, but despite that, he had been helpful where he could—an odd virtue for Sasuke to demonstrate. Maybe he didn't know everything about the situation, Kakashi pondered, or maybe there was a reason for him helping. To be rid of the sentence meant that he could leave Konoha…and the only reason he would leave Konoha…



"You're not still bent on revenge, are you?" he asked a little worriedly. After all that had happened, surely now he still wouldn't…

"I am," he replied evenly and tersely.

A heavy sigh escaped Kakashi as he tucked the scroll safely away in the pouch that he carried his weapons and supplies in. He put his fingertips together and touched his index fingers to his lips.

"Is that very wise?" he asked after a moment, gazing perceptively as Sasuke with his visible eye.

"I've told nobody the exact circumstances under which I was blinded," Sasuke stated coldly, as an aside, "I was going to be taken as a vessel, and I knew that Orochimaru would most likely disrespect my wish of avenging the Uchiha clan. There was no escaping the fate that I had been branded with."

Kakashi noted that Sasuke rubbed the sealed curse mark on his neck as he said this. There was a reason behind his former pupil telling him this, and he listened respectfully to find out how it would b related back to his question.

"The only way out was if I was useless to him, and he would no longer want me as a vessel."

Sasuke paused and Kakashi felt his eyes widen in disbelief at what Sasuke was implying. Useless to Orochimaru? There had only been one way out…? Surely he hadn't…

"I blinded myself."

Kakashi sighed, "So that's how it is."

"As long as I am alive, I don't care what happens. I will kill Itachi and revive my clan. I did this solely so that I could escape from Orochimaru and fulfill my goals. No other reason but to survive."

There was a long silence. So he had after all—he had taken his own sight. In comparison to how he had looked when Kurenai had found him, he was in good condition, but that did not mean that he was in any position to still be pursuing his path for revenge. In his current state, he could never hope to dream of laying a scratch on Itachi. Even with training and time, the most he could become was mediocre, and that was simply not good enough to take on Sasuke's older brother. But he knew Sasuke would not be swayed in his opinion.

Kakashi stood wearily from his seat and tucked away the chair he had just gotten up off of. He faced Sasuke, not knowing what to do, "Hatred breeds sadness, Sasuke. Remember that."

Sasuke seemed to ignore his piece of advice, and continued like he hadn't spoken at all, "Don't tell Sakura."

Another grim pause.

"Alright then, I'll go give this information to the Hokage," Kakashi replied unenthusiastically, "And as you wish, I will not tell Sakura. I will, however, tell Tsunade-sama. It will then be up to her who finds out the information of how you came to be in your present state, with the exception of Sakura."

Sasuke nodded dumbly in response but said nothing more as Kakashi turned to leave.

"I hope you get well soon, Sasuke," Kakashi said before closing the door behind him.

'In both mind and body,' he added inwardly.

Ino threw open the doors to the hospital, feeling completely livid. The news that Sasuke was Sakura's patient had only sounded worse and worse the more she thought about it—and having the whole walk from the ramen stand to the hospital to think about it, it was very bad news indeed. She calmed herself after the doors had swung shut behind her, a few people staring at her as a result of her ostentatious entrance, and knowing that is she did not act lady-like, she would not be treated with respect, resulting in her being thrown from the building.

Candidly, as if nothing was wrong, she walked over the reception desk, trying to act natural, despite the curious stares from the people in the hospital lobby. The woman behind the desk turned towards her and gave a slight bow.

"How may I help you today?" she asked politely, though Ino realized that the woman probably thought that she was mentally unstable.

"Hi," she said, smiling sweetly, "I'm here to visit Uchiha Sasuke. I was wondering if you could tell me what room he's in?"

The receptionist turned to the computer on her desk and flicked through a few files, "Sorry miss, but we don't seem to have anyone by that name checked in."




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