It was almost time, Orochimaru was going to take his body as a vessel. He hated being used...he refused to be used. With that thought, he took the kunai in his hand and slashed across his eyes.
"Damn it, Sakura!" he cursed at her as she helped him get detangled from the bush, where he dropped to the ground, "Why the hell are you doing this to me? The only time I've seen you do something like this…was when you're dealing with Naruto!"
Sakura glowered down at him, hoping that some way or another she was transmitting waves of her displeasure towards him, "Maybe it's because you're acting so childish!"
He was sitting on the ground, a foul expression showing that he was brooding. He said nothing to her response, but clenched his fists. Sakura carefully stepped up to him, to avoid squashing a patch of canary grass.
"Sasuke, I know you're used to being independent—I know you like doing things on your own," she spoke angrily at him, her hands on her hips, "I know you avoid physical contact like everyone has the plague or something, but you know what? You can't live that way anymore! You are blind, Sasuke, as much I didn't want to say it to you, I'm finding I have to point out the obvious. You have lost your vision, something that gives your brain eighty percent of the information you receive—maybe even eighty-five to ninety percent for an Uchiha. Now you are relying one hundred percent on senses that only told you, at most, twenty percent of the things around you. There is no way that you will get by on your own now, you will always need some sort of assistance from time to time. This rehab is to get you accustomed to managing on your own, but that doesn't mean that you can completely rely on your other senses. I am trying to help you with that, doing my best to get you back to living a normal lifestyle, but you refuse to let me get near you. You are being help-resistant. If you still can't grow up and allow yourself to get help from other people once in a while, then you might as well forget about your revenge and let your brother live, because there will be absolutely no way that you can do this on your own."
After her long lecture, Sakura was left breathless since she had put so much force into her reprimands as she shouted at him. Silently sitting on the ground, Sasuke hadn't even flinched at her words, but she knew that even though his expression was masking his emotions, she had hit something sensitive and now he was thinking about what she said. After a while, his fists relaxed and he beckoned her over.
"Help me up," he ordered quietly, facing away from her.
A relieved smirk spread over her lips as she realized he had finally given in. Sighing, she gripped his arm and helped pull him to his feet, and already he looked steadier with her holding on.
"Trust me, it's a lot less embarrassing to have someone assist you down a hallway than tripping over every set of stairs and person you meet," she told him quietly as he offered her his arm and linked it with hers.
"You could have stopped me from looking like an idiot," he muttered, his head not held as proudly as before, but was tilted in a humbled way.
"How else was I to get common sense into you?" she replied with a smirk, leading him carefully out of the flowerbed, to the path that had forked and was not on their right, "Careful, there's a hedge here."
He carefully stepped over it after she had done so, leaning against her arm for support, and Sakura approved of his bettered behavior, however his attire was a little worse for wear. The white hospital gown was covered in dirt and there were a couple twigs caught in Sasuke's hair. The bandage around his head was no better as it had mud smeared over it.
"Let's go back inside and get you cleaned up," she said, trying not to laugh at his state, "Perhaps the fresh air is a little too much for you."
Sasuke sat on the bed in his room, wondering how on earth he came to the position he was in right now. He was back in the room where he was staying, sitting in a cross-legged position, his left arm outstretched to Sakura who was sitting next him, wiping off the dirt with a wet washcloth. His chin was rested in his right hand and his elbow was leaning on his knee; his jaw was set in a stubborn manner, reluctantly putting up with the procedure.
Sakura had kindly gone and retrieved another one of those horrible hospital gowns for him to wear, and removed the bandage from his head to prevent dirt from getting into the wound. Though he would never outwardly admit it, he wished he had listened to Sakura to begin with and just accepted her help instead of going through all the embarrassing ordeals she had put him through. It couldn't be helped though, what was done was done, and he knew that if he did not cooperate with Sakura, he was completely helpless. He hated the prospect, but looking back to when he made the choice of blinding himself or not, he had made the better choice. He was alive, and not Orochimaru's vessel—even if being in this state was troublesome, he did not regret his decision.
"Alright, done," came Sakura's cheerfully, getting up, "Right arm next."
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