
ch1 banishment

Naruto woke up like any normal day. So it seems at first after some time Naruto was summoned to the counsel room.

Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze-Uchiha-Senju I hate to do this but I am forced to vanish you by the end of the day tomorrow you must leave. I love you son I was forced to banish you I am sorry. : Minato

Dad tell them after I leave what they did but I have a few demands for me to leave and not wish to destroy Konoha. First Hinata Huyuga to come with me into banishment no bird seal cause I can easily remove it. Second for Sakura Haruno to also come with because if she wants to be a shinobi she must not be a fan girl cause that will get her dead. On her first C rank mission if later she chose the leave me and come back allow her same with Hinata if she chose to come back. third for Donzo and Hunter nin not to come after us if you need something or not to send Jiraiya or any of his pupils they are the only ones who I can trust. :Naruto

The counsel agreed to be able to protect the leaf in the future however Donzo was planning to get the 6th hokage to betray Naruto farther.