
naruto beyond imagination

how can i be here

satihi_01 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

~~~I made a lot of grammatical mistakes, it made me a little depressed, but I still want to upload it~~ 😭




two months later..

Shiro had been in Naruto's world for three months, and as usual he attended the ninja academy.

And during the last two months Shiro spent his time in training, the first month he often trained together with Hinata, but after the second month Shiro continued physical training as usual, now the ballast seal on Shiro body increased to 100 kg.

although it doesn't increase much, but Shiro is more draining because he can now do two rounds around the village, it really boosts Shiro stamina, usually he can complete one round around the village for half a day, now he can complete two rounds around the village for half a day

Shiro intends for the next three years he will focus his training on physical strength, because grades 1-3 at the academy only learn basic ninja materials and physical training, they are given ninjutsu lessons when entering the fourth year, so Shiro intends to maximize these three years to strengthen maximum physical strengt



break time has arrived, Shiro and Ino are sitting quietly under a tree, unlike in previous months, now Ino brings food to school, Ino always invites Shiro to eat with her after break, and Shiro who got an offer from this of course wouldn't refuse it

although they are not yet a couple but the closeness of Shiro and Ino is like there is no distance, even Ino often does something a lover does to his partner, and they just enjoy their company

while Shiro was enjoying the food that Ino brought, suddenly Ino spoke to Shiro

"After we finished eating together, what did Shiro Kun do?" Ino asked Shiro, because after they finished eating together Shiro always chose to go straight home instead of playing longer with her, it made Ino a little curious

"Ohh, I went to practice" Shiro replied as he continued to eat his food

after hearing Shiro Ino words pondered a bit

"May I train with you Shiro Kun?" Ino suddenly asked Shiro

Shiro who heard Shiro words stopped eating, he was a little surprised by Ino statement, because now he and Hinata will do training together, he intended to bring Ino and Hinata together but not now.

but it looks like he can't delay any longer

"Ok, no problem" said Shiro to Ino, then Shiro continued to eat



academy has finished, looks like Shiro is walking towards the outskirts of the village to train, unlike before who always goes alone, now shiro is walking with Ino to do training together

Shiro now intends to meet Ino with Hinata, now Ino takes the initiative to train with him, so Shiro didn't reject it, even though it didn't match the timing he set in introducing Ino to Hinata

"Is the place still far away?" Ino asked Shiro, because they had walked long enough, and Ino couldn't wait to train with Shiro

"We'll be there in a minute" Shiro replied



Hinata is waiting for Shiro to do training together, for the past two months, Hinata trained with Shiro, she has improved a lot, especially his weak nature when fighting, she is now more flexible when fighting, this is very visible when Hinata is practicing battle at the academy, when she against his classmate hinata doesn't hesitate anymore when attacking her opponent, because of that Hinata is now starting to be seen by her classmates, they don't judge Hinata as a fringe person anymore

Hinata didn't wait long, finally Shiro was seen by Hinata, but unlike what Hinata expected, Shiro was seen being accompanied by someone.

' Ino, why is she here ' thought Hinata

"Hinata, what are you doing here?" asked Ino in surprise, because she and Shiro were heading to the outskirts of the village, and she didn't expect to meet her classmates here.

"hello ino san" Hinata replied to Ino surprised question with a greeting,

after thinking why Ino could be here, Hinata was able to draw conclusions, it seems Shiro invited Ino to train together,

it's natural because Ino was the first person to get close to Shiro, so Hinata didn't really mind it

Ino could only stare at Hinata who greeted her casually, like Hinata knew that she would meet her, Ino didn't know what was happening now.

then Ino turned her gaze to Shiro and ino showed an expression asking for an explanation to Shiro

Seeing that it seems like Shiro should explain the situation first

"Hinata will train together with us" Shiro answered briefly to Ino

"And Ino will join our training" said Shiro trying to explain the situation to Hinata

Hinata just nodded hearing Shiro explanation, because she already knew what really happened

"What?! since when?" Ino asked Shiro

"Since when did you train with Hinata?" continued Ino

"Two months ago I started training together with Hinata"

Ino couldn't believe what Shiro said, she knew Hinata because she was sitting next to Shiro at the academy, Ino didn't really mind it, but after this incident, it seemed that Ino could no longer ignore Hinata.

then Ino approached Hinata while holding out her hand for a handshake,

"Please cooperate Hinata" said Ino to Hinata

even though she knew Hinata but they weren't very close, so Ino tried to get closer to Hinata during this training period

"Please also cooperate Ino-san" Hinata replied,

now Hinata nervousness is starting to fade, when she talks she doesn't stutter anymore, but that doesn't change Hinata personality, she's still gentle as usual

seeing the approach of the two of them Shiro finally started to speak

"Alright, let's start our training" Shiro said as he walked towards the training grounds

Hinata and Ino who heard Shiro words, immediately followed him



"As usual we will do taijutsu training, you will fight me together. So attack me with all your abilities" said Shiro to Ino and Hinata

hearing Shiro words, Ino and Hinata teamed up and started attacking Shiro, shiro deflected each of their attacks with ease, he saw Hinata technique was better than Ino, even so Ino was better than when she fought Sakura at the academy, during these three months Ino often practiced with his father so that Ino taijutsu was better, but not comparable to Hinata, they continued to do battle until 3 pm.

Ino was seen laughing beside Hinata, and Hinata who was still standing while catching her breath, and Shiro standing in front of them casually there was a little sweat sticking on his face.

"Is this all you can do?" Shiro said to the two of them

"Hahhh...hahhh....you're so strong Shiro Kun...! even after working together we can't even beat you" said Ino while controlling her irregular breathing

"The more battle experience you have, the better your taijutsu will be" said Shiro suddenly to Ino and Hinata

"I only practice taijutsu from the academy, as you know in the academy only the basics in taijutsu are taught, such as hitting and kicking, the rest you have to improve yourself,

after you experience many battles your body will automatically respond to itself while doing battle, for me the basics of taijutsu from adakemi are very helpful, the rest depends on the flexibility of your body when fighting, so that will make your taijutsu even better "said Shiro giving explanation to both of them

Ino who heard Shiro words started to stand back up, then stood beside Hinata

"You're so great Hinata" said Ino to Hinata

"You are also very great Ino san" Hinata replied,

they have returned to normal breathing

"After hearing Shiro Kun's words I got excited again, he only practiced the basics of taijutsu from the academy, while we were trained by our own clan, I'm a little embarrassed that an ordinary Shiro Kun is that strong with just his own efforts, I can't stay far behind him"

said Ino while reflecting on her own weaknesses, she had wasted a lot of the training that had been given to her by the clan, in contrast to Shiro, he didn't receive any training like her but he tried herself to be this strong with the learning given by the academy.

it re-ignited Ino spirit to become stronger.

Hinata who heard Ino words immediately nodded to agree with Ino statement, she also didn't want to be far behind Shiro, Hinata wanted her to walk beside him, during these two months Shiro shadow began to be clearly seen in Hinata heart, and Naruto's shadow began to fade a little,

this makes Hinata spirit return to its peak, she is ready to return to fight against Shiro

"I will put all my strength back" Hinata said to Ino

"Hmmm" Ino who heard Hinata's words nodded in response to her words

" Come on 2x" said Ino and Hinata simultaneously while attacking Shiro

and Shiro who saw it prepared to parry the attacks of the two of them


