
Naruto: Before the War

He was reborn normal in the Naruto Universe and wants to do his best to make the future better. He has no system, no bloodline, no gold finger. All he has is small bits of knowledge of the future to try and make it better. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The artwork on the front cover is not mine and all and full rights belong to the artist. I simply chose it because it looks amazing and it fits what I had in mind. If you are the artist message me if you feel like it and il change it. Thanks!

OvercookedChicken · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

A new begining

"tring, tring"


I wake up from my bed still groggy and shut off my alarm clock.

"I have never been a morning person and it looks like it still hasn't changed".

The young boy wanders lazily to the bathroom and washes up with cold water to fully wake himself up. He looks into the mirror, and facing him is a shorthaired boy, with slightly spiky black hair and brown eyes, and slightly chubby face.

"I still haven't gotten used to my new face" he sighs.

He goes on to start the morning routine that begins with stretching himself with all kinds of yoga poses that he remembers as well as a few that he came up with himself with a little knowledge from his albeit limited memory of a past long gone.

"Ouch! Although stretching your muscles are one of the worst pains you can imagine it is still highly beneficial" he says through gritted teeth not sure if he is encouraging himself or just dealing with the fact that he is and has been lonely for a long time. Not being able to be his true self around others and always wearing a mask has taken its toll on him because after all, humans are very social beings. The reason he can't be his true self around others is that he has a secret that if others knew would either call him crazy at best or at worst take him and torture all of the information that he hides within himself.

"Jin-Chan, are you awake? It's time for breakfast, you need to hurry, school is starting at 8-o'clock!" says a mature yet feminine voice from downstairs.

"I'm coming, mom!" Jin replies as he finishes his exercise and starts to head downstairs.

Once he is downstairs he comes to a small yet quaint room right next to a kitchen which is being handled by a snow-white woman with silky black hair that cascades to her left that ends with a ponytail. She starts to smile as she brings breakfast with her to the table.

"Good morning sleepyhead!"

"Good morning mom!" replies Jin.

"Now while I would love to spend some time together as we have so often little time together, you better hurry since we don't want you late for school now do we?" says the beautiful woman.

"Yes mom, but instead you have to teach me how you handle the store since you won't allow me to learn blacksmithing yet!"

"Ara, being curious are we? You know full well that a 2-year-old boy cant learn blacksmithing. You're liable to hurt yourself and that is not something that I can accept. Nevertheless, if you do your homework and get good grades then I might consider teaching you how to run a weapons shop!"

"You promise?" says Jin.

"Pinky promise!"

"Yay, you can't go back on your word now, il learn all your secrets then il open my own store and beat your and dads dingy old store!" replies Jin with gusto while waving his arms around.

"Yeah, yeah, you will. Now hurry up and finish your breakfast, we are going to be late at this point."

Jin hearing this starts to eat everything with almost a fury looking a lot like a certain straw hat-wearing rubber boy. When he is finished he starts to pack his backpack and leaves the store with his mother. As Jin is walking out of the house through a side entrance he looks back at his house which is a store on the front side with a house conjoined right behind it with a sign that reads: Gojo Armaments.

As he walks towards his school with his mother in hand he hears a lot of banging and clanging coming from the store, as if metal is striking metal over and over again. The peculiar part is that the sound is the same and uniform throughout the strikes, almost as if a speaker is on repeat. Jin then asks his mother.

"Mom, is dad still working? Doesn't he ever get tired?"

"You should be used to this by now Jin-Chan, you know full well how your father gets when he gets passionate about his work, after all, he is a Gojo" replies his mother.

Jin just nods and replies,

"One day I will learn all of your and dads secrets and then I will open my own shop and swim in money! I will buy all the food and toys I want and I won't share them with anyone!"

"Ara, are you telling me that you don't want to be a shinobi? All shinobi are respected and are treated as heroes. Are you willing to part with that and remain a civilian?"

"No" cries Jin, "I will be both a shinobi and a shopkeeper and a blacksmith!" he replies.

"Ara, aren't you being too greedy? Nonetheless, it's good to have dreams and ambitions as without either you won't survive long in the shopkeeping business. They will be your motivation and driving force to push yourself up from your failures and mistakes to then rise to be the best!" says his mother.

Jin just nods and continues his journey with his mother through the streets as his mother greet people she knows while he himself is curiously looking around. He starts to notice that they are a lot of banners with a red fire logo on them through the streets and inside a lot of stores as well. There are also a lot of people wearing either a headband or armband with a logo that looks like a small A but a bit different.

Once he reaches the school he bids goodbye to his mother as he waits for the gate to open as he arrived a bit early. In his boredom, he looks around and notices a cliff face with giant faces carved out of the cliff face itself. And currently, there are only 2 faces carved on the cliff face.

Have you figured out what the clue is and what it means? If so comment down below. I also have to preface this by saying that I'm not an author, I have never written anything like this before and I have never gone to any author lessons. I'm just a big fan of the series and just wanted to share my idea and take on the Naruto universe. If you have any thoughts, idea or reviews leave them down below! I hope you enjoy and you are free to donate if you want to help in any way you want to.

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