
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 278 Kakashi's Mangekyou Sharingan!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang... The continuous sound of cannon fire marked the prelude to this "war".

One by one, the cannonballs that are several times larger than a human head flew towards the group of Kumogakure ninjas rushing forward.

A Chunin from Kumogakure Village was caught off guard, and he hadn't even reacted yet, he felt as if his body was being torn apart by some huge force.

His eyes suddenly widened, but the next second, his consciousness fell into silence.


Because, the flash and shockwave that emerged when the cannonball exploded, was comparable to a B-rank Fire Release Ninjutsu.

On the spot, more than a dozen Kumogakure ninjas were swallowed by the flash of the cannonball explosion.

The invisible shockwave, along with the fragments of the cannonball, splashed in all directions.

"Be careful! The explosive power of this weapon is even more powerful than an Explosive Tag!" A Jonin from Kumogakure Village had just shouted a warning to the surrounding ninjas, and the next moment he realized that a crisis was coming.

He didn't have time to think too much, and hurriedly jumped back.

Immediately, a cannonball fell where he had been standing.

The violent explosion still affected him, blowing him away, and then he rolled on the ground several times.

"Cough cough..." This Kumogakure Jonin's thigh was pierced by a fragment of a cannonball, the intense pain made him break out in a cold sweat, he shouted: "Disperse! Disperse! Don't gather around!"

A series of explosions continued to sound in the group of Kumogakure ninjas.

Of course, many cannonballs also missed.

But this volley still caused some Kumogakure ninjas to be killed or injured.

"Damn it! Let me go and destroy these pirates' weapons!"

A Kumogakure ninja's speed rose to the extreme, surpassing everyone around him. When he was only a hundred meters away from Moby Dick, he quickly formed hand seals: "Lightning Release: Roaring Thunder Ball Technique!!!"

The Lightning Ball he spat out went straight for Moby Dick.

Just then, Kisame leaped high into the air, he raised Samehada, and with one slash, he cut down that Lightning Ball.

Samehada opened its big mouth and swallowed the Lightning Ball.

Dense electric arcs enveloped Samehada, but it didn't cause any damage to Samehada, it just made Samehada burp.

Kisame, who blocked this attack, had a very grim smile on his face: "I can't let you destroy Moby Dick!"

Kisame instantly rushed towards that Kumogakure ninja, his speed was so fast that it made the other party's pupils shrink.

The Kumogakure ninja quickly pulled out the Ninja Sword from behind his waist, he wanted to fight Kisame in close combat.

But he overestimated himself and underestimated Kisame.

When Kisame raised the great sword Samehada and smashed it at him, the Ninja Sword in his hand that was blocking in front of him shattered in an instant.

Samehada, covered in barbs, hit his body, making the Kumogakure ninja's body pierced through by Samehada's barbs.

His body was full of holes, like a sieve.

When Kisame just pulled Samehada out, another dozen Kumogakure ninjas, with red eyes, angrily rushed towards him.

"There are so many people!" Kisame was not afraid, he was excited and smiled: "Samehada, today I'll let you have a good meal! With so many enemies, there must be a lot of chakra that can be your food!"

Kisame directly met them, he fought a dozen Kumogakure Village ninjas alone on the spot.

And in the first face-off, he knocked one of them to the ground.

Kisame sneered: "If you want to take me down, let all your Chunin get lost, and let your Jonin come over!"


Sasuke also fearlessly rushed towards the people in front.

But the group of ninjas from Kumogakure Village in front did not take this little pirate kid seriously because of his young age.

But the next moment, Sasuke used a grand Fire Release Ninjutsu: "Fire Release: Super Great Fireball Jutsu!!!"

Under the blessing of the Tailed Beast Chakra, the Great Fireball Jutsu he spat out had a diameter of at least tens of meters!

The huge fireball covered the sky and the earth, like a wave of fire surging towards the front.

This also made the eyes of a large group of ninjas from Kumogakure Village widen.

"Earth Release: Earth Flow Wall!!!" Three ninjas from Kumogakure Village immediately stepped forward, and six palms slapped on the ground.

With the combined efforts of the three, a huge earth flow wall rose from the ground.

The huge Great Fireball Jutsu hit the huge earth flow wall, and the explosion on the spot blew the earth flow wall into ruins.

Also at this time, three Kumogakure ninjas jumped out from behind the earth flow wall, they dared not underestimate Sasuke anymore.

After all, if they hadn't reacted quickly just now, they might have died in this little devil's hands.

"Damn little pirate brat! Don't be too arrogant!"

In an instant, a dense array of Shuriken and Kunai flew towards Sasuke.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!!!" Naruto, who didn't know when, appeared in front of Sasuke in a flash, and spat out a raging wind.

The Kunai and Shuriken flying towards Sasuke actually turned back and flew towards the three ninjas from Kumogakure Village.

Under their horrified gaze, they were immediately turned into hedgehogs.

Sasuke was a little dissatisfied behind Naruto and muttered: "I can deal with them by myself, I don't need your help."

But Naruto just grinned: "Silly Sasuke, never forget that we are family! Even if I know you can handle them, the idea of wanting to help you is irresistible!"

In the moment of their brief conversation, dozens of Kumogakure ninjas instantly surrounded the two of them.

Naruto and Sasuke also reacted very quickly, and the two immediately stood back to back.

Sasuke said: "I will deal with the twenty or so ninjas on the left, and you will deal with the twenty or so on the right."

"Ha! No problem." Naruto's smile became even brighter.



At the same time, a layer of Tailed Beast Chakra appeared on the two of them, and the orange-red Tailed Beast Chakra was visible to the naked eye.

"These two little kids are Jinchuriki!" Seeing this scene, a group of ninjas from Kumogakure Village surrounding them were very shocked.

Kumogakure Village only have two Jinchuriki, why does the Whitebeard Pirates also have two Jinchuriki?

Did their Kumogakure Village's Tailed Beasts get snatched away by the Whitebeard Pirates?

That's not right!

Killer Bee-sama and Yugito-sama seem to be still alive, the Tailed Beasts in their bodies should not have been taken away, right?

A Jonin from Kumogakure Village immediately shouted: "Catch them alive!"

The value of two Jinchuriki is absolutely very high.

Even if most of Kumogakure Village are muscular brutes, they also understand the reason.

If their village can get two more Tailed Beasts, then their Kumogakure Village will be superior to all ninja villages!


"Is the Whitebeard Pirates just sending you little pirates, who haven't even grown their hair, to start a war with our Kumogakure Village?"

On the other side, two Chunin from Kumogakure Village were besieging Hyuga Neji.

Facing the pincer attack of two adult Chunin, Neji, who only relied on Byakugan and Gentle Fist, found it very difficult to cope.

But obviously, Neji was not alone.

"Gentle Fist Art: Eight Trigrams Eight Palms!" A soft shout came from behind a Chunin from Kumogakure Village.

Hinata took the opportunity to jump up, and instantly eight palms struck out together, hitting the back of that Chunin from Kumogakure Village. 

The opponent was caught off guard, he was directly staggered by Hinata's attack.

And the chakra in his body became very unstable.

Seeing this, Neji immediately realized that this was an opportunity.

He kicked hard at the Chunin from Kumogakure Village behind him, forcing the other party to retreat a step, and then his hand gesture showed the acupoint posture and pointed at the throat of the Chunin who was sneak attacked by Hinata.

This point, on the spot, broke the other party's throat!

Neji quickly approached Hinata, and distanced himself from the Chunin from Kumogakure Village behind him.

"brother Neji, are you okay?" Seeing Neji's somewhat embarrassed figure, Hinata asked with some worry.

Neji shook his head, reached out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth: "It's okay... It's too hard for one person to deal with two Chunin, I just accidentally got punched by one of them."

But this was already very remarkable, knowing that he was only eight years old this year.

Persisting for more than ten seconds without falling under the joint attack of two Chunin from Kumogakure Village is absolutely a genius among geniuses.

"Damn kid..." Seeing that his companion actually died in the hands of such a young kid, another Chunin from Kumogakure Village's forehead veins were trembling, obviously angry to the extreme.

"Hinata! Neji! Get out of the way!" Just then, a voice sounded.

Hinata and Neji heard this familiar voice and immediately moved to the left and right.

"Ninjutsu: Mind Transfer Jutsu!"

Ino softly shouted, her hands forming a square frame, just aiming at that Chunin from Kumogakure Village.

"Ice Release: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death!!!"

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of ice needles began to fly out.

When Ino hurriedly released her Ninjutsu, that Chunin from Kumogakure Village was unavoidable.

Pupupupu... A large number of ice needles, all entered his body.

Let him die on the spot.

There was no life.

"Ino, Haku!" Hinata looked back in surprise.

"I think, we four should stand together. After all, with our strength, we might not be able to beat even one Chunin." Haku suggested.

"Yeah." Neji had no objection to this, because he had already experienced the power of Chunin.

They are different from Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto and Sasuke, with the power of the Tailed Beasts, can even fight against Jonin from Kumogakure Village!

But for the four of them, dealing with Chunin is already the limit.

If a Jonin from Kumogakure Village comes... they don't know if they can beat him even if they add up.

For the four of them, this battlefield is very dangerous.

But they are not afraid, because they know that Pops is always backing them.

Since they are backed by Pops, a towering mountain.

What do they have to fear?


"Raikiri!!!" Kakashi raised a dazzling lightning, and collided with a Kumogakure Anbu who was good at Taijutsu.

In an instant, Raikiri pierced through the opponent's chest.

Under the gaze of the opponent's wide eyes, Kakashi, with two different colored eyes, said expressionlessly: "I seem to be better at Lightning Release Ninjutsu than you who are from Kumogakure Village."

Kakashi's words, which can be described as killing and heartbreaking, made the Kumogakure Anbu spit out a mouthful of old blood on the spot, and the whole person's consciousness fell into silence.

"Phew... This is war!"

Kakashi exhaled slightly, looking around, the dense group of Kumogakure ninjas had already killed them.

The ninjas of Kumogakure Village who died in his hands have already been three people, but the other side seems to be endless.

Kill one and two pop up, kill two and dozens pop up.

"Kakashi of the Sharingan! This is your burial ground!"

A group of Kumogakure Village ninjas cooperated tacitly, they stood in a row and at the same time made hand seals: "Lightning Release: Ghost Torture Bombing Technique!!!"

A terrifying thunderbolt with a diameter of tens of meters flew towards Kakashi horizontally, making Kakashi's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

The strong sense of crisis made Kakashi have a very strange feeling, and the strange feeling came from his eyes.

Kakashi did not try to borrow power from Eight Tails, because he seemed to feel that his eyes were undergoing strange changes.

He is gambling, betting that the mutation of his Sharingan is positive.

Time seems to be pressed in slow motion, the three Tomoe of Sharingan are undergoing subtle changes.

The chakra in the body is constantly pouring into Sharingan.

Kakashi's eyes stared at the thunderbolt flying towards him, and the whites of Sharingan's eyes were filled with layers of bloodshot.


The space in front appeared a strange twist, accompanied by the twist of space, the thunderbolt flying towards him also had a strange rotation.

The terrifying thunderbolt with a diameter of tens of meters seemed to be swallowed by some special space!

The dazzling thunderbolt disappeared on the spot, Kakashi hurriedly covered his eyes, and breathing heavily.

"What's going on? What strange Ninjutsu did Kakashi of the Sharingan use?" A group of Kumogakure Village ninjas looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

Because, the combination Ninjutsu they used together actually disappeared!

"Is this... Obito's Mangekyou Sharingan?" Feeling the pain of Sharingan, feeling the severe consumption of chakra in the body.

Kakashi realized... It seems that under a coincidence, he stimulated the hidden Mangekyou Sharingan.

His bet was right this time.

With his understanding of Three Tomoe Sharingan, it is absolutely impossible to do this kind of thing, the only explanation is that Three Tomoe Sharingan has evolved!

No, this eye may have become Mangekyou a few years ago.

It's just that he, Kakashi, has been unable to find a way to open it for these years.

"The consumption is really not ordinary... It not only consumes chakra, but also consumes the pupil power of Sharingan..."

Kakashi moved away the palm covering his eyes, and a weird and evil eye appeared in the eye socket.

"Eight Tails, can you lend me some chakra?" Kakashi tried to communicate with the Eight-Tails in his body.

This is also the first time he has borrowed chakra from Eight-Tails Gyuki in recent times.

He is already prepared to be rejected.

But unexpectedly, the next second, the chakra from the Tailed Beast poured into his body!

"Kid, now that you and I have the same hobby, I'll give you some chakra!"

Eight Tails gave Kakashi some help.



(End of Chapter)

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