
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime & Comics
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522 Chs

Timeskips 4

With her situation sorted, Izanami put in full attention to the seals together with Izanagi.

Their schedule was to wake up and run as far as possible till the gravity seal Increases beyond their acceptable range, after that, they'd meditate with the other children their age, then lesson.

The lessons were personally handled by Shun. What he taught them was, as usual, basic science, technology, mathematics, basic philosophy as he calls it, and finally seals. For outdoor lessons, Shun personally took them on in taijutsu fights.

This was their daily routine for the next few months. As expected, although their ambient spiritual energy was sealed away, they still absorbed everything Shun taught like a sponge to water.

At the one-year mark, since Shun began teaching them, they had already begun studying advanced sciences like physics, chemistry, and human and plant biology.

If it's on earth it would be absurd for 8-year-old children to be able to learn these subjects but Shun simplified everything for them and with the help of some illusionary description, it was easy for them to understand.

Today, during the taijutsu training, Shun stopped his fight with Izanagi and said, "I've noticed this for some time now that although you both learn quickly during our fights, you still make some mistakes like punching early on, taking wide steps which don't suit your body and many more and I have come to a conclusion"

"If I am not mistaken, you both have been unconsciously copying my moves and using them as a foundation for yours. Right?" Je asked.

"Yes," they replied.

"Hum. If that's the case, then I'm sure you haven't really awakened my abilities yet. Phew, that's a relief."

"Why papa?" Izanami asked sounding nervous and confused wh Izanagi frowned his face.

"Oh it's nothing serious, when your mother and I saw your red eyes, we assume you took most of your mother's genes and I even lost a bet on it. But now I'm sure you both have my abilities on a lesser scale or haven't awakened them yet or even both." Shun replied.

"Eh? Papa what'ssss your eye ability then?" Izanami asked.

"Kukuku" Shun laughed creepily and covered his face with his palm over dramatically. "Glad you asked. Do you see these lines in my pupil? They each have an ability imbued in them. Although I've been told that the abilities are similar to your mother Byakugan and your Uncles Sharingan, what they don't know is that there is a more advanced effect to them

"The first ability I call divine reflection, for you just call it perfect reflection in the future, don't use the divine word there if you're not strong enough to use the final ability of the eye."

Shun looked at them to see they were paying rapt attention. He nodded and continued.

"Now, this divine reflection does what the Sharingan does but also does more in the sense that it gives you a way out. It finds a weakness for you to exploit. It even boosts your mind to think of countermeasures against your opponents."

"When you fought against the kind, Nami-tan, you must have felt he was slow and you also felt there was a place you would hit to win easily, right?" He asked Izanami.

"Hun. I saw him running toward me slowly so when he reached me, I felt like I could win if I hit him anywhere on his body so I hit him once, I didn't know he was weak though" Izanami replied.

"That's good. That was the ability I'm talking about. So now back to you two, you both have been unconsciously copying my moves and although you may have predicted the direction of my hit, your counterattacks always fail, or rather, what you think in your mind, your body doesn't follow, am I making sense so far?" Shun explained and asked.

"Hn that what happens. What is the reason, father?" Izanagi asked.

"The reason is simple. You are fighting me. An adult while you brats are barely passed my thighs. You copying my moves and trying to use them against me will create such sights. My arm length, leg, height, and even weight are different from yours so no matter what you can't possibly learn anything." Shun explained.

"Now I have two options for you. Wanna hear it?" Shun asked.

"Yes." They both nodded.

"Good, first, tou can either fight with a transformed me or you go and learn with your fellow children. Which do you choose?" Shun asked.

Izanami and Izanagi looked at each other for some time and then nodded at each other before facing Shun.

'Is that the twin telepathy thing?' Shun thought to himself.

Izanagi looked at me and said. "We would like to continue fighting you, father?"

"Oh? Normal me or transformed me?" Shun asked.

"Of course, it's the transformed you father," he said. "You said it yourself, If we continue like this, we would never learn, at most, we would have the knowledge but no practical experience."

"Is that so? Alright then. Whos going first?" Shun asked as his figure shrank to match theirs.

"Hn how about you both come together, it's been long since I had a two-on-one fight," Shun said after transforming.

They both looked at each other and nodded before taking their stance.

Shun smiled and picked a stone and said, "we fight as this stone hits the ground. Surprise me, kids." Then he threw the stone.

As the stone drew a parabola in the air and hit the floor, Izanagi and Izanami rushed at Shun with pure physical strength, leading a crack in the floor behind them

They ran to the side of Shun and attacked with a punch, one from the left and the other from the right.

The punches were going toward his face and stomach area. Shun smiled and tilted his body slightly and dodged the first coming to his face barely dodging the fist but getting hit by the air that came along with it while using his hand to parry the fist coming to his stomach.

Shun smiled wryly at the force behind each punch, the power alone could kill someone of the same age if not controlled properly.

While Shun was thinking, Izanagi, whose fist was dodged didn't let off as he used the force behind his run to punch with his other hand at Shun's face once more.

Shun bent his head to dodge the fist only to see Izanami punching with her backhand as she used the force used to parry her punch to rotate and hit him in his chest.

He smirked and used his hand to pull Izanagi who was still in the air down to block the punch with his body.

Izanagi who was caught unawares received the full force behind Izanami's lunch as she didn't react fast enough, or rather, Shun was too fast for her to react to.

Izanagi was launched backward and coughed out saliva as Shun made the punch hit his stomach. I'danami seeing that she hurt Izanagi, screamed and ran toward him.

"Big brother I'm sorry, I didn't do it intentionally. Does it hurt?" Tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"Cough, it's not your fault sister, we were caught off guard is all." Izanagi patted her head with a smile and consoled her.

"Hmph, Papa cheated." She said and turned to Shun and said, "papa, I'm not talking to you anymore, hmph" and looked away.

"Ah? Nami-tan, it's not my fault you know, this is a fight so you should always expect anything." Shun smiled wryly and said.

"Hmph" Izanami remained adamant and didn't turn to look at him.

"Father is right sister, we are in the wrong here," Izanagi said, supporting Ahun while still patting Izanami.

Izanami looked at Izanagi and then at Shun and back and then said, "if you say so brother, I'll forgive him this once, but I'm not fighting again today"

'Nice safe, Nagi-chan' Shun thought.

"Alright, what about you, Nagi-chan?" Shun asked.

"I'll keep going" he replied.

"Good, then come,'' he placed his left hand In his robe and said, " if you can make me remove this hand, ill teach you both a new technique I've been working on"

Izanagi didn't feel insulted at the very least, instead, he frowned as he felt the pressure on him getting stronger.

"Here I come," Izanagi said and kicked the floor and rushed at Shun, aiming to punch his face.

"You seem to have an enmity with my face little Nagi. I wonder what brought that about?" Shunnsaid as he deftly dodged all of his punches.

Seeing an opening, Shun went for the punch toward his stomach but Izanagi seemed to have seen it and grabbed his arm and used it as a support to pull himself off the ground and leveled a dropkick on Shun's head.

Shun forcefully pulled his arm back and moved away from the trajectory of the kick in a swift movement and grabbed at his collar.

In another swift motion, Izanagi was placed flat on the ground with Shun's Inee on his chest.

"You lose. And that was fast. Can't say I'm happy with this development. Sigh, I'm going to assume you weren't accustomed to fighting someone who is your age and stronger than you. But I expect better next time, eh?" Shun said with an encouraging smile.

"Yes, father" Izanagi replied sullenly.

"Alright come let's go see what your mother has prepared for us today."

Following that, they ended their lessons for the day. The following day, their routine continued as usual with Shun transforming and sparing with them both, this time, with two different clones whole of his main body giving instructions.

Something of note happened during these eight years though, Hinami and Ria picked up cooking as a hobby during their free time, with the abundance of ingredients to use in Shun's dimension and enough time to waste, they delved into agriculture.

Although they both learned how to cook while trying out different vegetables and ingredients, Ria discovered her love for poisons while Hinami discovered her love for potions.

What led to this was a simple statement Ria made, 'What if we could use these plants here for alchemy like in those worlds we went into?' That simple statement aroused their curiosity and after some trials and errors, they finally discovered their passions.

Their test subjects were the many unfortunate animals loitering around In the surrounding forest.

During these past years, Ria made herself clear to Shun that no man was more worthy than him to be her man. In her own words, she said.

"How do you expect me to love any other man with you around? I would rather stay as I am and follow you till the end of our lives than marry another man."

No matter how dense, stupid, or insensitive Shun could ever be? He couldn't reject such an intense confession. So at the ripe age of 18, four years after the births of Izanami and Izanagi, they made love for the first time.

After their night was well spent, Ria made it clear that she didn't want any form of ceremony, and as she was probably going to stay alive with Shun for a long time, there was no need for a ceremony.

When asked if she wanted children, she adamantly refused, saying she wouldn't want to experience that kind of pain so early in her life. Maybe later when she's assured of staying with Shun for as long as possible.

Shun assured her that everything would be okay, but she stood her ground. Shun didn't mention it any longer. At his level, he can control his sperm cell to an astonishing degree so there were no problems even if he cummed buckets in her.

It's been almost five years since then.

The years continued to pass and soon, it was time for Shun to unseal the seals he placed on his children.

Everyone was gathered to see how it would go. Shun believed it was time for them to get their powers back as he has tempered both their mind and body these past twelve years.

Hagoromo and Hamura had their worries but seeing Shun's confidence about it assuaged their worries a little.

To Shun, this was going to be the moment he would know how far his descendant would reach in the future. He had noticed that his two children were different from all other children in more ways than one.

He even suspected that their specialty may fall to spiritual energy if not handled with care.

Because of the possibility of further descendants being born with a body that gets stronger as they grow, they might forget the importance of physical strength.

'Welp, the future would take care of itself then' Shun thought as he approached his children and placed a hand on the heads, and asked, "Are you two ready?"

"Yeah" Izanagi answered, the years hadn't done anything to make him more sociable.

"Yes papa, with this we could use chakra right?" Izanami asked in excitement.

"Of course, but only if you control this well. Can I trust you both on that?" Shunnasked.

"Hn/Yes" they nodded.

"Ok then." Running his chakra into their body, Shun said, "Seal, Release"

With his words, a sudden pressure bore down on the vicinity, the pressure even affected the villagers who were unaware of what was happening.

"Oh, shit!" "Domain Expansion"

Thankfully, Shun noticed this early and with his scream, he released his domain to cover up the pressure. To the villagers who felt the pressure, it only happened for a split second and disappeared.