
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime & Comics
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519 Chs

Chapter 93

Naruto World's Timeline:

1000 years before the birth of Naruto: Kaguya and Ishikki came to this world.

970 Years before the birth of Naruto: Kaguya Unleashed the Mugen Tsukuyomi and Bore Hagoromo and Hamura

950 Years before the birth of Naruto: Ashura, Indra and Shun were born.

900 Years before the birth of Naruto: Hagoromo Split the Ten-Tails into Nine Beasts.

800 - 64 years before the birth of Naruto: The warring state era plotted by Zetsu.

44 years before the birth of Naruto: Madara attacked the village and We all know what happened after that with the First Kage Summit.

The rest will be told at the end of this chapter 🤣 Stay tuned.

Support me on my Patre@n at patreon.com/JoshRichie2 for Vol 3... 100+ Chapters ahead. It's just $5. Also, I just began Volume 4. Which is Naruto Arc. In a couple chapters, I'll be finishing this FF. Stay tuned.



Title: ---


Due to the treaty signed by the Five other Villages safe for our own, time passed and there was a rare moment of Peace in the Shinobi world.

It was as though the previous hostilities were all but a puff of smoke in summer breeze.

But looking deeper, one could see this was nothing but the calm before the storm, and only a few people could realise this and were actually prepared.

As for Hashirama? He was whiling away his time spoiling his one and only grand-daughter, Tsunade Senju whonwas currently only 4 years of age.

As for Shun, he was already retired and whiling away his time with his wives in Rōran or with Shibai talking about their various experiences.

Shun could feel Hashirama getting closer to his limit and was about to die any moment now. The only reason he was still up and active was only due to the sustenance Mito's chakra provided him.

Shun had invited him to Rōran to wait out his life along with Mito and Tsunade, but being who he was, he was determined to stay in his village as that was what a Kage does.

His only plea was that I should take care of his clan the same way we've done over the years to which I rejected plainly due to Tobirama's law.

No... It was Hashirama's law but thought up by Tobirama.

According to him, should the Senju clan remain, the villagers will see them as royalty and that would defeat the purpose of the democratic system of government they had instituted.

So, accepting that request was tantamount to accepting to protect the entire Konoha which wasn't something I was obligated to.

Especially not after I met Tobirama's six students.

Four boys and a girl ranging between 18 -20 years old, all visited Rōran on a mission to deposit a huge sum of money into their account.

This was something I had Ria introduce to the Kages during their meeting.

A secured account where their money would be safe without the fear of it being stolen in their sleep or something.

She had also offered to have every Shinobi open an account with us, in turn, we'd give them a card they could use to run any transaction after a mission or whatever they want to do.

Anyways, the moment I met the six of them, I suddenly had the feeling of erasing them all considering their potential.

I don't know what was going on with me, perhaps it was due to having a normal human physiology now but I was easily susceptible to unnecessary emotional changes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen with his happy go lucky and charismatic smile, Homura Mitokado with his plain appearance and glasses, Koharu Utatane with her stern exterior and beautiful face, Uchiha Kagami with his overly positive energy, Akimichi Torifu with his... Well, robust appearance and last but not the least, Shimura Danzo... Not the MF was even shifty at an early age.

Although they were sent to safeguard the money, I could smell a scheme when I saw one.

Nonetheless, I let them do whatever it was they wanted to do... It's not like they could cause any major harm to this place with Me here... Not to talk of Ria and Kaguya.

This made me question whether Tobirama's intelligence was dwindling with age or something... I get that the man is intelligent but he was severely lacking in the wisdom department.

I mean, Intelligence can be defined as the ability to think logically, to conceptualize and abstract from reality. Wisdom can be defined as the ability to grasp human nature, which is paradoxical, contradictory, and subject to continual change.

Hashirama is wise, while Tobirama is intelligent. That's that.


Today, Mito finally decided to pay us a visit together with her bundle of hyperactiveness in the form of a 4 year old Tsunade.

Since Mikoto's birth, which was six years ago they hadn't met since then due to various reasons of which one was that Mito was the Jinchuriki of Kurama and her movements were always planned for her so that there wouldn't be any misunderstanding.

This was another reason why I didn't like Hashirama... I mean, why would he abide by rules set by idiots just to keep him in check?

But then I realized, he was just that foolish and Mito was such a dutiful wife who wouldn't go against her husband so... Whatever.

"Ne. Ne. Oba-san, have we reached yet?" A little blonde girl asked inside a sedan being pulled by what looked like a cross between a camel, horse and giraffe.

This was one of the creatures that could miraculously survive in the desert so Ria had captured a lot of them and domesticated them.

It had a straight and hard neck, robust body and long legs... In short, it was just a weird looking creature.

"We're almost there Tsu-chan, I can already feel my friends Chakra nearby." Mito said with a doting smile as she ruffled the blonde's hair.

"Hai... But why didn't Ji-chan come with us?" Tsunade asked sadly.

"He has duties in the village and can't come out... You would want to go back to a home right?" Mito said.

"Of course I would, but isn't Ji-chan the strongest? Why would anyone want to take away his home?" Tsunade asked in confusion.

"That's something you'll understand when you grow." Mito said.

"Humph, you're no fun Oba-san... I wish Ji-chan was here." Tsunade said poutingly.

"Hmm? So you two would continue gambling?" Mito said with a threatening aura. "I've told you several times young lady, that is a bad habit and you shouldn't indulge your grandfather."

"E-Eh?... But it's fun.." Tsunade defended.

"And how is that fun? How many times have you lost against me?" Mito asked.

"None..." Tsunade whispered.

"And that's when I'm not even trying... Sigh... Listen Tsu-chan, gambling is a bad thing. I wouldn't wish for you or anyone to get addicted to it so promise me you'll stop it, okay?" Mito asked stroking her chubby cheeks.


Tsunade began twirling her fingers as her eyes looked shifty while avoiding Mito's eyes. Suddenly, the figure or tall buildings appeared in her line of sight.

"Wow... Is that Rōran?" Tsunade asked in amazement as she saw the towering buildings in the distance.

Mito looked out and was also amazed at the sight. In this world, traveling was a luxury which only the truly strong could afford. Even in this time of peace, it was still not something anyone in their right mind would attempt.

Hence... In her relatively long life, she had only gone as far as the Land of Fire and the Tengoku Island, and although the main town on that Island was beautiful, it didn't reach the magnificence this new city was exuding.

Even from afar, she could feel that this place was special.

Whether it was due to their stupor or simply the work of yours truly who got tired of waiting at the gate for Mikoto's friends to arrive, Cahoff that was pulling their sedan appeared in front of the gate.

In a moment of shock, it looked around with its eyes widened but after not understanding what was going on, it drooped its eyes and continued moving.

With us already at the gate, we quickly got them their permit and welcomed them into the most modernized city of the planet right now.

"Uwa~ Mito-chan, you didn't tell me you had another child... Look how cute she is." Mikoto squealed at the sight of Tsunade who was hiding behind Mito at the sight of so many strangers.

"Mah... Mikoto-chan, this is my eldest granddaughter, Tsunade." Mito said while covering her mouth with her kimono sleeve.

"No...way...right?" Mikoto asked with wide eyes.

"Fufufu... Now remind me who it was that said I shouldn't marry early, hmm?" Mito asked.

"That wasn't it, I just said you should think it through, Hashirama was a strong but he was just too... You know?" Mikoto said.


"Oh don't push it." Mikoto said. "Why don't you introduce yourself little lady?"


"Hmm? I didn't get that." Mikoto pulled closer.

"My name is Tsunade Senju!" Tsunade shouted as she came out of Mito's back, cheeks blushed.

"Uwa~~ How cute!" Mikoto squealed as she scooped the little bundle into her arms and began rubbing her cheeks against Tsunade's.

Iyaa... How I pity the little lass. Meanwhile, I still don't get why Mikoto decided it was good for me to follow her to receive her friend, they've literally forgotten my existence.

Well, I better take this as my queue and leave. I was just about to leave when Tsunade's eyes met me and stretched her hands towards me in silent plea.

Seeing that, how could I, in good faith let her suffer? "That's enough Mikoto, you're discomforting the little girl." I bonked her in the head and swiftly took Tsunade from her arms.

"What was that for Aniki? Can't I pamper my little niece if I want to?"

"Grand-niece, and there's a difference between pampering and smoldering." Looking at the future Sanin, "Hey there little miss, welcome to Rōran. You can call me Kuchiki, HM?"

"Mm... You're nicer than that oba-san." Tsunade said and pointed at Mikoto causing an invisible arrow to pierce her heart...

"Oi... I'm still in my early forties!" She shouted but no one took notice of her.

"That's true, she can be a little bit... cranky, due to old age I guess." I said and placed her on my shoulder. "Now your Oba-san on the other hand, didn't even greet me after not seeing me for years. She's no fun right?"

"Un... Oba-san doesn't let me play games with Ji-chan, she's no fun at all." Tsunade took it in stride and nodded while crossing her petite arms.

"Gasp! That's so mean, Mito-chan, how could you do that to my God daughter?" I asked in fake shock.

"When did she become your God daughter!?" Mikoto shouted.

"Since just now, right Tsu-chan?" I asked the little Senju.

"Un!" She nodded happily.


"Hahaha. That's a good thing then, Mikoto, would consider being her God mother?" Mito asked.



"Then gladly... I will treat her as I would my children." Mikoto said solemnly. Tsunade on my shoulder didn't look so good. Although she probably didn't understand what was going on, she just didn't have a good feeling about it.

"That's good then." Mito said with a sad smile.

Rubbing Tsunade's head, I asked. "Problem in paradise?"

Shaking her head, Mito said. "I'm just getting a bad feeling from the atmosphere of the village. It's good but my precognitive ability tells me it would ask go down as soon as Hashi leaves us."

"I see." I simply said and didn't ask further.

"What kind of games do you want to okay Tsu-chan?" I asked.

Tsunade immediately brightened up and clapped. "Poker!"

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yup... Me and Ji-chan play it's lot." Tsunade said.

"Okay then, but I won't go easy on you."

"Humph! Like I need you to go easy on this young miss." Tsunade said as she crossed her arms arrogantly.

"It can't be... Mito, did you teach your little grand daughter the arts?"

"She may have seen or heard me a couple times." Mito said in embarrassment.

"Hahaha. That's good then, I'll henceforth take Tsunade Senju as my Daughter and no one can take her away from this venerable one." I said causing Tsunade to be laughing.

"You see... She gets it.."

We all shared a laugh at that scene. After that, Mito and Tsunade proceeded to spend a full month in Rōran where I made sure to spoil Tsunade rotten but not too much as we had a line we didn't cross, especially during our bets.

She was good for a child but still a child nonetheless. One time, I won her 14 straight times and then she began bawling violently until I convinced her she could win the next round.

Although she was smart for her age, she was still swept away by my nearly 900 years of acting.

I gotta say, she is a good girl, and I wouldn't let her life follow the same pattern as it did in the original. Thankfully, she would still have Me and Mikoto to take care of her and a place to come to when she's down.

Ok another note, Mito did request that Mikoto take her as her student when she comes of age to which Mikoto vehemently refused.

To her, Tsunade was akin to a daughter and everything she knew would be taught to her as far as she asks.

I did hint that she could potentially get a token and be teleported to the dimension where she could learn as much as she wants and could.

The one refute me wasn't even Mito but Mikoto who said that these things weren't something we could assure as we didn't know the designs of our ancestor.

I mean, their ancestor was sitting with her but oh well... I guess.

At the end of their one month stay, a rather unpleasant group of people arrived to Escort them back to Konoha.

Hiruzen, Danzo and Koharu. Although they were missing their three other teammates, they were probably strong enough to 'ensure' their safety... Not like Mito needs it.

Before their departure, I just had this urge to say something which I didn't curb but let out. "You know, I've seen you three more times than I'd seen both Hashirama and Tobirama."

That got their attention to which Hiruzen smoothly and humbly replied, not like I was listening as I peered at Danzo. "You know, there's this thing called Destiny, a force that follows everyone of us and guiding us towards a certain path."

That got their rapt attention.

"There are five clans I, no, my clan would like to remain as it is till a certain point in time, and although I doubt I'll be seeing you three again, do make sure you don't end up in a position where you'll have the blood of any one of these clans on your hand."

Looking at the brown innocent eyes of Tsunade, I waved and smiled. "That will be the time you'll all wish you weren't born in the same timeline as I am. Off you go now, wouldn't want to keep my God daughter away from her Ji-chan."

They gave me serious looks before turning and leaving without causing any scene. Maybe Tobirama warned them about me? Hmm, I don't like that Danzo's eyes. Even as young as he is now, he gives me Zetsu's vibe from centuries ago.

Give a few centuries and I bet this world would be his for the taking.

Mah... That's not my problem for now. I can't wait for the first Shinobi World war to start... Umm... In about 5 years, Ashura's chakra would completely leave Hashirama and he'll die, no matter what.

How ironic. The man with the most potent Vitality in the world dies in his late forties.

Madara's Izanagi planned 'Death' even placed fate in a Gengetsu. Now she thinks Indra's chakra has moved on while he's under the God Tree waiting for his evolution.

Oh well, this just makes it more interesting.


34 years before the birth of Naruto: Hashirama dies and the First Shinobi World War Breaks Out. Tobirama also does along the way so...

16 years before the birth of Naruto: Kushina moves to Konoha which will still happen but for different reasons.

14 years before the birth of Naruto: Second Shinobi World War Begins and ended when Jiraya, Orochimaru and Tsunade are named Sanin. Nagato, Yahiko and Konan are trained by Jiraya.

12 years before the birth of Naruto: Yahiko forms the Akatsuki.

4 years before the birth of Naruto: Third Shinobi World War. Minato earned his title which he will still earn, obito would still die due to various reasons but Rin wouldn't die. No spoilers yet.

5 months before the birth of Naruto: Sasuke is born.

0 year: Naruto is born and some shit happens but one of his parents won't die but they won't still be with him. No spoilers.

4 years after the birth of Naruto: Sasuke is five, Itachi will go down the same path and exterminate the Uchiha clan... Or would he?... The Hyuga affair would take place and The Famous Tengoku clan would finally make a move after staying silent for so many years.

12/13 Years after the birth of Naruto: The next volume and Canon begins. Shun finally gets to actually interact with others.

Stay tuned and keep up with the support.

Love y'all 🤗