
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime & Comics
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523 Chs

Chapter 82

Title: The Isekai Experience.


"You're not really considering that are you?" The voice repeated due to Shun's silence.

With a soft sigh, Shun turned to the void and said. "What would you have me do?"

"Heh, that's the perfect template for a Villain comeback you know? Either kill him now and be done with it or seal him up permanently."

"And I'm pretty sure you won't let me do any of those." Shun snorted and turned back to the suspended Jashin. "He was a good kid."

"That he was." Replied the voice.

What followed was a period of comfortable silence as the two reminisced about their past with the kids. Mikoto and Yuki included.

"How about you try out that thing?" The voice offered before a Portal opened beside Shun and a woman walked out regally.

"What thing?" Shun asked as he swept his gaze all around the woman's body. "The years have been kind to you."

"I would have you to thank for that." She smiled charmingly and went in for a hug. "It's been a while."

"It's only been a couple years. We're immortal y'know." Shun chuckled, returning the hug with fervor.

"So what thing were you referring to?" Shun asked after a period of silence.

"The isekai thing." She replied and separated herself from him. "You could either go through the normal route, truck-kun route or accident route."

Shun had a moment of realization as he heard her words.

By normal route, she meant reincarnating Jashin randomly without any rhyme or reason.

By Truck-kun, he had to first reincarnate Jashin on earth before killing him with a truck and then reincarnating him again.

And by the last one, the accident route, it was basically the second one but with the usual stupid reasons Gods give a dead soul due to causing them to die.

Shun had done this to a lot of people in the past, but they were just casual people with little chakra or none whatsoever.

It was sometimes a way to allow them to die peacefully or swiftly.

By allowing them to live the lives of their dreams in seconds, he could then put them to rest.

Shun was that kind. It wasn't to everyone though, just those he felt deserve it.

"It's decided then..."

"Fufufu. Perfect! I want to be around for this one."


Marcos Henrique da Silva entered the world on a warm summer day in the coastal town of Itaparica, Brazil. His parents, Maria and João da Silva, embraced their newfound roles with joy and excitement.

And from an early age, it was clear that Marcos was a bundle of energy and curiosity.

Growing up in the vibrant community of Itaparica, Marcos found joy in the simple pleasures of life. His childhood was marked by laughter echoing through the narrow streets as he played futebol with friends until the sun dipped below the horizon.

His grandmother, Dona Rosa, would sit him down and regale him with fantastical stories of distant lands and mythical creatures, sparking his imagination.

Marcos had a peculiar habit of doodling characters from his grandmother's stories in the margins of his notebooks. His room was adorned with posters of anime characters, a sign of his deep fascination with the animated worlds.

Even in the mundane, Marcos found magic — he believed that every moment held the potential for an extraordinary adventure.

Anime played a significant role in Marcos's upbringing. His exposure began early, with his grandmother introducing him to classics like "Dragon Ball" and "Sailor Moon."

These animated tales became more than entertainment; they were a source of solace during challenging times. Marcos found himself captivated by the vibrant characters, intricate plots, and the way anime transported him to realms where the impossible became reality.

Marcos's closest friends, Eduardo and Isabella, shared his love for anime. Together, they spent countless afternoons immersed in episodes, debating the merits of different series, and dreaming of one day attending anime conventions.

Their friendship was akin to a cloth work woven with shared laughter, inside jokes, and the mutual understanding that anime wasn't just a hobby — it was a bond that transcended the ordinary.

As Marcos entered adolescence, life took a somber turn. His father, João, faced economic hardships, and the once-thriving town saw a decline. Despite the challenges, Marcos's spirit remained resilient. He found solace in the familiar faces of his friends and the ever-present glow of his anime-filled room.


One fateful day, tragedy struck as Marcos, now a teenager, walked home from school. A speeding truck, its roar drowning out the sounds of the seaside town, collided with him at an intersection.

The impact was sudden, leaving no time for goodbyes or a chance for him to fulfill the dreams he held close to his heart.

In the moments after his collision with the truck, Marcos felt an otherworldly pull. Darkness embraced him, but instead of succumbing to an eternal void, he awoke in a surreal forest bathed in ethereal light. The memories of his former life lingered, as he thought of what lay in front of him.

Wasn't he supposed to be dead? Was this the life after that was promised to good kids, or was this the stop gap?


"You didn't have to put us to be his friends, you know?" Hinami pouted as she saw the boy's first life come to an end.

"I know..I just felt... nostalgic?"

"Humph. Go meet the boy and send him elsewhere. You have a character development Realm made for him right?"

"You bet I do."


"Hello young one." Shun's voice sounded out akin to a roar that shook the entire landscape.

"W-Who's there?!" Jashin, or rather Eduardo asked in fright as he spun around looking for the source of the voice.

"Fear not young one, for you're in the presence of God." Shun spouted once again in amusement watching the boy try to locate him.

"Where are you? Why can't I see you?"

"Boy, I'm God. You motherfucking creator. If you can see me then wouldn't my status be for granted?"

"So you're like the God? Holy trinity? Father of Jesus?"

"Huh? Wha? Huh? Oh. Yeah, that right, anyways..."

"But I ain't no Christian." Eduardo said with an edge this time.

"Eh? For real? Damn."

"Then what religion do you follow then?" Shun wondered. He didn't really pay attention when it came to religion during his Genjutsu. He just created the place based on his previous life's memory.

"My ma, pa and Nana are all Jews."

"Well...that's also good. Anyways want to reincarnate?" Shun quickly put an end to that subject and went to the main point.

"Reincarnation? Like isekai? You can do that?"

"Yup. I told you didn't I? I'm God."

"Yeah, but I'm not Christian."

"It doesn't matter. All religions all lead to the same source and I am that source. Deal with it." Shun said sharply. "Now, you interested or not? I don't have all day."

"Interested. Interested. Very interested. But..."

"Alright. Now you'll be reincarnated in a random world as for your abilities-"

"Don't I get wishes or something? I was killed by Truck-kun. Isn't he your son or something?" Eduardo asked, interrupting Shun.

"Why would I have a son and give him the appearance of a truck?"

Eduardo shrugged. "That's the common thing amongst Otakus these days."

"Well they're wrong. And you don't get wishes. It's all random." Shun said, as a roulette wheel appeared in front of Eduardo.

"Now spin the wheel three times. You'll get to choose your race, racial trait, as well as perk." Shun's voice came once again.

"Not to be rude or anything, but how about my parents?" Eduardo asked.

"Heh, filial kid. I like you, but have no fear, they've moved on after grieving for a while." Shun said as the scene of his parents and friends mourning him was shown on a screen.

"They're both still young so they can have more children later...I'll bless them, don't worry too much." Shun said casually but Eduardo felt grateful.

"Thank you. Although I don't know what I did to deserve this grace, I'll make good use of it." Saying that, he immediately spun the wheel as numerous names flashed by.

From human, rabbit man, wolf man, lion, Tiger, harpy, vampire, elves, dragon, kitsune, kryptonian, amazonian, Atlantian, Martians, New gods, Eternals, Inhuman, Asguardian, Skrulls, Kree, Celestial, Galvans, Vulpimancers, and many others from Ben 10 omniverse.

"Is it just me or are there no races from the DragonBall Universe?" Eduardo muttered to which Shun decided to tactfully ignore.

All these were just to create an image. Jashin's race was already predetermined. So were his racial traits and perks.

Lo and behold, the wheel slowed down and came to halt on.... Vampire.

"What!? Why this race of all races?" Eduardo cried in anger. "Is this machine rigged?"

"Sigh...what a pity, it seems this is all you luck amounts to." Shun's regretful voice rang out. "But perhaps it has something to do with your past life."

"Past life?"

"Moving on... Racial Trait."

"What's the use? Isn't their usual trait just Shadow manipulation and drinking blood?" Eduardo snorted and spinned the wheel.

"Well, that's where your luck comes in." Shun said.

Blood Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation, Shape-shifting, Hypnosis or Mind Control, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed and Agility, Regeneration, Flight, Telepathy, Teleportation, Weather Manipulation, Animal Control all flashed by causing the young Eduardo's face to twitch.

"Aren't these all their traits?! This feels like a scam."

"Trust me young one, you have no idea how the universe feels like a scam to those not in the know." Shun replied.

"You're meant to defend yourself..."

"Really? Well, although those are their traits, they get to awaken as they grow and become stronger. Yours however would awaken as soon as you're born. Isn't that great? You'd get to be a genius." Shun explained.

"For real? That's... interesting." Eduardo was easily swayed and he quickly looked forward to which trait he'd get. "I pray I get the Shadow Manipulation, all others can wait..."

Unfortunately, the wheel slowed and came to a halt on... Blood Manipulation.

"What the hell is this bullshit!?"

"Language, young man. You're in the presence of God." Shun rebuked. "This is all your karma being used to give you abilities. If this is bullshit, then your karma is bullshit."

"God... Language. You just used the B word twice in a single sentence."

"Heh, I'm the God here, I make the rules." Shun's smug voice replied.

"Moving on."

Another wheel appeared and the boy saw a lot of perks he'd seen in animes and movies that he'd always wished he had.

Immortality, Superhuman Strength, Super Speed, Regeneration, Hypnotic Gaze, Shape-Shifting, Enhanced Senses, Vampiric Bite, Daylight Immunity, Mind Control, Energy Manipulation, Shadow Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Telepathy, Weather Control, Animal Companionship and many more.

"Why do I feel this is an elaborate scam?" Eduardo asked, this time really serious.

"Just think of it as increasing the number of aces in hands."

"Like hell it is. All these abilities had appeared in the racial traits category. What are they doing here still?"

"Think good thoughts kid. Imagine you get Blood Manipulation again...won't you then have a level 30 blood manipulation when others are getting level 6? Or imagine you get the Shadow manipulation? Won't you be an even greater genius?" Shun said, feeling proud of himself for being able to deceive the kid.

"That's.... reasonable...."

"Of course it is, I'm infallible." Shun replied and watched in amusement as the wheel came to a stop on... Energy Manipulation.

"Wow...at least this one's good." Eduardo praised while nodding his head..

"Of course it would, that's your karma speaking kid." As soon as he said that, the landscape changed and Eduardo was in front of a board showing the appearance of various anime characters.

"Take a pick. That'd be your appearance in your new world."

"Whoa...I pick-"

"Alright, off you go."

Without waiting for the kid to finish Shun threw him into another Illusion with his original appearance of Jashin.


"Man that was hectic." Shun said in exhaustion as he looked at his wife who was struggling to stifle her laughter.


"Buahahaha! That was hilarious." Hinami burst out laughing.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you handle his next Reincarnation, let's see how you do."

"That won't count. He would already be super smart by then."

"So?" Shun asked.

"Yours was a seventeen year old kid. He had yet to truly see the world." Hinami argued but Shun shrugged.

"Not my problem."


And so, the husband and wife continued observing their latest source of amusement, momentarily forgetting that the world outside was actually still moving.


For those that are Christians, don't feel like I'm insulting God. I'm a Christian myself so I won't commit such Willful blasphemy, hence why I quickly changed the subject.
