
Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

A young man from the earth after a slightly tragic and short life gets the option of reincarnating into the naruto world with any timeline of his choosing and wishes. Watch as he lives in the world during the era after the Ten-Tails sealing //// I've read a lot of fanfictions on a lot of anime and what they all have in common is that you'd hardly find one that goes ways back. For example, most Naruto fanfiction I've read only features either Minato's generation, Kalashi's generation Itachi's, or Naruto's you'd rarely see anyone about Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's generation not to talk of Madara and Hashirama. I've always been fascinated by the ancient times of almost all anime that has an ancient past. DXD, DC, Marvel, One Piece, Bleach, Tensura, and many more. With this in mind, I decided to write a story from way back in the era of Indra and Ashura. There will be skills from different animes and mangas, just to let you know. The volume two would have lots of characteristics from Cultivation worlds ways of writing. So please, read at your own discretion. Every ability or theory I come up with is what it is. Deal with it like that or don't bother reading at all. Constructive Criticism is very much encouraged however. This is my first novel guys and I don't own the basic principles in the novel. I either borrow or come up with a different one altogether. **** Join my Patre@n at patre@n.com/JoshRichie2 to support my endeavors. There are 100+ chapters there. *** Hope y'all enjoy it.

Josh_Richie · Anime & Comics
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519 Chs

Chapter 163

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Title: Jounin Exams: End 3


Shun's POV

This feeling of invincibility truly is something. However, fighting with people with potential is quite satisfying.

I wasn't a battle maniac or something like that that would begin loosing my emotions and joys the moment I become invincible.


Right from time, I never really saw fighting as a form of enjoyment, I only saw it as a way to express myself. I believe Hagoromo did too.

He saw it as a form of tempering both the body and mind. In a way, it was more of a spiritual exercisesl than it was physical. That was why, even back then, Hagoromo allowed..No, encouraged us to fight.

Reaching the level I am at now, I would never, in my right mind, stop two people from fighting. Personally, I feel like I would be stunting the both parties growth.

As Madara, Hashirama, Naruto and Sasuke would always say, —Its only when you show eachother your guts that you can truly begin trusting eachother.—

That was true. It is only through a physical display of our strength that we can truly judge a person's character.

In each punch thrown, kick thrown, feints, jabs, push, kneeing, even bodying. There are certain things that drive and can be driven from such actions.

One determination can, in most cases, be found in a fight. The same goes for ones selflessness, selfishness, arrogance, beliefs and ideology.

All these are what is shown in a fight. One's subconscious actions in a fight always determines how they cater to their day to day activities.

Those who fight defensively are often laid back or in most cases protective in reality. Those who fight nimbly are the types that you'd rarely catch committing a crime due their quick response to problems.

Anyways. This is why I'd never stop or reject anyone who offers to fight me, and also the reason why I would always try my possible best to bring out the quality I see from a person during said fights.

Now, I wonder what type of fight Yugao would give me. I know from our brief meetings that she isn't one to give up. The fact that she came here to participate in this examination is already proof of that.

I also know that she would end up being an Anbu. Now despite me always looking down on them, I know that the Anbu are strong... Most. Not all.

Now... How do I approach this fight...?


General POV

The crowd were tense with anticipation, as the examination continued. Yugao Uzuki, a skilled Kenjutsu kunoichi with an impressive record, faced off against Shun, a prodigious and acknowledged monster-level genius.

Onlookers were skeptical of Yugao's chances, but her determination burned like a hidden flame within her.

As the two opponents stood at opposite ends of the arena, Yugao's eyes locked onto Shun's, her grip tightening on her katana.

Shun's nonchalant demeanor was in stark contrast to the intensity of Yugao's gaze.

The proctor's voice cut through the silence, signaling the start of the battle.

Without a moment's hesitation, Yugao lunged forward, her blade gleaming as she aimed for Shun's midsection. Shun effortlessly sidestepped, avoiding the strike with grace.

As Yugao recovered, Shun's lips curled into a faint smile. "Impressive speed, Yugao, but predictable. Don't let predictability be your downfall."

With those words, Shun's hand gripped the hilt of a katana he held in his left hand, and in a fluid motion, he unsheathed the blade.

It was then that Yugao noticed the familiarity in his stance—reminiscent of the perfect forms she'd seen in many Sword technique scrolls.

Intrigued by the unexpected connection, Yugao pressed on, attacking with renewed determination. Shun met her blows with precision, his katana singing through the air.

As their blades clashed, he began offering her guidance. "Your form is strong, but you lack fluidity. Channel your chakra like a breath. Let it guide your movements."

Yugao absorbed his words, trying to meld her Kenjutsu skills with the concept of chakra as a breath. Although she didn't understand, she knew he wouldn't be spouting nonsense all of a sudden.

"Feel your chakra as if it were your own breathe." She heard him say once again.

She adjusted her stance, feeling the rhythm of her chakra syncing with her strikes.

With each clash, she could almost visualize her chakra flowing through her blade,

Shun's eyes gleamed with approval as he saw the subtle shift in Yugao's movements. He continued to share insights, each strike becoming a lesson in swordplay. "Remember, fluidity is key. Don't fight the current; become one with it."

Yugao's body responded to his guidance, her strikes becoming more fluid and less forced. She felt the rhythm of her chakra guiding her, a dance of blade and energy.

With newfound confidence, she unleashed a series of calculated attacks, testing Shun's defenses.

As the battle raged on, the clash of steel echoed through the arena. Yugao's determination burned brighter with each passing moment, and Shun was equally intrigued by her progress.

He could feel the resonance of their swords, each strike telling a story of growth and determination.

Yugao's attacks came faster and more strategically, each one executed with a purpose. Shun found himself adjusting his own techniques to meet her challenge.

As they circled each other, he decided to take the battle to a new level—a level of understanding beyond the physical.

With a swift motion, Shun leaped back, creating distance between them. He sheathed his katana and brought his hands together in a series of seals.

As he exhaled, Shun's chakra flowed outward, forming a faint but visible aura around him. The air shimmered as his chakra expanded, and a sense of tranquility seemed to envelop the arena.

Yugao watched in awe, recognizing the familiar concept of "breathing techniques" from her the numerous scrolls she'd seen but ignored due to its impossibility.

"Focus your chakra, Yugao," Shun's voice was calm yet commanding. "Channel it with each breath, let it become an extension of your blade."

Yugao hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath, imagining her chakra flowing like a breath of wind.

With a determined expression, she exhaled, and her chakra responded, forming a gentle aura around her. The arena seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the merging of two worlds.

"That's it. Let your chakra, breath, body and sword become one."

In unison, they moved forward, swords unsheathed and chakra-infused auras surrounding them. The clash of their blades was accompanied by the soft hum of chakra, creating an almost harmonious melody.

Their strikes were fluid and synchronized, each movement a testament to their growing connection.

Shun's guidance continued, his voice a soothing backdrop to their battle. "Feel the rhythm, Yugao. Let your chakra guide you. Remember, the blade is an extension of your spirit."

With Shun's words as her guide, Yugao's movements became a dance—a dance of chakra, blade, Elements. She could sense the flow of energy in every strike, every parry, and every dodge.

Shun's eyes gleamed brightly at the scene. It was as if the boundaries between reality and anime had blurred, or rather, two anime world superimposed on eachother.

Yugao's attacks had grown refined, and her understanding of chakra had deepened.

In a final clash, their swords met with a force that resonated through the arena.

The clash seemed to freeze in time, their chakra intertwining like two spirits in harmony. Then, with a swift movement, they broke apart, the energy dispersing into the night air.

The proctor's voice broke through the silence, declaring the battle's end.

There was no need to continue the battle and both of them knew it.

Shun offered Yugao a genuine smile, his eyes reflecting admiration. "Yugao, this is the beginning of your journey as a swordmaster. Your determination and focus would a force to be reckoned with."

Yugao returned the smile, a mixture of exhaustion and accomplishment on her face. "Thank you, Shun. You've taught me more than swordplay today."

Shun nodded and proceeded to leave the arena amidst the applause of the crowd.


"That brat sure is unique." Tsunade said as she gulped down what remained of her sake bottle. This was her eighteenth bottle but one thing of note was, she didn't seem drunk at all despite the rosiness on her cheek.

"Well, he's always been invincible for his age. Everything come easy to him when it come to chakra related stuff. It's still a wonder he's still mentally stable." Keshiro said as he sipped of a cup of sake.

"Right? Uncle always said that a little hardship is what builds up character. Especially for geniuses." Tsunade said in melancholy.

"Heh. If you get to know the kid, you'd see a lot of uncle in him with the way he talks." Keshiro said.

"Well, now I want to meet him." Tsunade said and looked at the young man standing beside her. "You know Kawaki, I heard he lived with your friend for some months before that incident. Wanna meet him?"

The young man, Kawaki, watched Shun's departing back before turning to his sister. "If you wish to, I don't see why not."

Tsunade snorted at his way of talking. "I still wonder what you did toy cute little Kawaki." She muttered in a sad tone and took another gulp of her sake.

"They grow up Tsu-chan. That what life is all about. Maybe you should -"

"Ah! The next battle is starting!" Tsunade slammed her palm on the table and stood up to go place a bet leaving Keshiro stunned at her interupption.

Keshiro looked at Kawaki who looked at him with a small smile before shaking his head. "I see. Giving her time is well and good, but don't forget, it heals all wounds but leaves scars. The extent of that scar depends on how we treat them now."

"I know. Just...give her some more time. I think she deserves it." Kawaki said and Keshiro nodded.


Yugito Nii vs. Deidara


"Oh ho? Isn't this a rematch? I wonder how that girl will handle Deidara." Rasa hummed in delight as he saw the names.

"As long as Deidara remains afloat, he won't have any problems dealing with her." Ohnoki said.

"I wouldn't count on that. From the ever changing arena, depending on the landscape, your Genius might be met with quite a few obstructions." Hiruzen said with a sagely air.

"Humph, like she'd lose to a coward." Ay simply snorted.

"Hehe." Keshiro laughed but said nothing.


As for the participants, as soon as they stepped into the arena, their sights Changed and they found themselves in a dense forest.

In the heart of the dense forest, the wind rustled the leaves as the two opponents faced off against each other.

Twelve-year-old Deidara, the possessor of Explosion Release, stood with his characteristic defiance, his blonde hair blowing gently in the breeze.

On the other side stood Yugito Nii, her reputation as the Jinchuriki of the Two-Tails was enough to send shivers down the spines of seasoned shinobi.

The atmosphere was charged with tension as they eyed each other, determination burning in their eyes. Yugito's advantage lay in her nimble movements, thanks to the influence of the Two-Tails within her.

Her lithe figure and agility allowed her to dart around the battlefield, a stark contrast to Deidara's meticulous demeanor.

Deidara smirked, a spark of excitement in his gaze. He started forming clay in his palms, quickly shaping it into a bird-like sculpture.

With a confident toss, the clay bird soared into the air, detonating into a fiery explosion mid-flight. The flames licked the edges of the forest, leaving charred marks on the trees.

He frowned at the sight. He thought his explosion would be enough to demolish a couple trees inorder to limit the darting kunoichi.

As the smoke from the explosion subsided, Deidara took advantage of the smokescreen and materialized a small clay spider beneath Yugito's feet.

The arachnid burst open, releasing a flurry of micro-explosions that erupted around her. Yugito somersaulted away, a few minor cuts marring her limbs. The sight of her own blood only fueled her concentration.

Summoning her Raiton, the Lightning Release, Yugito's hands crackled with electricity. She unleashed a barrage of electrified projectiles, forcing Deidara to weave intricate hand signs to erect a makeshift clay shield.

The projectiles struck the shield, causing it to crack and falter under the onslaught. Deidara cursed under his breath, his focus unwavering as he infused his clay with explosive chakra.

Seeing her moment, Yugito leapt into the air, her form a blur of speed and grace. With a swift motion, she conjured a blue flame-infused kunai and hurled it towards Deidara.

He barely managed to form a clay bird sculpture in time, but the explosion that followed still sent shockwaves that tore through his defenses.

Blood trickled from a wound on his arm, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Deidara's desperation fueled his determination. His hands moved in a flurry of intricate seals, forming a massive clay dragon with an explosive core.

He sent the dragon hurtling towards Yugito, the ground shaking as it barreled forward. Yugito's eyes widened, realizing the gravity of the situation. She knew she couldn't overpower the dragon's destructive force with her flames alone.

Thinking quickly, she infused her Raiton control with her Two-Tails' power. Her form shimmered as blue flames intertwined with bolts of lightning, creating a unique fusion of elements.

The combined attack tore through the dragon's body, causing it to explode prematurely. The resulting shockwave rocked the battlefield, throwing both fighters off their feet.

As the dust settled, both Deidara and Yugito lay on the ground, battered and bruised. Yugito struggled to her feet first, panting heavily but wearing a triumphant smile.

Deidara, his injuries more severe, forced himself up as well, a mixture of anger and respect burning in his eyes.

In the end, it was Yugito's ability regenerative ability powered by her chakra that gave her an edge over the young Iwa genius.

Immediately, the proctors voice rang through the landscape, declaring the battles end.


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