
Naruto: Avenged

Naruto's not the jinchuuriki, his younger brother is. After an attack, Naruto is left without something important and forgotten by his family. A hidden bunker will help him grow into a fine ninja and show his parents what they threw away. His memory...will be Avenged! This story was written by love2read69 but was unfortunately abandoned by the author. It is a great story that I have chosen to adopt and continue.

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 38

Last Time:

'I look forward to seeing what you become.' Tony mused as he got back to working the prototypes.


~ Time skip – One Week ~

It was late in the evening that we find Naruto with a welding torch halfway into the bike helmet laid out before him. "Alright, just have to connect this last circuit and make sure this chip will hold and we should be done.." Naruto muttered under his breath as he focused the magnifying glass and light. Tony quietly watched on through a small web cam wired into Naruto's magnifying glass. "Careful Naruto, or else .." Tony began. Naruto's concentration slipped and his finger hit the exposed power supply.

'BZZZTHHHH' "Son of a Bitch!" Naruto yelled out loud as his finger was burned. "That will happen." Tony finished with a sight. He and Naruto had been working non-stop on this project for nine days, and the fatigue was finally getting to Naruto. "Alright, go ahead and weld that last clamp on the chip shut." Tony said, snapping Naruto out of his stream of eloquent curses. "Alright, sheesh." Naruto muttered. The clamp was quickly welded and Naruto lifted the helmet. "Well?" He asked Tony.

"It should work, but you might want to go ahead and install the interior rubber and the cooling seals just in case." Tony told him as he looked through the schematics of the circuitry. Naruto quickly scribed a few seals into the rubber interior of the helmet and then installed it. "So, what are the odds this will backfire on me?" Naruto asked warily as he looked at the black helmet. "Well, the odds went down dramatically. Now there's a .. 70 percent chance of this failing, but don't worry, odds are it won't cause permanent brain damage." Tony said nervously.

"Great, always nice to have an optimist around." Naruto muttered as he slipped the helmet on. "Well?" Tony asked. Naruto saw the room through the dark glass of the helmet, but so far nothing had come online. "Alright, just a few minutes." Naruto muttered. He quickly put a piece of meat in the microwave and when it was done, flung it into the dining room without looking. "Alright Tony, lights off." Naruto said. The lights quickly dimmed and the helmet came online. "Thermal imaging.." Naruto whispered.

The inside of the glass turned blue enough so Naruto could still walk around normally without crashing into walls, but not enough where it would hurt his eyes. He quickly took a peek into the living room and saw a large blob of heat from what seemed to be underneath the table. "Thermal imaging seems to be good.. Night Vision.." Naruto muttered. The inside of the glass quickly took a shade of green and everything was visible in the room. He took a quick look under the table and grabbed the warm piece of meat, then threw it to the trashcan.

"Alright, night vision offline." Naruto called out. The helmet turned dark and shut down. "Tony, lights on." Naruto called out. The room was flooded with light, yet everything still seemed opaque. He quickly walked to the bathroom and looked himself in the mirror. "Daylight vision.." Naruto said. The glass grew clear and he took a look around the room. "Amazing, it's like I'm not wearing the helmet!" Naruto muttered as he looked around the room.

He then turned to the mirror in the bathroom and saw the helmet was still dark on the outside, his vision was completely clear. "Perfect!" Naruto said happily. "Now comes the tricky part." Naruto said. "Tony, you sure that chip will hold?" Naruto asked behind himself. Tony appeared on a monitor and nodded hesitantly. "Yea, but really, but what do you have to lose?" He asked nervously. "Just my eyesight…" Naruto muttered and took a deep breath. He turned to the closed armory and whispered "Weapons search."

Instantly, various grid like marks appeared and a blue tone coated the glass eye shield of the helmet. Naruto watched as various lines appeared depicting walls and such and anything found that Tony had catalogued into the programming was highlighted in red to contrast with the blue. "Alright, we got kunais, shuriken, swords, guns… everything seems to be in order. Tony, any problems you can tell?" HE asked. "Nothing, the programming seems to be running well. And the welding appears to be holding well, overheating in there?" Tony asked.

"A little, but that's no problem." Naruto replied as he channeled enough chakra to lift a finger. The seals activated and a cool sensation washed into the helmet. "Seals seem to be holding up well. Naruto muttered. "Power down." He whispered quietly. The helmet stopped all functions and went back to the usual bike helmet. Naruto carefully took it off and went back to the workbench. "Alright, so the helmet works perfectly." Naruto informed Tony.

"How's the voice coding coming?" Naruto asked Tony. "Ehh.. slow at best." Tony replied. "But if I pull some more all nighters, I should have it done before the deadline." Tony finished. "Perfect. Now, I have to work on the electricity seals." Naruto muttered as he took out a piece of paper. "Electricity?" Tony asked curiously. "Yea, I plan on lining the bottom of the helmet with them." Naruto replied as he started drafting prototypes. "For what?" Tony asked. "If someone manages to get the jump on me, I don't want them figuring out who I am." Naruto replied.

"So, I'm going to pack these babies with lightning chakra so only I can remove it and if anyone who isn't me tries.." Naruto began as he drew a seal on a piece of paper and channeled chakra into it. He poked it and prodded it with his hand, but nothing happened. He then went to the fridge and took out a chicken leg. He threw it onto the seal and watched as a large electricity surge charred it black.

"60,000 volts of electricity are charged into said person. Enough to seriously injure them, even if they are well trained shinobi." Naruto finished. "Good precautions.." Tony said as he continued the coding. "Yea, that's also why the voice recognition is such a big part in this. This technology would me disastrous if the villages got their hands on it." Naruto finished. "Alright, you go ahead and get started on that and we'll also work on some fake fingerprints. After that comes the fun part." Tony said with a smirk.

"And what's that?" Naruto asked curiously. "Customization and making it your own." Tony said with a Cheshire grin.

~ Time Skip – One Week Later ~

Samui, A, Omoi, Karui, Yugito, and Mabui were all standing at the village gates patiently. "Damn it where is that bastard!" Samui asked in an enraged tone. "Woah, cool down, Samui." Omoi said, earning himself a death glare from the girl. "What he meant to say was that Naruto is only 5 minutes late." Karui said as she stepped in trying to diffuse the situation. Before Samui could answer them, a figure clad in black appeared before them.

The figure was dressed in black cargo pants, black boots, a black t-shirt, a black Kevlar vest with several pockets, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. " It's an assassin sent here to kill us! We're going to die!" Omoi yelled out in a paranoid frenzy. "Naruto, is that you?" Yugito asked. The figure was wearing a black helmet that with cherry red trim that made a V shape from the temple to the chin. "Yea, it's me." Naruto replied as he took off the helmet.

"You know brat, for someone trying to sneak in, that helmet is going to call some serious attention." A remarked off handedly. "I know, but the benefits outweigh any risk." Naruto replied. "What benefits?" Mabui asked as she took out a notepad and a pen. "None of major concern." Naruto replied in a sharp tone. "Naruto, we need to know the extent of your abilities to properly rank you and command you." A said. "..Fine, but it's exclusively my technology. No trying to duplicate or steal, period." Naruto relented. A nodded.

"Thermal imaging to locate body heat, night vision, daylight vision, and weapon's localization with x-ray." Naruto said. "Weapon's localization?" Samui asked intrigued. Naruto put the helmet on her and spoke. "Weapons trace, online." Samui watched as the glass visor turned a blue shade with grid lines. She turned to Samui and immediately, the kunai pouch strapped to her leg showed red and the pouch on her back showed various smaller weapons. Hidden in her mouth was a small blade to pick locks with.

"Woah.." Samui muttered. She was about to take it off, but Naruto quickly stopped her. "Careful there, don't touch that unless you want to be extra crispy." Naruto muttered. "Why?" She asked. "Security protocols. Enough electricity to fry a grown man around the bottom of the helmet and it only responds to my voice." Naruto said "Power down." Naruto said. The grid lines disappeared and the glass visor became opaque. He quickly took it off Samui and turned to see a fuming Yugito.

"you want to give it a go?" Naruto asked nervously. She took the helmet from his hands and put it on. "On." She said, but nothing happened. "Thermal imaging, online." Naruto said out loud. The visor before Yugito's eyes turned blue and she looked around. People's figures turned to orange figures depicting body heat and she even saw the animals around the forest. "You have to know how to talk to it." Naruto joked " Power Down." Naruto finished.. The Helmet went offline and Naruto carefully took the helmet off her.

"Are you love birds done?" A asked behind them. They turned and nodded. "Perfect, here's your fake passport and ID, though it does need a picture." A said. Mabui quickly took a few of him with the helmet on a Polaroid and attached them to the documents. "Your name?" A asked. "Call me.. Vee." Naruto replied as he took the helmet off after the picture. "Perfect." A said as he wrote in the details. "Alright, the chunnin exams are in 5 days, Konoha is 3 days away." A said to the team.

"Your objectives are simple. Go through the exams as regular attendees and lend Konoha assistance during the invasion. I myself will be there so that the Yondaime can't sweep you under the table. Naruto, you are team leader here. Take care of them and make sure everyone gets back in one piece!" A finished. Naruto nodded and stood before his team. "Alright, everyone ready?" HE asked. "Wait, one thing." Samui said. "Yes?" Naruto asked. She and Yugito got before him. "You look at any women in Konoha.." Yugito began as she caressed his face.

"And you're DEAD!" Samui finished. "You're our boyfriend now." Samui and Yugito said in unison. "And we don't share more than we have to." Yugito said as she grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips. HE wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed back, pulling her closer to him. Yugito melted into the kiss as his strong arms held her. 'So this is what it's like..' Yugito thought blissfully. Samui then pushed her and she kissed Naruto.

Samui's knees went weak as Naruto kissed her deeply, his tongue fighting hers for dominance. 'So worth it..' She thought. A loud cough made them break the kiss to see the team still standing there along with A. "You done?" A asked. The three of them nodded and Naruto put his helmet back on. "Then move out!" A yelled. The ninja before him nodded and scattered.

A/N: And thus, the chunnin Exams begin :O And Naruto's pairing is solidified.