
Naruto: Avatar World

Naruto and Sasuke were fighting at the End of valley and Naruto seem hesitant to attack Sasuke and Sasuke took advantage of this and tried to kill Naruto and as reality is often disappointing.... Naruto died in the hands of Sasuke Uchiha or to be precise a phenomena happened that no one could have ever imagined not even the Sage of Six path could have thought or believed something like this to be possible.... When Naruto woke up he found himself in a new world where war and conflict were as common as eating and drinking and in this world Naruto will face the harsh reality of world where he wouldn't be naive and innocent anymore. where only strong would survive and weak would be the prey and controlled as puppet. what would Naruto do in such a world ? will he consider Saving life of others or will he become a selfish person whose only purpose is to survive!! Also if you want to support the work and read advance Chapters then go to (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N). Here's the P@treon account:- p@treon.com/Alzero (Disclaimer:- This is a TL work of spanish)

Alzero_ · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs


"This is too easy," Wang pressed his foot against the princess's skull, eager for her to scream in pain. However, she refused to give them the satisfaction. "Finish her," he ordered his younger sister, who aimed her arrow at the princess's head.

Just as she was about to release the arrow, a strange sound caught her attention. All eyes turned toward the source of the sound as a high-pressure jet of water hit the archer, sending her crashing into a wooden cart.

All heads swiveled to Rina, who descended on an ice platform. Every available source of water, from animal troughs to spilled alcoholic beverages, erupted into a chaotic dance around the young waterbender.

"Leave Zu alone!" Rina screamed in fury. She wielded a water whip, striking Wang and sending him tumbling toward his sister, who struggled to regain her footing but was knocked down again when her older brother landed on top of her.

"A waterbender?" The obese earthbender frowned and stomped his feet against the ground, conjuring a protective wall of earth just in time to withstand the fury of a powerful water vortex.

Riding a wave beneath her feet, Rina swiftly maneuvered through the street, deftly avoiding the sharp rock stakes erupting from the ground. She reached Azula and knelt down immediately, her hands enveloped in water as she began to tend to her.

This act was met with disdain in the eyes of the Earthbender. "You're fighting on the wrong side, brat!" With a furious roar, he raised a massive rock wall and smashed it to pieces, sending hundreds of rocks hurtling toward the girl.

Rina's response was swift. With deft and nimble motions, she conjured a protective water dome around herself and Azula. While most of the rocks were deflected, a few managed to pierce the aquatic shield.

"Fight!" Caede wasted no time and leaped off the earth platform, enduring the ten-meter drop. She rolled upon hitting the ground, groaning in pain. She quickly got back on her feet, only to witness rocks pelting Rina's small form.

The young girl fell backward, dazed and in pain, blood trickling from her forehead.

"Damn girl." Behind her, the two younger brothers of the earthbender seethed with anger, eyeing the wounded girl. "The firebenders will pay us handsomely for you."

"Why bother? It's better to kill her." The archer seethed with fury, her ego demanding nothing less than the girl's death.

"You're right, it'll be a pity, but she dies along with the banished one." The earthbender conjured another wall of solid rock and shattered it into levitating pieces. He intended to send the frenzied barrage to rip the girl apart alongside the firebender.

"They won't touch her!" Rina rose once more, attempting to launch another attack. However, a searing pain in her shoulder caused her to collapse to her knees, almost bringing her to tears. Yet, her determination blazed in her eyes. "They won't hurt Zu!"

Azula slowly raised her head from the ground, feeling helpless and disgusted with herself. "Leave the girl alone... it's me they want."

The three brothers exchanged glances for a brief moment, then resumed their malevolent grins.

"Very well, we'll do just that. It'll be fun to savor every second of your suffering until you beg for death," Ko raised his right hand, prompting his brothers to lower their weapons. Breaking the firebender was more enticing to him, especially when he hadn't yet settled his debt for his injured fingers.

"No!" Rina wouldn't allow the deal to be sealed. Using her remaining strength, she shot a jet of water that transformed into ice. The stake aimed for the earthbender's head, but he effortlessly dodged the attack. "I won't let you hurt my friend! If you dare to touch her, I'll kill you!"

"...," The two younger ones exchanged glances with their older sibling, who, with a menacing glare, set the rocks swirling around him again. "Die with her, you stupid girl!"

The scream triggered their brothers into action. Wang stomped and hurled a massive rock twice his size, Ryoka fired multiple arrows, and Ko launched stone stakes, all attacks aimed at point-blank range.

"Fight!" Caede and the other girls had to witness their attacks striking home, a stab to the heart that left them all devastated.

Yet, a glimmer of hope appeared.

A glow illuminated Caede's face, and they all beheld a bluish light rising into the night, forming a whirlwind of bluish fire soaring several meters into the sky.

"It's impossible..." Ko's furious attack, along with his brothers', was reduced to ashes by the indomitable and powerful fire that seemed to possess a life of its own.

The flames gradually subsided, revealing a figure standing amidst the smoldering remains. Azula had faint flames dancing around her hands, and she appeared strangely calm. She let out a soft sigh, remaining upright.

Behind her stood Rina, awestruck by the fire that surrounded the princess.

"Fire trash dies!" Ryoka shot arrows toward the firebender's head, but they were incinerated upon contact with a massive burst of fire that not only consumed the arrows.

"Ryoka!" The two brothers could only watch helplessly as their sister was engulfed by the flames. Her agonized screams echoed for a few seconds before her charred body fell lifeless.

"Cursed!" Overwhelmed by fury and the desire for vengeance, Wang attempted to attack the firebender but was swiftly impaled in the chest by a thin lance of fire, leaving behind a gaping, charred hole. He died before he even hit the ground.

"You..." The ground beneath the entire street trembled and fractured as Ko bellowed with fury, slamming his hands onto the ground. "Die!" He lifted a boulder the size of a house and hurled it toward Azula, intent on crushing her and drenching the streets in her blood.

Upon seeing the colossal rock, Azula allowed the flames covering her right hand to dissipate, replaced by an electric charge.

Everyone heard the deafening sonic boom as a massive lightning bolt, seemingly unstoppable, pierced through the enormous rock, continuing on to strike the earthbender directly in the head.

His skull shattered into pieces, a geyser of blood erupting from his mutilated body. Everyone witnessed as the lightning disappeared into the night, leaving darkness in its wake.

Silence enveloped the area; no one spoke, as if they were still processing what they had just witnessed.

"..." Azula lowered her hand, her first instinct to check on the girl to ensure she was unharmed.

However, the girl crawled back, terror in her teary eyes, and even Caede retreated, distancing herself from Azula, who remained in the center of everyone's gaze.

"She's a firebender!"

"Call the earthbenders!"

"Get out of here!"

"Fire Nation scum!"

"I wish they'd killed you!"

Humans can be cruel.

Azula didn't bother to shield herself from the items people began to throw at her. Her attention remained solely on the girls who had welcomed her as one of them, and the girl who had saved her from a near-death experience and cared for her until she recovered.

Caede's expression said it all as she comforted the inconsolable Rina.

The world seemed to darken around Azula. She clenched the red scarf around her neck, lowered her gaze, and began to walk slowly among the people who continued to jeer and insult her, even hurling objects that struck her.

No physical blow hurt as much as the hollow emptiness she felt inside.

Without looking back, she left.

[ If you want to read advance Chapters then go to Pat reon and support me there.

PAT REON I'D:- Alzero ]