
naruto attribute and talent taking

naruto waking up in the middle of the chunin exam having a system that can steal other's attributes and talents, he goes to become really powerfull and change many events. i don't own any of this work, all rights are reserved for masashi kishimoto

Nos_Talgia · Urban
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8 Chs

naruto vs neji

naruto managed to summon gamabunta, the biggest and strongest frog from mount mobyuku, who helped him get out of the pit, after some testing he finally accepted narutoand went away.

" how was it" jiraya sais with a smile.

" did you want to kill me old pervert" naruto shouted at him.

" well well you are okay now so don't think about it haha" jiraya said.

" hmph okay i learned what you asked of me what's next?" naruto said

" hmm that's really surprising, i didn't think you will learn everything this fast"

jiraya was thinking for a while before saying :"okay i wasn't planning on teaching you this jutsu now but it looks you can do it".


with this the month went by, it's finally the chunin exam day, in the middle of the arena every participant was present besides sasuke who didn't show up yet.

everyone was watching with anticipation including the hokage and kazekage.

" i'll show you all the results of my training" saruto said to himself.

the first fight was between naruto and neji, they facced each other while everyone went up and watched from the stands.

" i advice you to give up right now" neji said.

" you still talk so much, today i will defeat you in no time" naruto replied.

naruto now and naruto before he got the system are like two completely different shinobi, not only all his basic stats increased tremendously, his chakra level was always at the jonin level, it's just that his chakra control was so shitty he couldn't make any uuse of it but spam shadow clones.

but now with his chakra controll increaaing so much, he can use his superb chakra to boost all his basic skills, strengh and speed very closely to jonin level.

the fight begun and naruto dashed immediately with incredible speed at neji and threw a punsh at him.

neji who activated the byakugan barely managed to dodge the punch.

"what an incredible speed" neji thought before counterattacking with a gentle fist at naruto.

naruto dodged it again while throwing a kick at neji who blocked it before putting a distance between the two.

"you are even stronger than when you fought kiba" neji said.

"how did naruto became this strong so quickly" sakura was shocked.

"naruto might actually defeat neji" ino said.

"naruto kun" hinata was nervous.

" hehe let's continue" naruto said as he threw some shurikans at neji then dissapeared from his spot.

neji dodged the shurikans easily thanks to his byaakugan but right at the next moment naruto apearad behind him with a kunai in his hands aiming at neji.

neji blocked the kunai and started attacking naruto's chakra points, however naruto was either dodging or blocking every single strike.

although neji had the byakugan, naruto was just faster and stronger.

naruto pulled up a distance before making four shadow clones and attacking, nneji couldn't keep up right before naruto was about to land a hit neji started rotating and created an indestractabla chakra defense

all the shadow clones dissapeared.

" no matter how many clones you have you can't get past my defenses" neji said.

" is that so?"

"let's try it then, yourr strongest defense against my strongest attack" naruto said as he put his hand in front of him then chakra started swirling in his hand before creating a perfect ball.

" is that the rasengan? how" hiruzen nearly got up from his seat.

" how did this kid became so strong, he wasn't nearly as strong a month ago" orochimaru thought to himself.

" what's that jutsu" sakura exclaimed.

yes that's the jutsu jiraya thought him in the last two weaks and naruto mastered it completely, he doesn't even need shadow clones to form the rasengan.

naruto dashed at neji with his full speed. right when he closed to him neji started rotating, then ....

they clashed.

a huge shock wave and sparks erupted before an explosion happened.

naruto was pushed back a few steps while neji was sent flying before hitting the ground.

the next second a notification popped up.

[ you defeated an opponent

chakra control +5%]

[ skill points +10]

[ talent aquired: congratulations on aquaring the byakugan]